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WEF Head Klaus Schwab Calls for Complete END of Privacy

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are once again making a major push to condition people into somehow being comfortable with ZERO PRIVACY with Schwab saying during a recent interview, “You have to behave accordingly” OR ELSE!

Schwab, the pure evil globalist who founded the WEF, argues that we are headed for a “new world” in which little people like you and I – but definitely not him – will be FORCED to be “totally transparent.”

Everything, Schwab claims, should be visible by all people at all times, hoping to eliminate any sense of individual privacy whatsoever – “and you have to get used to it!” he says.


The global tyrant argues that us peasants will have to just shut up and take this, claiming it will just have to become “integrated in our personality.”

He goes on to say, “If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn’t be afraid.”

But of course, Klaus knows these rules would NEVER apply to him and his lengthy list of elitist friends which is why he’s promoting them.

His agenda is not to ‘make the world a safer place’ but only to secure more power and control for him and his allies!

If you thought the tyranny that came with the COVID lockdowns was bad, just consider how bad things would actually be if they knew EVERYTHING you were thinking, planning, watching.

It’s about more than just privacy for the sake of privacy – but privacy for the sake of maintaining FREEDOM from oppressive bastards like Schwab!

Watch the video here to see just how SICK this message is coming straight from Klaus.

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5 thoughts on “WEF Head Klaus Schwab Calls for Complete END of Privacy”

  1. “Who is this guy” you ask.
    Klaus Schwab was born in Hitler’s Germany in 1938. His father Eugene Schwab a close confidant of Hitler, was
    then head of Escher Wyss, a strategic company of Nazi Germany, He had his own camp where prisoners were forced to work for free. Klaus is the current president of the WEF…. Go figure!
    Herr Schwab’s top advisor is Yuval Noah Harari who claims ” humans are hackable animals with no free will or soul. ”
    Harari is suspected of being the Anti Christ.

  2. Soros is a big supporter of WEF, and I’ve read Biden is greatly influenced by this sick, evil man. Judging by his many anti-American, anti-citizen actions, very possible. Soros and sons, who have visited the WH at least 14 known times (and who knows how many at beach house), each visit being logged falsely as “WH TOUR”, need to be ousted from this country or considered for multiple treason charges. And Biden should never have been elected President.

  3. I guess this idiot forgot that most Americans have guns and won’t go down without a fight. And I’m sure he’d be one of the first to be taken out. Sick perverted mental cases like him always get what they deserve in the end. Him and his cronies all must die and burn in hell.

  4. Biden WASN’T “elected” president; he was INSTALLED by his handlers and those globalists who had CHOSEN him to fraudulently “win” the 2020 election for reasons of their own agenda.

    We The People–the American VOTERS–never elected him. His “81 million votes”–which make up many more than the number of registered voters–were mostly fraudulent, brought in and counted during the dead of night when it became apparent that Donald Trump was winning. Boxes of pristine “Ballots” bearing no creases from having been mailed or handled–ALL for Biden, and none for Trump–should have been the first clue for any thinking people; yet, masses of clueless, mindless people who have to be told by the mainstream media what to think, still believe he was “elected,” even after all the videos showing boxes of votes being pulled out from under tables where their whereabouts had been hidden from view, only to be brought out if and when Trump was seen to be winning, evidence of fraud shown by IT techs, etc., have been shown and reported, etc., but the mindless pawns keep regurgitating what’s been “reported” and repeated by their Leftist-owned mainstream media–the “fact” that “no evidence” of fraud has been found, etc., when the courts refused to even HEAR or SEE the mountains of evidence that millions of us have seen.

    Of course, “no evidence” of fraud was found, when the courts refuse to hear or see the evidence that is offered! When a blind eye is purposefully turned from the evidence, “no evidence” will be found! Duh.

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