Teachers Across America are Kicking Trump Supporting Students Out of their Online Classrooms

The indoctrination of America starts in the classroom. The leftists have been trying to groom our kids to their ideologies for generations. When they took God out of schools, it was supposed to be about equality. Really, it was a test. If they can remove God, what can they put in His place?

Socialism and communism are what they have chosen, and this runs deep through the veins of our entire education system. In colleges, the very notions of the Socratic method and reasoned discourse have been dissolved. New teachers who are educated in those colleges never learn how to exchange ideas. Instead, they learn intolerance and hate for anything they deem out of place.

Scour the headlines. Try to find a single example of a child being kicked out of class for supporting Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders. It won’t happen. But, you’ll find countless examples of that happening to kids who support President Trump. It’s entirely one-sided, and you know why. They’re trying to indoctrinate our children.


This video provides multiple examples. It’s important that you understand that this is happening all over the country. This has always been the goal. The left, that controls education across the country, is moving us into dystopia. You can embrace the horror that you feel. This can’t have a happy ending. The left is removing our ability to resist them peacefully.

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55 thoughts on “Teachers Across America are Kicking Trump Supporting Students Out of their Online Classrooms”

  1. Where did they get that right to kick kids out because of who they support politically? There should be a law suit and those teachers responsible for this need to pay big time. NOT the school unless they are complicit but the teacher him or her self.

    WE still have free speech in this country and are entitled to use it.

    1. That’s discrimination!! I think they have a case and shld pursue it!! What if one of the students had had a Biden flag in their bedroom? That’s her personal PRIVATE property! This is getting utterly ridiculous! Treating students this way is absurd ?

    2. I totally agree they have the right to be on as these teachers do they have no right to do that they want them to learn to Democrats spew hatred all over the country and turn them away from there way of thinking ? how can they do that

    3. Freedom of speech Is still the law of the land. If flag burning is a legal expression then wearing a Maga hat or verbally supporting the president is definitely protected speach. But wearing or flying something to support Trump isn’t very protected in public places.

    4. We need to shut down all financial backing and the teachers involved should not be paid but should be fired. If they continue they are going to start a civil war they won’t survive

      1. School boards need to fire or at least terminate the teacher’s salary, pending a cease and decist order. Failure to follow up makes the board and municipality vulnerable to a civil rights lawsuit- ending in at least hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    5. Thinking about it, why did we let the removal of the Pledge of Alligiance happen? Why did we let some other true American values be lost? We, as a country need to unite and get back to being the great country that we can be! ??

    6. we DO NOT HIRE TEACHERS to give our kids their opinion of politiciaj matters. KEEP it OUT OF THE CLASSROOM, period, any teacher thar pulls this stunt should be FITED ON THE SPOT, PERTOD….

  2. We the People, must start too get involved with these left minded teachers and either remove them or stop them from not teaching the facts of our history and our customs of the United States of America ! We must and should teach these children our true history, the good and the bad, just the truth without slanted versions . Yes , we made mistakes, but the United States is a experiment that the rest of the World, doesn’t have, and everyone from the rest of the World is fighting too come here, for our Freedoms, non-racist idealologies and too live with “Freedoms”, they don’t have and never will have the “Constitution and our Bill of Rights” ! We must teach our children, the importance of our “Founding Fathers” reason’s that made the USA, what we are today and strive too be, and that is a “Free Society , where Liberties are not taken for Granted and not for these Leftist Politicians and Educational Teachers too indoctrinate , but too actually educate our children “Truths” and not twist and lie about our “History” and that our Countries Freedoms are based on “God Given Rights” and not “Political Rights” !!!!!

    1. Very well stated, Mike!
      I just turned 78 & can hardly believe the Nation we now live in, compared to when I was growing up in rural Northern L.P. Michigan. We said the Pledge every day & some of the teachers even had prayer every day at the start of the day. Prayer was not required, but was freely welcomed!
      Oh how sad it has become that this Nation is so horribly divided, with double standards absolutely everywhere.
      God forgive our sin & heal our Land.
      2 Chron. 7:13-15

    2. If you think about it there’s a whole “chain of command” that should be making sure that American history and American values are properly taught. If it isn’t there are individuals who check on the teacher to make sure this is done properly. Department heads, Asst. Administrators, Head Administrator / Principal and District Administrators. All of those mentioned should be held responsible for the curriculum being in place and taught properly!

      1. Start with proper direction ftom the very top, then there is no shirking responsibility. Rember, shit runs downhill.

    3. Mike- you are absolutely right on the money with your post. America has far too many people voting who are not voting for what is best for our country but are making voting a popularity contest. They’re not thinking who will do what is best for our country but I don’t like him so I’ll vote for his competition! What a shame! The silent majority needs to step up and not be silent any more. ??

  3. I am a rarity–a conservative public school teacher. I teach English. In the virtual world, I leave their microphones on and give them the ability to type in the chat line, and if a dialogue starts about politics, I remind them we’re studying grammar right now. I tell them they can discuss politics all they want in Civics class. If they continue I tell them I’ll shut down the chat line. I don’t care if they support Biden or the president, and they don’t know and I don’t tell them who I support. Business is business.

    1. You are in the minority. The majority have taken a hard left stance from grammar school thur college. Our educators our brainwashing our children. The racial divide is a product of their teaching. A balanced education is every childs right.

    2. Keep up the good work and keep fighting the fight. It seems education is no longer about critical thinking and evaluation.
      We need more honesty in the education, (not indoctrination and propaganda) from preschool to university.

  4. What a surprise and shame that Facebook is blocking me from sharing this story! Talk about being sensor editing! This is a violation of my right and anyone else’s right of free speech. We the people must be heard and our government needs to shut Facebook down once and for all!

  5. AMEN In college a teacher of English was teaching political science, and he was right no matter what.
    One of the homework assignments write about something you believe in and why. It must be 3 pages and footnoted. I wrote about the Death and Resurrection of Christ. It was more than 3 pages. He graded my paper as a myth and I failed his class as I did not do the assignment he asked for. I made a trip to my counselor, she read it and showed it to 5 other teachers and staff within the college, all would have graded me with an A or AA+ yes double AA+. The counselor was spoken too, he gave me a D-. Two days he was talking about FROGS and and that there was only one species of frogs in the world. Again I raised my hand and made a comment about an article i had just read in readers digest article that there were over 25 species of frogs, I asked should i write READER’S DIGEST ABOUT THERE ARTICLE OF THERE WERE OVER 25 SPICES and let them know they were wrong. HE TOLD ME i JUST FAILED HIS CLASS AS I WAS QUESTION HIM ABOUT HIS STATEMENT. I went to our student counselor once again and informed me he said i failed his class as i was questioning his statement. Also I felt he was not teaching English and this is wrong.. Also that one doesn’t have to attend his class to get an A nor do homework, all you have to do there is sit and agree with him. I felt this is wrong and not what i paid for or the taxpayers money should pay for, and that trying to brainwash someone is wrong. This isn’t right. She just smiled and said if i didn’t like his attitude and mannerism to write a partition and get 50 people’s signatures by next Friday. I wrote the statement and began passing it around and before the first day ending i had 200 as people were seeking me out to sign it. By the Friday I had well over 500 signatures, I continued going to his class and he wouldn’t look at me, cross over hallway if he saw me and wouldn’t take my homework. Which i also told counselor. Three weeks later we were to graduate, and i didn’t know he had been chosen by the staff to do the commence speech, on the night of graduation it was announced that Mr. XXXX had retired and unable to do the commenance speech due to health. Later in talking with the counselor she told he he had been fired without severance pay, and never will be allowed to teach in the five state region, and that he had to go back and correct all his students grades for that year. He refused to get me anything but a C his grade kept me off the honor roll, however i PTL for being on the dean’s list. IT pays to stand up for what you believe but do it properly and through the right channels and tell why you think something is wrong, or right. And by all means back down if you are proven without a doubt you are wrong. TEACHER’S are hired and paid to TEACH not brain wash our children. Parents also should be involved in their children’s school work, look at the books they use, read through them etc. As for my college days I waited 20 yrs from highschool to attend college, always wanted to attend by step mother said i would never make it as a B and C student was good enough got married applied for nursing school husband got discharged from Navy and said we are moving to his home state I reminded him of my schooling, he some come with or stay behind , I was committed to my vows so went with him. When our kids were in school full time applied for college, he said I would never make it, I said i was going, he tried everything to keep me from my studies, but PTL i made it and 3 certificate in 18 months Human Services, AA and AS would also have had me CD but didn’t want to take pharmacy and be responsible for giving wrong prescription to someone. STAND UP ask QUESTIONS NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DISCHARGE YOU FOR YOUR FAITH, POLITICAL PARTY FROM EDUCATION, AND DON’T AGREE WITH THEM FOR THE SAKE OF AGREEING AND PASSING THEIR COURSE. I FELT BAD that the instructor lost his job and have prayed for him often that he would find his way to the straight and narrow path in life, however won’t know that until i enter my heavenly home..

    1. My son went through nearly the same thing, and yet there is so much of this going on throughout the US even through elementary schools children are challenged about their beliefs by adults.


    1. That’s why they fight schools of choice so violently. The democrats won’t waver from the voting block of the teacher’s union, even into the abyss of socialism. May they both disappear down the same rabbithole.

  7. These teachers need to be removed an not be able to teach ever again. They are supposed to be teaching history . Kids are to be able to think for themselves an not be told be a stupid teacher what they should think. If my child wants to display Trump. It’s in my house. Who are you to say different. Did they ever hear. FREE speech. Fire these idiots NOW

    1. We need to put cameras in the class rooms so that we can monitor what teachers are spending their time on, and just what they are teaching our kids. It could be linked to the internet, so that anyone could watch any class at any time. Any teacher who is teaching anti-american bs could be removed immediately. Any teacher that removes a student for political beliefs should be removed as quickly as possible.

      1. Congratulations, Gary M; yours is the only post I’ve read so far that hasn’t had major errors in grammar, correct word choice, and spelling mistakes. They should start teaching reading and writing, just for starters. And I agree with you completely about putting teachers on camera, and online, so parents can see just what idiocies they’re teaching.

  8. I am a retired teacher. Even when students would ask me who I would I vote for, I never revealed that in my 36 years. to me this I’d hog wash. Another ploy. Teachers can and should be fired for not teaching all students.

  9. I have no kids but learning and giving the student their right for freedom of speech and being American like all people are, Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all
    Kudos to the kids who stand for Freedom AMEN
    Go TRUMP 2020


    1. Pay attention to this it is happening as we speak, if we do not act now to stop it, it will be to late, so pay attention and act now. If you want to be a SLAVE then ignore this, but if you don’t then start taking action now. Freedom matters.

    2. I remember Hitler got rit off our police, put he brown shirts in charge, then the rioting started, then he takes our guns, churches freedom , and freedom off speaks sounds familiar

    3. I am from that ‘era’ (1960’s) and yes, I remember Komrad K’s statement. Now 71, over the years I have seen our liberties changed so much, I don’t think much is left of our original rights and freedoms! Yes, there have been a number of changes, (i.e. woman’s rights, the end of slavery, broadening the voting age, and others), but in the recent years so much has been either watered down or wiped out entirely! And the sad part, in this day and age, no one is willing to stand up to the enemy!

    4. I remember also him supposedly saying that we would “go down” from the inside…so sad to actually live to see that happening before our very eyes!
      God forgive & heal our Land.

      1. I’m 71 and remember in the late 50’s a senator named Joe McCarthy frequently commented that the communist were among us and gaining control of our government. Everyone called him a crazy lunatic. Turns out he wasn’t so crazy after all.

  11. Teachers unions have no right to interfere with what a teacher is teaching. A unions job is to make sure that teachers are paid properly and have the benefits to witch they are entitled. When the union injects its self into what the teacher is teaching, then the union is over stepping it’s mandate, and needs to be disbanded.

  12. I 100% agree with you all. This is why my husband and I agreed that homeschooling was our best choice for our youngest son. I work full time as a 911 Emergency Dispatcher and homeschool on my days off. It gets stressful but not nearly as stressed as we would be dealing with someone else telling my children what they should think. Both our boys were taught to think for themselves. Our oldest is in the military and having to deal with some soldiers from the “everyone gets trophies/time-out” generation. He was not raised that way and thinks they’re ridiculous! I truly hope and pray that our society gets it’s head out out of it’s proverbial butt!!

  13. Why is everyone so surprised at this move by public schools in America? The Deep State/Cabal has control of every aspect of life – corporations, politics, big pharma, education, banks, etc. Their 16-year-plan, inititiated by HRC and Obama, was to take over America with a Marxist agenda. Trump is draining the swamp one day at a time. None of this will work in the end. Trump, for those of you who don’t know this, has given the corrupt governors and mayors rope to hang themselves with their draconian measures. Most of the people can’t be told about the evil and corruption, they have to be shown. Now the corrupt school system is being revealed. For those newbies to the conservative side, as am I (recovering Democrat), look up Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Event 201. That will tell you the recent origins of the “plandemic,” lockdown, riots, etc. Thank you George Soros and Bill Gates!

  14. Some teachers are telling parents that they have to sign an agreement that they will not monitor what they are teaching our children. Do these teachers think that we are idiots. These are our children, and we have a right to know what they are teaching our kids. If a teacher ask you sign such an agreement, this teacher should be reported, and listed on an online report that all parents can see. It is better to teach your own children than let them be brainwashed. Private, religious, or home schooled, is better than what the communist party wants. They want to make sl@ves of your kids. Freedom Matters !!!!!!!!!!!.

  15. It’s hard to believe that any teacher would drop to so low a level as to remove students from the classroom for having said something about Pres. Trump, whether good or bad! As a former teacher, it’s more than a little shocking to say the least and dishartening to hear that any teacher would drop to so low an act!

  16. OK kids, the word is out. Display a Trump sign in your room during a virtual class and you will fail your class. A whole lot of teachers are foot soldiers for the left and despise conservatives, even though they pay half or more of the taxes our country runs on.

  17. Good grief! I had a 3rd grade teacher in Belle Glade, FL that did not like people from West Virginia. My adoptive mother who was also my grandmother and a neighbor who was a state policeman’s wife went to the school and had a little chat with the teacher. That nonsense got stopped.
    BTW, ‘free’ public education is a Marxist idea.
    Marx’s Ten Commandments
    From the Communist Manifesto here are Marx’s and Engel’s ten commandments:
    1. Expropriation of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
    2. A heavy progressive tax. (This is why we have federal income tax)
    3. Abolition of the right of inheritance.
    4. Confiscation of all the property of all emigrants and rebels.
    5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state
    Capital an exclusive monopoly (This why we have the Federal Reserve Bank – and it is not Federal and there is no reserve).
    6. Centralization of transport in the hands of the State.
    7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into
    cultivation of wastelands and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a
    common plan. (This is why we have the Dept. of Agriculture.)
    8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies especially for agriculture.
    9. Combination of Agriculture with industry, promotion of the gradual elimination of the
    contradictions between town and countryside.
    10. Free education of all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its
    present form. Combination of education with industrial production etc etc. (This is why we have the Federal Dept. of Education).

  18. The teachers who do such a thing to students ARE NOT good teachers. And should not be teaching our students. They do not represent what this country stands for. Are not concerned about our children’s education. And are 666 Demonrats.

  19. They are not teachers, they are RACIST BIGOTS. These are the Disgusting idiots teaching your children Communism! COMMUNISTS ALL! If you don’t bow to their ideas, then you are thrown out of class or in Russia SHOT!!!
    Just like Hitler’s Nazi soldiers. Every one of them should be forced to resign. Do you wonder why people want SCHOOL CHOICE and Charter Schools? Because they do not want their children Indoctrinated (BRAINWASHED) in our Democrat schools and colleges.

    Look up this article showing Russia’s Vladimir Putin’s admiration for the Democrats (he loves them, nice little commies just like him!
    Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden, Claims ‘Shared Values’ Between Democrats and Communism
    Biden is trying to distance himself after the article. But history shows he just LOVES China & Russia. More chances for his illegal use of political power with these guys. He and his family have gotten rich using America’s enemies as their pals for YEARS, like 47 years, right?


  21. Thank God my kids are grown and I don’t have grandkids yet! POTUS is the best President we’ve had since JFK! The DNC/Communist party got their hands on the Dept. of Education and we never even knew until the re-election process started and the DNC/Communist party started to show their CCP colors! Teachers that support this “Critical Race Theory” training, and who kick kids out for being conservative should be be called “enemy combatants” and arrested for sedition! The executive order for the “1776 Commission” is what needs to used for our kids! And any public school that does not implement it should lose their state and federal funding and no longer be allowed to teach! And spread this around while at it! Here’s a link to the declassified ‘missing emails’ of the traitor Hilary R Clinton! Share with everyone and see the proof of the DNC/Communist party’s betrayal and treason to the American people! TRUMP2020!

  22. Class action time (no pun intended) but it’s time the indoctrinators masquerading as educators “get schooled”… Just say NO to the Marxists youth sophists!

  23. The rest of the student body have a great opportunity to boycott school and bring down the school system if some of their classmates are barred from school for their personal political beliefs. The parents of those students then can add fuel to that fire and have their students homeschooled AND also vote down ALL schools levies and refuse to pay property taxes for schools in support of their children. This is a possible backlash tactic to use against the left and also sue the schools before they file lawsuits against the parents. Hit them fast and hard and make the Teachers Union and School Systems pay big time.

  24. The extent of LIBERAL indoctrination and intolerance by Liberal leaning teaching in our public schools has became more apparent with the increased use of virtual class rooms… THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED !!

  25. Any student that gets kicked out of a online classroom should file suit against the school district immediately! As for the teacher, her leftists days will be numbered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Teachers are supposedly required to teach an approved curriculum, with no personal opinions allowed to sway a student one way or the other. The question I have, is who changed the approved subjects, and when? I blame the fear of being labeled a racist, and the rise of political correctness.

    Our culture has become a bunch of over-sensitive, whining crybabies who scream for blood if someone so much as brushes up against their poor little feelings. These people need to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives, instead of trying to force the rest of us to bow and scrape before them.

    As for myself, I’m about the most anti P/C person you will probably ever meet. I feel respect must be earned, not just handed out. I expect people to take care of their own responsibilities in life, go to work, and take care of their families. This Welfare dependency in our communities needs to be reigned in! Having child after child to up your benefits needs to stop, so the individuals that really need it can get help. Childbirth should NEVER be a full time occupation, especially when multiple fathers involved, that continually try to avoid supporting their offspring.


  27. The American Center for Law and Justice can fix this problem with one letter to the school. They NEVER lose a suit of this kind, and that school will almost immediately learn that lesson and back off. In doing so they will save themselves a bunch of money, and learn a lesson in how to NOT mess with the 1st Amendment rights of citizens.

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