The Rock for President in 2024? He Has a Shot, Here’s Why

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as president for 2024? It’s a real possibility according to some pundits. And the reason is one you might agree with: he could unite the left and the right and restore civility to America.

The real question is whether voters would go for it? Joe Biden will be 82 years old if he chooses to run again in 2024. Vice President Kamala is so disliked, it would be stupid for Democrats to nominate either. But what about an outsider Democrat like The Rock?

The Rock has said he is a Democrat in past interviews so he’d satisfy leftists.  Independents could go along with him just based on his popular films. With even a bit of Republican slide over toward the celebrity status factor, then maybe he’s the guy.

Pundits like Joe Rogan have argued America needs someone so famous that people would agree. Whether it’s his positive attitude, the big movies he’s been in or his massive social media following, maybe he could pull it off.


The concern is what would he do? What will anyone do? Politics have been more about masks than real policy for the past two years.

It’s a controversial view, but maybe there’s more truth to it than we’d like to admit. If a Moana actor and former pro wrestler is the best way forward, should we really consider it?

Take a view and see if you agree with his take in the latest from “Breaking Points.”

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38 thoughts on “The Rock for President in 2024? He Has a Shot, Here’s Why”

    1. I wouldn’t vote for a democrat no matter what package it was in. After what they have done to America in just one year, none of them are qualified! He should just keep making movies.

  1. Have y’all lost your gnikcuf minds? That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I’ve heard in 1.1 years and we are all stupider having read this drivel.

  2. Hey people, this not funny when you consider the indoctrination in the education system and the entitled generation and believe these video group generation are not connected to reality . There is a quote author unknown to me ” The philosophy of one generation becomes the politics of the next ” , here is the answer to many of todays problem

  3. You’ve got to be kidding me!! Yes, he’s a good actor but to become the president!!??? I believe that we need another business man or woman in the oval office!! I’d vote for Elon Musk before any Hollywood degenerate!!!!

  4. Johnson is a Liberal. He is in with the Hollywood fakes phonies & weirdos. He wont bring anyone together because he is in the Demonrats back pockets. He is an entertainer, hasn’t shown much true patriotism, a concern for the Jan 6th political prisoners, their treatment etc. He has been silent on the demonrat demise of the USA, so if he isn’t against it he’s for it.

  5. who comes up with this crazy idea that a movie actor that’s paid millions to ACT can run a democracy that real americans fought and died for ? My ancestors came to America in the 1600’s to get away from the horrible conditions created by the ruling class of Europe with the promise of a free society, prosperity and 40 acres of land to provide food and growth of this Great nation. My ancestors also fought and died to protect this freedom from greedy barons and “political” ideas that only served themselves. this nation deserves more than an ACTOR for our country,that I love, to survive.

    1. The demoncrats are desperate! They have no one to run. They ran Joe thinking people would see him as “old Uncle Joe” instead of all the other drooling Communists in that party.
      They don’t have any qualified members. They pick candidates by skin color and gender. Qualified is not in their language. They don’t care if their nominee can actually run the country, Therefore they have to cheat in elections.


  7. First Reagan now ” The Rock ” ok what’s next? Throw out the 14th Amendment and Elect Arnold Schwarzenegger? Who knows with as screwed up the country is now, Even the Chimp from Reagans movies would do a better job

    1. President Reagan was one of the best presidents we’ve ever had. Visit his Presidential Library some day and learn what a fabulous job he did. You might change your tune

    2. President Reagan was an exception. He was smart and loved the country. The best President. Trump also was the best President. He was really making America Great but Nancy and her cult couldn’t have that happen. President Trump is a business Man and is very qualified. He was keeping every campaign promise he made. That infuriated Nancy and her cult. How could she ever take over the Country with Communism with Trump In her way? Make up lies to impeach him that’s how! And if there’s one thing the democrats are good at its lying. Very qualified liars and cheaters.

  8. The dems would probably like to nominate PeeWee Herman. That seems like someone who could run with all their stupid ideas.

    1. The sad shame of it all Chris, is that PeeWee would more than likely be a much better fit than Brandon.

      1. Pee We Was a Child Molesting Pervert
        And The Rock is an Actor Not a Politician for The American People At. Least Donald Trump Cares About all of The US
        Citizens. He is Our True President
        Not Sleepy Joe Biden Who wants WW3
        To Happen Wake Up America

  9. Why would anyone vote for anyone who’s whole life is about showmanship and following a script written by the low life’s in Hollywood.

  10. Come on! My fellow citizens! Get serious, our nation is on the brink of a nuclear Holocaust ! We don’t know, but many of us believe that our “bonkers” President will just hide in his bomb shelter as Russia, China. and North Korea rain every square mile of the USA with nukes. The Biden’s, led by their Dope addict son, Hunter, “Dr” (baloney) Jill
    and our moron President (play with himself) Joey Biden, isn’t capable of deciding anything under stress – won’t do a thing. Of course Black Lives Matter wanted this all to happen. The majority of Blacks in our nation want it destroyed, burned to the ground and everything – every blade of grass, every person and animal dead. May GOD help us, but somehow I don’t think he WILL.

  11. The Rock’s lack of stated positions on anything other than his support for pervert/crook Biden demonstrates that he’s be nothing but a tool for the Democrat puppeteers who’d make him no different than Biden himself. His possible candidacy shows how desperate the Dems have become in their quest for perpetual political power. Everybody likes Tom Hanks, too, but his appearance in Biden’s campaign ads recently again, demonstrate how low the Dems are willing to stoop to insure their electoral supremacy. Unfortunately, Hanks and the the rest of the Dem elites in Hollywood can’t erase $5 a gallon gas, the crisis at the border and 9.2% inflation with more to disaster to come. They’re all immune from most economic woes that the rest of us all have to live with as they’re all multi-millionaires. What they fail to understand is once the Dems have wrecked the economy and the country, who do they think the Dems will run to in order to fund their sky-blue social programs and all the other crap they consistently bury in every bill proposed in Congress. That’s right Duane and Tom, it’s YOU!

  12. No way in Hell, If he ran Independent, American Patriot or GOP but NO way as a DemonCrat Done with those Demonic Bastards

  13. There are a few democRATs that are trying desparately to not look like democRATs… They include Sinema and Kelly of Arizona. Vote NO for ANY democRAT!

  14. I don’t care whether he’s “famous” or “infamous” – does he love the country; does he have a brain; has he read the constitution and does he understand it; does he understand why there are 3 branches of government and what each is responsible for; does he know that governing by Executive Orders is weakness – and Executive Orders apply ONLY to the Administrative Branch of government and not to the general populace; does he know what a man is; does he know what a woman is; will he work really, really hard; is he a leader – can he pull people together or will he divide us further; is he willing to accept the responsibility – not blame everyone and everything else for his failures (and, since he cannot be perfect, he will have some); is he a crook; is he honest to his core; would he work for NOTHING as Trump did or will he be in it for insider information and influence peddling, getting rich far beyond where he could possibly be on his salary when he leaves office; will he hire, if he can, the very best people in every field to run administrative agencies, or be appointed to the judicial branch of our government; or, will he choose his employees based on the amount of melanin in their skin and their sexual orientation; will he support our allies; will he be strong when nearly every American and foreigner are attacking him personally for things like, “He has no hair;” will he care more about AMERICAN citizens than illegals; will he work to close the borders to anyone who has communicable diseases, is carrying fentanyl or other deadly drugs, has a criminal history and/or is human trafficking, or coming to kill Americans, rather than to work to make the country better; in short, will he vet those who want to come here; will he support small businesses; will he support children learning what they must learn to compete in a world economy and forget about critical race theory that pits Whites against everyone else and vice versa and Gender identity that plants ideas into children’s heads in yet another attempt to reduce the birth rate among the middle and lower classes; will he respect human life; will he encourage parents to be involved in their children’s education – or treat them like domestic terrorists; will he fund the police and put criminals behind bars in accordance with our laws; will he make us energy-independent again; will he put America and its citizens first; will he act as a steward for all property owned by the U.S. taxpayers – real and personal, or will he give billions of dollars worth of military equipment to our enemies and run like a coward; will he show the world that America is not aggressive, but is strong enough to deter any attack on the country or its allies, or will he hide in the basement; will he ensure that our military is ready to defend us and our allies against aggressors; will he ensure that all laws are administered impartially – not pick and choose those that he wants to enforce and ignore those he doesn’t like; will he ensure that any tax system is administered fairly and that those he perceives are his enemies will be treated like everyone else; will he care that American families have sufficient income to put food on the table and keep government as small as possible to accomplish what government is supposed to do, reducing taxes to the bare minimum to accomplish that goal; will he work to bring jobs and production to the United States and not drive corporations to other countries because of high taxes and over-regulation of them; will he ensure that trade agreements are reciprocal and fair; will he support agriculture so that America can produce food for Americans and the rest of the world; will he serve and protect veterans, seniors, children, the handicapped – those who are vulnerable; will he safeguard the environment without putting Americans out of work and while working to make clean energy affordable for all Americans; will he stand for individual freedom; will he realize the socialism (a euphemism for communism) and communism are a bane on man’s existence and will reduce all of us to poverty and slavery? I am sure I could think of more important qualifications for a POTUS, but these things are on the tip of my tongue. I want a POTUS who will do all of the above and I want Americans to educate themselves so that they understand why all of these things are important, not to just to those living to day, but to future generations. I think many Americans need to understand far more about economics, mathematics, history, politics, government. We live in a country where information (except on social media where it is censored) is available in print in books and libraries, and on the internet. We all have a duty to continue to educate ourselves throughout our lives; there is really no excuse to remain ignorant – or to get all of your information from one biased source; look for other opinions and use your God-given common sense to decide what you believe. Democracy cannot survive with an uneducated populace. I am very afraid that too many Americans have chosen to remain ignorant. If you are too lazy to learn for yourself, do it for your children and grandchildren. Their standard of living, as well as yours and that of all Americans depend upon it.

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