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Tim Scott Leaves Crazy Left-Wing Racists Over at the View SPEECHLESS With Big Time Response to “Gotcha Question”

The radical leftists over at the view do everything in their power to perpetuate the lie that America is systemically racist against Black Americans and other minorities – but Republican Senator Tim Scott left them speechless when he SHUT DOWN their latest efforts to spread that nonsense!

The senator (who is black) appeared on the extremist show after the hosts had made several racist comments about him specifically.

During that appearance, Co-Host Sunny Hostin pressed Scott to define “systemic racism” or if he “even believes it exists.”

Scott responded by asserting that this was actually one of the reasons he came on the show.


He points out that the comments they have been making “show that the only way for a young African American kid to be successfully in this country is to be the exception and not the rule” which he notes is certainly not the case, reminding them that America has had a black President!

“That is a dangerous, offensive, disgusting message to send to our young people today, that the only way to succeed is by being the exception … I’m gonna suggest the fact of the matter is that progress in America is palpable.”

But the view and its Democrat hosts would much rather continue to spread the false narrative of a racist America simply because they want to keep minorities down and voting BLUE!

The left uses minority groups to stay in power and their buddies in the media help by convincing minorities that they are somehow less capable than white Americans,  suggesting they NEED the Democrats’ help to get ahead – but it’s all just a massive lie!

Watch the video here to see how Scott shut down these left-wing puppets!

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5 thoughts on “Tim Scott Leaves Crazy Left-Wing Racists Over at the View SPEECHLESS With Big Time Response to “Gotcha Question””

  1. Thanks Tim, it is about time some one shut those stupid -itches down. But they are so stupid they don’t know where to shut their mouths.

    1. I agree, sending the world the message that all white people are evil, and blacks don’t have a chance in this country is the biggest lie that this regime lives on, and I am glad that Tim Scott called them out on it.

      1. I agree!! One thing I really would like to see end, is saying a black person is African American. What this says to me is, this person is black. I would rather hear this person called an American. Who cares if he or she is black, a mexican, Italian or what ever. All I care about is if this person is an American.

  2. I always ask myself who are the stupid twats who watch that garbage show? I also nail those bitches on Twitter regularly. I tweeted Sunny and asked her this:
    The NBA & NFL players are 80-85% Black, is that racist or maybe that word you liberals hate, merit based?

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