Ray Epps Lenient Charge Seems to CONFIRM He Was a Fed All Along

Ray Epps, the man suspected by many of being an FBI plant designed to help set off the false flag that was January 6, has FINALLY been charged with a crime – but the charges only make it MORE LIKELY that he was a government plant all along.

Ray Epps is the only protester caught on video repeatedly urging Trump supporters to enter the US Capitol building on January 6 and almost 3 years later, Biden’s Department of Justice decided to charge Epps with one misdemeanor for disorderly conduct.

It’s worth noting that on January 5th, Epps was seen standing alongside Antifa organizer John Sullivan, defending Antifa while wearing full MAGA gear and telling patriots in the crowd that they “needed” to “go into the Capitol” on the following day.

Then on January 6th, he was caught on film hoisting a massive Trump sign and leading protestors trough two different sets of police barricades at the Capitol building.


All of the other individuals involved in J6, whether they did anything violent or not, have been given unprecedented multi-decade sentences with charges like “seditious conspiracy,” designed to make an example out of them, even though there is less incriminating evidence implicating them than there is of Epps.

But Epps, who seemingly orchestrated it all, faces a virtual slap on the wrist!

Sure… that’s not weird at all!

Watch the video here to see how this proves that this man was a fed plant!

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13 thoughts on “Ray Epps Lenient Charge Seems to CONFIRM He Was a Fed All Along”

  1. The last nail in the coffin. If anybody still believes we have “fair” administration of justice or anything else in this country managed by government they are part of the communist rebellion or just plain f#*king stupid! Let there be no doubt, if Donald J Trump is not properly re-elected there will be no saving our country. Trump is the answer. If the commie’s screw Trump over again, and they all, the media, big tech, big business and rino’s install another sack-o-schytt like pedo joe it’ll take Civil war II to right the ship…

    1. Y wait : all u see is lawyer after lawyer in hearings : there not American counselors at law but B A R lawyers : esq. Foriegn unregistered agents!!!

  2. You and I know who was in charge of Jan 6 and it wasn’t the intelligent God fearing Christian Americans!
    The people that are all for Biden are the same ones that want free free free and you owe me attitudes that prevail those that have no intention of ever working to support themselves and their families. Why should they remember “we” owe them .
    Keep right on Rhinos your doing a great job of killing America.

    1. Right on target, Ginny. We have to fight against these people with everything we have or like you said, they will destroy America. I want to see the Republicans fight much harder than they have been doing. Do some things that will make a difference. They just don’t seem to have much of a backbone to have a real fight, with the exception of a very few. I’m starting to have doubts about Kevin McCarthy’s ability to lead.

  3. This is a middle finger to all Americans who believe America is a great country. An absolute slap in the face to all of us. Good Christian people are naturally pacifists and the Devil worshipers know this. They believe that they exist in sufficient numbers now to do or say anything they want without fear of repercussion. In truth they are VERY far from those numbers, but as pacifists we continue to do nothing to abate the attacks on our way of life. The founding fathers saw this day coming and wrote the Constitution accordingly. I don’t believe they envisioned the day when it would be blatantly disregarded as just a piece of paper that no longer has any meaning at all. If we as a people continue to allow the laws of this land to be twisted and even INVENTED to suit the purpose of evil, then we are most certainly doomed as American society.

    1. No religics are pacifists, they are all under written orders from their handbooks to hate, hurt, and mass murder everyone on the planet…

  4. With all the evidence piling up, I don’t understand how the liberal media and the Democratic heathens can keep saying that Trump is the one lying. They are the ones that are lying and the DNC is guilty of the worst conspiracy in the history of the USA and they are going to steal the 2024 Presidential election too, unless God intervenes.

  5. Those convicted are the heroes in the J6 event.
    In Seattle, Portland, LA and numerous other cites little to nothing was done to convict those that actually did something to the city buildings, people and property but in DC the innocent were convicted to make examples of their opponents power so that they and others would not challenge them in the future!

    So sad, so wrong and so unforgiveable!

  6. If you consider yourself a Christian or God fearing person. Why are you so scared to stand up in the name of JESUS? Even in the BIBLE we are to put on the ARMOUR OF GOD AND FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS TO LIVE AND WORSHIP THE ONLY GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH! You misunderstand the words in the Bible if you do NOT fight for GOD! There are verbs that tell you to fight EVIL WITH GOOD! Knowing you are fighting for TRUTH! Yes, it also say in New Testament that JESUS SAID LET REVENGE BE HIS! But it not just democrats destroyed America there are those Republicans who are wolf in sheep clothes in the GOP! McCarthy is one of them. Along with MCCONNELL AND LINDSEY GRAHAM.

  7. McCarthy made a promise he can’t never keep! It was more of a LIE THAN PROMISE! If PELOSI could get away with LYING to have everyone arrested on J6. Why wasn’t those involved in the MEMORIAL WEEKEND ATTACK ON THE CAPITOL ARRESTED? That is were 150 capitol police officer were injured! NOT J6! It took the democrats 4 month to release the video, but it was EDIT WITH MEMORIAL WEEKEND ATTACK BY ANTIFA AND BLM! Another thing to remember JOHN SULLIVAN WAS THERE AT BOTH EVENTS! He was arrested on January 6th, but RAY EPPS TOLD THEM TO LET HIM GO. BECAUSE HE WAS WORKING FOR PELOSI! He then was going to spill the truth on CNN AND MSNBC , if he WASN’T RELEASED! His own brother was the camera man filmed it! So why CAN’T MCCARTHY RELEASED THEM? Or he like Matt Gratz said– A LIAR!

  8. Another thing, what happens to the paperwork on January 6th? Last I read it was destroyed by Thompson who sit on the Committee board for January 6th! By laws it was supposed to be turn over to the REPUBLICANS WHO NOW HAS CONTROL OF THE HOUSE! That there proves there a COVER UP BY ALL 12 THAT WERE SITTING ON THAT COMMITTEE!

  9. I would like to know how Ray Eppes (AKA Ray the Fed) was arrested. Did they hit his house at 6:30 in the morning taking down his door with a battering ram, throwing flash bangs, screaming “on the ground, on the ground” at gun point. I find it very interesting that he was arrested but not a word on how he was apprehended. Just curious.

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