U.S. Truckers Organize Strike to Protest Joe Biden’s Plan to Ban Fracking

Despite what the mainstream media is telling you, the election is not yet decided. Joe Biden does not have 270 electoral votes. Not a single state has certified its results yet. In fact, Vegas betting odds for President Trump winning have increased over the past week. That’s the real state of all of this.

Still, conventional wisdom tells us to prepare for the worst. It is prudent to assume Joe Biden will be sworn in in January. It’s the only way to be ready for the mess we’ll face if that becomes reality. Fortunately, plenty of forward-thinking people in our country are ahead of the curve.

Biden has made it clear that he wants to ban fracking. While the oil and gas industry is certainly going to fight that, a powerful ally has already arisen in that fight. U.S. truckers are uniting to try to prevent Biden from destroying our country. They are already protesting any potential fracking ban.


While this is borne of a disturbing situation, it’s an inspiring moment. Regular Americans are already rising up against the Biden Administration’s far left policies, and it doesn’t even technically exist. This is what it is going to take for our country to survive a Democratic takeover.

When you watch this video. Pay attention. You will have to join the front ranks of Biden resistance if you want to retain any hope of weathering the storm.

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147 thoughts on “U.S. Truckers Organize Strike to Protest Joe Biden’s Plan to Ban Fracking”

  1. Joe Biden is driven by the demons of the Democratic Party they are looking to kill this country they must be stopped thank God we have patriots who will stand up to them God bless America

      1. May ALMIGHTY GOD send Warrior Angels to protect our truckers…blind the democrats and let the TRUCKS ROLL ON IN EVERY STATE ACROSS AMERICA ?? ?????????????????

      2. Now is the time to stand together, or hang separately. Stand up now or don’t complain later, it would be too late. Trump is God’s Warrior!

      3. If not for our truckers we would be out of everything we need, food, supplies, household needs etc, etc, etc
        God Bless our Hero’s. Let the recounts begin!!

        1. God bless those men/women that try to make a living by driving trucks that carry everything we need every day. They put their lives in danger by driving these trucks because there are crazy drivers that do not obey common-sense rules of the roads, there are deers that dart out in front of these trucks, which causes damage to their trucks, and the public does not realize that driving trucks causes serious damage to their kidney’s because of the movements of the truck. Thank God, good men decide to drive these goods across our country every single day.

      1. The one truth I hear coming out of the mouths of Dems is that they claim the country is more divided than ever. On that I agree.
        And I am reminded that over 70 million people voted for Trump so they must oppose Bidens administration. True.
        The Trump “followers” are passionate about the rule of law and the founding fathers documents.
        The Biden “gang” are a collection of special interest groups. Anti-fracking, free tuition, no borders, and so forth. NONE of those issues are spelled out in the constitution, the one document that should be our common denominator as Americans. We are divided even more but it is NOT due to Donald J Trump. There’s a larger issue in play here. We have people in our country who wish to see it destroyed. “Enemies foreign AND domestic.” Those domestic enemies will destroy us if we do not wake up very, very soon.

        1. I fully agree. Our schools have been taken away from our oversight and we must bring our young back into he fold. It is up to every red blooded patriotic American to stand up against all ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. We must unite in the one true cause that is before us. The preservation of this fragile republic.

          1. I can remover back during the Iran hostage crises Deisel fuel went from .20 cents to over a dollar a gallon truckers organized and not only struck but when forced back traveled at speeds of 25 mph on the turnpikes and highways,.

          1. I am with you Nancy all the way. It would cripple our country. Amen. May God Protect Us.

        2. The need for us to wake up is immediate! Thank you to our amazing truckers for protesting this farce! Blessings to all the patriots who are standing up to this evil that has spread throughout our nation. We cannot stand on the sidelines and watch! Complacency has brought us to this moment in time! It should have been nipped in the bud! We stand behind our men & women in BLUE, military, first responders. We are already seeing what a possible Biden administration will look like and it is truly terrifying! Btw, he is not President elect! He is ready to reverse President Trump’s achievements as soon as 1/20/21! THE TIME IS NOW!

        3. Democrats are demon possessed and want to destroy our country, they hate America and law and order. Their party is governed by hatred and violence. If real Americans refuse to give in to this madness, it is our only hope for saving the soul of our country from the demonic party who has no soul. They don’t even try to hide their evil anymore.

          1. The only hope for this country now is for all or patriots to get off their butts. All two hundred million of them and get their guns out of their closets and revolt. If we don’t were going to lose this country to their communism. They have prepared very well for the overthrow of or the capitalist system in this country. They have control of our schools and indoctrinate our children with communism. They have full control of the democratic party. They have many judges in their pockets. So they can cheat in or elections and get away with it. And they have hundreds of thousands of useful idiots to riot and use violence to advents their cause. We are in very deep trouble and only a revolution is going to stop them.

        4. You are exactly right. We were so busy looking for the rats outside our country that they infested us from the inside. What is that saying? Keep your friends close, your enemies closer…

          1. Republicans won’t stand up and fight like the Democrats we know what’s happening to our country but we can’t do anything because we aren’t animals like they are

        5. Amen, the Democrats have been taken over by the extremum left and they want power. They think that the Socialists will let them have power for now after America goes down . Wrong !!! They are letting these so-called genius do the dirty work. Then the Socialists will take their money, power, and then treat them the same as the rest of us. They will put us into groups: reeducation camps, or put some to have their organs harvested, work camps, and the old, disabled, and those traitors to America to death (because if they betrayed America, how can they be trusted).. Socialists do not promote without only from within their party. Yes, the Democrats have divided us because that is the playbook that the Socialists have used to tear Americans down. They have divided between the haves and haves not, which has caused hatred and chaos.

        6. Thank you for saying this. So many patriots believe these things. We are in very dark dark and dangerous times, and it is NOT because of Moderates and the Right. United we stand, divided we fall. All citizens who believe in truth, the Constitution, freedom, and all the wonderful values that have made America the greatest country the world must never accept Biden as the true and legitimate POTUS. We must not let evil, greed, corruption, and lies triumph over good, honesty and truth.

        1. Don’t get yourself in trouble you will bring yourself unwelcomed guests talking like . please think before putting in writing

        2. Uhh, Terry, that’s the worse thing to happen; don’t even put it in writing. That would play right into their hands; as being martyrs for the “cause”. Then we have stooped to their lowest common denominator.

        3. Please don’t call harry ass a whore that a great insult to honest whores every. She couldn’t give it away in a maximum prison for free.

        4. Terry please remember the FBI seems to have gone as corrupt as the Democraps in most cases and where its OK to threaten Trump or any republican its not ok to threaten Democraps. You may get a visit from people who like making an example out of people who express thoughts contrary from theirs even if they are the popular unspoken thoughts.

    1. It is nice that the trucking industry went with Donald Trump , I was a UAW member all of my life and they always go for a democrat, last time they backed Hillary, This Time Biden and Donald Trump has been the best President in my Lifetime ,, He has helped our Military and the VA , I am 90 and I can not believe any one would vote for Biden and son , I was in Korea and The Chinese helped N, korea With Men and weapons , WE should keep our work In the USA

      1. Thank you for your service sir.
        Look the democrats are stealing the election fraud in every state. The court has not been a friend to the president or us patriots. We must stand for our President and republicans who support him. This is going to get really ugly I fear. Democrats want total control they still can’t believe they lost so many seats nationwide. The communist democrats didn’t prepare for the country to turn out against democrats tyranny corruption and they only where prepared to cheat in the presidential election.

        Look sleepy creepy racist old senile fool Biden said that they had assembled the largest voting fraud organization ever and that it’s how they re-elected O’Biden administration and coming from a guy that lies about everything it was dismissed by many as just another lie but it was not a lie because we are seeing it and if we allow them to win because we don’t want to fight for the fraudulent election and they seize power we are done for. We must stop democrats now and before they get power no matter what it takes. It will be a hell of a lot harder and bloodier after they are sworn in. My fellow truckers can shut down and in 3 days food shelves will be empty gasoline will run out you name it and we transport it. The last time was in the 70s that trucks shut down. If everyone would stand up and let democrats know in one voice that they are not going to take control of this great country and we must stand up together we must be ready and willing to do whatever it takes. We will never win this fight pretending that god or anyone else is going to do it for us as god only helps those who help themselves.

        Be heard stand up fight with all you have.
        God bless my friends and god bless the USA !!

        1. Seventy two milllion of us tried standing up to the radical, cheating left, but thanks to the lying media and the dirty tricks the left pulled, we failed. I voted at my polling location in person, showed my valid ID, signed the ledger and voted. Sixty million didn’t. The Trump team needs to continue to weed out all the illegal ballots and fight the democratic corruption for the next four years. Fight fire with fire. And impeach Biden and Harris both.

          1. impeachment
            the crimes committed are real; the evidence is real

            the House was able to push Impeachment proceedings against Pres.Trump only as it had a Democrat majority; to do the same against Biden/Harris will require a Republican majority

            vote Republicans in who will not stand for the actual injustice of a criminal president-elect, regardless of the outcome

      2. Why wouldn’t they if Biden gets in as president the fuel prices will skyrocket up. The plan on shutting down fracking and shut down searching for new oil deposits. The plan on raising the taxes on fuel and oil raising the price of fuel including diesel. They plan on shutting down the oil pipeline raising the price of fuel even more. I Wouldn’t vote for a commie democrat and if I was a trucker I sure as hell would be a real dumb ass if I did.

    2. Use your energy efficiently. Prepare to forcefully eliminate all communists within America. All veterans have the ability and the oath to preserve this nation and all patriots should do everything in their power to destroy the evil we face! Liberty or death!!!

    3. Still in shock that Trump will probably lose and the majority of Americans think Biden is better. It gives me no comfort when I can say “I told u so.”

      1. Trump didn’t lose the people. The dems cheated to get the presidency. They’re still cheating to get the senate.

      2. The majority of ‘live’, legally registered Americans who only voted once, don’t think Biden is better. You will be in worse shock when you finally see how many illegal votes were found. And it gives me no comfort when I can say “I told you so”. We knew the democrats would use every method to steal the election they could. Wake up and stop pretending to care!

      3. That’s how I feel but I say they deserve what they voted for. If you’re that gullible and stupid to believe them lying commie democrats you deserve what you get. It’s just too bad we who were too smart to vote for a commie like Biden is going to have to suffer along with all the commie useful idiots.

    4. Well said, brother. We are patriotic Americans who believe in God, our freedom and rule of law down to the core. Our resistance against a Biden liberal and corrupt show will be met with strong resistance 72 plus million strong. If Biden and his liberals truly believe that all of America will stand behind him, he has the MOAB of resistance coming. We will fight and fight hard as we all believe he and his corrupt politicians have stolen the election.

      1. Boots……finally someone I can side completely with. I heard gun sales are on the rise….betcha Biden has stock in Winchester and others. Doesn’t matter though. If and when it is needed, the Patriots will rise and Wash. DC will have a rude awakening one morning. I am a veteran and still ready and able to fire my weapon once again if and when needed. Biden is not smart enough to mount a defense….so the sooner the better. But we gotta let our Commander in Chief finish his work first.


    6. I agree with you. Regular Americans must show the left we won’t take their rules. Biden and his corrupt folks will reverse all of President Trump’s policies and we can’t allow that to happen! We are all patriots if we love our country!

  2. To All of are hard working Professional Truck drivers you and i both know your what makes this Nation go. So im calling on you to strike against this so called President elect Joe the CROOKED MAN Biden and the rest of the Communist radicals who want to defund our Police and tear down our National Monuments

  3. when you consider everything the communist party of democrats have done and everything they want to do i feel that there is only one course left for the American people if American patriots do not stand up together in a show of force in four years there will be no America as we know it . right now the communist are stealing the president election i believe everyone knows that you may not like Trump, but you can like what he has done and will do for America if he has the chance . live free or die,

    1. Absolutely well said. People need to wake up and get beyond the personality conflict and recognize what President Trump has and will do for this country if it’s God’s will. Live Free or Die!!!

    2. The only way to preserve America is to totally destroy the communists within our government once and for all! All patriots need to join together to make this happen! Now is the time!!!!

    3. ABSOLUTELY! Trump may offend some fragile sensibilities, BUT his accomplishments for America and Americans through all the democrat caused chaos should have overcome any adult mindset.

      1. Its these scum bag companies that are destroying this country. All they are a bunch of SOB greedy hacks just like the communist Democrats, money, money, money.

      2. piss on amazon and walmart, my family dont buy anything from these lowlife people,since the rebel flag deal,love to see both go under along with biden and harris

  4. I went to the Dare to Care food drive last month and could not believe my eyes! They were giving my wife and I all kinds of food most was donated by President Trump himself, the first time ever in my 50 years on planet Earth that any president has done anything to help the poor! I couldn’t believe it 30 lbs of frozen chicken breast and pre packaged foods that all you do is warm up the chicken taco stuff was excellent it tasted a lot like something you would find at Taco Bell! My wife and I totally appreciate President Trump he has always and will always have our support! There was a letter in the boxes from President Trump!

    1. And racist/hater john legend is telling people NOT to donate to food banks. Donate to democRAT party instead. What a P.O.S.

  5. More than the truckers group need to go on strike. How about the teachers who refuse to teach about our country’s history and citizenship. Yes, we need good teachers but think about what is happening in our time now because of the lack of good educational teaching. I stand for good pay for teachers, but I would be more prone to raise their salaries when they demonstrate they love our country and our constitution first. More needs to be taught about the world’s history of bad government by fraud and theft. And parents need to teach their own children about their me-me-me attitudes

    1. I agree. Homeschool the kids for a while, maybe years. Is it hard? Yes, but not when you have many parents doing it. One takes a subject, we had 20 ‘teachers’ parents really and things went pretty smoothly. The only thing I worry about is with the truckers striking how will we get food? I know two ways, I’m thinking more of city folk.

      1. Let those traitors in Philly, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Phoenix and all the rest of the thieving demoncRATS starve to death. If we do not stand up for our rights then we deserve what we get! Passive resistance like not serving these demoncRAT cities like these truckers should do is the way. There are millions of ways to resist for example if dead people can vote in these demoncRAT run sewers then why can we freedom loving citizens take as dependents on our taxes unborn relatives or dead ones for that matter. They cannot jail all 72,000,000 of us unless we jail ourselves by rolling over like whipped cur dogs. The demoncRAT party was and is now the party of slavery. SOCIALISM IS SLAVERY! The demoncRATS want to enslave us all. FORBID IT ALL MIGHTY GOD!! RESISTANCE STARTS WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND I! The battle is now joined what side are you on liberty or slavery?

        1. I think too we should strike against Amazon and all the big corporations for a week. Truckers stand tall and firm America First no Demon Crats fights for our country love Trump

          1. We should also include, Facebook, Twitter, Fox News, YouTube, CNN and other News outlets that financed this Sham. Yes the SHAM! Use Parlor and News Max as they are truly balanced. Big corrupt rich assholes are killing this country and out voices. Screw them!

  6. I say give them a taste of their own medicine and fight them every step of the way for 4 years if Joe Biden gets in until he’s found guilty and put in jail for fraud and criminal activity for treason.

  7. Joe Biden must be a thief and a criminal because he’s white. What a fucking racist little cunt Joe Biden truly is.


    1. Only those who know that they are sinners and accept the forgiveness offered in receiving Jesus as savior will go to Heaven. A verse in the Bible – the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all our sin. Also, John 3:16.

  9. Please all truckers stand up for our country. I’m on your side. Everyone knows the DEMONRATS are nothing but a bunch of crooks. TRUMP 2020

    1. President Trump have done so much and not acknowledged. Let’s tell Biden and his gang that we are not deaf, blind or ignorant. I support TRUCKERS. I’m from Hawaii and I love AMERICA.

    1. I pray to God for Trump and America every day we should fight to win. My family has several truckers and they will join in

    2. I know that I am still praying daily for President Trump to prevail. I love the fact that the truckers will boycott and I love all of the calls for us to stand up. I just don’t really know what the general population can do. Any thoughts?

  10. It is about time Americans woke up to what the real world is out there!
    As an American Christian, I am proud of God and country. Thank God
    I know God. God has stated in the good book that he places all rulers
    on the thrones of this world. I believe that God is going to place President
    Trump back on the throne in America. Then watch the Fireworks happen.
    You go President Trump. I believe more than fifty percent of the country
    also wants Trump as President. GOD BLESS AMERICA. We as U.S. citizens
    should say thank you God for all of the Blessings that we have received
    and are going to receive if Americans do as they should, PRAY for President
    Trump and his family, the Congress, and the Senate, AMERICA!

    1. All of us intelligent and informed citizens want president Trump. But, the stupid , ignorant and uninformed minority want the Democrats to ruin our lives and our country. Keep supporting our duly elected president Trump. Remember Biden was elected by the socialist media who want us to believe that he got the majority of votes. The computers had a “glitch” put in by Pelosi s ex employee. It was fixed by the Democrats. And, the fake media wants to brain wash the whole country.

    2. Thank you Truckers for standing up for our country. You of all American people are the ones moving our country. Keep On Trucking! AMEN!?

    3. God bless you and I know God and He knows me. My prayers and my fears. I do not fear for myself. but for those that do not know God and in fact, do not care to know him. This so sad that Satan has been working overtime to get the hearts and minds of Americans. God bless us all

  11. This is a fight between good an evil. The power of prayer will fight the evil. The fake media wants you to think this is over. Why should believe them they have lied for the pass 4 yrs. What is sad a lot of Americans don’t take the time to learn the truth they believe the fake bullshit. They don’t know how destructive it was voting for Biden. GOD HELP US GOD BLESS AMERICA. MAGA2020!!!

    1. I am an American Christian woman who believes in God and pray every day for our great country and our great American patriotic people who believe that
      Mighty God will crash the evil and help our President Trump to overcome this injustice and restore the peace and prosperity to our great nation

    2. Amen !! Yes, the fight is not over, however, there will be battles fought and lives lost. We know who wrote the book and we know the ending. So have joy in our hearts and keep praying

  12. Everything that was said was right on, I agree! I can not believe there are that many stupid people. President Trump is the best president we have ever had and everything he has done for this nation is amazing especially with the left, media, and big business working against him. Thank you for all your hard work now and in the future. Love you and your beautiful family. God bless you and the USA.

  13. Stop supporting the liberal companies that are trying to control us. Break up the liberal news industry. Boycott and pull all government funding to all these Liberal colleges. Double the funding to the Universities as long as they are not Liberal (Funding is to support US citizens going to those Universities).

    1. Liberal universities would rather give scholarships to students who are communist spies from China than to our own Americans citizens.

  14. Amen, maybe all 72,000,000 of us Trump supporters should just not pay our taxes for 2020 and beyond if Old Old Joe becomes President.

    1. yes roger that would be the crippling answer. The biden admin would never survive without our taxes. We can all do this to cripple states. All should listen because with no money to give to these welfare collecting scumbags things will end quickly. believe me a force of the only half of this population that refuses to pay taxes would be the answer.

  15. i love these comments… RESIST THOSE SCUMBAGS..
    every day – charge them more.. make them wait.. treat them like they deserve.. SUPPORT YOUR FELLOW REPUBLICAN.. remember cancel culture – well – cancel them. their wants, activities, etc.. LIKE MAXINE WATERS SAID – EVERY CHANCE YOU GET – MAKE THEM PAY – MAKE THEM THE 2ND CLASS CITIZEN THAT THEY ARE – ”DO ONTO OTHERS – AS THEY DID TO YOU..” IT IS OUR AMERICA.. and DON’T EVER LET THEM FORGET IT..

  16. Dear Truckers,
    Please forgive me for my trespasses / speeding past you with a grumpy attitude instead of slowing down to be alongside you and honk, so you could see a humble smile on my face / and my hand waving to thank you!!!
    Am humbled and blessed by all your endless miles of service.
    Praying for you and your families
    during these difficult times that I believe our almighty and loving
    God will deliver us!!!

    1. Yes, I know I have not used good judgment when on the roads with the trackers. Please forgive me because I know trackers have a dangerous job and need to have more respect from the public.God bless you all and your families.

  17. Pennsylvania Voters are Stupid!
    Biden goes to Scranton, and tells everybody in Pennsylvania, that he’s a Scranton boy, even though he left there at the age of 9!
    Then he tells everybody he understands the problems of the working Middle Class!
    After he’s done his Lying, he goes home to his 10 million dollar mansion, with a very expensive exclusive basement, and on the way, he passes the 6 million dollar mansion he owns, but rents out for 20 thousand dollars a month!

    The Voters in Pennsylvania, are Suckers and Stupid, if they think they’re voting for a working class former resident!
    What they are, are Dumb!

  18. Fellow Americans Biden will stop fracking and you won’t even know it until it’s too late just like this crazy set up election. God help us all

  19. We are not moving forward. Feels like another four years of Obama era yuck. But worse heading for socialism. Dictatorship. Remember you can’t say merry Christmas You don’t dare disagree with a democratic. You better start praying. Out loud.

    1. It will be a thousand times worse than the eight horrendous years under the Trojan horse and his Communist backers like soros and the rest of the globalist elites. Our country will be lost forever. I blame the so called education system which has been brainwashing students for over fifty years which is controlled by the corrupt “teachers” union. What is happening now can be laid at their feet. God bless America and pray that President Trump prevails.

    2. It will be a thousand times worse than the eight horrendous years under the Trojan horse and his Communist backers like soros and the rest of the globalist elites. Our country will be lost forever. I blame the so called education system which has been brainwashing students for over fifty years which is controlled by the corrupt “teachers” union. What is happening now can be laid at their feet. God bless America and pray that President Trump prevails. We must boycott all the companies who are supporting this criminal attempt to steal the election.

  20. The democap party are nothing but lying, cheating backstabbers. Just like hitler, stalin, che gueguevara, mussolini and endless other TYRANTS in history. Blm is supported by the crapheads because they have been rewarded by the democraps. It makes me sick that my great-great Grandfather fought in the 10th Ohio to free their enslaved asses. Now they’re owned by the democraps. My relatives fought in many wars to stop tyranny and are turning in their graves because of these assholes are killing this country. I have a feeling there’s going to be another revolutionary war and the dems want to disarm us, so we cannot fight back. That worked for every tyrant in history. God Bless America, God bless Donald J Trump and all who are willing to stand up to these pieces of shi*.

  21. Keep praying!! God said He will bless those who bless His people and President has blessed Israel! God bless the truckers!

  22. Bless all those people who are going to descend in DC…. let this whole gathering be peaceful!!! Ban on fracking and oil and gas industry means BLUE COLLAR America is wiped out!!!! Can you just see these ELITIST DEMOCRATS stocking the shelves and driving the buses and trains….. the entire Service Industry will come to a halt!!!! College education makes you over qualified for these jobs!!! The Truckers should strike for 4 days to show SOROS that his money ain’t buying him Open Society Government!!!!! Go Truckers Go!!!!!

  23. Dems rigged election, take POWER and force there agenda on American people, take away guns, exterminate people who don’t get in line & control everything THE PEOPLE say & do ???


  25. The Democrat/Liberal/Socialist crowd are nothing but pawns of Satan (and/or Soros).! The battle is REAL, Good vs Evil.! But don’t forget in the end Satan gets thrown into the BOTTOMLESS PIT…, FOREVER.!

  26. We must send China Joe and the rest of the America hating DemoCraps to the trash heap of DOOM!

    Go Trump! We will see you back in the White House January 20, 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Thank you Truckers for taking a stand, Now is the time that all Christians and Republicans and others taht want Freedom, Justice, OUR US Constitution, Flag and FAITH to remain FREE to STAND UP and Fight, It is time to show the evil corrupt politicians that we are not longer going to remain quiet. Democrats are corrupt, evil, cover their lies, stealing, and evilness against the Tax Payers of THE USA time to STAND UP WITH Presdient TRUMP may nto always agree with his language, or such but each time he has been proven to be right on. Border wall, illegals, lowered our taxes, and has been making USA stronger , safer, stable, and unity was happening until the democrat’s and anti groups by for by democrats, and media causing problems, doubt in many, that he was the bad one, not the democrat’s who are causing the problem, they have been since Trump was elected as our Presdient with false information created by hilliary, and obama the democrat’s and others went along with it, Nancy and her lies and trying to add things in bills who wants him to Sign, WAKE UP Nancy He actually reads what you write, you are evil you tore up the Speech, you will all pay for the corruption lives your lived and ruined. You could do so much good if you’d wake up, you were elected by the people therefore you work for us,, and if you don’t you should not be paid from our hard earned tax payers money, you are corrupt. May God for give teh Americans for not taking a stand for what is right PRAYER IN SCHOOLS, honest elections, stop the wasteful spending of democrats . Government is to big, to many sub departments within each area. being a politician doesn’t give you the right to buy for what YOU want, but should help the Americans get their needs met, jobs, housing, education etc. May God have Mercy on America and HER Children and Saints in the world. Continue to watch over your chosen people Lord and keep them safe. “Someday EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW DOWN BEFORE THE LORD” One problem democrats have is they can not buy President Trump. I wish he could have 8 more years…………….

  28. I have a message for all the millionaires and billionaires here in America. We have numerous Venezuela millionaires here in Florida, and maybe you should talk to them. One of the first thing socialist government does is “nationalize” businesses. This means that the government takes over and then owns all businesses. Millionaires have all their money confiscated under a “share the wealth” plan. This sounds lovely but the reality is not. The dictator then lives in luxury with his military paid generously. The people starve and are forced to eat anything they can scrounge, including their pets. Why don’t you liberals go there instead of converting America into another Venezuela.

    1. Wish we could pack them all up and transport them there to live in real socialism. They live too well here in America at the expense of American tax payers

  29. Way to go truckers, you all know the election was rigged and please stay on strike until Trump is declared the winner because he did actually win. Thank you truckers and the decent American citizens are with you and back you 100%.

  30. It only takes 3% interference to change the election outcome. one of the most startling statistics that comes out of this election is the amount of ballots that were rejected. An all time low of 0.5% wow,really. This would been lowest voter rejection of all time. The experts say it should never drop below 1.5%. this is just another fact that proves fraud. With the media blackouts and big Tech not wanting us to see the proof. Only proves to me America is lost. They sold us all out. Are American Spirit will show them that America is made by the people for the people not what big Tech and big media wants to spoon feed us. The fight starts now God’s will be done.

  31. I’m 82 year’s young. Raised a demo all my life, fought , marched , picked, for the demo. party. This is no longer the demo party.. We as a nation have been fighting socialism & communism all my life! The communist said thy would destory Us from inside. Our collages are doing just that , & the parents are letting it happen. b with small b biden will send more job’s to china. his greed and his son’s are unstopable. PS every building TRUMP built in NY was built union..

  32. GOD (ooooweeee, libs hate that) bless our American Truckers. We will ‘fix’ Biden’s economy, if he wins, the same way the dems and their buddies in the CCP attempted to destroy the greatest economy ever under President Trump.
    DJT jr/Noem 2024

  33. From someone who was raised as a Democrat. Believe me this is NOT your granddad’s party!!! This is a Communist lead bunch of lying actors. Well puppets is a better term. Look at the fact Hollywood is backing them. Biden will end America as we know it. This is plain and simple. No military. No police. No life. Stand for America now. Remember our military, police and health care workers. Because the Democraps won’t.

  34. While I see a lot of crap, there is the fact that this country didn’t became divided during Trump’s administration, It happened during the Obama/Biden’s administration. Obama was too busy kissing the butts of countries that hate the U.S., because Obama hated this country and expressed it very chance he had. He used the term “racist” more than anyone. And while Obama was busy kissing foreign countries butts, Biden was busy with his corruption and working on deals to only enrich his family and himself, and didn’t give a damn about the American people. Now, we have the possibility that Biden and the Democratic Party fixed the results of an election that would have shown the nation exactly the kind of person is really is, he had his chance to be honest, and is blowing it in the faces of the voters. The modern Democratic Party is just like the original Democratic Party of the 1850’s-1870’s, corrupt and dishonest and very racist. The original Democratic Party was the Party of Jim Crow, the KKK, and anti race bills. Damn, not much different between the old and the new Parties.

    1. Obama never had my vote or my allegiance just because some nuts voted him into office. He acted more like he was a god instead of elected President. He pointed out his distaste for American in every way possible. He did nothing but divide Americans into believing that the blacks were now being treated terribly, that they should be given money because their family members were slaves more maybe 100 years ago. He made sure he and his family were in the front roll of every event held in Washinton, New York. His family was given free trips all over the world ( with two planes to protect him) with the very best accommodations ( which Michelle complained were beneath her standards ) I kept up what Obama was doing and I was not happy with his actions and his attitudes towards Americans of every color. So Biden has had a great teacher and continues the same game plan.

  35. I proudly stand with our great truckers! To the “elite” who think they are all that and a bag of chips we don’t have to have a movie, tv show, music to live so get over yourselves..we do need, want, and appreciate our truckers. How do you think your caviar gets to you? Truckers are rock solid Americans and deserve the respect of us all!

  36. Right on! Truckers got my backing 100%. Realize that the working middle class is what keeps this country running. If we all stick together we can cripple it if need be.

  37. God bless the truckers. Without them the gas pumps run dry, store shelves go empty, and we go hungry.
    Monday my state goes into anither strick lock down for at least 2 weeks. We can go to grocery stores or curb pick up from restaurants. Thats about it.

    1. My family and I pray everyday for our Great America and are so blessed to be a part of the land of freedom and the brave!! I truly believe that God will intervene and in the end, Trump will win the election. When that happens, we can only hope the DEMORATS will return to the Sewers where they need to reside. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

  38. These LIBERAL , SOCIALIST , COMMY ASSWIPES are going to destroy OUR country . They want the POWER and CONTROL , and the dem governors are already starting to tell you what you can and can’t do in your OWN home !!! BELEIVE THIS ,,,,, our vets fought and died to keep this country FREE ,,, they did NOT fight and die for SOCIALISM .

  39. The democrats want us to go to either solar or wind power. Ridiculous. No sun no power. No wind no power. So if it is a cloudy still day no power. And no generator to back us up.

  40. The Biden/Harris will shut the Fracking down in the US at the hands of Kamala Harris and the “The Squad”. This new Green Deal that they are trying to shove down our throats. Joe Biden is nothing but a puppet to other radical democrats. It’s getting to the point where us 70+ million conservatives that wants our country to continue on the path as our founding fathers meant for it to be. Under Biden’s Administration he will millions of people in the unemployment line and drive gas up to $6 or $7 a gallon. Besides that the middle class families will lose thousands of dollars of there yearly income to his tax increases. People that voted for him are naive to the fact or are just plain ignorant. Why would you want to replace a man that has decreased unemployment to a historical all time low and lowered our taxes? This is exactly why the Democrats hates Trump. The Democrats wants a signed blank check where they spend whatever they want. Lastly American citizens will lose under Biden. He will cater to illegals and aliens at the expense of American taxpayers.

  41. Thank you truckers and veterans especially those who fought, not sitting in some office pushing paper like Beto
    America home of the free and land of the brave

  42. It was the large cities that sold us out and voted for joe and the ho, the rural people voted for trump. So hey you truckers- starve out the big cities, no deliveries of anything. We in the country usually are smart enough to have extra food put by. So stop running for a month or two. Starve them out. Maybe jo and the ho will deliver food to them.

  43. I can remember back in 1985 truckers went on strike it was over health insurance for them the strike lasted 24 hours .
    No if the truckers. Go on strike for 4 to six weeks no way in hell Biden and Harris could fix the major problem it would cause truckers deliver all our needs
    God bless our truckers.

  44. Biden and Harris could not exactly say where they were when Campaigning? They drew such LARGE CROWDS, at least 12 0r possibly 20. Some of them were the people that organized their Stops. If you listened carefully there was the same 2 horns blowing when the had that drive up Campaign Rally. if thats how many people showed up then: Who in their RIGHT MIND WOULD ACTUALLY VOTE FOR HIM?? No Substance and absolutely NO REAL PLAN ANY DIFFERENT THAN PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS ALREADY ENACTED!

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