It’s fair to say that by now Republicans have MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence to impeach crooked Joe Biden, but there is one major obstacle standing in their way – the Senate.
Proof has been uncovered that Joe Biden received bribes from foreign nationals and helped to facilitate shady business deals for his family while lying about all of it.
Donald Trump was impeached for FAR LESS by radicalized Democrats who wanted him gone, but for some reason Republicans have been completely dragging their feet.
While the GOP does hold a strong enough majority to impeach Joe Biden in the House of Representatives, they face a serious roadblock in the US Senate where Democrats have a slim majority.
Even some of the Republicans in the Senate like RINO Mitch McConnell, are old friends of Joe Biden and would likely not get behind his impeachment, even if it is the right thing to do for the country.
This means that any Biden impeachment effort as it stands would be dead on arrival in the Senate and the move would be merely theatrical, similar to the what the Democrats did against Trump while he was president – except in this case there’s real evidence.
Watch the video here to see how the Democrat controlled Senate is the only thing letting Joe Biden continue his planned destruction of America!
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Nothing will happen to the corrupt Biden’s, they don’t go by the same laws that we the people are forced to go by.
Two-tiered justice system at its worst. Propping up the criminals and indicting the innocent.
This is exactly why every last Democrat should be voted out of office. They all know that Josephine Robinette is a crook but they choose to ignore the FACTS. We don’t need these kinds of people running our government.
A major holdup for now is that evil Hitlerite/Communist/criminal/traitor/liar/warmonger/foreign agent Jokementia Bribery would be replaced by evil clueless KamalToe Harris who banged her way up through politics via the nefarious Willy Brown and created bail funds for BLM criminals!
Joetato’s best insurance against impeachment is Commala Harris!