School Using Ankle Monitors for Contact Tracing Purposes of Student Athletes

Literacy does not appear to be a problem for one Washington State school district because they are apparently well versed in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Members of the school board, faculty, and even sports enthusiasts supporting the Eatonville High School athletic programs turned the Orwellian nightmare into a 2021 reality.

In the famous fiction, characters are plagued by video cameras watching their every move and recording every word they utter. On this shocking report, conservative firebrand Charlie Kirk exposes how Eatonville High School put 1984’s surveillance on steroids.

Freedom-loving Americans need to remember that the authoritarian state almost always masks its deceitful efforts to control the population in the guise of public safety. That’s precisely why extremist liberals who want to turn the country into a socialist dictatorship didn’t see the pandemic as a crisis. They largely saw it as an opportunity to grab power and push the limits of citizen control.

Remember the promise of a two-week pause to slow the spread? That escalated into ongoing lockdowns, mandates, and Democrats refuse to stop imposing restrictions on constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms to this day.

In Washington State, the school district has taken Big Brother to a disgraceful low by forcing student-athletes to wear what they are calling “Athletic Proximity Monitors.” If you have the feeling that slick marketing language is hiding something most people would consider objectionable, your instincts are correct. Watch Charlie Kirk dissect the phony propaganda and expose how school officials are abusing the rights of children in the name of health.

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30 thoughts on “School Using Ankle Monitors for Contact Tracing Purposes of Student Athletes”

  1. This is what happens when the PEOPLE vote for CommiCrat Party members for their elected officials.
    If they are at all upset by this, RECALL those un-American people they voted for. Probably they need to turn
    out the entire School Board and start over with real American members.

    1. What I would love to see is these athletes too tell their coaches that they have decided not to go out for their teams, I know that would be really hard for a kid. But it would teach them to stand up against forced injustices, what a great lesson that would be for these morons pushing this BS, what about the other students why not them too, what a bunch of moron communists they have in Oregon, you know like Portland graduating kids that do not know how to READ, WRITE, DO MATH, KNOW TRUE AMERICAN HISTORY, OR WORLD HISTORY, OR THE SCIENCES,I feel sorry for these kids[ a lost generation], how sorry is that. GOD BLESS THE FREE USA

    1. There are True Americans in Washington State just not very many on the Coast!!! The West side of the state is leftist radicals!! The Eastern side is where most real Americans live!!! I am 71 on I am a Trump supporter and not afraid to use my voice and be heard!! There are so many things wrong with the Democratic political so-called leadership that we all need to stand together and put a stop to!!! The Democratic’s stole the 2020 election and we all know that and they are still trying to all over our country!!! Everyone needs to stand up and say enough is enough!!!!

    2. I recent your remark about, “no real Americans”, in Oregon or Washington! I’m a Real American and damn proud of it! I get really angry ? when we are all grouped together as being, ” Un this and Un that”. If you don’t have the power and the monies then your opinion doesn’t count. When you do try to voice your opinion there is the chance it will be misconstrued, and you become ” a problem “!

      1. Are you one of those “Real Americans” that didn’t graduate from an Oregon school, because it was too hard to proof your comment?

  2. Washington has been ruined due to the Plague of Demonrats that live there. The parents ( that’s if there are any real parents in that school dist. ) should yank the ankle bracelets, & their kids out of that school, & sue the shit out of the school district. Teachers & Administrators have ruined the education system, these liberal scumbags cant even get their students to be proficient, reading at GRADE level. Todays teachers are a NATIONAL DISGRACE & Embarrassment.

  3. So they monitor athletes so they won’t get close to each other, then the same kids go to school with out kids all day, talking to each other and sitting near each other. What are they accomplishing? Seems someone was given a grant and went crazy thinking of things to do with it. These are the same people teaching and deciding for our children??!!

  4. The U.S.Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Civil Rights and even the American Declaration of Independence all have one thing in common. If you have been paying attention to what is happening in Washington, D.C. then you have seen how the Democratic Party is picking and choosing what laws or Rights are to be ignored and who has what Rights and who doesn’t. Not only that but they have willing accomplices who praise every stupid decision or action taken by the bafoon in the oval office.
    Thankfully there are people in America who are starting to notice that maybe Trump wasn’t such a bad president as they were told he was. I sincerely pray enough people have the intelligence to see through the propaganda and can still think for themselves so we can fix this mess before it requires bloodshed to bring back America to the straight and narrow. America has never been perfect, has never claimed to be perfect, but no body on earth can say we have not been getting better and better all the time, until lately anyway. Forcing Socialism on America is ending all the progress made for the past 250 years, give or take a few. We may never be perfect but America will provide the opportunities to make your life anything you are willing to put the effort into creating for yourself and your family. Yes, it might be tough to do, nobody is going to give you a complete, successful life. You are going to have to earn it. That is a good thing though because you will know the value of that life if you paid for it with 20 years of busting your butt to get there. That is the trouble with lots of rich families. They give their kids all the things they had to earn and think they are helping their children. Really all they are doing is making their kids lose the opportunity to learn the value of things because they did not have to earn them. Sorry, I didn’t comment here to write a book. All I mean is WAKE UP AMERICA and open your eyes. Take notice of what is happening to our nation and help fix it. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem! Don’t believe everything you see or hear on the main stream news, they will lie and make mistakes. Think for yourself, don’t be a sheep, be the sheep dog!

    1. I agree. I just hope that a few people have managed to retain some of the common sense with which they were born.

  5. This School needs to be sued. The students need to boycott it. The Athletes need to drop ALL Athletic Programs. Maybe hold strikes for their rights. Sit downs, do walk outs until their rights are restored. Let the press know what their doing. Let the parents know what their doing, and why. This is what should happen. The teachers do this to get there way, so why can’t the students do this until their rights are restored to them!

  6. I can only say WOW !!! , I can only say that the parents of the students are actually brain washing their own children. And telling them to just give up and give into the Socialist party program. They are exactly what is wrong with this country.
    We need to stand against this B.S.

  7. true very true these mid evil dark ages methods never worked in the entire history of the world but insane people do insane things like trying the same thing over and over expecting a different resualt communist who simply can not even think for them self yet want to think for everyone are notoriou for this like joe stalin biden communist dictator of the united soviet america for example

    1. I remember: If you’re NOT part of the solution, you’re part of the problem!! Don’t be sheep, be sheep dog’s!!
      Add: TAKE responsibility —-
      Locally, Statewide, Nationwide, and Internationally. Keep and make G-D your Commander-in-Chief. You’re battling for yourself, for the Nation, and for G-D !!! Remember evil comes in many forms.

  8. Washington State was once a beautiful place to raise a family. Not any longer. As Nancy L. mentioned above, the western part of Washington has been completely overrun by idiots so far to the left that they’re falling down.
    Jay Inslee is a KOOK and in my humble opinion shouldn’t be re-elected for a next term. In fact, look at the west coast and it’s governors. Atrocious is the only word that comes to mind.
    Our “Surrender-in-Chief” is just as brilliant as the leadership on the west coast….no wonder our nation is in such peril.
    The Democratic Party should be dissolved. If they touch it, it turns to crap. Hopefully, one can only hope that a great percentage of democratic voters ( those with morals and intelligence ) will realize what their vote for Mr Biden was.
    It certainly WASNT a vote for the betterment of our nation. “Build back better”, what a fucking joke. All this man has done is to UNDO our economy, our borders, our respect for one another. He’s got families and friends turning in one another over his insanely bad decisions. Our government is a travesty. This administration is nothing short of a catastrophic train wreck with Sleepy Joe the engineer.

  9. This can not be legal? Really the schools are going so far as to put tracking devices on students and no one beat the schiff out of the teacher, principal or superintendent that did it?

    If it were me I would not only cut the thing off I would sit on the person who put it on me while I crammed it down their throat while saying if you like these so much your going to love eating this thing ass hole.

    Our schools are out of control.

    Force school vouchers onto your elections and vote for them.

  10. I would never allow my child to wear this. Washington is lost forever to liberals. Hope it breaks off and sinks with Oregon and California. These parents that go along with this bs should have their kids removed from them.

  11. Get these disasterous decision makers OUT. ONE left in is too many; taints the whole batch. How dare they put ankle monitors on students. They’re lucky I’m not there with kids in school. I’d be all over this and trying to stop it and campaigning to get these incompetents out. Are they going to be held liable for any skin ulcers and possible MRSA (Methicillin resistant staph aureus) infections? Kids get bumps and scratches; they’re active and sometimes clumsy. MRSA is more prevalent in certain places, incl locker rooms at colleges and HSs. Tracing all movement? My car insurance carrier offered a few dollars discount to allow them to monitor my mileage but also vehicle speeds, routes, stores gone to. Agent said rates can be raised if a vehicle is found to swerve, like to miss a person or animal (“erratic driving”) or goes above speed limit, even if to avoid a collision. Forget it. Stop these over reaching intrusions. Have the whole team boycott playing and I bet the mandate might be pulled.

  12. Personally, I never thought I would live to see what is happening in the WORLD right now. And I find it TERRIFYING!! And so should every American who believes in freedom. Are all of you who support Biden and his cronies, and schools such as Eatonville, really so very blind that you cannot see what is happening??!! WHY cant you see that the destruction of America, and YOUR freedom, really IS the goal of our enemies around the world (as well as our enemies WITHIN?) And that those enemies have spent DECADES using subversive methods (and many blatant ones too), designed to break our country from within by dividing people over stupid shit, and weakening our support of EACH OTHER?! And COVID-19 is the most blatant tactic to date?! Even the “fake news” has made no secret of the FACT that Medicare has been paying doctors more for every death reported as a COVID “related” death; which has resulted in grossly inflated death-toll numbers?! Even the CDC, when America’s death-toll stood at 220,000, broke down their vast amount of FACTUAL DATA, to PROVE that only 3% of those deaths were DIRECTLY CAUSED BY COVID-19! In my mind, THAT INFORMATION ALONE raised some serious red flags! Being an intelligent woman, I could not help but wonder, “WHY?”! WHY would our government want us to believe that this virus is more deadly than it actually is? Well I, of course do not know the TRUE answer to that question – but ALL of the possible reasons are evil, and aimed at destroying personal freedom wherever it exists in the world!
    And ankle monitors on our kids could not be a better beacon of that truth!
    Those of you that demonize FREE people who choose not to get vaccinated – are accelerating the demise of freedom across the globe, contributing to the growing intolerance and hate of your fellow man, and ignorantly destroying YOUR OWN QUALITY OF LIFE!! We are dividing amongst ourselves, when we should be standing together to protect what we, as American’s, believe in. What our parents and grand-parents fought and died for!
    When are we all going to wake up and take a stand against the slavery that is coming?
    Before its too late, I pray!

  13. If I had a child in that school system, you will NEVER EVER put an ankle monitor on my child like he’s a criminal on parole. NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!!!!!!

  14. It appears that these people do not believe in a Higher Power, Our “Living God.” We need to ask God to help our nation to get out of this mess. Ask forgiveness for letting this nation get away from God and the constitution.
    We need to pray that He will hear our pleas and help our nation to get back to a nation under “GOD.” If you do not believe in “GOD”, I am sorry, but this is how the majority of our nation feels. What is happening here, is truly an act of socialism/communism. This is what happened in Germany in the 1930s’ and 1940s’. Let us stand up for
    God and our country and not let this happen. Show everyone that we will not go down without a fight!!!!!!

  15. It may be time to get off the radar! I don’t want to be tracked, traced, harassed, or chosen because of my political affiliation! I cannot believe people are falling for this chit! Do they actually want this? I can fathom the left falling for this crap because they all fell for the Covid vaccine BS and trust the government. Whose to know if the government stuck in a little something extra in that vaccine to trace you. I do not want government ruling my life! There is a reason none of Trump’s proof was accepted on the election. The fix was in and we all fell for it even if we raised an eyebrow. I believe time is coming to stop the governments charade. I will NEVER support the idiot in charge or his cronies that made all this happen.



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