Tucker Carlson Reveals that the Democrats are Not Worried about 2024 Because They Plan to Steal It Again

Since his departure from Fox News, Tucker Carlson has effectively had his muzzle removed and has been absolutely exposing how corrupt the system really is!

That’s exactly what he did in this video,, where you can see him reveal that the Democrats KNOW they’re going to steal the 2024 election – which is why they’re not worried about old Joe Biden!

Carlson noted that even as the evidence continues to mount against Joe and his family of criminals, revealing that they likely committed treason against America, the Democrats don’t seem to be concerned one bit!

“…So a whistleblower produces a text message showing that Joe Biden was in the room with his son when his son was selling influence to an enemy power. The Chinese government and ABC’s take on it. Joe Biden is a father first, take it or leave it. What accounts for a response like that?” Tucker asked rhetorically.


He continues, “Well, that’s the way you talk when you’ve got nothing to fear from an upcoming presidential election!”

Carlson goes on to say very plainly that the Democrats intend to rig it again – just like in 2020.

“You don’t even bother to think of an excuse for your candidate because you don’t need to. Your country has electronic voting machines. Joe Biden got 81,282,916 votes in 2020, and you’re pretty sure he can do it again. In fact, you know he can. You’re not worried.”

Watch the video here to see Tucker’s powerful warning!

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42 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson Reveals that the Democrats are Not Worried about 2024 Because They Plan to Steal It Again”

    1. It’s amazing how anyone can support the Democratic Party knowing how corrupt it has become!

      1. Many don’t and the fix is in the manipulation of voter machine switching votes and MULES stuffing the street corner Ballot Box’s that Zuckuberg paid for to steal an election in cahoots with the Democ RATS!

  1. Lord I hope not! If they do this country is going to He’ll in a hand basket! I’ve already lost everything I accumulated and then some! Biden inflation sux. I’ve got nothing left but Social Security and that is a joke for paying for your bills and existing.

    Jack A Edwards

    1. This country has been traveling down the broad road of destruction for well over the last one-hundred years or more with a government and people who have been cheating, lying, stealing and killing to enrich themselves, cursing and blaspheming God, and rejecting His teachings of righteousness and holiness…
      Since the mid-1980s, God has been sending His warnings that the United States will be destroyed by a nuclear attack coming from China, Russia, and possibly one other country.
      God is about to save the born-again Christians in the blink of an eye; however, He will not save such a wicked government and people who has slaughtered 70 million of the most innocent of all life in the womb of their mothers, nor will God save those who have embraced the sins for which God allowed the destruction of the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, and their three surrounding suburbs, nor will God save those who has rejected His gift of salvation through Christ Jesus.
      There is none so good who do not need God’s forgiveness, and there is none so wicked who cannot receive God’s forgiveness.

      1. Just one correction to your statement that I agree with wholeheartedly. The five confederate cities of which Sodom and Gomorrah were a part, were not all destroyed. When Abraham spoke with God, pleading for 50, 45, 40, 30, 20 even 10; he was thinking about Lot (his family). Told to flee to the mountains Lot begged to be allowed to enter Zoar, the fifth and smallest of the cities. That is where Lot was when destruction came and his wife turned to salt. In God’s great mercy, asked if he would spare all for the sake of 50, 45,… just 10 He said he would. He even went beyond that and preserved Zoar for the sake of three. Destruction came and that included those in the other two, Admah and Zeboiim who were confederate with Sodom and Gomorrah (que sera sera shall we say). But the presence of even the least likely of Christians in a society (righteous Lot) brings God’s protection. Always remember, God is Holy and Righteous and MUST punish sin. Don’t confuse His longsuffering however with endorsement of sin. The world is being prepared for believing the lies that are going to be used to explain away God’s hand in the last days that we are watching happen before our eyes.

        1. I would like to add to your comments
          Biden and his family,Pelois,Garland,Harris, Mayorkas, Wray, Clinton’s, Obama DOJ, IRS,Omar,AOC,BLM, Antifa,etc,etc,etc. List goes on! Not for anything in the world would I want to be in their shoes! Wait til they meet their MAKER! They don’t know HIM but He knows them! It has been said that money is the root of all evil. Want to know what God thinks of money? Look at the people He gave it to!!! They will answer to Him whether they like or not. God know everything about them , everything they did and said in their life! It isn’t going to be pretty and it’s not going to end well!!! They will be the LOSERS in the end! And it will be a sad ending!!!

  2. If Republicans don’t vote, they just through in the towel, then yes, the Democrats will win. Giving up is not fighting.
    We need to vote Trump back with a vengeance or our county will not survive another Biden regime.
    There is a lot of research out there from credible sources that indicate pretty strongly in favor of getting Trump back in control of our great USA.

    1. If President Trump doesn’t win, we are done as a free nation, regardless of who else may win. President Trump is the only one who will do everything he can to save us/US and keep his promises.

    2. I couldn’t agree with you more. Biden is just a figurehead controlled by the corrupt members in Congress. We need President Trump back in power to drain the SWAMP, thus making our Country GREAT AGAIN.

      1. Biden IS just a figurehead. He reads the cue cards and obeys without question. He has the temperament of a man whose brain has suffered synapse-relapse and because he has no power, he lashes out instead to PRETEND he has power. No, the real puppet Master is well known and a trained Socialist and “community organizer” that can whip a crowd to believe anything and everything, as he is the “New Messiah”…otherwise known a Barak Hussein Obama…mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, the then head of the American Communist Party and lower down Bill Ayers and Geo Soros provided guidance to perdition. Their plans are great for the elite group, and bad for the Country/World. His velvet toned voice in Preacher cadence is an asset he uses without thought to others personal calamity put upon [US]…Trump will be President of a Bankrupt Socialist Society where freedom will be a memory and unitive will be at the point of a gun, along with a managed monetary system which will guarantee subsistence by hastening of death.

    3. Yes, we need to vote Trump back in Biden,Harris and the Dems. are destroying this country. We are going to be a communist country if we don’t get rid of them.

  3. Why aren’t Republicans changing the voting rules and make sure they have personnel validate the election process with volunteer persons. Allow NO mail in ballots unless ballots are to be certified prior to mailing.

    1. Because half the republicans are aligned with the democrats and they are republicans in name only. They don’t care about what’s best for the American people! They just care about power and staying in office.

  4. Every ballot should legally have to be signed by the voter, and the signature be validated with a legally recognized photo identification like a valid driver’s license.
    All ballots should have to be stored for at least a period of two years , so those ballots can be verified by voters if necessary.
    There is no reason for any ballot to not have the identity of the voter on the ballot.

    1. I live in Florida. I am a registered voter. Every time I voted I had to show my license and sign in. My concern is how the Biden Administration is supplying the illegals flooding into our Country and handing them photo I.D. cards so they can vote for him again. This Administration is so Corrupt and they are just worried about themselves not the American people or our Country.

  5. What Tucker said is a huge possibility! First of all. the 2020 Election was RADICALLY STOLEN WITH FUNDING FROM GEORGE SOROS along with other high end progressive donors! Soros is doing his damndest to turn America ?? not a SOCIALISTIC COUNTRY so he can reap the benefits once America implodes and bankrupts itself which is coming quickly!
    Our Fed Govt is running in the RED ? with MEGA DEBT until someone decides to call on our debt, then what? We default.
    Tucker is right. Unless Republicans FORCE THE CLEAN UP OF EVERY STATE’S VOTER DATABASES so no dead people nor criminals can be used to influence the vote, the Dems will win again. Yes, it comes down to that plus NO mail-in ballots that can be supposedly lost or destroyed! THERE IS A DEADLY FORCE AT WORK TODAY IN OUR NATION that wants to steal America’s
    ??FREEDOM??! If Republicans do not follow through on keeping our Presidential Election truthful without leftist corruption, AMERICA WILL FALL INTO THE HANDS OF POWER HUNGRY PEOPLE ONLY INTERESTED IN FILLING THEIR POCKETS W/GOLD — they do NOT give a crap about how you live/survive or if America succeeds and/or protects her citizens. America will be a see as a tool to accomplish their end of creating a SOCIALISTIC WORLD BEING RUN BY THEM — NO FREEDOM IF CHOICE, JUST FOLLOW THE GOVT RULES OR SUFFER JAILTIME.
    FYI: Every country in the World that attempted Socialism (convinced by George Soros) has COLLAPSED INTO BANKRUPTCY! Because the Fed Govt couldn’t pay for living expenses, Medical Expenses, Provide Jobs to its citizenry, etc. Eventually, the money ran out and the entire Country collapsed. “THIS” is how Soros made his billions of dollars— destroying Countries! That’s why he is called the “Nation Killer”!
    Americans, the DemonCraps are being manipulated by the Soros family — Alex, George’s son, has already met with multiple Administration members — for what reason? What does the son of THE NATION KILLER doing speaking to people in our Federal Government? There is a PLOT forming involving Alex/Soros Family and our 2024 Election! Find out what was discussed between that little weasel and our Government and you’ll find out the “what” and “why” Liberals do NOT WANT PRESIDENT TRUMP back in office nor any other Conservative opponent! SOCIALISM — the Destroyer of Nations — is what they have on their agendas!! Do RESEARCH, deep dive research and expose the real truths behind the STOLEN ELECTIONS — S O C I A L I S M !!

    1. Sorry about the “auto-correct” feature on my phone! It sucks! I turn it off and magically it is back on. Please forgive what looks like typos — it is not! PITA Auto-Correct!!

    2. I couldn’t agree with you more! And they say ( the pathetic Democrats) that the 2020 election was fair? You know what’s going to happen if they steal the 2024 election? I’ll tell what I will leave it to your imagination!!!

  6. Every voter in every state must present a photo ID and have signature compared with the signature of the registration. Also we need to have people at every voting station to watch to make sure only legitimate votes are counted.

    1. micala and Sandra It’s the computers that are used to change votes! Stop all usage of computers and the internet. The internet is poison. Worst thing that has happened to this world. O-Biden is already re-elected. Mark my words, he has this country destroyed. We cannot stand another 8-12 years of pedophile and queer ruling. We are already a world disgrace because of pedos and queers. No Buttgig, God, your creator DID NOT make you a queer. You chose to be weak and let Satan rule your thinking. Our country is gone. Democrat GREED did it!!

  7. To defeat Biden we all must form grassroots groups to reach out and counter all the media lies about Donald Trump. We cannot sit at home. Start now!!!



    1. I couldn’t agree with you more! And they say ( the pathetic Democrats) that the 2020 election was fair? You know what’s going to happen if they steal the 2024 election? I’ll tell what I will leave it to your imagination!!! The Democrats have know idea what they are in for if they steal the election. 2020 just made us smarter!!!

  8. I know a young woman with children who was told she could not vote because she had already voted. She told them that she had not voted, but they still would not let her vote. So, she went to the county administrator, and she was then allowed to vote. I just wonder how many other times this happened to people who did not know what to do?

    1. No one can be a Poll worker when it comes time to vote without being “trained.” However, did they understand what they were learning? Can they read? Can they count? All votes are taken back to county clerk’s office & counted, long into the night & sometimes am.
      I can, from experience, see 3 flaws.
      1)All city, towns, village clerks MUST,MUST, clean up the voter registration lists to remove deceased persons.
      2)checking social security numbers-some Dems believe that the numbers are recycled!!!!!
      3)Mail in ballots: if a mail person is dishonest, as we have been told in the past, anything can happen to the ballots.
      So–what about your disabled people who cannot get around, who should pick up their absentee ballots.?
      Same thing with institutionalized persons who are capable of voting?
      Some one who is bonded, trusted, can we, the American people trust anyone anymore?

  9. When you are a Democrat you can’t see past the end of your nose far enough to see the hypocrisy your own party all about. Maybe if they would only wise up and stop listening to the Democrat propaganda news media that has them brain washed they might just might see what their party is all about. “Wise Democrats wise the hell up”.

  10. Research history of Dominion voting machines – Note who is on the board – our elections do not
    appear to be honest PERIOD

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