OOPS! Biden Promises New COVID Vaccine That “Actually Works” – Revealing the Old One Never Did

President Joe Biden has been going around claiming that he is going to deploy billions more of the American tax-payer dollars to develop a new COVID vaccine that “actually works.”

“I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is ne- — necessary — that works,” the president recently told reported.

And even though this new experimental vaccine has not even been developed yet, old Joe is “recommending” that EVERYONE go out and get it, regardless of previous vaccination status.

The usual names like Pfizer and Moderna have already been developing new vaccines which are expected to act as boosters (which Biden has also recommended) but what Biden is pouring tax dollars into would be an ALL NEW injection – AKA another money grabbing attempt for Big Pharma paid for by the American taxpayer.


It’s also worth noting exactly what Biden is insinuating by claiming that he hopes to fund the development of a vaccine that “actually works.”

This suggests that the injections they have been recommending – and in many cases MADNATING – are ineffective as many “conspiracy theorists” have been suggesting for YEARS!

Joe Biden just admitted that he and his people have been knowingly promoting a garbage vaccine, but sure, let’s trust that if we let them give Big Pharma MORE of our money they’ll get it right this time!

Watch the video here to see how Joe just made a big oopsie!

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27 thoughts on “OOPS! Biden Promises New COVID Vaccine That “Actually Works” – Revealing the Old One Never Did”

  1. Those covid “vaccines” have likely killed 100,000 Americans.
    Pfizer, Fawcee & the birdbrainbidenboy should be in prison .

    1. No law for the Biden s only for those who oppose him or his Satanic ways. God laid it out before time began. Biden will lead many to hell for all eternity. How smart is that. So many deni God of creation and worship Satan of damnation. Thank they are so smart. What is a man to gain if he gains the whole world and loses his soul. It will profit him nothing. Praise God I’ll follow JESES

  2. Great another push by an administration that the majority of their citizens DON’T TRUST. And if the sheeple don’t comply to these mandates they are shamed, ridiculed, scorned, fired, jailed (quarantined), called racists. This is about the norm for an administration that is ok killing babies at birth and now it’s citizens.

  3. How many people actually still believe this lying sack of shite that has been fostered off as a president in order to steal what is left of America’s posterity and place into democratic politician’s bank accounts Yes, this piece of crap is still stealing by allowing money in his bank accounts influence decisions that this thieving administration has on sale this and every week since he got into politics. How long will Americans continue to believe the political main lining media which is owned by the same pharmaceutical corporations that own our governments and push that faux Michelangelo Biden and his masterpieces, which are nothing more than a huge payoffs for very probably generated by ghost artists who specialize in the color green! Wake up America and ignore the bastards.

  4. Guinnae Pigs, that’s what The American People are, Guinnae Pigs. Used for paying for the mistakes of others, we’re used Guinnae Pigs, until WE can provide no longer for those who want to control others, Guinnae Pigs, throughout our lives until WE die, Guinnae Pigs charged an additional tax for dying and providing no more, Guinnae Pigs!

    1. There is not one thing I would trust coming from this administration.. They don’t just lie. EVERYTHING they say is a lie. Shove it up your a@@ joe.
      There’s no way in hell I’d take the jab that replaces the jab that didn’t kill enough people. F U joe

  5. No, no, no, NO!!! I categorically refuse to allow another molecule of this “vaccine” into my body. These arrogant imbeciles need to be educated about individual human rights. If they actually plan to squander billions more of OUR tax dollars on this con game, I will do my best to initiate a tax revolt and urge every single free thinking American to withhold filing their tax returns until we get a guarantee from government that they will stop funneling billions to big pharma under the guise of “public safety”. I am sick and tired of this scam and refuse to participate.

    1. Yes, also why are we funding this crap then the Government gives the patents to the pharmaceutical companies. Then the pharmaceutical companies practically give these taxpayer funded drugs to other countries dirt cheap while charging exorbitant prices here for those drugs we funded.

  6. Coming from the idiot in chief! What a stupid moron. I refuse to get anything the dumb a$$ recommends. Stop paying taxes. I will not fund their stupid agendas.

    1. I am with you about that about I wouldn’t do anything that creepy Joe says because he thinks he is the law of the land, but he has forgotten we. Can make our own decisions for ourselves ?.

  7. Fool me once shame on me ( which did not happen) Try to fool me twice, because all of this is about voluntary submission to a bioweapon for population control to which I say ,Hell No!

  8. I will never allow that ass hole biden to stick another needle in my arm, He is trying to pull the same trick he pulled the last election and the stupid morans out there that trust him well go and have a nice funrel because as soon as you allow that needle in your arm you signed your death warrant. They have no problem killing little innocent babies you think they care about killing you hell no. Democrats are cockroaches out for your blood

    1. What do you mean closet pedophile. His actions show it everyday and his daughters diary proves it. Dumbocraps just don’t care.

  9. My fault for going along with the last “mandate”. Now I have an autoimmune disease. Probably what they wanted all along. NEVER AGAIN!

  10. Biden, again proves he is a walking moron. A vaccine that actually works. The government is the pushing this crap, they have yet to punish the commies for developing this weapon. Yes a biological weapon that the chicoms came up with. Now, traitor Joe, wants the taxpayers to keep funding this crap. Again, his name is traitor Joe, to America and to every citizen with a brain. I know the pool is dwindling in that respect.

  11. Biden, again proves he is a walking moron. A vaccine that actually works. The government is the pushing this crap, they have yet to punish the commies for developing this weapon. Yes a biological weapon that the chicoms came up with. Now, traitor Joe, wants the taxpayers to keep funding this crap. Again, his name is traitor Joe, to America and to every citizen with a brain. I know the pool is dwindling in that respect.


  13. So I take it the last vaccine didn’t kill enough people so this jackass is trying to see if he can get more people to accept this vaccine. What a snake he can be! I wouldn’t trust Biden ( never have anyway ) if he took the vaccine 50 times. Besides how do we all know that he and his flunkies took the actual vaccine? Sure we seen him, & Kameltoe and others get the shot on TV but was it the “actual “ shot? It could have been a B12 shot or a supplement shot. We don’t know and we will never know for sure now will we? As I said earlier in my comment I don’t trust this heartless, selfish, ignorant, arrogant POS to demand that we all HAVE to get this vaccine. This is another population control tactic type strategy to remove people who they feel are taking up space and it wouldn’t be considered murder but that’s what it really is…. MURDER!! People out there don’t be fooled by this jerkoff again he doesn’t care ( and has proven it ) many times over because he doesn’t have a conscience either. Satan’s blood runs through his veins and throughout his body, Biden doesn’t have and never will have compassion for anyone, he never did. Biden wants the power and the money and a legacy that says he was the best president that ever lived. I hope someone slips up and injects him with a poison so he will be gone.

  14. I think you are underestimating the number of dead Americans because of these vaccines. Between Fauci using American tax money to develop the disease and then Biden giving our money to the Big Pharma for the death shots, we have been robbed and slaughtered. Even though they have said that the jab lessened the disease after contraction, but they have never provided any proof of that. These guys lie like rugs. Why would we believe them again?

  15. Josef Mengele playbook personified. Sheeple do not be fooled again. Genocide & population control are the gestapos true agenda.

  16. Ever notice the last 18 months that there are no more Biden/Harris bumper stickers? Because the blind sheep that drank his Kool-Aid in 2020 are now embarrassed to claim him as their president. They are praying to God that they wont die after taking the bogus vaccine. The realization of what the truth is, is starting to come into focus for them. I thought he was idiot 20 years ago. Just looking at his face infuriates me. Knowing just how evil he truly is. The well being of the American people is the furthest thing from his mind. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

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