You Won’t Believe What the CDC Wants Your Family to Do This Thanksgiving

Have you come around yet? Do you finally understand that the COVID regulations were never about protecting people? It was always about increasing government power and hurting President Trump. They want to tank the economy. They want to harm the mental health of Americans. They want to see more opioid abuse, depression and suicide. These aren’t bugs of the lockdowns. They’re features.

If our society can’t function, then maybe we’ll let the socialists have a turn at the wheel. If capitalism truly fails, what will stop them? That’s the real plan here, and it’s why they preached doom and gloom about a disease that literally amounts to being the seasonal flu.

Just in case you have any doubts about this, you need to learn the latest recommendation from the CDC. They’re making plans for Thanksgiving, and they think you should take special precautions to remain safe from the bogeyma . . . COVID-19.


The CDC wants you to have a virtual Thanksgiving this year. They don’t want you to be close to your family. They don’t want you to feel connected and loved during the most important time for families of the year. They want you to be alone. They want you to be sad this Thanksgiving. They’re hoping you’ll give into despair.

The video will show you. It’s long past time we stood up against tyranny. It’s time we ended the fear-mongering and isolation. It’s time we started acting like Americans again.

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35 thoughts on “You Won’t Believe What the CDC Wants Your Family to Do This Thanksgiving”

  1. Absolutely dead on! If we don’t personally deal with each other, we don’t see eye movements, smiles, frowns, approvals – all components of communications between members of our species. The constraint policies have intentionally hobbled every aspect of our communication. It’s a heyday for social engineers.
    If you’re going to resist something – and I hate that Hillary highjacked that word – resist walking into the trap. Period.

    1. ABSOLUTELY! It’s time Americans are free to be together at Thanksgiving and Christmas! No more talking apart, but talking together, hugging, laughing, reconnecting!!
      There have been way too many deaths (not just from Covid) associated with this whole fear mongering edicts that have hurt our Country. Too many suicides, depressions, etc. because “HUMANS NEED TO BE ABLE TO HUG ONE ANOTHER, TO SHOW CONCERN WHEN SOMEONE IS HURTING PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY OR SPIRITUALLY. We have lost too many young people to suicides because they were forced to be alone. That is B.S.!

      Covid has become a weapon in some Leftist govt hands and their actions are destroying our lives and our Country. Time for Americans to stand up to this weapon and fight back! We are D O N E!

      I had two women come up to me in Trader Joe’s, one without a mask and one with the mask under her chin. Both were adamant about being DONE with this charade! One even said, “I know who you are voting for and I know who you are not voting for! We are DONE with these demands! I agreed, adamantly!
      I do not wear a mask because I am asthmatic and the masks restrict my breathing so I get light headed. But everywhere we go, more and more people ARE NOT WEARING MASKS! I DO BELIEVE AMERICANS ARE DONE WITH THESE DEMANDS AND ARE READY TO START LIVING THEIR LIVES AGAIN! Aren’t you ready too?

      1. I haven’t wore a mask since this covert-19 plandemic began.I go into every store except Menards here in Wisconsin and hold my head up proud that I am the normal one not the muzzle wearing, fearful ones..It’s time to rip them things off and be who God created us to be!

      2. You are absolutely correct. I don’t wear a mask either because I am asthmatic and mask do restrict my breathing and I get light headed so I know exactly what you mean about mask. Only one store, Menards, says to order on line and pick up if you can not wear a mask. I don’t order on line, I want to see what I am buying. But because I am only in their maybe 10 minutes, I wear one. Funny thing is when I was there last week, you would not believe how many people had removed their masks once in the store. People are sick of the control of your rights and health issues.

        1. I stopped patronizing mentards this summer because of their mask policy. Apparently they don’t need my money. So I go to Harbor Freight. I will only patronize stores who respect my constitutional rights. People can vote with their voices and their money. Hit them in the pockets. That gets their attention.

    2. Remember to VOTE all of these liberal left asshats out in November. This IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VOTE FOR OUR FREEDOM SINCE 1776.
      DO NOT ALLOW the Marxist socialist left that have hijacked the Democratic party win in November.
      Once you give up your rights, it will be impossible to restore them!

  2. There is something really fishy going on here. The CEnter for Disease Control cannot control disease. It only controls the American people. So why have it at all! Let’s disband it and save lots of taxpayer money. Perhaps we could institute a new government agency instead. We could call it the Center to control the people.

  3. How about the CDC and the Marxist Left, just go to hell ! They think that the American Citizens are stupid, but we are tired of their draconian bullshit! It is time for us too remove these politics from our CDC and draconian politicians.

  4. This has always been about control. What I don’t understand is why so many want socialism, the media will not have jobs. The state will print the news as they want it seen. The government will run the corporations and keep any profits. The jobs will be solely in the government’s control. These people will be just like all the rest of us when they get what they think they want. The government will know them and that the government can’t trust them any more than we could. The teachers will teach government propaganda. Oh wait, that will be alright, as they are presently teaching their own propaganda and see nothing wrong with that. They change history like you and I change clothes. All with the idea that things will be better. They had better take a closer look before it’s to late.

  5. Drop off food on doorsteps? Can’t do that here in Florida. Too many ants, roaches and lizards. The CDC should be treated the same way they treat us. They lock us down. We need to lock them up!

  6. Let’s take these masks off.
    Reelect an American president.
    Live our lives
    If and when we die, we die.
    In the meantime, we live.

  7. I think you right. For Thanksgiving I’m going to cook for my family. I not going to wear the mask any longer. You know why because all the Democrats are stupid. I’m praying for President Trump every day. So les to this. Every one. The good Democrats and all the Republicans.

      1. There’s no stopping covid, Lockdowns only POSTPONE it. When the virus first arrived in the US it was a deadly, virulent strain. That strain killed its’ hosts and in doing so ALSO killed itself. A virus that kills its’ host DIES along with the host. The mutations (8 of them) seem to be more contagious BUT exponentially less fatal. Since they DON’T kill the host they are able to maintain. The new CDC survival statistics are: age 0-19 — 99.997% age 20-49 — 99.98% age 50-69 — 99.5% age 70+ – 94.6% People who are vulnerable need to stay locked down. Everyone else needs to get on with life. We live daily with 312 coronaviruses (they’re called colds). We don’t lock down, we treat them. We have many therapies now that are doing great (I’m an RN, 40+yrs in medicine). Many of the “mistakes” we made at the beginning we’ve learned from. It’s called the practice of medicine cause you have to LEARN what works best and what doesn’t. We’ve been LEARNING a LOT! Many people have been getting the WRONG info and are justifiably terrified. There’s no need for such fear anymore. The damage being done to ourselves, our cities, our economy and our CHILDREN is MASSIVE! Soon there will be herd immunity or a vaccine and even the vulnerable will be able to go back to normal. The more we lockdown, the longer it will take. Protect the vulnerable, but otherwise, go out and LIVE!

  8. Amen to all the above. Enough is enough. This BS is going way to far.
    Maybe they want us all in our houses so BLM and the ANTIPOOP can get us like rabbits in the holes.

  9. You know I work and have been going out since the beginning of all this and I refuse to wear a mask. I am not a sheeple I am an American and I have rights and freedoms and they are not from this corrupt government they are from GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!!! I have not gotten this fake virus I mean flu. But I take care of myself I take vitamins on a daily basis. The only thing I had this year was my allergy’s that I get every year. So yes I do think this is just a control over the people and no one controls me. I will not take any of their vaccines ever if I do get sick I stay home from work it’s just common sense. People stop letting this corrupt tyrannical government control your life. As far as I am concerned they should all be punished by the laws in our Constitution this would put an end too all their B.S. the demoncrats are wicked and deserve any punishment they get for being traitors of our country. Anyhow take off your mask America fight for your freedoms and rights. Remember the corrupt government didn’t give you your freedoms and rights GOD ALMIGHTY DID.

  10. It’s always been apparent there was more going on . China doesn’t want Trump and since the Democrats are in their pocket it was allowed to snowball. You can tell as each holiday gets closer they continue finding reasons to shut things down for a virus that is no worse than the flu.(which they can’t get rid of either). It’s amazing how the rich people in this country are against Trump but everyday citizens back him.(Unless you blind). This tells all of us he wasn’t part of their crowd in the aspect that he has always been a true patriot and not out to open up America to be destroyed by other countries for the sake of power and more money. He wasn’t going to sell himself out to become richer . He knew what’s been going on for years with the Democrats and the rich eletes. I saw an interview from a few years ago he was asked if he would consider running for President, he said “if things got bad enough “. Yes he is overbearing, crass and kinda pushy but he needs to be because his daily dealings with the corruption can’t be easy. The CDC is probably playing with numbers like many of the Governors and city Mayors (ex: Nashville recently). I don’t know about anyone else but around here unless your a hardcore liberal those restrictions don’t mean much. Family is family and I don’t know any staying apart.

  11. I would rather be dead than to continue living under the lock-down rules. There are things worse than death.

  12. What is so sad to see and disgusts me is that the Florida Gov DeSantis passed an exec order opening up Florida to full capacity (100%) and no restrictions (no mask, no social distancing guidelines) and yet you see the corporations still pushing the kabokee theatre and requiring mask and social distancing.

    Yet there is no longer ant penalty or fine for not wearing a mask yet people still wear it, unbelievable! Small business no longer have the covid signs, business as normal. So its so obvious its the big corps, dem gov, big tech and the banks that are going for broke! They are on a hunt for a power grab that we can not allow them to get, they want it so bad that its literallt do or die! So we the people have no choice but to send them to hell!

  13. Fu@$ the CDC. I have never seen an organization so corrupt. They make recommendations and if an important politician,etc. doest agree…..They Change it!! Its all bullshit!!!

  14. Well my family and I will be gathering in person for Thanksgiving no matter what the Gestapo recommends, I Will Not Conform ?? ?

  15. Americans must go back to being free. We must take our freedom back. We may have to fight for it but we need to do it. To the parents who kids are still home living off you, but protesting the America way of life wake up. Take your kids and make them stand on their own two feet. It’s not your fault they learned nothing in college up how to be unhappy, about living in a free country were everyone can work and earn a living.

    1. We still have to be careful to some degree. I had COVID-19 and it was awful. At 1st I thought it was allergies and sinus, the congestion was more than usual choking me. I was taking prescribed pain medication for my joints, it did nothing for the pain I had. I had pain in body parts that I never experienced before. Heart racing, chills, etc. I did not go to the doctor until 2 months later for a reg. check-up. I still had heart racing and shortness or breath at times. Had a lung x-ray and nucleolar stress test. Thank God everything was OK. Some of the symptoms stay with you for a few months after the pain and congestion leave. I am older than President Trump and I can see where it would be really bad for people with heart, lung and other problems. I take daily medication, herbs and sometimes Airborne.

      1. Isn’t it strange that nothing is ever said each year about the seasonal flu that kills hundreds of thousands each year, but suddenly this one is so bad that the country is shut down. But this one is political and the demoncRATs have used it to destroy our country’s economy. The cdc have just come out and said that the actual death by the virus 19 was 9700, the others deaths listed, including, a man that died from a motorcycle accident, were really from other things. If Trump was not president we never have heard a word about this flu. Look at the one in obuma’s time, did we ever hear about how really bad it was and did they shut down everything NO. This is a plot by the demoncRATs and their handler china to destroy America and all our freedoms.

  16. You mean the CDC/WHO? Sorry, but the CDC is now another arm of the communist party agenda! They can not make up their minds about Covid because the DNC narrative keeps changing! First it’s “the virus is natural and transmits through contact.” Then it’s “Oh, no, it’s air transmitted and terribly contagious!”. Then we get, “OMG, we are all going to die!”. Then it’s “lockdown the country, we are all going to die”. Then it’s “Oh, we OVERCOUNTED THE DEATH RATE OF THIS VIRUS!”! And Charles Ward says every person that died from Covid HAD A FLU SHOT! Give me a break! The CDC needs to CLEAN UP THEIR ACT AND TELL THE TRUTH! It makes me wonder how much money they have received from “foreign aid” (George Soros and Company) to run their snake oil show! I’m doing Thanksgiving any way I want and the CDC can go stuff themselves! MAGA!

  17. As a strict American Constitutionalist I applaud this article for its honesty! There are millions of Americans who have NOT been played for fools on this treasonous fake news conspiracy that has been the disgrace of government and American citizens alike! Trusting the government is a death sentence for self & country, so maybe this horrific unconstitutional martial law crime spree will FINALLY awake enough Americans to put an end to foolishly and blindly trusting a government that means us ALL great harm!!! Now EVERYONE has the ability to see precisely what happened to the foolish Germans that overwhelmingly supported the WWII NAZI criminals of humanity that ruthlessly murdered many millions of innocent humans! We have been put on that same murderous path intentionally, and we need to immediately purge ALL from America who are responsible for these ongoing crimes against humanity and The American Constitution!!! Death to ALL tyrants who would deceive and murder innocent Americans who were simply ignorantly too trusting of people they had no business listening to in the first place!!!

  18. Lie-beral DEMONocrats…the syndicate of fake, hate, negate, ingrate, degenerate, agitate, instigate, segregate, separate, isolate, desecrate (Bible burning), depopulate (abortions), and D O M I N A T E !!!

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