Proud Boys See SURGE in Recruiting Thanks to Joe Biden

The left is really pushing it with their latest massive lie. They’re telling the world that President Trump endorsed white supremacy in the recent debate with Joe Biden. Do they think people won’t watch the video or listen to the clips?!

For anyone who has doubts, President Trump was asked point-blank if he would condemn white supremacy. He immediately and unequivocally answered “sure.” It really is that simple, but somehow the left thinks they can spin this into an account of the President being racist.

It was in that part of the debate that Biden suggested Trump should condemn the Proud Boys. President Trump, not even knowing who they are, told them to back off. What you need to remember is that Biden is the one who brought the Proud Boys into the conversation.


That brings us to the new point. The Proud Boys are seeing a surge in recruiting. People didn’t know anything about them, then looked up their ideology and realized they are not the white supremacist group Biden made them out to be.

The left is extremely angry that this group is getting notoriety and influence. They’re trying to blame President Trump for that too.

This is the insanity that is the left. They get dumber and crazier every single day, and they will not stop any time soon. So, we have to watch videos like this one. We have to learn who the Proud Boys really are. We have to go through the original videos to debunk the lies of the left. It’s exhausting, but we have to stay ahead of them. Thankfully, people like Tim Pool don’t take days off, and they make videos like this one that makes the grand task a little easier for the rest of us.

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50 thoughts on “Proud Boys See SURGE in Recruiting Thanks to Joe Biden”

  1. I keep asking this question, yet no one seems able to provide an answer! If the Proud Boy organization has as its current leader an Afro-Cuban -Enrique Tarrio- is it not a bit specious to claim they are a White Supremacist group? Anyone?

    1. Well I keep asking you trolls to give me 470 things in brain dead perv Biden’s 47 years, that he has done for us. So join the club!!! That’s NOT, even 1 thing, A MONTH. I get, NOTHING! So! I lowered it to 235 things that brain dead thing has done for us in his 47 years. That is 5 things a, YEAR! I get, NOTHING! Again. SO! I asked for 100 things that he has done, still NOTHING! and for 47 years, don’t you think he could of done 100 things for us. RIGHT??? SO! Why don’t YOU, answer what that perv has done in his 47 years besides sniffing women’s hair, and touching little girls inappropriately. What?? Can’t answer?? No! You can’t. Because that perv hasn’t done sh…..t for us. So don’t talk to me of no one wants to answer your questions. Because you POS Dems NEVER answer MY questions. But prove me wrong and answer my questions. SO????

      1. The only memorable thingsJoe has done in his 47 years is this:
        Wrote a crime bill which targeted minorities and gave them harsher sentences for minor drug offenses.
        Calling them savages and claiming they were making the world a “jungle” for his kids to grow up in.
        Wrote the Brady Bill (with Sen Feinstein who is still somehow wandering the halls of Congress) which put a 10 year ban on modern sporting rifles.
        Traded on his family name to get his family jobs they wouldn’t get otherwise, using taxpayer money to quid pro quo foreign countries into firing people or not being given $1B, allowing his son to fly on AF2 to China to secure a $1B investment deal with the government of China, having his brother get contracts in the Caribbean and in Iraq for things he was not experienced in.

        1. Don’t forget how he pushed the idea of taxing Social Security benefits not once but twice!!! Yeah a man for the people.


      1. I’ve already researched Proud Boys. Nothing to do with neo-nazisism AT All. They’re sick of PC garbage, woke, and watching American Cities burn. The Media is full of LIES about them. Google doesn’t even have their Web site under ‘search’. Amazon and eBay pulled all Proud Boys merchandise, yet STILL display BLM and ANTIFA crap. This tells you everything you need to know about the Lefts diry tricks, and misinformation/LIES from MSM.
        A vote for Hiden is for more PC BS, corruption, greed, lies, racism, Marxism, Socialism, higher taxes, and the end of your freedom, as well as your kids. And kiss your 2nd Amendment goodbye. PROUDBOYSUSA.COM

        1. Always said that it would be a good day in AMERICA if we just bun down Amazon, Twitter. facebook, other leftist website building! Include CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST! THESE PLACE ATE CONTROL BY COMMUNIST SOCIALISM GROUP. NOT TRULY AMERICANS CITIZEN!

          1. Amen, except I think of Amazon as a source for products and books. Maybe Ebay would be a better one to stop buying from.

    2. That’s why anyone who actually keeps up on current events was laughing at the Democrats. Keep in mind that alot of the rioting clips show 20yr old white kids calling black cops white supremacists. There is no longer any meaning to white supremacist anymore, the lefties wore it out. By the way Richard Spencer the most prolific white supremacist in the United States has endorsed the Democrats.

    3. Great question? I will need to confirm the name of their leadr. However, it is a great question and should be verified.

    4. Given that the Proud Boys have black, hispanic and asian members I agree that it is absurd to call it a White Supremist group. I expect such stupidity from Biden but Chris Wallace has no excuse and should retire.R

    5. Your use of the term “specious” can be used either to the positive or negative in your question. Since I’m not sure WHAT it is you are questioning, it’s hard to answer. I’ll try both; The proud boys are NOT white supremacists. They ARE Patriots. They DO believe in race, because there are different races, but believe all races are equal and abhor racism. They do believe in protests and in PEACEFUL protests as an American right. They, However, will not stand down when provoked or antagonized. It is this that has caused a few of the incidents between them and BLM/Antifa. I don’t know of any specific time when the “incident” was STARTED by the Proud Boys (doesn’t mean it hasn’t but I don’t know of one) yet there have been incidents where things devolved to violence. They do not go out to burn, loot, destroy or randomly assault the elderly. They love this country and try hard to support it and defend it. Not sure I’d want my son or grandson to be a member, BUT I wouldn’t be ashamed of it either. Would choose that ANYDAY over BLM or Antifa!

  2. When someone has to tell you the same thing over and over it is a sure sign that they don’t believe it themselves. Will the demsocmarlib ever get tired of beating that same old dead horse?


  4. In desperation the “former Democratic party” is quickly moving to become the NAZI party. God, PLEASE HELP AMERICA.

    1. The Democrats work for Satan and the AntiChrist! It’s laid out in OT/NT KJV of the Bible! In several prophecies! The power and Principalities that Apostle Paul and Michael, the Arch-Angel of God, mentions, are running the World along with Obama type hatred for Conservaties! The donkey party is run by crooked pathetic chronic liars and thieves, like the Clintons, Gore’s, and Obama’s selling favors to all of our enemies! Time to dissolve the UN, the EU runs it, and we pay out the nose for it and NATO is a joke! Trump hasn’t butt kissed either one of these European blood suckers and Trump knows the Dems want to put US Citizens under UN regulations (no guns so you can’t stand up for your Freedoms), as the Commie Dems are scared sh!tless of our guns and our religions and Christ! They believe we were monkeys and developed from muskrats! Science can’t prove any of their speculations and the World is a chaotic place headed for a Mad Max meltdown! Better get your butts lined up for Heaven and watch Jesus drop thousands dead around you while protecting you until the End Day, or you become a Saint by not denying Christ to your death at the Orders of the Anti-Christ or not taking his mark!

  5. Glad we finally have some good ole’ boys who can and will stand up to BLM, Antifa, etc. About time!!! SOmebody needs to help get this country back.

    1. I have sent $$$ to several black Republicans running for the Senate and the House as well as Trump! Sometimes it’s not much since I’m retired but if we send $10 or $35 we need to give to help the only President to stand up for us! Please contribute to Mitch’s Senate and the RNC! It’s disappointing that Mormon A-hole Romney is so petty! Does he really have Mormon support? Bad reflection on UTAH! Tsk!, Tsk!, Traitor DH!
      Are they really Christians? Probably rather they elect the Dem over that dud!

  6. They keep saying that President Trump is a racist-he dated a black model for 2 yrs. before marrying Melania.

    1. Isn’t it a credit to President Trump too. He married a person who legally immigrated to America. She is an asset for America. The ones Trump is trying to slow from coming into America are the ones who will be given free benefits or they will take jobs away from our own sons and daughters. Melania never took a unskilled job away from an American citizen.

    1. Marxists = Socialists= Communists= Dems

      Only belief in Jesus Christ and His Father can deliver Utopia and for all Eternity!! All Marxists are communists, Atheists, Anarchists, Loser Slacker’s, and druggies or rich white bitches that hate men that don’t shave their bodies and riot for BLM or Antifa!
      Only Dems desecrate our rural and suburban culture and heritage! BLM and Antifa are like most thugs, Chicken Sh!t! Come through my conservative state and you will run for your life like Wyatt Earp chasing the Cowboys with Hell coming with him!

  7. Trump exposed thr DC corruption and him being an outsider sent the left into what is now called TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome. Thank goodness he was elected

    1. We really need to be praying, because the DC corruption might win this time. They seem a lot better organized than in 2016.

  8. The response to Antifa and BLM destruction should be a good beating with some good boys thrashing their teeth and eyes out! Obviously, if the police aren’t allowed in Liberal cities so it’s a joy watching these Leftist crap holes burn! They are reaping what they sow! In Trump States and Districts we will use whatever means to make them tuck their tales and run or they will eat their Molotov cocktails and be crippled and disfigured for the rest of their Commie Thug lives! And please feel free to kick the crap out of any BLM or Antifa female looters!

    1. This comment is not Lynn Hopkins’ comment! My comment is down the list! Although I agree with some of this, especially, the liberal city dwellers getting what they deserve, burn, Baby, Burn!
      We do not have to be second rate Citizens and watch Jesus mocked by Dem anarchists and useless undisciplined free loaders that can’t spell or right or stupid soccer moms that support Obama!

  9. The Proud Boys are obviously NOT “White Supremacists” in ANY way, but those who are attacking them are definitely conducting a racial war that they hope to inflame into a civil war so that they can continue to conduct actual racial warfare upon Americans! If the democrat & RINO traitors complain someone is doing something evil, immediately consider that THEY are the ones conducting the true anti-American acts against The Constitution and ALL Americans! The brainwashing that the democrats and RINO’s are orchestrating is called “deflecting” to blame the innocent for their own crimes against humanity! It is nothing but a fake news smoke screen plain and simple!

  10. We need to get out to vote and see that our friends also vote. We. Must try to dispel the false narratives perpetuated by the left leanimg media.

  11. Watched a few commercials Biden has made and was quite amused by what he said: He’d bring back Manufacturing jobs, good paying jobs, WAIT, isn’t that what President Trump already has done.. Does Joe have short term memory loss when President Trump, prior to the election in 2016 made campaign promises of which included BRINGING BACK MFG JOBS- GOOD PAYING JOBS and he and OBAMA said those jobs were done and lost forever.. Obama campaigning for Hillary told that over and over to people everywhere.. Biden keeps saying he’ll do this and he’ll do that… sorry Joe, PRESIDENT TRUMP has already done those things and more … and one question JOE- you say you’ll fix this and that and I’m wondering why… WHY WHEN YOU AND OBAMA ran our country for EIGHT YEARS, did you NOT ADDRESS ANY OF THE ITEMS YOU’RE NOW SAYING YOU’LL FIX… WHY WAS NOTHING DONE TO STOP ALL THE HOMICIDES INVOLVING BLACK LIVES IN CHICAGO… OBAMA’S home town? Joe, you have been a part of the problems that exist in our country- 47 years in government with no real accomplishments that benefited or helped the people in most need of help… if problems that needed fixing.. YEARS AGO… that because of your lack of any helpful actions, have actually worsened… you said you would keep our soldiers safe… YET DURING ALL EIGHT YEARS YOU AND OBAMA WERE IN OFFICE OUR COUNTRY WAS AT WAR THE ENTIRE EIGHT YEAES- AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, etc., On May 30, 2016 the United States had been at WAR under OBAMA for 2,687 days, LONGER THAN ANY PRESIDENT. By the end of his eight years in office, that number would grow to roughly 2,920 days- his entire years. The toll on the United States – over 2,500 Casualties(Deaths) Obama conducted Air Strikes on SEVEN COUNTRIES- Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Yemen & Pakistan. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS BRINGING OUR SOLDIERS HOME. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO BRING PEACE TO THESE TROUBLED REGIONS. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS MAKING SURE THAT OUR SOLDIERS HAVE THE BEST TOOLS, THE BEST EQUIPMENT TO ENABLE THEM TO DO THEIR JOBS THE VERY BEST THEY CAN AMD THE SAFEST WAY THEY CAN. PRESIDENT TRUMP MADE CAMPAIGN PROMISES AND PRESIDENT TRUMP KEPT THOSE PROMISES! PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS EARNED ANOTHER FOUR YEARS AS OUR COMMANDER AND CHIEF… PRESIDENT TRUMP IS THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THIS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT JOB AT THIS EXACT MOMENT IN TIME…. No, he’s not a politician, he’s not a polished statesman, he shoots from the hip, says what’s on his mind, doesn’t pull any punches, is a little rough around the edges, some of the things he says or does or how he does them upsets or irritates people, some dislike him because of his brash personality, and some dislike him because of third party influence.. how many times have you heard.. I don’t like him.. when asked why? you hear either – I just don’t like him or so and so said this about him and so and so said that about him… making their decision not due to first hand knowledge or experience, but from third party influence – letting another GIVE YOU YOUR OPINION… WOW, how dumb is that? So Joe, you and Obama really didn’t accomplish too much in EIGHT YEARS and you Joe, haven’t accomplished very much in 47 years… PRESIDENT TRUMP, this brash, rough around the edges, non politician, un-statesmen like man, has ACCOMPLISHED MORE IN LESS THAN FOUR YEARS, than you & Obama did in EIGHT YEARS… and PRESIDENT TRUMP MADE CAMPAIGN PROMISES AND PRESIDENT TRUMP KEPT THOSE PROMISES! Don’t let your dislike for our President, whether your own opinion of him or the opinion given to you by others. Lastly, before you vote… REMEMBER THIS- The entire four years he has been in office- beginning DAY ONE, the Democrats did everything and anything they could to hurt him, discredit him, lie about him, fabricate untrue stories, deliberately omit exculpatory evidence and information designed to distort the facts and twist the truth to fit the democrats narrative. We saw the fake Russia Collusion, phony Hillary-DNC paid for dossier. Fabricated Quid Pro Quo impeachment hearings, lying at every turn, making things up as they went along- the Quid Pro Quo against the President was a mere coverup for the REAL QUID PRO QUO- committed by then VP BIDEN when he threatened to withhold a Billion Dollars in aid from Ukraine if they didn’t fire the Prosecutor that was investigating corruption in a company called Burisma. The company that Joe’s son Hunter was working on their board and being paid roughly $83,000 a month with zero experience and zero knowledge of the business. UNLIKE the fabricated Quid Pro Quo charged against the President.. the scam impeachment hearings… JOE’S QUID PRO QUO – where he laughs as he addresses a small group and a panel of people, when he tells them (Ukraine) “YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE BILLION DOLLARS UNLESS YOU FIRE THE PROSECUTOR…. well son of a bitch.. six hours later they FIRED THE PROSECUTOR… oh, and unlike the fake democrat made up quid pro quo- an impeachment hearing that saw and heard their LEADER COMPULSIVE LIAR ADAM SCHIFF CHANGE THE WORDS OF THE PHONE CALL TRANSCRIPT BETWEEN PRESIDENT TRUMP AND THE UKRAINE PRESIDENT THEN READ HIS VERSION TO CONGRESS AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE- BLATANTLY LYING TO CONGRESS AND AMERICA! With ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY AND ZERO CONSEQUENCES! and yet BIDEN’S REAL BLATANT QUID PRO QUO WAS RECORDED FOR ALL TO SEE AND HEAR – when the VIDEO originally ignored and BURIED by the MSM… (no longer do we have a FREE PRESS, an actual NEWS ORGANIZATION, we now have a 100% Democrat Biased media that distorts the truth and the facts so the story fits the Democrats narrative… no longer are they interested in facts and the truth… the FREE PRESS IS NO MORE..). SURFACED on social media, COINCIDENTALLY, just a few days later, the DEMOCRATS BROUGHT A QUID PRO QUO CHARGE AGAINST THE PRESIDENT… completely fabricated and filled with lie after lie… this was no coincidence.. it was COVER for BIDEN.. the Democrats Presidential Candidate… WHEN YOU KNOW THE FACTS… THE TRUTH…. how can any Patriotic American Citizen let their dislike of a mans personality or the way he does things, get in the way of ALL THE GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE FOR EVERY AMERICAN… FOR OUR COUNTRY… A MAN THAT HAS KEPT HIS PROMISES… A MAN THAT, prior to China irresponsibly infecting our country with the Coronavirus, has helped build the Greatest Economy the World had ever seen. With record low unemployment for all citizens, including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, etc., etc. More Americans working than ever before in our history… record stock market growth and so many more. For me, when you look with eyes that really see and review all the facts, the truth, the real accomplishments, and cast aside the outside influences, the politically motivated democrat rhetoric and the countless number of fabricated untrue stories, the CHOICE FOR THE PERSON THAT IS BEST SUITED TO LEAD OUR COUNTRY, TO LEAD OUR MILITARY, TO REBUILD OUR COUNTRY…. the choice is a very simple one… VOTE FOR THE MAN WHO DID IT ONCE ALREADY AND HE WILL DO IT AGAIN AND MAKE US EVEN BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE.. that choice is PRESIDENT TRUMP!

  12. Proud boys is not even on the list of White Supremacist groups.
    They are a group of men who are proud to be American. But to the left that is a bad thing to be, they hate America.

  13. The marxist-democrats are petrified of any group particularly an extremely patriotic group united across races and religions who are pro-constitutional freedoms and law and order. A very large number of them are also veterans and/or first responders including police officers. They are trying to sell the public propaganda condemning the “Proud Boys” as a fascist, supremacist, and anarchist group. The marxists must all carry mirrors on their persons and look into them when making these statements. They use the projection of what they see in the mirror and spew the virulent lies to the public especially the media.

  14. Here is the unabashed and unashamed listing of the Proud Boys Tenet:

    Core Values Of The Proud Boys
    Minimal Government
    Maximum Freedom
    Anti-Political Correctness
    Anti-Drug War
    Closed Borders
    Anti-Racial Guilt
    Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
    Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
    Glorifying the Entrepreneur
    Venerating the Housewife
    Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism

    Do you see anything violent in nature or damning to the Constitution?

  15. It’s the Democrat party all they know how to do is lie. And the fake news media is just as bad lie lie lie they lie so much they now believe it themselves .They are idiots all of them.

  16. Supremacist organizations are BLM and Antifa. BLM is a racist black organization overrun with white liberal members. Antifa was started by the Clinton campaign to foment violence they could blame on Trump .The Proud Boys may be the start of the beginning of the end of leftists. When the war starts, they will be joined by 70 million people sick of the left and m read and wiling to exterminate it.

  17. I agree with all the above posts. we need men to step up and say enough is enough! if the Proud Boys would have been allowed into the cesspool cities, this crap would have been stopped in its tracks. the demon rats are using this violence to promote their agenda. ruin the economy even worse that the virus did, keep Americans locked up at home, destroy the job gains that our President has made. all to gain votes for the marxist demon rats. what I didn’t see is the condemnation of Ilhan Omar for her in your face ballot harvesting, paying for votes, and voter intimidation of the somalis in Minnesota. that has to be addressed now. and send old Uncle Sniffy fingers the video of the people involved boasting on camera of their misdeeds. do you think it would sink in? probably not. Biden is too far gone. we need to get the Muslims out of congress now. Biden wants to teach islam in public schools. I am so glad I have no school age children. if I was young, I would seriously consider not bringing a child into this screwed up world. boys who want to be girls, and vice versa. where did this ideology come from????? there are only TWO genders for all of us sane people. man and woman. period. you either have the equipment of one or the other. sorry folks, that is the way I see it, and I have been here 70 plus years. in my day, they were called queers. no fancy alphabet names. you are what you are. trying to make it sound glamorous doesn’t work.

  18. Actually, the more children we can bring into this screwed up world, the better. Then we can send them to real schools that actually teach academics, real history (not this revisionist crap), critical thinking, a love for God and neighbor, their country, and freedom, Then we would always be in the majority. People on the left want to keep killing their children through abortion. A society that loses its moral compass will eventually implode. We cannot be afraid to bring more children into the world (I also used to have this fear). If we teach them right, who knows what good they can do in our society? Who knows how God will use them as a force for good in this world? God has a plan for each of us. It’s only when we try to do things on our own with our own limited “wisdom” that things start to get screwed up. I can personally attest to that. May God have mercy on us and on our country. Trump 2020!

  19. The polls are a big Dem and fake media lie!
    Communism and any chance of Commie Kamala being President is going to nil! A vote for Joe Hiden is to put a commie in the Oval Office! We will be forced to leave the Union and insure God and Jesus and Christian values and law and order, are prevalent in the combined Conservative States, The real Republic under God and the rule of law is the new Nation we need to create when leaving the Cities in their own City States ruled by Communism by Dems!
    The United States of America is dead if Trump does not win! Better get the Military engaged! We must resist liberals moving to our states to maintain our Christianity and Freedoms NOW!

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