Why Cyber Experts are Checking Fraud in These Six Counties

Sebastian Gorka recently took issue with Attorney General William Barr’s assertion he had NOT seen “incontrovertible evidence of voter fraud” in the Michigan election.

Perhaps Barr, who until recently Democrats claimed is a stooge for President Trump, didn’t hear testimony offered this week before Michigan lawmakers.

Then again, it may be Barr refuses to listen to the assertion by Former CEO of Overstock.com Patrick Byrne as to the reason the state of Texas refused to use Dominion voting systems software.

The Texan’s Brad Johnson summed up Texas’ rejection of Dominion saying, “Evaluations show Texas officials had concerns about Dominion Voting Systems product’s efficiency and reliability when they rejected their use in January of this year.”

After rejecting Dominion for a third time, Texas Deputy Sec. of State Jose Esparza stated that his report raised concerns about “whether the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system is suitable for its intended purpose; operates efficiently and accurately; and is safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation.”


It’s important to make the distinction between voter fraud and falsifying vote tabulations. Six counties in Michigan are under investigation because credible witnesses gave sworn statements stating they had firsthand knowledge of the purposeful gaming of the system.

Voter fraud is a minor felony, but systemic manipulation of our voting system is treasonous.

Watch the video as Glenn Beck learns from Patrick Bryne, founder and former CEO of Overstock.com, why he can prove Trump won the election.

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41 thoughts on “Why Cyber Experts are Checking Fraud in These Six Counties”

  1. This proves our worst fears about our beloved America!!! The people responsible for this thievery should be tortured before their final destiny. I am praying profusely for my Country. God help us all!!

    1. I am disappointed to find out run of the mill voter fraud is a minor felony. I consider it treason against the people of the USA, and would like all voter fraud to receive retributive justice exactly as prescribed for treason. Then it becomes less attractive to miscreants.

        1. What is the forensic scan going to reveal? Will it identify all fake ballots and all other manipulations that took place?

      1. Christine you are right! There is NOTHING minor about voter fraud. ANY voter fraud is actually treason.
        EVERY election judge in EVERY state there is a question of election fraud MUST be brought before a SENATE committee and questioned under oath under penalty of PRISON and $25,00.00 fine.

        1. I agree, any fraud should be classed as a felony! And all perpetrators should be prosecuted. We cannot let this become a norm in our society, if we do, we will be cheated of our constitutional rights in so many areas. We must make a stand now, or loose our country.

      2. Well, it may be a minor felony as far as the government is concerned, however, if an American Patriot confirms that ANY individual has corrupted the vote in any way they should expect to be killed because that is treason in the Constitutional sense and the death penalty is in fact most appropriate! By strict definition the government NEVER determines what The Constitution requires, the American people are the owners and ultimate authority on EVERYTHING~! Have a great New year, because you are about to witness extraordinary history in the making!
        Mike Heath
        American Constitutionalist

      3. The so called “legal system” does not ultimately determine the penalty for voter & vote fraud, the American Patriots do~! The American Constitution is VERY clear about the remedy for treason BTW 😉

    2. I agree! When democrats had a problem with dominion voting systems in 2019, that should have been a harbinger of what was about to happen. If democrats win this election none of the criminals will ever be brought to justice!

      1. Olivia, when the demon rats had a problem with dominion, they turned that knowledge into ways to hack and change the outcomes of all future elections. they spent the last two years perfecting and putting equipment and manpower into place to steal this from our President. now it is the republicans turn to weaponize the voting systems. don’t think it won’t happen. I for one would like to see the tables turned on the demon rats. what is good for the goose is good for the gander. for too long the republicans have turned the other cheek. now it is time to get down and get dirty. demon rats do not respect us, as we seem to have no backbone. we bluster and threaten , but they just laugh. the new commander-n -thief will never be my president. I hope enough people agree, and we can make his life as miserable as they have made President Trump. dont forget maxine waters and her bullhorn, saying harass us at the gas pumps, restaurants, etc. now it is our turn… participate please.

    3. Well “golly gee” why didn’t we wait until Jan.6 to get to work on ‘Checking Fraud”……….?
      Do we have to draw a map and a 3D pic to sort this mess out! Let’s get the facts before this Republic goes down the toilet with the democrats!

    4. Ironic… I’m responding to a December 7th post.
      At Pearl Harbor we knew who the enemy was …
      Now, we seem to avoid completing the picture.
      On one side: Freedom loving people who see the
      Constitution as foundational to who we are.

      On the other side:
      Seekers of Power. Using the multi trillion budget to move their agenda (which are antithetical to the Freedom folks)
      Who are these “Seekers” ? Leaders in BOTH political parties. Who else…the major institutions in the private sector … Media, & Big Tech.
      The seekers have a low regard for the “Public”
      and see themselves as Rulers instead of public servants.
      The media & Big tech see their role as Oligarchs ( as they exist in Communist countries.

      Vox Populi is muted by media & tech.
      You know how “social media” manipulates us …
      We must find a way to demonstrate
      our numbers & resolve.
      Enlist Numbers USA, Patriotic (real) media
      Boycott Advertisers supporting manipulating media
      ( tell them). E.g. viewers fled Fox …
      Our complacency allowed this to happen ( pandering phony politicians)
      We either fix it soon or become like socialist Europe. Then there will be no one left to “ save the world”

  2. Yep. It became obvious to me that that was how they stole it, even before I heard him. But he confirms it. And I’m confident he will prove it.

  3. Thank God our calvary has arrived, please keep going and prove to the citizens of this country our president deserves to be right where he is in the white house


  5. There is no dout that ther was rapant voter fraud this election and was all the dems.

  6. Don’t under estimate biden. He is a professional con artist in a senate seat. Now aiming to be president. Made all that cash in the one deal we know of. What about the others coming out and ones we will never find out about. Now he will just be found unfit for court. This old school gangster, as they were called in his day, are getting away with everything. If he gets into president seat the cash flow faucet will run dry. They will bankrupt this counrty for sure. But look at his endless spending list he has already in mind. Like his cancer charity he will get funding but none will reach the people that need it. All will go his crook friends that are helping him get in office. Got to pay the monkeys on your back. Cha-ching for his buddies and pay more from us. Get this guy out of office while we still have money left.

    1. The trouble with Biden he is a do nothing who has never done anything surrounded by nobodies who never done anything but cause socialism and trying to cause the demise of this Country. Who was to make America a communist nation with the intention of changing our constitution to their enrichment to fatten their political system of nobodies.

    2. The big concern should be what will Lyin Joe Biden do when Communists in China threaten to reveal the cash he has taken from China over the years for his senate votes? He must be tried for treason.

      1. He will never ever be tried for any of his multiple transgressions. The CCP will probably us his “payoffs” as a blackmail tool.

  7. Commie Biden and Harris in cohort with the traitorous democrats stole the 2020 election!!! Every Democrat voter and party member are traitors to our nation and freedom! These individuals should be trusted or excepted in decent society. All true Patriots should shun them and their families.

  8. Correction to my comments traitorous democrats should never be trusted!! Shun them and their families they should be cast out of decent society.

  9. This whole Election, should be recalled, and run again ! This time by US citizens, backed by the US military, and not by State leaders. The Fraud HAS BEEN FOUND ! THE VIDEO EXISTS ! The Suit Cases were full of ballots. The Video does not lie, The Georgia State Secretary does !

  10. The demturds are getting away with murder and have been since the covid19 came out to force mail in voting and paying ppl to vote for them even non registered votes. Paying to creat havoc the media lefts etc etc etc American ppl need to stand up and quit letting the left control our society to socialism. Money is the root of all evil. It’s is written….

    1. Well, actually It Is \Written: …”the LOVE of money is the root of all evil”. There is a big difference. Unfortunately that is what the dems are all about, is that fleeting LOVE of money & thinking that it can buy anything & anyone.

  11. This election was the worst we have had and its all the democrats fault. On the news they say there is no evidence when videos and whistle blowers have seen and let the reporters know what they saw in the ballot counting rooms. The courts have been in favor too for Biden so these judges are democrat too. This is all bull shit and we the people need to make Trump our president again. He delivered a very good speech at the Georgia rally and I pray for Trump to find a way to win. He needs to declare Martial law. Biden is no good and very sick in head also Harris. These two people will ruin America with a communist rule. Biden is a full fledged liar and says things now
    to please the people but it he gets in then the dirty work starts. We Americans may as well kiss our ass good bye when this happens. The Chinese want to kill off all of us white people too. Trump has got to win and he fears more fraud in the upcoming elections. Militay please step in and protect our country.

  12. Read the book of Jeremiah in the Bible. God will not forever overlook the murder of 60 million unborn children. A nation which turns away from God will not last long. Everything which is going on today can be found in the Bible and the consequences thereof. Our nation has never been perfect but we have made progress through our years until now. God has always used imperfect people to accomplish His plans. I wish to believe Trump was one such person. The corruption of our country reaches deep and it appears that the peoples’ vote has become an illusion. No one appears to be willing to consider that we might now be under God’s judgement because of our nation’s sins. Power in government is a addictive thing. The ends some will go through to attain it and keep it is on display right now. And in their self righteousness they believe they know better than even God. We, the people of God, are just as much at fault as we have mostly stood by and passively allowed this to happen. We need to be on our knees and flat on our faces before God and pray for a changing of the hearts of people that they will turn back to God and His Word and seek to follow His teaching. Pray also that our country is not at the point as Judah was when God said He would not listen to any prayers for an idolatrous people any more. Judgment has to come. Jeremiah 14: 11 and 12.

    1. You 100% correct Jeremiah is the book hat speaks to exactly what is happening now and will unfold for us as a nation in the future. Keep praying the Lord God will somehow intervene as I fear that is our only hope at this point.

      1. I have also been reading the Minor Prophets & Daniel, in the Old Testament, in The Message version. I love how it reads; in modern day language. I’ve read them before & could tell you very little about them. But NOW, & especially in The Message version, it reads like todays (awful) headlines. It is so gripping (but also profound & serious) that I can’t put it down!

  13. Everyone knows this election was rigged even the democrats and the media know it was rigged! Time to QUIT messing around and let the heads roll!!!! Wondered why Barr wasn’t doing anything now we know he was in on it all!!!!!

  14. I am dumbfounded that their are so many socialist communists in this country , not to mention the level of fraud and corruption, the swamp is deeper than i thought. We need to fight for our America and our values. If the election is allowed to stand then our votes don’t matter since big tech and rich socialists will cheat to win.
    Republican congressmen need to stand up for our rights and support Trump, not be cowards.

  15. Its all very sickening and totally obvious from the last 4 year of whats been happening. The tyrannical coup from the Demshits, Soros, Biden, Clinton, Obama, and all the rest that we KNOW are criminals.

    Now, are we going to allow this to continue with this criminal as our commander in chief????

    NO FUCKING WAY! It is now worth the inevitable civil war that is sure to start anytime now..Lock and Load to protect our America and what it use to stand for!

    God Bless this country and help us through the upcoming nightmare……

    1. You are right but it better happen while trump is president. That way we will have the military on our side. Military will be the ones to save our country.

  16. Joe Biden and His whore VP should be waterboarded in gitmo until they admit what they knew about this before the election. Then they should left in gitmo until they rot !

  17. I am from Michigan and I am disgusted and embarrassed with the corruption in Detroit and Wayne County. This part of the state has always been a huge embarrassment!
    Someone please fix all this voter fraud!!!!

  18. I/2 the country seems to think American is indestructible. It isn’t. History is full of examples:
    See Alexander Taylor’s essay on “The Nine Stages of the Rise and Fall of a Great Society.
    I remember the response to Watergate, vs. the fake frenzy over the phony Russia / collusion hoax.
    Remember how politicians, media, and big tech responded to the Russian hoax and compare that response to their passive response to this treasonous action to overthrow the Government.
    Do this a you will be able to know the enemy.

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