Shameful! John Kerry Displays his Cavalier Attitude towards the Thousands of Oil Industry Workers Who Lost their Jobs This Week

John Kerry offered a dire answer when asked by a CSPAN reporter how the thousands of oil workers should respond after losing their jobs because of President Joe Biden’s executive order to end the Keystone XL Pipeline and not allow any new leases on federal land for the oil industry.

His polite wording notes, “The president of the United States has expressed in every comment he has made about climate the need to grow the new jobs that pay better, that are cleaner.” When it comes down to helping those losing their livelihood now, he called it a “crisis,” but basically told fired workers to build solar panels instead of offering real help—or even compassion.


I wonder what heartless Kerry would say if he or his kids were the ones fired and told to build solar panels—especially if someone took away his government-funded health insurance and other benefits…during a pandemic in which they now have to compete against thousands of others who are out of work too and those that Biden refuses to deport? Workers have not been fed a “false narrative,” as Kerry claims, but have been left jobless at the pen of Biden’s focus on so-called climate justice.

Whatever climate justice entails, it apparently doesn’t seem to include lowering unemployment. Most Americans would rather see justice in the form of a J-O-B than shutting down initiatives that pay the bills and help the nation’s families.

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137 thoughts on “Shameful! John Kerry Displays his Cavalier Attitude towards the Thousands of Oil Industry Workers Who Lost their Jobs This Week”

  1. When are American citizens going to DEMAND our POLITICIANS
    instead of

          1. Don’t ever, I say again, ever, vote for incumbents. These schmucks have as much a sense of entitlement as any group going. TERM LIMITS!!!!! Do not, NOT, vote for incumbents. This is a product of that…


          1. Patience! It will all be taken care of soon enough…a little faith…a little longer! Best is in fact yet to come! Remember this conversation!

        2. Roy you are absolutely right. We moved from Taxachusetts years ago because we could see clearly that it was full of people like Kerry with the phony purple heart and the desire to work for nobody but him. When I look and hear of a politician introduced with multiple years in congress I want to puke. Now besides crooks in Washington we have communists taking over and calling the shots. Impeachment would not be severe enough to give them for what they are doing to this country.

          1. How about transporting the slime to the Aleutian islands for a new home. Let them build new a society and homes there. No support from the mainlanders for construction materials, fuel, or transportation.
            And confiscate all pensions, stocks, property, and money to non public assistance WORKING families and small businesses

      1. John Kerry is a sell out.!.!.!.! His head is so far up Biden’s ass , biden has problems putting his pen away. This new government is only worried about there pockets and not that of the hard working American people….. there doing nothing but wasting our tax dollars for there own personal gains.

        1. This chicken lollipop never worked a day in his life. He married into big bucks. While in Vietnam he claimed 3 purple hearts. Big lie. As a Purple Heart recipient from the Korean War if a Marine got wounded twice he was sent home. I know. Our country is in deep caca with this guy around. He needs to go and take Joebama with him. Semper Fi mad Marine.

          1. Yes, John, thank you for your service. I was in the Army, but fortunately for me, I was drafted between the Korean war and the Viet Nam war, and did not have to bear anything but the rigors of a couple of Alaska winters.

          2. OORAH!!! Kerry is despicable. He and Jane Fonda are deemed as pieces of garbage by a lot of Vietnam vets

          3. Semper Fi from another mad mad Marine! No matter what they do in Congress I’m not giving up a single weapon I own! Sounds like Biden, Kerry, Harris, and all the dims are pushing for a civil war. Don’t know how much clearer the 2nd Amendment can be, “shall not be infringed!”

        2. Mad Marine, semper fi Marine
          yes this Kerry is as stupid as he looks.
          worthless as you know what on a Bull. hope he disappears and soon.
          would not even make a pimple on a Marines Ass ?

          1. Amen.. “hope he disappears and soon. would not even make a pimple on a Marines Ass ?” I get VERY FUCKING MAD to hear people talk about the Vietnam WAR !! There NEVER WAS and NEVER WILL BE a VIETNAM WAR !! Vietnam NEVER declared “WAR” on the United States sand the United States NEVER declared “WAR” on Vietnam !! It was the VIETNAM CONFLICT.. NEVER THE VIETNAM “WAR”. The United States sent THOUSANDS of our young men to be slaughtered in a CONFLICT we had NO FUCKING REASON BEING INVOLVED IN !! Watch the movie ” HAMBURGER HILL ” sometime and ya’ll fucking idiots will see what I mean !!! There NEVER WAS A VIETNAM “WAR” !!!!

        3. Turning America into a third world country! Helping China take over everything! They sold out during Obama terms! Biden is just continue it! The military general are scared to remove them! Because even they want to destroyed AMERICA! FBI,CIA,DOJ has been in the democrat pocket since Obama threatened them! A bunch of Coward people who let a black man threatened them! RACIST IS EVIL but it take a special kind of person to fight back! Only fool run scared when the RACE card is playing!

      2. Amen this piece of trash needs to suffer like he’s making others suffer. There is no fact to the crap he is spewing. And I would like to tell these people to their face. I never liked this theif and would be happy to see him gone.

        1. Can’t even get the republican to fight back! Bunch of pantywaist fool! Mitch McConnell need to GO! They should fought Obama when he AIDING IRAN WITH BILLION OF AMERICA DOLLARS! Read the CONSTITUTION LAW! AIDING AN ENEMY IS CALL FOR IMPEACHED AND ARRESTED FOR SEDITION AND TREASONOUS AGAINST AMERICA. IT IN THE 14 AMENDMENT!

      3. I agree. But Herman Munster aka John Kerry found a job how I don’t know because he is empty upstairs. Favors favors.

    1. This becomes more frightening every day. Kerry is a traitor to this country and proved himself so during the Vietnam war. He is a disgrace to this country as, you stated are many others.

    2. Any time the REAL American Citizens finally get fed up with the party THEY put in office they can DO So. We live (at least for now) in a Democracy where the PEOPLE put the leadership in office. The founders also placed a method of removing an elected member of either House of Congress by the People who elected them.
      A problem has as raised its head, in that too many Voters are tied hand,foot and mind to a particular Political Party. Every Politician knows this, they also know the majority of our citizens pay little or no attention to
      what the Members Representing them in Congress do or do not do with their time in office.I am almost one of them so I can KICK myself along with everyone else like me.

        1. You’ve got that right. They know it worked in 2020 so they will keep doing it in the future. We are so screwed people. Wake up.

        2. That’s right. the crooked Democrats rigged the election in the swing state and the spineless anti Trump Republicans let them get away with it, because the anti Trumper’s are part of the same swamp that that want to keep the outsiders out of the club.

      1. I really wish this would stop being said by our Politicians who should know better. E do NOT live in a democracy, but in a REPUBLIC!!! There is a gigantic difference between the two. I am not going to define the difference only because you learn much better when you read it on paper. Please look it up. You will be surprised in the difference between the two.

      2. First you and other need to STOP CALLING AMERICA A DEMOCRAY! IT IS NOT! If you read the Constitution laws and Bill of Rights you will see the Truth! DEMOCRAY IS GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF YOU! That is what the media want you to believe! In another word it also means SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT CONTROL! This country has always been a REPUBLIC COUNTRY! WHICH MEANS BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE! NOWHERE DOES THAT MEAN GOVERNMENT CONTROL! BUT CONTROL BY THE PEOPLE! WHICH ARE THE VOTER!

    3. Great idea! How do you do that when everything is “fixed”. These (not all) politicians are nightmares. The country is now going down the toilet with this “old administration”. Corrupt Liars!

    4. They ate running America for China. Impeach Biden &,Harris. Biden is a Joke,a puppet & also pen crazy,with the strike of his pen, people are out of work. His policies are just crazy.

      1. Biden doesn’t want to deal with congress so he issues a excutive order which to him is law,that’s not the way our system is supposed to work.

    5. Kerry has money and could care less about the American workers who Senile/Socialist Biden put out of work with his Executive Orders.

      We are seeing just what was predicted if Biden was elected; The Demise Of The United States.

      This is the worst scenario ever perpetuated on the American people and people are too stupid to see what is happening!!!

    6. Totally agree Robert. Every one should be impeached and/or just plain locked out of office. They all have forgotten that they work for us. We should be able to fire them without antivirus having a say. They have done nothing for “We the people” over the last 4 years. I for one am very tired of their idiotic political bickering and whining!

    7. It’s obvious to me that the Global Climate Changers don’t believe in a Sovereign God who is in control of everything.
      Your Uncle Dudley

      1. True! These fool think they came from a tabpole( frogs)! No where can they explained how they are breathing, smelling, talking, walking, feeling! Science is a learning experience! But GOD CONTROL WHAT MAN CAN LEARN! Can’t tell an atheist anything! It in the Bible book PSALM CHAPTER 14!

    8. Term Limits two 4 year terms and out the same as the President, for both houses of Congress.

      The Most Senior Supreme Court Judge retires every year in rotation. 8 year term limit.

      Cut their salaries and benefits in half. No working for any company who has a Government Contract for 20 years.

      The founding fathers all had jobs and businesses. They were never intended to be Career Jobs. In fact for over a hundred years they didn’t even get a salary.

    9. So glad Biden et all is going to get all the laid off workers new jobs. Wait, you say that will be a long time in the future?? So those unemployed should pay their bills by telling them they are “going to get a job” and that will take care of it?? We are screwed since the dems are planning to take over elections, scotus, new states, and they will be in control until the country totally falls. THEN the few elite from both sides will roll out the rescue package for those starving and decide who gets help while the elite get the rewards. Dont’ have to look any further than Venezuela to understand what can and probably will happen.

    10. they really don’t give a Rats Butt. they only worry about themselves. I still to my dying day, will not believe 80 million people voted for Biden. no way Jose.

    11. The Dems are taking action that one would think it would cost them votes. No a concern, the Dems will cheat to win so they can flush 80 million union job down the drain….do not need the union vote, they’ll cheat to win. The union bosses will continue to kiss the Dems butt in any event. Sick bunch of bast’rd.

  2. Well what do you expect from a Roman Catholic POTUS that supports defunding the police, cutting military spending, is anti second amendment, but supports abortion? Every Roman Catholic reading this needs to put a lot of pressure on their priests to get Joey excommunicated.
    Build Back Better

    1. The problem with the catholic church is always that old man at the top impervious to the realities of society.

    2. This fake potus is no more Catholic than my dog. These people think they claim religion they are exhonerated. You’re right should be excommunicated. Just like government needs draining so does religion.

  3. What would the worlds most successful gigolo know about real work??? He disgraced his military unit in Viet Nam,and ran home on a manufactured “injury” discharge. Kerry managed to get the Cuban communist wife of deceased rep. Senator,Heinz,leaving his food empire to his wife. Kerry moved right in,and married her new,huge,bank accounts. She convieniently died?, leaving ALL that money to the “MASTER GIGOLO” John Kerry,and that is why he enjoys his un-earned wealth today. It still took a Republican to actually make the money Kerry inherited through NO effort of his own! Typical lefty creep!

    1. The answer is to impeach Obiden, Kerry, and company all need to be exported to Mexico or China since they are unamerican.

  4. Well it seems Biden is assembling his clown college. John Kerry and Mitt Romney are in a running for the Benedict Arnold award. We must keep pressure up on our state representatives to not allow ( HR 1 ) to pass. The most unamerican bill that is ever been assembled HR 1 must not be allowed to be voted in. They have crammed so many things in this bill trying to get it pushed through. This bill is nicknamed the gag act because one of the things this bill wants to do is silence anyone that disagrees with an elected official. This bill will also promote voter fraud. This bill will allow the use of campaign money for personal use. This bill will create more corruption while hiding it from the public. Essentially you will lose your voice against anyone you disagree with. This bill must be stopped it is an American. Any married can see that this bill is the edge of the Communist sword. We As Americans must not allow it to pass. God Bless America

    1. Absolutely, James Houston! Defeat H.R. 1 (Gag Act) and, in addition, pressure your representatives to defeat H.R. 350 which is disguised as identifying terrorists but actually gives the government the right to call us terrorists and come after us if we disagree with them free speech or if we are “Trumpers.” Defeat these bills!!!

      1. America is now being judged, with bad Joe, so what Americans MUST do is (Repent) which means to ( Change your way of thinking from not believing to believing on the Lord Jesus Christ !
        Praying for God to save America, and have a revival will be the ONLY thing that will save America and our freedoms. Read the New Testament we are in it right now ! Rev 13: 16-17 is taking place right now,read and do your research !

      1. Biden is trying to pay back China for the millons he &,his family got from China, Impeach him &,company now & jail them all.

    2. Clown College – best one yet. And so true. Kerry and Romney have FOREVER been ass wipes. Which ever way the wind blows. Just because you wear a uniform does not make you military. The real men and women that protect this country would not offer it up to the highest bidder – China. But our new president and his cronies have and will continue to do so. Thanks for the belly laugh – clown college. I’m stealing that one.

    3. At least Benedict Arnold believed in something… these guys are always sty the government trough sucking up benefits that belong to us.

  5. So the clown who’s never had a real job says, you dont need that good payin job, and we dont need to be energy independent, you can all work at Walmart or learn to code for a Chinese tech outfit! Nice!!


  7. John Kerry has never had a real job in his life. .He married money and thinks everyone has it as easy as him/another dumb dumbocrat. A hard days work would kill his old butt..I just hope all that voted for Biden is still believing all the lies he told to be elected.

  8. He has several homes. Let him take in the ones who lose their homes thanks to our so called President

  9. Why hasn’t Kerry been prosecuted for his dealings with our enemies, Iran and others while trying to undermine Us foreign policy under POTUS Trump? It’s said to be a Logan Act violation, but in reality it’s High Treason.
    If Kerry was the environmentalist he claims he would eschew all forms of transportation beyond bicycles & buggy. The common note of the privileged elite is their hypocritical double standard of me and thee.

    1. Democrats never get prosecuted. Elected officials that break the law…Obama, Obiden, Hillary, Piglosy, and the list goes on. No problem, the “journalist” will do the job keeping them “honest”. The clueless voters has no problem with this bunch breaking the law.

  10. Mr. Kerry, man will never have control of the climates. Pres. Biden and you put enough Americans out of work and not able to pay WH wages , it will be White House workers will be looking for a cleaner job, because the job you have under this administration is corrupt and dirty.

  11. He’s a f—king criminal. He might as well be the ayatollah of Iran ……. you know, the country he’s kept WELL FUNDED for their acts of terrorism. What a piece of shit

  12. If these idiot demokrats had any idea what they were talking about, they might just realize how stupid they are. You’re telling someone that has a good job, and who may have already traveled somewhere for that job, to pick up and move their family elsewhere to get another job – with no guarantee (thanks to idiot demokrat policies) that that job is going to last for the rest of your working days.

    I wonder what this commie bas+ard would do if he learned his job was being lost because of a stupid political idea? I’m sure he would be near the front of the whining line if it were his job and someone gave him this same message.

    1. The whole administration should go to China they will serve them well. Impeach them all for the good of our country.

  13. The one thing that keeps the federal government corrupted is, your “unlawful, never owed” federal income tax. YOU are giving your income as taxed as a free gift. YOU can not know the truth until you take the time to study the law This one fact should be seriously considered. YOU make out a “return” . What are YOU returning as a tax to the government that the government paid to YOU for your earnings?
    Also, google 4 U.S.C. 72 and see if the I.R.S. has authority to tax YOU in the state where you are employed.
    Both demoncrat and republican officials in D.C. could care less whether the tax is owed by the American people as they know they have an enormous amount of cash to waste away at their discretion.
    Lets hear some comments on this tax and think what affect it will have on the IRS when they find out the people are questioning the lawfulness of the tax.

    1. Impeach Bien &, company before it is to late for our country. Back to the Obama days, he was the worst President in history & Bien just may take his place.

  14. Each day the Biden Administration a in collaboration with Pelosi and Schumer showcase just how out of touch they are to the needs of US citizens. In a time of economic, health and education crisis for this country they have shown treasonous leadership ignoring the needs of US citizens. The millions of dollars directed to pet projects could all be better used to support voters. I know I hate them all for their betrayal!

    1. People need a stimulus check now,not more jobs taking away. I say Impeach them all, these jerks in office have to go.

  15. The rich and privileged need to be kept out of the government they r greedy and dont care about Americans! The Democrats are filthy traitors!

  16. Why are people surprised by this? Kerry fllies around the world in a private jet. He doesn’t care about environment. Like Joe Biden, Kerry likes the control he has on others. It is all Democrat’s care about. This country thought it a good idea to put them in control of everything. Now we get to live the nightmare. As long as Democrat’s can loot the country, and control you, all is good.

  17. President Biden what the h are you doing spending money on other countries. Are you using your your brothers and hunters bank accounts. . ??? Stop using your citizens. Join this and that funding. Climate is controlled by our lord oh you will find out so AOS and a 15 yr old girl convinced you. Let me see bartender and a 15 yr old duh come on MAN

    1. He’s too stupid to know that climate change has been going on for billions of years, and will go on for billions more. There is no way to stop what God has put in place.. Hunter must have given Daddy a bundle for him to be spending money like he is on top of our tax dollars. What a corrupt family.

  18. By allowing the DEMORATS to prosecute the VENEZUELAN ELECTION, WE gave up our country because the “ballot box” will never get it back now. If it DID, Maduro would not still be in power in VENEZUELA. The TYRANTS are in the government. 1776 again!

  19. Sheepdog

    Tell Kerry who is flying around in his private jet to stop polluting this country. He doing way more damage than the Keystone pipeline. Despicable person as are all of the Washington Swamp. They should all be put in jail before they are totally allowed to destroy b this country.

    1. These jerks in office now are bringing our country down to the ground,they must be stopped. Impeach them all.

  20. If it weren’t for his rich wife, this POS would not be known to anybody. Too bad he uses her wealth to better HIMSELF. I’ve seen him a few time on TV, couldn’t change my channel quick enough, and he looks dead. Just like Biden. A group of mummies. Dear Lord what has happened to our beautiful country?

  21. Shalom yourself,

    You have to remember Jesus’ words when he said “love thy neighbor”. I think that would include, “judge not, lest ye be judged”, among others. And, I’m afraid, my friend that you give credit for too much power if you think priests have the power to “excommunicate” anyone. The Catholic church has survived many problems in its 2000 year history, and it will survive the “Biden” years, as long as it survives the Pope Francis years.

  22. We can write about all the bad shit that’s going on in our country but the fact is alot of stupid people voted these crooks in. Now we are stuck with the f’ed up left.

  23. Its time to take our country away from tthe demma dummys we where doing great when we had a good President that helped american people the demmacrats have to be taken out . Most all americans don’t want socislizam or be cummunists > we want our lives back put the pipe line back and leave the oil and gas alone. Please supreme court stop the demmacates from destoying our once great country.Some one please step up and stop all the destruction of our once great country. Hes putting a person in thatis close to China a China spy. please get rid of the demmacrates now before our country is gone. Lord God please help us before its to late. John

  24. I sincerely hope that all of those that voted for this administration thank them for the soon to be coming $4 a gallon gas, lose of good paying jobs, companies moving to other countries and last but not least your once guaranteed rights of what was once called the American Constitution. Biden will be gone soon because of his dementia and replaced by another lunatic from California at which time Pelosi becomes Vice President. So you see the government will be absolutely ran by California and New York fascist. God bless America in its last days.

  25. I agree clean Congress out and get rid of that lying Biden an Harris too of a kind..
    remember the Preamble…We the people…think of American Citizens first before helping other countries…this is scary now I pray for change and the way it was
    years gone by…I wonder what our fore fathers think of this nonsense??

    Also stop removing our National Monuments…it is history!!

  26. Shame we cant all marry a rich hoe like ole horse face LURCH did. Oh but that’s right he was a war hero, What a lyin sack of schiff, Flying around in a private jet telling us how bad we are dirtying up the air. Lurch kiss my hairy butt you worthless c.s.

  27. You know Pelosi has to initiate impeachment and she had the bright idea of mail-in ballots. We need to pray for a meteor to strike DC. You could not blame that on Republicans and they can’t arrest God.

  28. Goes to show Kerry has done ZERO homework on this topic which he has proven he knows nothing. At present ZERO solar panels are made in America. All the solar modules are made in China and either shipped here as a complete panel or shipped here to be assembled to qualify for the ‘Made in the U.S.A.’ moniker. Kerry’s statement is supporting China and killing the American economy.

  29. Kerry is a liar, a traitor, and he should not be anywhere but in jail. But—- all of the old groper’s cabinet are obama’s “ regime” members. He is the one running this shit show now! This was the plan all along to use the stooges bumble fingers Biden and the califonia ho to get Obama back in office.

    1. Kerry like Sanders and dozens of elitist left wing snob never held a real job in their lives. Kerry is nothing but a gigolo. He married into the Seagrams family and then John Heinz widow. You all know what happened to all those solar energy plants that BHO was pushing during his reign. They went bankrupt. but Kerry and China Joe will make them work?

  30. poor John kerry, still trying to be revelant. his hand injury during Vietnam got him a Purple Heart, and absolutely No respect from fellow Navy PT Boat veterans. This too will fail, as he is about as sincere as a dead animal. And why doe we care what he says, he married the money, that got him even less respect. And how could forget his treasonus conspiring with Jane Fonda and the North Vietnamese!! Maybe it is time to push for his arrest for those High Crimes of Treason. I belive there are no limits on trying someone for Treason!!

  31. We, myself included, can make our little comments, and that is all good & well because it takes some of our anger away! Problem is…..WHEN are We The People going to get tired of all the BULLSHIT in OUR government and actually DO something to correct it ?

  32. What do you expect from a narcissistIf failed politician. Oh, did I mention a billionaire at that!

    He was able to maneuver into a comfy billionaire position by virtue of his billionaire heiress wife whom together, never had to work a day in their lives. He’s the type of person that says basically shut up and color…”we’ll provide a better government job for you but In the interim, enjoy UI benefits, food stamps and welfare.”
    Again, borderline inhumane…I’m sure he treats his animals/pets with better compassion…

    1. I agree with the essence of your post but he’s only worth $250 million plus. He is an arrogant pompous filthy rich ass-hole whose personal net worth is over $250 million. Obtained not by hard work but by marrying into wealth.

  33. John Kerry is perfect example of what a leader should not be! Arrogant ,pampered,clueless,people like him and his idiot boss are in the process of destroying this country,killing thousands of good jobs! they support this fallacy of a warming earth when in reality the climate change they assert is the earth going through its normal changes,the same way it has been doing for 5 billion years, for the uninformed may be surprised that the climate has been constantly changing; have they ever heard of the four different ice ages followed by sucessive warming trends; note to climate warriors like John Kerry the climate is and always have been changing; their big push of this fallacy is merely a push to subvert the citizenry away from the true public discourse of their corruption and line their pockets with money! oh and incidently, while the Biden administation is giving the Europeans and the U.N. billions of our dollars the chinese in the past year have built several coal -fired power plants using U.N. funneled money to fund their projects, Way to go Kerry make our biggest enemy rich and powerful; but in your defense; I guess it does pay very well, the chinese do have deep pockets!!!

  34. I am reading all the comments and the amazing thing is – we were all warned what they had in mind for us. And Biden even said that he would not be in office long, he intends to get some disease so Kamalla can take over. The most radical one of them all. We allowed the election to be stolen. We did nothing but grumble. We have done nothing but watch as the Clintons threw us under the bus followed by allowing a man, not even a legal citizen to become our president – not once but twice. We need term limits for the politicians in congress and the house. We need to get rid of every one of them (with the exception of about 4 who do have the best interests of the citizens to heart). I am thoroughly ashamed of the Bushe’s traitorous actions, along with several others who are still members of our government. We need those representing us to pay into the Social Security Fund, the same as any other employee, (and by the way this is not a hand out,) the employee and employer paid into a special fund that was supposed to be held strictly for retirement benefits. Unfortunately the politicians drained it for their own personal gain. And they need the same type of retirement benefits that we have. And let them also be mandated to have the same type of health plan. Climate Change is a joke. If anyone cared to look, we have had Climate Change approximately every hundred years. Look around – do you see a Dinosaurs? And we all need to bring God back into our lives and our country. Get rid of the school board and the demented professors who have been brainwashing our children for years Stop the idiotic craze about sex and start teaching ethics, loyalty, economics, history and geography. And start supporting our Police and Fire Department personnel. And make it mandatory for every citizen to read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The government HAS NO MONEY. We pay taxes so the government has money for their many projects. We are being taxed to death. So stop the politicians from giving ours away to foreign countries – we need it here to help our own citizens. Make English the national language and stop pandering to every other ethnicity when we have to print materials. If they want to live here – they will, as our forebears did, learn the language, get a job, be loyal to this country or get out – go back where you came from. You do not come here for a hand out. You do not work here and remain loyal to another country. We have been overrun by illegal immigrants and CA allows them to sleep anywhere they wish, defecate in the streets to be taken into our oceans. They are also allowed to use drugs and leave the needles laying all over. This is a health hazard but one our governor ignores. If we allow things to continue as the Democrats want we will never ever have a legal election again. We will never have free speech again. We will never prosper again as all major jobs will be sent to China again.

  35. I want Biden out of office right now! He was for unions and jobs and every fool who was in the union paid PAC cause I was in the union for 40 yrs. what changed me was Trump told the truth. He want the pipe line to Texas go thru. Now can the governors of the states that the pipe line was going to Texas over rule the prick in office all they have to do is sign a paper saying my state needs workers and so does the rest of the country. he told the unions that he was for jobs he stabed them in the back going to unemployment for 30 weeks sure does not meet the standard of there loverhood they will not get benefits of what is in the contract money for sub.,money for , retirement, and wages. $35.00 a hr. You were fools voting for Biden you will stuffer the rest of your life unless you travel and where to go. Cal. is losing people by the doves and New York, and Michigan are doing the same. Why cause the taxes are to high and the books are filled so you are screwed. Join the revaluation and force Biden and the Dems. out of office. Jump on the bandwagon and fight for the 1st and 2nd amendment you better off. Biden is going to try and take them away from you!

  36. John Kerry, filthy rich ass-hole. By taking away their current job Biden is giving them a better choice of jobs that don’t exist in the solar panel industry. The flippant arrogance of this filthy rich ass goes beyond anything Trump spewed out and is parallel to past historical pomposity such as Marie Antoinette saying “let them eat cake.” What a pompous filthy rich ass-hole whose personal net worth is over $250 million. Obtained not by hard work but by marrying into wealth.

  37. What’s it gonna take for the American citizens to stand up and take action against this treasonous corrupt anti-American tyrannical government? Over the last twelve years, (especially when the anti-American Kenyan Obama usurped our Whitehouse), I’ve called, sent emails, along with posted messages to all my Congressmen and Senators, including on their social media websites, and the only reply I ever got was from republican Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma demanding an apology from me, after all, I did call him out for what he’s guilty of, I told him in a email that he’s a “traitor through and through”, but other than that, he never responded to anything else I emailed him about before that, and no, I did not and will not apologize to the turncoat establishment rino pos. I for one have had enough! There for a while I thought president Trump was gonna actually save the republic of the USA, but now I’m beginning to think that all he was doing was exposing all the Patriots and Conservatives that opposed this tyrannical NWO government for their FEMA camps and genocide for those who won’t accept their agenda, I’ve lost faith that this Q stuff and the military tribunals for the D.C. swamp traitors was obviously a big lie. So now that the anti-American socialist democrats BLATANTLY got away with stealing the 2020 elections and have complete control over the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Presidency, and they have seven out of nine Turncoat Supreme Court Justices with big yellow streaks running down their backs, along with having their weaponized bought and paid anti-American far left socialist federal government gestapo agencies and departments consisting of the CIA, DOJ, FBI, ATF, FISA, IRS, DOD, DHS, FDA, CDC, WHO, EPA, DOE, and many others, AND their #1 successful weapon and mouthpiece for indoctrinating and misleading the masses/sheeple being the fake news media networks, therefore if anybody actually believes that voting these traitors out of office and or voting for a new candidate is the only solution for saving the Republic of the USA after what just happened in the November 2020 elections either have to be delusional or they’re not paying attention and are only fooling theirself, after all, these socialist democrats and their foreign comrades, including the communist Chinese have perfected the art of stealing elections for their bought and paid candidates such as China Joe Biden and China Ho Harris, along with congressional candidates with the inside help of treasonous elected and appointed officials. As for the traitor pos John Hanoi Kerry, he should’ve been indicted with treason during the Vietnam war and marched to the gallows, and since the Vietnam war, Kerry has committed treason numerous times, especially when he was the Kenyan Obama’s secretary of state and hence afterwards, once a traitor always a traitor.

  38. If getting another job were as easy as John Kerry says it is, then why hasn’t he moved on, say maybe finding employment making solar panels? Why is Kerry even still involved or relevant to what is good for America & Americans? Stay in your lane Kerry, which is out of our business!

  39. Typical of an elitist whose the heir to Heinz Catsup–What fucking balls on this fellow who never worked a day in his life-

  40. Again the wealthy elites showing their decidedly British aristocratic attitudes. “These damn uppity peasants! Always trying to decide their lives for themselves instead of listening to our commands! When will they learn this country belongs to us not the great Unwashed out in flyover land!”

  41. he is screwing this up just like the saudi oil deal that skyrocketed gas prices 10 years ago.

    A third world government terrorist take over.
    1. Rule by executive order
    2. Putting a predecessor on trial.
    3. Censorship of opposition.
    4. Attacking the private sector.
    5. Exploiting identity politics.
    6. Challenging judicial independence.
    7. Purging former officials
    8. Encouraging a slavish media.
    9. Military in the streets.

    I am terrified.

  42. Kerry is a “loser.” He’s so stupid drunk on his ridiculous ideas he can’t see it. Just goes to show money can buy just about anything, especially people. I feel so sorry for those in your state who didn’t vote for Kerry and have to suffer with him.

  43. John Kerry is a con man, nothing more! There are no real jobs to be had! Shoe Stores, Wal-Mart, Target and fast food, until minimum wage goes up to $15.00 per hour, then a McDonald’s Happy Meal will be $9.00!

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