GOP Sen. Josh Hawley absolutely handed it to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and the Biden administration for facilitating a DISGUSTING child slavery epidemic in America!
The New York Times has reported on how bad things in America actually are for migrant children being brought into the country.
According to the liberal NYT the Biden admin is helping to import foreign kids to exploit them as cheap labor – with reports suggesting migrant kids as young as 13 are being FORCED to work in factories!
Hawley referencing 250,000 unaccompanied migrant children which have entered the U.S. in recent years said, “Let’s not mince words: they’ve been sold into slavery. When kids are being put into factories, forced to work overnight, forced to work in terrible conditions, they’re not getting paid, they’re not going to school, sometimes they’re not getting fed, that’s slavery.”
“And what I’ve heard from Secretary Mayorkas was, ‘Oh it’s not my problem. We don’t have anything to do with it. Not my problem,’ Hawley continued.
So the Biden administration and its top officials are helping all of these illegals – even kids on their own – get into America and REFUSING to claim any responsibility for the heinous outcomes!
As Hawley points out, the DHS has also claimed it’s “not their problem.”
“Amazing how this works. Nobody’s responsible, these kids are literally being sold as slaves in the United States of America in the year of 2023 and nobody’s responsible…. Well I tell you, it’s somebody’s fault. It’s not the kids’ fault.”
Watch the video here to see Hawley go in depth about how the Biden administration is to blame for this child slavery crisis!
I bet Biden is using them for more than just slave labor?