“Save America” PAC Gives Biden a New Title: “Surrender-in-Chief”

Patriots who are awake and alert understand the unprecedented decline America experienced in just eight months time due to Joe Biden’s abject failures. Every poll shows the majority in this country agree the Democrat occupying the White House does not have the cognitive capacity to hold office. That leaves everyday people wondering who exactly is running the country. But as Biden read off his script as Afghanistan collapsed, the “buck stops here.”

On this Newsmax TV exclusive, host Sean Spicer leads an insightful discussion about a new political video that calls Joe Biden the “Surrender-in-Chief.”

Conservative icons Trish Regan and David Harris Jr. join Spicer to talk about the political ad former President Donald Trump’s “Save America” PAC rolled out this week.


For those who have yet to witness the horrific images caused by Joe Biden and his handlers, even the proudest American will feel humiliated. We see chaos at the U.S. southern border, escalating inflation, and the Taliban overrunning Afghanistan. All the while, Biden reads his pre-written remarks and evades questions from even the left-wing media. The screams of Afghan women and a young soccer play falling to his death as he desperately clung to a U.S. evacuation plane taking off from Kabul are among the many heart-wrenching moments the ad forces decent people to watch.

The rhetoric the Biden administration has put out includes the slogan “America is Back,” and says President Biden bears “zero responsibility” for American citizens stranded behind enemy lines.

The buck doesn’t stop with Joe Biden. It stops with everyday Americans saying enough is enough. Watch this shocking video and decide whether you agree with Spicer’s guests about what needs to be done about the Surrender-in-Chief.

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105 thoughts on ““Save America” PAC Gives Biden a New Title: “Surrender-in-Chief””

  1. You gotta remember to spread the blame around! Keep in mind Biden is just the chosen mouthpiece for the evil cabal intent on destroying our republic. Some of them are “even” American!!

        1. Great comment. Oddly enough, Biden’s Cabinet meetings have given new meaning to Stephen Sondheim’s song–which must be played before each Cabinet meeting.

      1. It WAS A SLAM DUNK. TRUMP WON BY THE BIGGEST LANDSLIDE IN HISTORY. Biden’s handlers pulled the biggest big rig in history

        1. Agreed. TRUMP WON; he did win by a LANDSLIDE..it was a STOLEN ELECTION!

    1. Lincoln did warn us that if our country is ever destroyed that it will be from within, not from without. No enemy invasion could do this bu Biden and the Bilderbergers just might.

      1. “GOD Will rule against the wicked and Destroy them with The BREATH of HIS MOUTH. GOD Will be clothed with Fairness and Truth. ” (Isaiah 11) These words of ALMIGHTY GOD are Decreed and released-operating throughout The DncDemocrats Biden-Harris Pelosi Obama Soros Rice Schumer Schiff Sullivan Blinken Milley, Bilderberg, Mayorgas-Regime, globalists, Facebook-Mark, Twitter-Jack, All who are connected-partnered with these INCREDIBLE GREAT WICKED DEEDS. “GOD’S KINGDOM RULES OVER ALL ” I Trust And DEPEND on ALMIGHTY GOD’S Justice Fairness Honesty and Truth to continue to Expose and Destroy All conspiracies working against GOD’S PLANS for AMERICA-ISRAEL-THE EARTH. “IF GOD IS FOR US HE IS MORE THAN THE WORLD AGAINST US ” I Decree in JESUS NAME.

        1. God helps those who help themselves ,,, Yes, God is patient,, but we must choose which side , ,, Evil has taken over our Gov’t- ‘n we sit ‘n talk about it- – taken over our Schools, etc – ‘n we sit idly by ,, Evil is closing our churches ‘n we quit showing up,,, Are we blind- ? can’t. we see what has taken over our country? At least talk to others about it – Get the facts,,, Learn about the Fall of Rome,,,,,, This is quickly becoming the mirror image never to be the same again,,,,,,, These evil people in our gov were voted into office ! By whom? They have an ulterior motive,, not $$ but Power,,, they call themselves The Elites !!

          1. They weren’t elected; the Election was stolen, lock, stock and barrel by Globalists, some of them American in name only. “Surrender-in-Chief” is very fitting although I tend to use “Traitor-in-Chief.”

    2. I agree. The whole cabal of Demonrats (and RINOs) are responsible for the degradation but I wouldn’t call any of them Americans. Americans don’t act like thieves and idiots.

      1. I agree. I’m sick of Biden and his circus destroying our country. We can only hope and pray it’s not too late to save our beautiful country from them and those behind them. Trump may have been loud but when he said I’m draining the swamp he didn’t have enough time to get rid of the SLIME.
        Also, isn’t it amazing that Biden and company have spent billions on trying to get Trump ousted, jailed, whatever their evil little minds can come up with and he’s still powerful. Biden and Co. must really FEAR him.
        Now they are starting to fear the American people (which they are Not). Nightmares to them all.

    3. Dennis Sumner..you are so correct. The M
      New Marxist Democrat Dictatorship (they do now rule by Dictates from Biden’s office, totally bypassing Congress and our system of Checks and Balances).
      As far as Biden’s comment “The buck stops here” it’s true..it STOPS there, but then he gives it away to people that are not even citizens of America !!! Our Veterans who fought and served their country, and are disabled as a result, and those families that are struggling after the loss of their loved ones that gave their full measure of their life to defend this nation, cannot get the care and support they deserve.
      Americans First mean nothing to Biden OR his Marxist Commjnist Dictatorship. What he did in Afghanistsn is living proof. He, and his Party couldn’t care less. Oust these fraudulent usurpers of the Presidency. A truly Marxist Coup.

    1. I agree with you Bonnie from day one Obama is in charge and Biden is using him as his puppet and Harris is worthless the day these two goons took the oath of office the both lied and did a diservice to america and our people …how so sad so when we peached Biden and Harris Obama needs to go as well..for the record Michelle has no clue what it was like growing up in Chicago by the time this witch was born in the the mid sixties the race riots in Chicago were not as bad as before although another flair up came about the early seventies….Michelle is a first class snob who looks down on people even her own race sickening and so sad, black people killing their own and you do not hear anything from the Obama’s about it they live in their big fancy house and anyone who attended Obama’s birthday party no mask I have no pity for them if they caught the virus …

      1. Obama may seem to be in charge & he is certainly one of the mouthpieces for the money people. He started out with a reasonable salary to now being filthy rich with the billions in sight!
        However, the people behind the money are the true culprits of Satan!! Geo. Soros, China, Russia, Ukraine, Germany (the Nazism that never died), Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria, & all the Muslim countries. This is a World Wide Enemy!!
        Obama was a puppet who they put forth at our expense to be an educated Communist to run as the first Black President!! They used race baiting to get in position to raise the bar on Socialism/Communism!! Obama had to earn his position, even though he is most probably the Anti-Christ!!!

        1. Don’t forget to include Gates, the other kings of technology and their minions, who have made the American public dependent on them for communications. This evil has been planned since the Reagan year by the republicans. The Democrats were weakened at that time and losing control. I suspect it was then they started
          to plan on taking over the government and remaking it in their image. Now we all need to fight hard to regain our country and freedoms for our country, ourselves, our children and grandchildren. The shame and anger I feel right now is off the scale. Congress needs to do whatever it takes to regain control.

        2. I thought Obama was Anti Christ from day one!! He mocked Christianity, our own military and set the stage for zero mortality

          1. Yes I agree ? percent with that, infact he basically said he would sit in his basement with his ear plugs and tell the president what to do!

        3. They call themselves “The Elites” – it’s about Power ! They already have grown the proverbial ‘$ trees,,, -if they have Power why worry ,,, Obama ‘n Clinton have shown us that – started out ‘ beggars’ until “Soros” got to them,,,,, Look out for Pres. Pelosi! She is Soros next pick for Pres. – KUMOLA ‘n Biden will ‘resign’- Pelosi is next in line – ‘n there will be no need for more crooked elections,,,,as we are no longer a Free Nation!

        1. she isnt first lady she is last lady.michelle obama. her and husband our getting there 3rd term. disgracefulboth of them,.there all destroying our beautiful america. durham keep investagating and put all thesecorrupt people that are running our country in jail. they all belong in jail.they think they have all this money and now want the power. president trump went thru alot with them hating him.there day will come soon god is watching and listening .they really hate trump and america. there communist,saten people . they really are the swamp.trump will be back soon and he will fix there fat asses upincluding george soros ass.evil disgraceful people.

    2. Yes I agree ? percent with that, infant he basically said he would sit in his basement with his ear plugs and tell them president what to do!

  2. I am so sorry America decided to vote AGAINST President Trump because they didn’t like his tone??? For goodness sake, we need a “fixer” that can straighten out our country. It’s a mess in case you haven’t noticed. We need to pull together, as our once strong country has weakened. President Biden isn’t the guy that can do it. How in the world can we wait 3 years before we find a strong leader? God Help US.

    1. I thought it was surrenderer in chief. The Afghans should go to Muslim countries. They will not assimilate. We should take in those that worked as allies and their families. Those that are truly refugees should come in as we can accept them. We should slam the southern border shut.

    2. America didn’t vote against Donald Trump. He won in a landslide. The “election” was 100% stolen from the actual winner!

    3. Suggestion:
      Get to work on the 2022 elections!
      GOP candidates, nationally, statewide, locally.
      Don’t be a wimp!
      Speak up, speak out, contact your Congress man or woman!

  3. biden has already destroyed this country..we are far less safe then ever before..more than a million people have come into this country on our southern border….i dont want 1 penny of my tax payer money going to help these illegals…harris i believe will soon be president…..god help us all……

  4. About Afghanistan! The humanitarian considerations are important of course but few questions are being asked about the incredible hardware and weaponry that has fallen into the hands of our adversaries. A few have asked why it wasn’t re moved or destroyed. I want to know why it wasn’t being USED! Why was it there if not to destroy the Taliban? Who sent it there, when was it sent and for what purpose? To scare them? For optics? To please the Military Industrial Complex? Planes, Helicopters, Tanks, Armored Vehicles, Drones, RPG’s, and many other weapons as well as High Tech stuff like Night Vision, etc. Where the Afghan forces not trained to use this stuff and if they were why wasn’t it being used to stop the advances of the Taliban months, weeks or even days before they took over Province after Province.
    Biden is certainly to blame for much of the current disaster but he didn’t send all this unused weaponry that now can be used to KILL many thousands of Afghans and others including American Soldiers in the future. Much of it has apparently found its way to China, Pakistan etc. and is now being reversed Engineered. What happened to our Intelligence? Our Satellite abilities? Our Military leaders. Were their hands tied by some backroom deal made by whom? I am an 80 year old Veteran and have NEVER been more angry than now at the incompetent leadership of the current administration and its advisors. Should Biden resign? Yes! But Harris, Pelosi, Leahy and Blinken are the replacements in that order! God help us!

  5. AI love qwerty’s port. Liar and thief. Could not have said it any better. He is NOT our president. President Trump is still the president. It was stolen, it was proven, and the Supreme Court will do nothing about it. What the hell good are they? Stop paying them with the taxpayers dollars if they aren’t going to do their jobs. I am fed up. How about the rest of you.

      1. Oh boy How I wish you guys were serious about taking him and Harris OUT , BY ANY MEANS NEEDED !!

        PLEASE !!!!!!!!


  7. All of the politicians and anyone at the rank of Brigadier General up connected to the white house should be tried for TREASON…….. and hung or face a firing squad. Old school military needs to step up and take charge.
    Old school Marine Sgt
    God Bless True American Patriotism

  8. I agree with everything said here! What I would like to know is WHERE ARE THE MEN AND WOMEN WITH TRUE GRITZ In our military who will think for themselves and over run the Pentagon, the DOJ and the Ehite House and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK AND GET OUR SEALS, MARINES, ARMY AND NAVY and free our country from this tyranny?!!! It is time to physically remove this administration and get Trump back into power! Call on the CIVIL MILITIA. Let Freedom Reign!

  9. People did not vote for biden they voted for Trump an biden cheeted an switches votes the democrats cheeted its already been proven that voting fraud was involved. That money people is where fraud comes in

  10. We must get rid of Biden AND we must get rid of Harris as she will be totally destructive. I pray every morning, night and in-between for Pres. Trump and the Republicans. Please join me in prayer. for our country.


  12. It is totally obvious that Mr. Biden has Alzheimers dementia which is not compatible with being the President of the U.S.A. It would be best for him to admit it and resign, but I doubt his ego would allow for that and then we would be stuck with Kamala who has no reasonable credentials or experience to handle the Presidency either.
    The Democrats should be ashamed of putting him into this office. They did have better candidates. Now all Americans are at a loss.

  13. We need rid of the whole regime, not just the surrender and chief!! He is not a president, Obamas is running the show, he needs gone also.!!

  14. DON’T forget “TRAITOR in CHIEF”. IMPEACH and CONVICT him! One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  15. That name is to nice. My 80 yr old neighbor has a better name for him. She made it clear the her name fits. I can not repeat the name because it is gross.


    2. oh say it. biden deserves to leave our country with his crookit son hunter.say the name we the people need to push it along for this creep as a president needs to know say it right in his face with his corrupt party.

  16. Every American who kept putting Trump down while he was our President should be totally ashamed of themselves! If you couldn’t have done better,then you had no business putting him down! I am personally ashamed of every one of you!
    Maybe we are ALL being taught a “lesson” so next time we have a great President (hopefully Trump in 2024), then you will all give him the CREDIT he deserves!!!
    I pray you ALL learned your lesson! Biden and Kamela can’t be gone fast enough for my peace of mind!

  17. What I’d like to know is who are the ones behind the scene who are telling that puppet of a vacancy of the cranium Biden what to say and sign executive orders. Whoever they are, they are communist, anti-american, anti-constitutional vermin that are literally tell Biden what he’s “suppose” to say, not take questions, and ignore what the people want. There is just so much wrong with the Demorats it makes my head spin. The major problem with getting brainless Biden impeached is, we are trading one buffoon for another kackling incompetent Harris! Yet another scenario, imagine Harris declining to take office! Next in line is that dried-up old hag Pelosi!! EVERYTHING POSSIBLE has to be done to stop the Demorats whenever/wherever we can from destroying this country before the midterm elections! Look at what they’ve done in just 9 months!!

  18. Anything but President. He certainly does not have any characteristics of a president. He is a fraud and a dunce. Put him in a box.

  19. I agree with those who say this is Obama third terms! Biden has everyone that was in Obama administration trying to finish the job in bringing America to it knees

    1. it is obama he and his ugly fat wife are muslems.that is an honest fact.muslems are the ones that hit the penagon and world trade center they were muslims.so obama is finishing the job to destroy our country his fat ugly wife hates america and so does obama.god help us.god bless america.

  20. We the people are to blame the path USA is going listening to the Lying news media lying politicians not dealing with facts not listening to both sides not getting the truth this administration is saying we are to stupid to know what’s right or wrong and it’s showing need I say more

  21. Wonder how many of those attended Obama’s
    mask less birthday party contracted the virus.
    Wish they all would have, just to show them
    that WE ALL NEED TO MASK UP, not just us
    common folks. There they are flaunting their
    “we’re better than you” attitude” again….
    along with owning several houses and not
    caring about the poor, homeless and unemployed.

    1. They said 74 people got COVID at Obama’s birthday party but I thought they all got the jab and they were to sophisticated to get COVID. So, I guess that’s another lie. So, either the jab doesn’t work or they never got it in the first place and the jab is for anyone who isn’t an entitled elitists.

      1. The jab has something in it that will come back to bite anyone who got it. I’d bet on it. Why are they pushing it so much? They sure don’t care if the illegals they’re letting in here get it . They want to start a new country without us in it . The illegals will be much easier to control. No way can they make me get that shot . I already had covid anyway so i’m immune. Fauci , Biden the CDC and all the rest of them can go FK themselves.

  22. I’m afraid the people who voted for Biden, weren’t really voting for Biden per se, they didn’t believe he was a competent leader. They were voting against Donald Trump. Biden was the anti-Trump candidate.

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