Beer manufacturer Miller Lite has become the latest example of “go woke, go broke,” with calls for its boycott after the company tried to sell beer via a feminist ad!
Apparently not realizing that the American people are sick and tired of the woke propaganda being shoved down their throat, Miller Lite launched a campaign featuring a spokeswoman apologizing for the company ‘taking advantage of women’ to promote their beer.
“It’s time beer made it up to women. So today, Miller Lite is on a mission to clean up not just their sh*t but the whole beer industry’s sh*t,” the spokeswoman says in the ad.
The ad originally aired back in March before Bud Light’s collapse after deciding to partner with Trans activist Dylan Mulvaney.
But the woke ad is just now going viral and conservatives are gearing up to send yet another message to the woke crusaders.
If its anything like the Bud Light situation, Miller Lite can expect to see its sales PLUMMET and heads will be rolling!
TPUSA Journalist summed it up best with a message on Twitter: “This is what happens when 20-something gender studies majors invade corporate boardrooms and wage woke crusades against their own consumers. Another fallen one today— R.IP. Miller Lite”
Watch the video here to see how ridiculous the ad is and how these delusional leftists are destroying every company foolish enough to let them through the door!
Miller will face the wrath of the power of the purse. Patriot’s who were their customers will make their voices heard through the power of the purse. Go woke go broke.
Another beer company BITE THE DUSK! Bankruptcy court going get bigger with these beer owner ! If they don’t clean out their staff of WOKE FOOLS!
The beer Companys have no idea what goes on out here is the real world.
Go woke, time and again, to try to get a high ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) social credit score and thereby appease the WEF. They don’t learn. We can’t make these Globalist idiots go broke fast enough.
Ok everyone, it’s time to boycott Miller Lite, apparently they also have morons working in their marketing dept.. They go WOKE they go broke !!!
This won’t have the same effect there’s a lot of sarcasm in this add and it doesn’t have the same cut to the nerves, nails on a chalkboard, kinda feel… sure it’s a little annoying but not on the same level as Bud Light’s slap in the face…
Why would anyone drink that garbage anyway. I would not care if they had a nude Jennifer Garner saying how I should buy it. It stinks……literally. Go smell a great IPA and then smell it.
To each their own. I prefer Miller Light over Bud Light all day. On another note, as a man, I don’t find anything offensive about this commercial.
They keep it up and these beer companies will make the one beer more popular, that keeps their woke opinions to themselves!!! Keep it up you dumb asses!
I have boycott chic_filet since they spit on the Christian values. Also boycott bud_pos_wiser and miller POS lite.
These companies are promoting devil’s children and plus they also could be funded by Jewish global banking system like our federal government. Read about Richard coudenhove_kalergi there is an award with his name for advancing the cause of the destruction of the European white race. also read the UN article 2 of the UN convention of genocide. Plus ten stages of genocide. Anti-white propaganda plus phenomenon. #1 forced immigration in all and only white countries. #2 forced integration in all white living spaces #3 forced assimilation promoting miscegenation all day and all night in the mass media. The Zionist Jews agenda white genocide documentary race mixing agenda. The four stages of subversion $1 demoralization #2 destabilization #3 crisis#4 normalization the federal government is doing this for Jews and Israel.
Not sure how ChickfilA did an about face. Enlighten me.
This is the woke ppl trying to teach us manners?..???you got to be kidding! The only reason most are pissed off is the shoveling this crap down our throats is redundant to begin with! We aren’t the ones acting like hateful bigoted racist & siding with either the transgenders who are breaking jaws, noses& eyes on innocent ppl just bc they can. If you break laws no matter color, race or gender you deserve to be punished period! We’re not going to defend someone just bc they’re not sure what sex they want to be! You can stand behind whom you want to but we have the same rights to stand with whoever we wish& no amount of discrimination towards us will ever change our minds!
If they want too uphold women, why don’t they do a commercial about women being disadvantaged by boys in petticoats taking over their sports, and peeing in their restrooms??? What happened to women rights? Oh we won’t get any noise on that, they say. But this boys in petticoats and their faces painted up will raise hell with us.
C’mon cutsy boys represent 1 1/2 % of the population. What percentage are women?!?!?!