President Biden Calls Barack Obama ‘Trump’ in Latest Speech

The establishment media worked overtime to drag Joe Biden across the presidential finish line by dismissing and not reporting on his constant cognitive breakdowns. Hiding in a Delaware basement barely able to read scripted remarks online, Biden was provided ample cover.

But his fast decline can no longer be covered up by the fake news industry. On this The DC Shorts exclusive, Biden’s recent “Freudian slip” finds its place in a troubling context.

It seems almost inconceivable that the Democrat currently occupying the Oval Office could mistake former President Donald Trump from his former boss. But that’s precisely what happened when Biden lost track of his scripted speech.


What’s even more troubling is that Joe Biden does not have the awareness to remember the words his handlers task him with muttering. As he launched into yet another gross overstatement about how he was in charge of handling the Great Recession, onlookers are aghast for two reasons. First, he’s obviously not telling the truth. And second, the Obama administration failed miserably to deliver financial stability to the American people back in 2009. Biden’s stammering nonsense is a complete debacle that leaves everyday people more worried than ever.

But this stinging DC Shorts compilation of Biden gaffes puts his historic blunders into a rare context. It appears that Joe Biden never had a clue about what he was doing in politics. Bringing together decades of false, misleading, and sometimes slanderous public statements, you’ll understand why the country is in a precarious situation after watching this video.

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18 thoughts on “President Biden Calls Barack Obama ‘Trump’ in Latest Speech”

  1. Biden rose in the ranks , not because of his brains? But because in the Freemasons he was tasked to have his first wife murdered (The fact that 3 children were in the car when the brakes failed is not important to him). He then had to have Hunters first wife and baby killed too, to become higher up in the Masons. Most World Leaders today are criminals, most dont have children and are Pedophiles Thats why our World is in a mess. In Swiss banking accounts they found amounts of 27 naughts! Trillions, even when Europe was going through poverty during the 2nd World War, the Luciferins had spirited away trillions of dollars.

  2. I’ll give more info today than many of you care to know. I’m privy to info that was given me that we are in the final prophecy, and this is not climate change. The world will decline faster, core will heat up. Volcanos and earthquake next.
    This is be caused by all the fraud and corruption started by the Dems. The 3
    Triggers for the Prophecy have been met. Dems were the third. All this corruption spilled into the world after they worked with Chinese, Iran, and Russian. God was not happy, and he is reclaiming the world, due to heathens and nonbelievers, we can not stop this unless we stop the corruption. I was
    Told that maybe if we make a small headway into stopping this corruption, HE will Delay earths demise to the original time @1000 yrs forward. We must do this, to be serious, as we won’t have an earth, or we’ll have one for a short time and then be deleted. The fastest way is: we must ask SCOTUS to reinstate Trump, ASAP, as the audits prove he won,( more daily), we must ask
    People to return to religion, and law and order, and give promise to God, that
    We can bend the rest of the world with time in our direction. Time is now against us……we don’t know when the worst destruction will happen, if all of you who read this agree that it Must be done, stop to silently pray to God
    This Sunday, EST , at noon that you will partake of this, so he will know that we
    Have many people willing to do this challenge.. it will solidify our pledge to him. I promise he WILL Hear you. Get as many to read this message that you can.

    1. We are being cancelled because we are conservatives, this is the best way to get all righteous people together and profess directly to God without a middleman what they are willing to do to save our earth and our way of life,
      And to reinforce what they believe, without government or a tech elite negotiating our life. GOD will be grateful, and to let you know—he does hear each and everyone of us! If we ALL pray at the same time on the same topic, he will be proud to help us. It will be a choir concert! But we have wasted much time. I first heard of the Final Prophecy Dec. 9, 2020, so you must promise to repeat this silent prayer each Sunday, from now on at 12 noon EST time, (2 min.+)…….To make up for lost time. Thank you and GOD Bless!

  3. The “game changer” data the CDC used for the mask mandate is from a single study from India.
    The study was rejected in peer review.
    But CDC used it anyway.
    Then Research Square changed the status to “revise” and said it was a glitch.
    Even worse, the study followed healthcare workers vaccinated with a vaccine not allowed in the US.
    Does the Administration have any more data to show us?
    CDC just another tool of the communist democrat cult party!

    1. This dude is nothing short of mentally deficient. Jill Biden is 100% Piece Of S**t for not stepping in to protect her husband from public ridicule. All she cares about is the title of FLOTUS. Worst wife of the worst president EVER!!! Whats worse is dude picked a “woman of color” for VP not because she is qualified to take over, but because of the color of her skin. (Racist). This country has gone completely off the rails under this regime in only 6 months. Wake up AMERICAN PATRIOTS!! We cannot allow these people to destroy our beautiful country. Show your ID, and vote these idiots out of office!! Your future depends on it!

      1. Right on Patriot Veteran. WE all need to look at this the very same way. Vote these anti-American idiots out of office asap.

  4. The Democratic party is now the communist party and if you don’t won’t this country to become communist, then we must all ban together and exterminate the communists because if we don’t…..thats exactly what they’re going to do to us! Open your eyes America! Theyve ( the communists ) alredy started their persecution on anyone that doesn’t go along with them. Stand up america! Grow some balls!

  5. Who in their right mind would vote for a senile sob like Joe Biden for president? Wake up america! The election was stolen by communists and rino mf’ers in Congress such as Mitt Romney,Liz Cheney,Mitch McConnell,Lindsey Graham,and about 10 others that need to be voted out of office asap!


  7. Lots of good, accurate comments on this one. Sad to say that Biden isn’t conscious enough to realize his major insult to Trump…..but then he never was anything more than a stooge for someone.

  8. The sad truth is.. Trader Joe is a puppet and 0bama (& possibly Valerie Jarrett who’s hero is Mao) are pulling the strings.

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