Left-wing media has obviously been covering for President Biden’s seemingly endless failures and scandals during his time as president, but that may be coming to an end as we speak.
While his status in the Democratic party has afforded him certain protections, when it comes to the ongoing classified document scandal it’s been a completely different story.
Keep in mind how hard the media openly LIED to us to shield him from the political fallout that would have come from the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.
That’s certainly not going on today, suggesting – as Rush Limbaugh predicted – that the Dems are ready to give old Joe the boot.
Back in December of 2020, Limbaugh forecasted that the Democrats would use Joe Biden up until Barrack Obama decided it was time to get rid of him.
He suggested that the DNC and it’s leadership already had enough evidence to bury Biden when the time came.
If Limbaugh’s prediction really does come true, it means we will continue to see more and more dirt come out about Biden and his blatantly corrupt family until it’s enough to get Biden out of the Oval Office.
It’s clear we’re at the whims of the Democrat elite who are ACTUALLY calling the shots for America under Biden.
America has a shadow government and the only thing we know for certain is, they couldn’t care less about you and I!
To see how disturbingly accurate Limbaugh’s prediction was, watch the video here.
FJB was born a failure. His mother should have aborted him. After all he’s for it. Same for Hunter, a Spawn of Satan, should have been aborted, doing the USA a righteous deed.
Yep….and I’ve stated so many times on both issues….the abortion AND his trashy career but Delaware just kept electing the a$$ boob.
Communist Joe & family: Where do want to spend eternity? Ask God’s Mom the Ever Virgin Mary for help and she’ll help you! 🙂
nope—not ever
Boy do I miss Rush! He was so insightful and he always made me feel better about our country. He NEVER gave up on her.
So true. Rush was a gifted genious.
I really dislike Biden he really wants to take the rights away our independence
There really is no one speaking on behalf of conservatives today as Rush had great insight on this country. America is lost without him.
Mark Levin is an option.
Rush is certainly missed.
Rush was a giant among Conservative pundits; however, there are a number of up and coming Conservatives who show promise, but that promise will not manifest itself overnight.
America is not lost as long as patriots have the resolve to do whatever it takes to prevent it from becoming a Communist state.
This could get fun if Biden retaliates by exposing some of the fraud done by his fellow Democrats.
Makes sense but please edit – you & I !!! Should be you & me! Makes me wonder what else is inaccurate!
What else is inaccurate? You are speaking of grammar I presume. Your sentence lacks a subject.
News yesterday stated Biden had Democratic approval to run in 2024. Yes ! Indeed Rush is missed! Why should Biden not run? Obama is handling him well in the background. Joey has taken 282 days vacation since becoming President. Remember all the hullabaloo when Trump went golfing.Trump could not do anything without news media harping. Records next to a deplorable gasoline powered Corvette when coke head Hunter was living there. How insecure! To get into Mar-a-Lago would be as likely as strolling into Fort Knox . Classified records were far more secure in Trump’s place. Americans wising up? Mid term results don’t show much. Senate still Democrat and Republicans hardly have the House. Most Americans still don’t have a clue or don’t care or love this Democratic takedown of the country. Country will take years to heal!
Just as Rush would say on his program, “talent on loan from God.” I like that statement.
If we could stop the cheating I believe election results would be much different. I really think Americans are waking up to the truth about who is running this country and how they “win” elections.