Students LOVE Biden’s Eviction Moratorium… As Long as it Doesn’t Apply to Them

Joe Biden’s handlers recently instructed him to extend the eviction moratorium that lawmakers allowed to time out. During the early days of the pandemic, leaders had little information about how the virus spread and many feared the economic disruption would create homelessness and exacerbate the crisis.

But with more than 70 percent of the country vaccinated and more available jobs than unemployed Americans, is forcing property owners to pay their tenants’ rent fair, or even legal? On this Campus Reform report, Addison Smith asks college-aged people in Washington D.C., what they think. The answers are stunning.


With microphone in hand, Smith walks up to random 20-somethings and gets surprisingly liberal responses. Some go on the record siding with deadbeat tenants and firmly believe they shouldn’t have to pay rent with “everything that’s going on.”

The irony that these young adults are walking around maskless in D.C. with shopping bags appears lost on them. You just can’t make this stuff up. So, with “everything that’s going on” right now, it appears these students are not being impacted in the least.

The facts are that everyone who wants to go back to work has full access to the shot. If someone wants to pull their weight, upwards of 10 million jobs remain open. But the truth is that Democrats created a perfect socialist storm by increasing unemployment welfare and forcing property owners to keep non-paying tenants. These college-age students love the idea of not having to pay rent. But watch how their tune changes if they had to foot the bill.

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10 thoughts on “Students LOVE Biden’s Eviction Moratorium… As Long as it Doesn’t Apply to Them”

  1. These college kids aren’t very bright, they know about handling money. This is what the democrats want stupid people so they can control them. They need to grow up and learn to stand on their on two feet.

    1. Scary isn’t it……. watching these kids who are literally next to brain dead with their already messed up indoctrinated ( and not of their own accord ) ideologies, who are going to “college” to be still FURTHER indoctrinated by leftist, Marxist, fuckedupitism.
      How do we cease this?!!!!!! Seriously, this IS SOME CREEPY JUJU.

      Gotta LOVE the Biden-Pelosi Regime, just look at the devastation this administration has caused since January.

      The Donald while commenting on national policies asked the question recently…… he said , “ missing me yet?” Yes Mr. Trump, all real God fearing Americans ARE missing you sir. Our nation is being turned into an shithole of disgrace and a global embarrassment because of these greedy pigs who want complete control. At least we had 4 yrs of somebody who didn’t want us to attain 3rd world status.
      Biden hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing, and seriously, his handlers know this and exploit him to the enth degree.
      My heart felt sympathy to all of the landlords whose lives will be ( or are ) compromised by these insidious reprobates in office. This is the epitome of Lose-Lose

  2. I love the way these college students try to imitate their professors when they talk. Trying to sound sooo intelligent when they answer the questions posed to them. They have no clue about the real world. The liberal attitude just reeks of stupidity. “People shouldn’t have to pay rent because of the things that are going on right now”. Huh??? What about the landlord that has to pay the mortgage on the property?? Idiots! Another question was asked recently about how students feel about Heels up Harris. “Oh I love the way she is handling the policies!” Ok, which policies do you agree with specifically? “Um, I really don’t know any policies, but she is the first woman of color to be VP! Tee-Hee!” Idiots. Man are we screwed with this next generation of morons! They just want to show their individuality, just like everybody else????

    1. Hey there”Me”…. as I was writing my post earlier, the same exact thoughts were with me too. I had to ponder, did I sound that “lost” for lack of a better term, as a college student. Unfortunately, my answer to myself was a resounding “probably” lol. Watching the video had me laughing regardless…. the sheer comedy of ignorance portrayed here was worth the laugh. Reminds me of the bumper sticker from yesteryear …. “Hire a college student, they know everything”
      Hopefully these poor millennial crazies will gain some semblance of reality as they get older. Let hope

  3. Has Everybody gotten tired of the Sorros White House and policies yet? That is who is really running our country. He put old Demented Pervert Hidin Biden in because he’s an Americanin there, but it’s Sorros running the Show.

  4. Sigh.. it’s scary how indoctrinated these college kids are. They don’t think about the ramifications of the situations. Immediate response is “government ” should do something. But then of course, they haven’t been in the real world yet. Ask them what they would think about the college charging them more to cover students not paying tuition..

  5. Wait till they are forced to work. When it comes out of their paycheck, they will be screaming. Just think of all their Social Security that will be going to illegals, because they can bring in 9 people. If illegals bring in their parents, they will collect Social Security before the working class will get it. These policies that this Administration implemented policies that will bury our children and grandchildren. Why doesn’t the pension of politicians go toward supporting people illegally here? Why does it only come out of Social Security>

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