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The Colorado Shooter Doesn’t Fit the Media’s Anti-White Male Shooter Narrative So They Turn to Gun Control Debate

So a white guy shot and killed 10 people outside of a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store that included the death of one police officer. The tragedy was immediately a “crazy white guy” story in the media.

But there’s only one problem. The shooter wasn’t white. Ends up the shooter was Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa, a 21-year-old Syrian born man. Hmmm?

The actual story is a Muslim background immigrant known by the FBI and with mental health issues was the trigger man. The media could have addressed mental health or immigration or potential terrorism, but all the media proclaimed was a white guy mass shooter account.



Of course, the left, including President Biden, once they realized the shooter wasn’t a white male and the shooting no longer fit their narrative immediately pivoted to defending his desire for banning assault rifles and high capacity magazines. The left didn’t even apologize for what they said about white males. Before we go trampling on the Second Amendment, it would be nice to determine what really happened.

The media seems to pick a story they like and go with it. The growing attitude seems to be, “Don’t confuse me with the facts. I have my mind made up already.”

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11 thoughts on “The Colorado Shooter Doesn’t Fit the Media’s Anti-White Male Shooter Narrative So They Turn to Gun Control Debate”

  1. Just like the children they are when caught they try twisting the story to make excuses. The Demonrat party is full of nothing but hot air and lies.

    1. Check out C0NVENTl0N 0F STATES.C0M – S0LVE the PR0BLEM IegaIIy with term LlMlTS, baIanced budget, & restrictions on fed G0VT over-reach of states rights. ST0P KlNG J0ERGE and say bye-bye to PEL0Sl & C0 and the MSM narrative.

      Very sorry to the families of the victims of this tragedy. And also regrettable that the MSM immediately jumped to their one-sided narrative.

    2. Can WE the PEOPLE bring sedition and or treasonous charges against those elected in DC who with words and deeds are doing their best to destroy this REPUBLIC???????

  2. I don’t understand. This low life executes 9 US Citizens and there is no way he gets the death penalty. Americans are going to spend 30k a year or more to keep this piece of crap alive. If he lives 50 years we will have wasted 1.5 million dollars. That waste of money would feed many American homeless people. Why would we waste our money. How about paying off our debt. What a novel idea!

    1. 100% on target. Also consider the wasted attorney fees, media costs, and cost of public minds watching this tragedy reviewed countless times! There is no defense , pictures , witnesses, this poor animal needs be executed. He destroyed some beautiful people and their families lives! Where is the justice here?
      My condolences to the families and friends!

  3. If the cops had shot him dead, then the progressives would have said it was a racist killing of a person of color.

  4. Trying to blame whites for this crime just adds another notch on the never ending long list of mistakes and bad deeds being committed by Biden and his cartel of phony Americans.
    Condolences to the families that lost loved ones.

  5. He’s an Isis want a b terrorist that the main stream, law enforcement, & government don’t want to admit to.

  6. Just think of all the sleeper cells already here in America because of Democrat policies towards letting Muslims into the country.
    If you don’t think they will turn on you the first time allllllllaaaaa call’s on them too, then your part of the problem. All us infidel’s must die according to some pedifile way back in history.

  7. DEMOCOMMIES HAVE OWNED RACISM since Nathan Bedford Forrest formed the KKK. DEMOCRAT. All “Jim Crow law was written by DEMOCRATS. John Wilkes Booth WAS A DEMOCOMMIE. KKK Members of congress were democrats. I DESPISE ALL DEMOCRATS AND ALWAYS WILL. A vote for a G@#DAM@D DEMOCOMMIE IS ANTI AMERICAN PRINCIPLES AND A VOTE FOR SATAN, Moa, Stalin and Hitler..

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