White Woman Fired for “Looking Wrong Way” at a Minority

Was a young white female fired from her job because she looked at a minority woman the wrong way? This breaking news video focuses on her moral indignation on a social media post that details a series of events that led to her termination by a retail outlet.

According to the woman, she waited for customers to finish looking at products before moving a portable rack. She was doing her job in a polite and courteous fashion until the customer gave her guff and demanded to lodge a complaint. Is it reasonable for people to get fired because someone thinks they looked at them the wrong way?

On this thought-provoking report, the reasons that allow one person to wield power by crying racism are on the rise. Last year, Black Lives Matter secured millions in donations after burning businesses, rioting, looting, and murdering community members. Now some unscrupulous minorities see a gravy train of money and unprecedented power over the rest of America.


What may be even more troubling than the uptick in what many call “reverse-racism” is the fact that this race hustle has been part of the culture for ages.

People like Al Sharpton and others made bank on enflaming people to hate those who do not share their skin color. BLM and personal targeting such as this fired worker indicate that things will only get worse. Watch this video and decide for yourself whether this woman was wrongfully fired.

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130 thoughts on “White Woman Fired for “Looking Wrong Way” at a Minority”

  1. She should have not been fired at all!! Really, if anything play back the video from the stores cameras they don’t lie! If I’m her I’m getting a lawyer .

      1. If this is completely true, I agree! Run, don’t walk to a law office and sue for as much as possible then demand a PUBLIC apology from the cowardly manager who fired her.

        1. YES FOR CERTAIN. The wimp manager should be fired after legal proceedings for not intervening in her behalf and the store sued to teach these street urchins who wander in a lesson by further going after this trouble making “shopper”.

          1. Shoppers ? Shameless, vicious beggars taking advantage of the “racism madness” . In short : garbage.

      2. Sue, the company demand millions and hopefully put them out of business. Being “White” is not a crime nor is it an easy way to get someone fired or to get lots of money. BLM is a con-job just like big Al Sharpton etc. People need to stand-up.

    1. I have never considered myself to be a bigot or racist BUT, people like this and their “Poor Minority Me” mind set and actions are quickly pushing me in that direction.

    2. BOO HOO BOO HOO. She looked at me wrong. What a baby. Grow Up! If that customer can’t handle being given a off look she doesn’t belong in the public. She needs help! Even if it were true and it ISN’T what’s next getting arrested. Cameras don’t lie. I’d get a attorney and have customers pay all legal fees also

    3. if you tell who you worked for we will boycott everything they make or sell,
      you have our word.
      from a many generation NYC boy

    4. I often look at black teens because they look like jerks with their jeans down to their butts and the hair styles that look as if they just came out of hibernation like some of the animals with disrupted fur.

    5. These race baiters like Sharpton et al don’t seem to be smart enough to realize that they are playing right into the hands of the Chinese communist.

      The Critical Race Theory, Cancel Culture, and Wokeism all have their roots in “The Long March” which took place in China in 1933. One of the main things the CCP is trying to accomplish is to separate Americans from each other. Thus making a takeover of this country much easier. BLM is also playing a major role in this. It has been established that BLM has direct connections with the CCP.

      1. And another thing, the Chinese hierarchy are fully aware that Blacks are not as evolved as Whites. They are unable to rationalise, curb gratifications like sex and violence and, in reality, would prefer if Negroid types were eradicated of off the planet altogether.

        I wouldn’t be surprised if they were planning precisely that either. Increasingly, the Chinese are taking over Africa and Caribbean countries too for precisely that reason.



    8. Absolutely, sue and go big, these idiot corporations need to be put into their place and remember this is a free country, not run by racist that say someone looked at them the wrong way!

  2. Wrongful termination
    we can’t keep doing this this is someone’s job who might need the money to bring home thank God she’s young enough to find other employment but if this was your child and she was fired because she was trying to be polite and not run over anyone with the garment rack what else should she do
    This cancel culture has to stop people are abusing it if they don’t like the fact that someone is doing something and put in our corporate complaint and making judgments because of peoples eye Contact who is the one without transparency

      1. YES – Whites are under attack – and discriminated against – All that the liberals and democrats have to do – is automatically and falsely play the Racist Card.

  3. This is how stupid the democrats have made this country. .I hope she sues and get a GOP judge. Democrat judge would dismiss her case otherwise sweep it under the rug….This can be the start of something more serious if left unchecked!!!!


      1. You are entirely correct in stating that “Blacks are taking this too far”. I am still reeling from the train car load of blacks who took the vineyard tour in NAPA Valley not that long ago. Regulations spoke of showing consideration for other passengers on the train & behaving in a polite, civil manner. They were uncouth & outrageous in their behaviors & would not respond to requests. Once the tour ended ~ the dozen women sued the company for millions of dollars…..& GOT it! WHY are decent, civilized people afraid of these individuals??? We must get over our fear & fight back!!!

        1. The only way to deal with a bully is to face them and call them what they are. BLM and their supporters are the ones who are the racists and I will NEVER bow to them or apologize for my skin color!

        2. while we have repented whites who believe all the bs of the left,we will never get back our country. THE INDOCTRINATED IDIOTS ARE AT THE HELM

      2. Which is why we need TOTAL separation of races via Secession.

        Minorities moved into a given number of States and another set of States set aside for White residents only. There will be no peace and harmony until Secession is enacted by compunction. It’s the only way forward that makes sense for all.

  4. Well it’s this whole thing is going too far. It’s got to stop somewhere. What if she accidentally hit her? Heaven forbid. People are taking too seriously. The ones getting the complaints need to lighten up and stop taking such unnecessary serious action. It’s wrong

  5. Whites are now the minority thanks to all the BS propaganda that all whites are supremists,they’re teaching this in schools now,our country is going backwards thanks to the Democrats and the media

    1. yes whites ARE///problem is people can’t accept who they are black/white/blue etc we all bleed red (that s a fact),no one is better than another,may have more material stuff ..sad but all this will go away when we die ,,, never have i saw uhaul taking things to grave yard.so suck it up butter cup….get a life

      1. She does have a life and her right to work to support her life was violated. By the way, there are many people of color that have far more material things and a better lifestyle than a lot of white people.

        1. not where I live. most have what taxpayers gave them. colleges gave free or reduced tuition. are you old enough to remember before integration??? far more material things, was this after BLM? I agree, and so would all the businesses that were looted and burned to the ground. better lifestyle? that might be true, since we have to work twice as hard and long, and dont get the sweet housing for free. when applying for reduced housing, no car payments etc are considered a debt. so in front of the new housing, are all new cars. I dont sing kumbaya.

      2. no0 whites are not trhye problem/ demonrats and bs artists and repented whites are the problem. whites died by the thousands to free slaves in civil war who were sold by their own family members to slave trade mayor bigfoot aka (FISH FACE) is fighting make belief racism with real racism. reparations havew been put in place for many years,aff action/quotas etc…..vote all dems out of office and save america.

    2. It’s happening in the military too. At West Point, I know of entire days shut down from work to indoctrinate both civilian and military workers there for the purpose of re-programming their thinking towards attitudes that are appropriate to the dictates of the top brass there, labeled as discussion groups of some sort. This is causing some well qualified officers to voluntarily terminate their careers and this mind indoctrination has extended to the Corps of Cadets, They now not only have to look and act the same way but apparently think the same way.

  6. This is pure racism from someone who was not working at the time to someone who was working, for working while white.
    Yes racism goes both ways!

      1. In the schools now they are teaching the kids to be less white. How on earth can you not be what God made you to be? These people need to get a grip. Biden above all needs to look in the mirror because he’s about as white as possible, or did he forget that?!!

  7. Maybe it’s time to not look at other races for fear of the repercussions of what might happen. Maybe it’s best not to acknowledge the other side therefore avoiding any trouble.

  8. Bring the ‘complainer’ woman in and do a face-to-face with this young woman actually doing her job. Let her explain what her complaint really was about!! Shame on the boss that didn’t have the balls to stand up for their employees………yet they expect loyalty and hard work for their employees!!!!

  9. Unfortunately this is the new culture of the left.The boss who fired this woman should also be fired immediately if not sooner.The country is quickly becoming unlivable for a majority of white people under this leftist/communistic regime occupying the white house.There are no democrat politicians willing to stand up to the Pelosis and Schumers et al currently in charge of this great nation.God help us all.

    1. The voters can stand up on 2022 but how much damage will be done thru legislation before then? The Bill HR 1 is designed to control voting towards the demoncRATS agenda for total political control.

  10. You will see this now on. Because business don’t care about their employees. Maybe white people need to do the same thing! File a complain against those black employee! Give it back to them! They had be hollow RACIST since they got to middle school. With no proven. This is their way of saying they were DONE wrong the last two hundred years! But they refused to blame themselves!

    1. Wyatt, you certainly did not do well in English class. “witnessed” ” whites”
      You will see this from now on File a complaint against black employees! They had to be “hollow” ? RACIST’s since they were in middle school. “With no proven” What does this even mean? You should look into taking some night English classes at your local High school or Junior College!

      1. Complain about your own language! I didn’t ask you for your opinion! If I wanted your opinion I BEAT IT OUT OF YOU! HOW do you know if it not the computer?

      2. leave the English lessons for someone else. we dont pick on ourselves here. spell check was made by the devil, and I have to watch what I write, as whomever wrote it tries to say what I never intended.

  11. What is the name of the retailer? If they had fired a Liberal, the retailer’s name would be listed in Capitals and BOLD. Fair is fair.

  12. Girl should learn that you can’t trust them! You have never witness a fight without two or more fighting white people. They are going to be sure they don’t get beat down! So that why more white carry guns! This young girl should file a wrongful termination lawsuit against the company!!

    1. What is it you are trying to say? “We all shxt between a pair of heals” What are we trying to heal? and what is shxt?

  13. so who puts a plug in it to stop it definitely cannot just ignore minorities that’s rude. The whole problem is fear stand your ground and just be right and treat each person the same firm fair and consistent with decency. NOT FEAR AND NOT INFERIOR. The supervisor needs to be relieved of his or her authority.

    1. dont know where you live but here if you give an inch, they will take a mile. I was all for the decency route until I had to identify my loved one after one of these “individuals” shot him in the face while doing his job as a cop and drug interdiction officer. now, there is no “good” or “nice” for me. all are scum, and deserve what they get. period. and I’m not afraid of the second amendment either.

  14. And Watch Out for Woke-A-Cola. I dropped my LinkIedn account because it was the platform pushing the
    be less white campaign…Much Blessings to the young lady, is very presentable, should be able to get a good
    job with a better company, We are Fighting the Good Fight of Faith. 1Timothy 6

  15. I’m really glad that she got fired, simply because there are still thousands of business owners that would love to have her work for them! To those who disagree…..take your BLM BS and keep shopping with the democratic pricks at the store that fired her……DIMWITS!!

  16. Reverse racists are a problem, stupid white sycophants are the bigger problem! Half of em too dumb to realize what they’re doing, the other half just following the “script”!

    1. You’re absolutely right. Recently, on Fox News Jesse Watters was interviewing some of these idiotic white millenials in New York City. They were all against blacks having to show voter ID at the polls. They came up with that stupid excuse that it was “rayyyyyyycist” for blacks to show their drivers license or some other form of ID to prove they were who they said they were. Then Watters asked some blacks if they had any problem with showing ID before voting. They didn’t have any problem with it. It only made the white millenials look like idiotic, spineless brainwashed morons. They’re the same worthless whites who would have sided with the black racist in the store against the white woman who was only doing her job.

      1. You can say these were dumb stupid liberal people! These are the type that cry wolf everytime thing gone wrong. But not even relying they are the REAL PROBLEM! Treating people with RESPECT IS EASY TO DO! BUT you don’t have to act like you know what going on in their life!

    2. Like the black that follow the slave master in the DEMONcrat party? If these people would just cut their lies out and learn to RESPECT OTHER! THING would be different. When you start to agree with any POLITICAN or hollywood celebrate you are being a dam fool! They love to have your money!

  17. As long as stupid whites keep going along with this left wing ‘political correctness’ garbage instead of fighting back, blacks are going to continue to play this game. I blame the whites, especially the white corporate executives who keep letting black race hustlers push them around. They’re like the stupid, weak kid on the playground who never even tries to defend himself against the bullies.

  18. These so called leaders are the ones causing racial tension in this country with BS like this,all was OK until you had groups like BLM,Antifa screaming white supremacy and racial justice so now you have them looking for handouts from everywhere as restitution

  19. Sounds like an EXPENSIVE lawsuit against the RETAIL OUTLET . . . I hope she SUES them into POVERTY! One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump and His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  20. Get a lawyer, sue the store, post the store name so we can boycott and peacefully protest the location. Racism only exists because they continue to play the game.
    Hopefully the customer doesn’t break an ankle like LeBron for making stupid comments.

  21. Without PROOF or any third party statement to backup the claim is PURE BULLSHIT. Shows the old adage of “innocent until proven” guilty and the “burden of proof is on the accuser” is long DEAD in this country today. IT HAS BECOME “YOUR GUILTY JUST BECAUSE I SAY SO” NO PROOF, NO WHITTNESSES JUST “BECAUSE I SAID SO”.

  22. Years ago some was talking about racism and how the pendulum had swung so far one way that it had started swinging back the other way. I think we have reached the point where the pendulum is about to reverse course again. It will go back and forth until one day it stops in the middle.

  23. That’s it!!! Where’s my binoculars ?
    I hope this woman sues both, and I hope her former associates walk off the job.
    It they have it in them to make a stand.

  24. Racist, Racist, Racist. It’s a good thing they can’t see the faces I have made at stupidity that happens in front of me, black or white. This girl did nothing wrong, and should countersue this black idiot. This didn’t used to be a racist nation until the Dems turned it in to one. What about the reverse discrimination in this country, They hate us so much, but know if they use race, they will win. Makes me want to puke. They are turning whites against them all by them selves.

  25. This is BS. If this was an isolated incidence talk to the employ don’ fire her. Looking funny come on man that is so subjective and racist! Would they have the balls to fire a black employ for looking funny at a white customer? Don’t thinks so sue!

  26. I would like to know what retail store this is so I don’t ever shop there again. This woman should sue them so disgusting. To the person who complained I would hope you’re happy you appear to be a disgusting pos with no life if this makes you feel satisfied.

  27. Run don’t walk to the best attorney you can find. I suggest the store that fired you hire that black lady to take your place. We will see how that works out for them.

  28. Al Sharpton has made a threat against Simena and Manchin to vote their way or no way. How sad they had to THREATEN their people to get them to vote like they want. This are sick people, and by the way why isn’t Sharpton in jail for all the back taxes he owes. Oh silly me, he’s Black and a Democrap.

  29. I don’t know what “Race” or ”Skin Pigment” the Woman was that made that Complaint, but it is a Stain on her “background” as a Human, and if she thinks that what that young worker did was “Racially motivated” she seriously needs an “Attitude Adjustment” because the “Chip” on her shoulder is not doing anything to make
    “Racial Equality” or “Racial Relations” any smoother or socially acceptable! Assuming that you are being Racially profiled by a retail store worker is quite a stretch of the Imagination and sounds like “Let’s see what damage we can do by accusing someone of a ridiculous charge because I’m thinking my “Feelings” are hurt!
    Lady, if that was the worst thing that happened to you on that day, you should thank your lucky stars that you live in AMERICA and not in some third world country where you would be totally stifled with no freedom or ability to even go shopping !

    1. she was black. who else screams RACISM THE LOUDEST???? it’s in the article. this article has been out for months. surprised it took this long to reach real Americans.

  30. The Kaffir she looked at probably was a low life scum, shop lifting race hustler. It’s in their DNA. Publicize the store so we TAX paying, Americans can boycott the slime ball dump. Good to see the girl stood up for herself she should do the same as the Kaffirs & sue for wrongful termination. Get a bunch of her friends to picket the store with signs etc.

  31. Ive long time now been thinking certain people on purpose provoke others to say they are racist. So called Police brutality is another example They dont honour authority and purposely provoke the police or in this case, creating a drama out of nothing. Politeness and good manners and respect for authority went out the window when God and the 10 Commandments were removed from Education. If I were her I would definietly get a good lawyer and sue the store

  32. The LEFT is totally nuts. All this race hustling is sinful!!!! I sure wish I knew the name of the company that fired this young lady.

  33. I’ve never been a racist before, but I am now and proud of it. That is going to be the only way to combat these terrible inequities going on today with these black criminals/niggahs. There is going to be a showdown, and it is probably going to be sooner than later. I say round all these blacks up and ship them back to Africa where they belong, they do not belong in America. They are not welcome in America.

    1. but i know you like mad maxine, she is such a person that gets along with all races and trump voters. she loves all races,long as they aint white- where did you get your mansions and money maxine???????? do you know hunter??????? have you been to china???????

  34. Actually, after thinking about the race situation going on in America, it is like a wild animal looking for attention. And that is exactly what these blacks are, wild animals, they have a jungle mentality and lack any brains, very low IQs. So we are up against some freaks that shouldn’t be allowed to roam around loose.

    1. pack. never leave home without it. have since these things killed a family member, a cop, in 1987. as the song goes, I was racist, before racist was “cool”.

  35. Without true leadership, this country is headed in one direction. There can only be room for one. I will leave that up to your imagination.

  36. Just another example of racism against whites. It’s been going on for quite a few years now, but worse than ever since that black savage Floyd died and left wing radicals like BLM and Antifa have been given power to destroy this country by worthless politicians. It’s going to take a civil war to determine whether this country gets back to normal or is destroyed forever.

    1. go to u tube and pull up Floyds name. hilarious court appearance when he stole a car and wrecked it. his reason for the carjacking?? he was cold. walking home from girlfriends house. wouldn’t stop for police, sound familiar? wrecked car. woman took him to small claims court for damages. his reasoning for not paying? Its not my car, she should pay for it. what????? asked if he worked age 16. said yes. 3 days a week. why only 3 when your father works 7? I have a social life. what????? judge told him no he hung around with bums. end of story, he paid for car. then years later, paid with his life for his stupidity. this is the idol they are worshiping today in the Whitehouse. he did make his father a millionaire, many times over.

  37. “Is it reasonable for people to get fired because someone thinks they looked at them the wrong way?” No, it is not reasonable to get fired for looking at someone but, unless this happened in Montana, it is reasonable to assume that an employer does not need a reason to fire someone, as every state in the Union, and Washington, D.C., with the exception of Montana, has ‘at-will’ hiring laws. This means that, unless contract obligation forbids it, anyone can be fired for no reason whatsoever. Had this situation been in Montana, the employer would have had to list a valid reason for the termination, and that reason could be challenged in court. We need to write to our congressional representatives and request that all at-will hiring practices be disallowed in this once-great nation.

    1. I too live in a right to work state, but this crosses that line into BLATANT RACISM. had nothing to do with the employer. unless you count the fact he didn’t want his store torched. she needs her evaluations from the store to take to the lawyer. if she got great performance reviews, that is in her favor. as a retired adjudicator in unemployment comp, she has a great case to get that also. discrimination. I think she might be timid to file a suit, since she is young, and I don’t know the size of the town. but, she should move, file, win, and count her money all the way to another bank, in another town. just sayin.

  38. After decades of understanding, tolerance and acceptance, we are now embarking on the least desirable option……avoidance. The addition push towards reparations will pretty much guarantee further racial Balkanization. Life on the lower, left hand side of the socio-economic-cultural Bell Curve is going to become even worse.

    1. not with Biden and KA MA LA in office. notice I did not say in charge. that fall to Valerie J. and the other one, susie rice. odunnuthin opened Pandora’s box of racism, and the likes of blm and al the race baiter millionaire Sharpton are perfecting it. all because odunnuthin married Michael Lavon Robinson. not Michelle.

  39. Why is she making videos when she should be in a lawyers office right now??? Race hustling is a big business for greedy left wing frauds.

  40. This is absolutely disgusting. If a back woman had done this to a white or other black person nothing would have happened! I have truly had enough of this! There wasn’t any problem just a young woman doing what she was paid to do by her employer. She was moving racks and wanted to make sure that she had the all clear by looking around her. Get a grip black woman and men. It is ugly what you are doing and you are ugly because of it! We have to stop bowing down to this nonsense. Enough is enough of the rudeness by back people to everyone else! They all do it!

  41. Yes, that employee was set up. She is the perfect target, young, pretty, white. I, like this young woman, worked in retail at a so-so upscale department store and experienced a similar targeting. My experience was over 10 years ago and I recall very accurately how those 400-lb queens strolled into the store expecting to be treated like royalty and inventing some phony slight or insult to set up the employee in the hope of hurting the employee or getting some recompense from the retailer. It is a scam they share. And, I noticed that even those who did not actually go to management to submit an invented “complaint” managed to make some kind of comment about “discrimination”, police brutality or some other perceived b.s. They are tireless evangelizers of their cause and they never rest. Employers have been sinking into the woke world for decades. The angry, vicious, dangerous and totally immoral minority perpetuating these crimes have been planning and perfecting there strategy against whites for a long, long time. They admit it! They love to warn, “We talk amongst ourselves”.
    Good luck to the employee finding a lawyer to represent her. Most employment law firms won’t touch a case of white against black. Hope to God this changes and the cowardly lawyers and judges start to realize that they have a duty to push back and fight to defend good against this destructive evil!

  42. Bo HO don’t look at me WRONG ,when I’m here spending the FREE MONEY I get from the Gov.It gives me a complex .I wants to be treated like I ownes the store..

    1. yassur!!!! i’s be shoppin. whas’ yo lookin at? oh, i’se jes stuffed thet shirt in ma bra. yo gots ‘surance!

      1. Reminds of of that niggah womahn a while back who got caught walking out of a store with five Rolex watches stuffed in her big box.

  43. once again, we have folded to the unracist black man. at least, that is what is trying to be taught to us “whiteys”. I would like the name of the store, in case there is one in my town. bet your life, they would lose a customer if it is. once I had obtained a good civil rights attorney, both the store, store manager, and the “customer” would be named in the suit. if it fails, go on to the next level court, until you hit the top. if “looks” determine racism, I surely would have been locked up for the past 50 yrs.

  44. Y’all are copying the rest of the Fake Media! When and where did this happen?!?!?
    Have you heard of Joseph Pulitzer. As written, one could question whether the
    incident really happened.

  45. So how was she suppose to look at her? Oh maybe she wasn’t suppose to look at her at all maybe she was suppose to look down or in some other direction as though she was some kind of god that you weren’t suppose to look directly at. That seems to be the way these corporations, the government and the main stream media think that we should be treating the black people in this country now as though they are somehow special people that deserve special treatment by the rest of the races in this country especially white people.

  46. What’s next? Being called a racist for breathing the wrong way? Smiling too too much? Speaking slightly wrong? Not getting down on your knees and kissing minority butts with intense respect? Or the absolute worst of all things to do? Having white skin and not feeling guilty about it. That would get you “The Death Sentence!”

  47. I very much want the name of the store!
    My family, and I promise to never shop there again!
    I took an early retirement to get away from black racist supervisors, that the place I worked for, refused to do anything about!
    If a black filed an EEO, their complaint was automatically settled with what they wanted, if a white filed an EEO, it was given a denial.
    If there’s any way possible, our government will give this country to racist blacks.

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