Stephen Colbert Compares Trump Supporters to the Taliban

Ben Shapiro rips late night talk show host Stephen Colbert for comparing Trump voters to the Taliban in his recent video. He argues there are many on the left with more concern for the enemies within our nation than those outside our nation. This is why one military leader spoke about “the roots of white rage” as a key enemy.

The wokification of the military has led to a weakened military and the situation we are now in where an entire country under American control for 20 years was given up in a matter of days to terrorists. Further, thousands of Americans were abandoned by our President in Kabul and across Afghanistan and are now at risk for their very lives.

The Biden administration’s focus on white supremacy and extremism in the U.S. has ignored the true terrorists who have taken over the nation that led to the attacks of 9/11.


Will the new takeover lead to new terrorism threats in our own nation? It hasn’t happened yet, but its coming. Plus, it doesn’t help that America’s southern border is an open door for any bad guy looking for a way in.

Shapiro also points the blame back at the leftist media. Yes, there are bad people in America, he agrees, but to focus on Trump supporters being “like the Taliban” while letting the actual Taliban takeover a nation is disgraceful. Check out the video of Colbert and what the implications are if we let him and others in the left-wing media continue to get away with comparison’s like this.

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44 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert Compares Trump Supporters to the Taliban”

  1. We’ll just like a lot of late night so called talk show hosts and comedians and day time talk show host like the ones on the view. I classify them as the stuff I leave in the toilet before I wipe and flush. That’s what and all they are.

    1. I’d like to put my foot so far up his communistic ass that it come out of his liar- mouth.

      Did anyone else see the video clip of him and Chuck Schumer dancing backstage in Central Park?!! It was enough to make me want to puke.

      What’re these two Klowns dancing for ….. maybe the “Taliban” set aside a couple of 11 yr. old girls for their pleasure. These twisted souls are a detriment to our society, and both of these assholes need to be put out to pasture.

    2. Stephen Colbert, like all the WOKE ELITISTS are exactly THAT WHICH THEY PROTEST! Typically, he is boldly and irrationally casting the “ shadow of guilt” on the Republican “MAGA” Party. Colbert and THE MARXIST DEMOCRAT PARTY ARE THE ENEMY WITHIN!!

    3. as long as we are comparing some people to others, Steve the moron Colbert is nothing but Joe Biden’s Monica lewinkski…sleepy Joe just keeps blowing his load, and Colbert just keeps lapping it up

  2. This shows how demented these left wing nuts really are. Joe gives away Afghanistan, while leaving the southern border wide open. Let’s not even take about the crackdown on free speech, as he trys to shove a killer vaccine into everyone’s arms, including kids. And Trump supporters are as bad as the Taliban????

  3. Colbert is False show . He should be taken off the air . Democrats are the one who did all this Riots of capital. Colbert is a coward .

    1. I agree Sandra. He is a coward………..I would love to put a .50 cal. round between his eyes !

  4. Colbert’s the most ignorant big mouth who should be charged with hate crimes for the way he lies and spews hatred about Trump everyday for going on five years because he’s a pathetic hack who can’t hold a real job, just one that hurts people instead of helping. God will deal with him accordingly. I pray he repents before it’s too late.

  5. Mr Colbert, it’s a shame that you chose your job to bash little white haired men and women like me to compare us to the Taliban. There’s a lot more of us who voted for Trump than voted for Biden. I’m 72 and I assure you I would never kill someone because they’re a woman, nor take 12 year old girls to sell to the Men of the Taliban! You sir, have a very mixed up, dirty mind if you truly believe Republicans would do such a thing. I feel sorry for you! You certainly don’t need to be on TV to spread your hatred!

  6. Colbert is a POS liberal communist, and to dumb to see who is letting the criminals invade America. At least trump had control over the border crisis and the Taliban was afraid if trump but now we have a weak Senile pervert in charge and the Taliban will capitalize on his stupidity and ignorance. As far as Colbert goes he’s no better than the Taliban himself for spreading hate against Americans who stand for freedom and democracy.

  7. That’s Ok! Colbert reminds me of the Court Jester who lost his head because the king was no longer amused.

    1. I was going to comment but you said it all. Thanks. Please take a look at all the Democrats in California that just have been arrested for election fraud. I think that there are a lot more to come and if it is the federal election of last year the penalty for fraud in that case is written in stone! Death.

  8. Colbert is an absolute idiot! He should look in the mirror and see a REAL Taliban traitor! He sucks up to the Obama’s like a simpering school girl, also to anyone who wants to trash REAL patriots! He should be taken off the air for spouting all the demonrat propaganda! Get a REAL job Steve, you aren’t good at this one! You are a lame joke!

  9. Ten out of ten Trump supporters find you not funny or entertaining Stevie boy! Most find you to be that little boy in the neighborhood that everyone would like to take a punch at just because you are a dweed or a punk, just however you want to be. You are part of the crumbling part of society that supported a schill, now your embarassed that you did so now you come out of your corner, pouting, and throwing your little tantrums saying it wasn’t your fault that Joey got elected when you were the scab who helped get him there. You are the puss in the wound our country now suffers because you helped get this Idiot elected

    1. Correct and well stated in regards to Stephen Colbert ! Unamerican Socialist Idiot of the “Conservative Haters” of the Actor’s Guild who could never make it into any other show. He totally disgusts me.

  10. POS Colbert needs to be flushed along with the views pos f ing good for nothing bitches. Why anyone would even watch these cesspool terds. And don’t forget that bitch Samatha B. “They” are all a comparison to the Taliban. Hateful mf’s

  11. Stephen Colbert is another total Actors’ Guild Groupy Idiot. Never cared for him when he replaced David Letterman on the late night show due to his nastiness in regards to the Republican Party. His hatred was always evident so I dropped this show and watched another show. If Conservative Trump Supporters are compared to the Taliban then his idiocy has even gotten worse. There are probably now more Conservatives and even more Democrats out there who will be voting Republican due to all of the failed actions and stupidity of the Biden-Harris-Pelosi Administration. This show should be boycotted by the viewers. We Americans are not like the Taliban, but perhaps Colbert is a “Wanna Be” and should go live with them.

  12. Stephen Colbert –
    You are TRULY a world-class DUMBASS! Idiots like you could bring this country down. Fortunately, no one watches your show…

  13. Late night talk show host. Nobody cares. He’s like the medical school dropout that is now a chiropractor! The only people that even see this guy are the all night meth tweakers!

  14. “Stephen Colbert Compares Trump Supporters to the Taliban”?
    Here’s an idea. How about we send Mr. Stephen Colbert over to Kabul today and drop him to live in their environment for just 30 days, then see if he still feels the same way, that is, if he is still around to feel anything.

    1. We know he would come up with some wise ass response. It’s his job which pays him well to talk this way. There are too many Jackass losers in this country who love it and pay his salary.

  15. Who is this sick bastard? How did this turd ever get on tv to start with. It has to be some more sick ass Democrat shit’ if there is anyone that still calls themselves a democrat after stupid Joe. Then they should be shot and put out of their misery

  16. Colbert can’t help that he’s as dumb as a box of rocks. The hell he can’t! He paid too much attention to ‘feel good’ in school, and not enough attention to facts.

    He’s not funny for starters, but being a dumbass is a choice, and he didn’t choose wisely.

    1. That says it all. A would-be comedian who just ain’t funny! What idiot at CBS hired this jackass?

  17. Colbert is the Taliban. Never does he say good things about America unless it helps the left. If any of you are still watching his unhinged program on TV, please stop. I am going so far as to order you to stop watching him, unless you want to help him take America down and are into pedophilia. Colbert is part of the deep state underground pedo organization that torture little children for their adrenochrome. Very recent intel came out about him and his part in the pedo ring. Pedo ring is just a nice way of saying what that really is. All you have to doe is little research to find out what I told you is true. Do you want peace, kindness and love in America or do you want evil, scorn and illicit crimes to continue. Make up your mind what you want. WE all want you to join in to heal America and then other countries. Can’t do it without you.

  18. I have yet to see a trump supporter hang Americans from a bridge upside down and burn them that dear sir is what the taliban did so take your unAmerican bullshit and please go live in Afghanistan with the evil taliban you’ll fit right in with all your hate

  19. We should not be surprised at his comments, as he has been talking like this as long as people watch him. He does not have a mind of his own and says what he is told, so, I would have to say he is another Joe Biden waiting for his next lines. He believes a taliban is a towel you wrap around your butt. Well, he got that right!!

  20. I would love to get Colbert in a ring with gloves on so with my 78 year old body I could kick his lying fuck8ing ass. He is a worthless excuse of a human being and a coward to boot. He has never served his country and is a slimy pussy of a man. Did you see him trying to dance, I wanted to puke too.

  21. You can NOT reason with an ignorant Communist like Colbert. End of story. But, I do believe a coup would benefit our country to remove the Communists now in control. Just wish I wasn’t 80 years old.

  22. They should take Steven Colbert off the air fire him we the people of this nation are not like the Taliban because if we were we would come to your door. Lol Steven you should talk about people that you don’t Know. Dummy

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