Obama Trashed Joe Biden’s Open Borders Policy in New Interview, Calls it “Unsustainable”

Former President Barack Obama made a statement so critical of President Joe Biden’s open border policies that even ABC removed it from the televised interview.

“The idea that we can just have open borders is something that I think as a practical matter is unsustainable,” Obama said during the “Good Morning America” interview.

It’s a rare statement America’s conservatives can actually support, and one that goes against the current open border efforts of the left. The Newsmax reaction noted the majority of American voters actually prefer former President Donald Trump’s border policies to those of Biden.

Why? Because Americans feels safer when the border is secure, plain and simple.

It’s the same reason you lock your door at night. It’s unlikely anyone will come by to cause harm, but once you start letting everyone in, it only takes one bad guy to cause a disaster.


In addition, an open border is unsustainable because massive numbers of new people coming at one time overwhelm the systems of America. We can only help support so many new people with healthcare, food, education, jobs and other basic needs. Too many people at one time make the situation worse for everyone.

Even Obama knows this. That’s why he called it unsustainable. Watch the full video to see Obama trash Biden’s open border policy for yourself.

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48 thoughts on “Obama Trashed Joe Biden’s Open Borders Policy in New Interview, Calls it “Unsustainable””

  1. HES FULL OF IT!!!! H

    1. You are so right with this interview he just tries to get the attention of from him.He can trash Biden as much he wants, we know is just a show.He needs be hung just like all the other traitors.

    2. I agree with you on that too…Everyone knows that Obama has been a LIAR for 8 years in the White House…He was the one that started that mess, on ISIS….

    3. what are you talking about?? There is never a nation’s ruler put in charge that is not the real author. It was even God who Put Hitler in Charge of Germany. In the end, Trump will send you followers to start a civil war so Vladimir Putin can send his nukes to destroy us, SO, IN ONE hut, God using Russia will destroy us

    4. The Obama Deception Coming to A Presidential Office Soon.
      Him, Rice, Pelosi, & the Court Jesters are the Lead Singers in this Drama that has caused Deaths, Robberies, Children Killed, Elderly Beat Up, Innocent Families Terrorized, they can’t Blame this On Trump & it is a shame & people are watching it everyday , Bad Karma always finds it’s way back Home.

  2. Obama – Never A Favorite President of Mine, But Suddenly He Has Stepped Up to the Plate. Guess he is worried about what the DemoRats and their Posse of Idiots have done to the United States ! Elections are coming and I think that the Rescuers will be entering the White House bringing in “Tons and Tons of Fresh Air.” And, the morons left behind will see their futures go down the toilet for all of the crap that they have cost all of us !

    1. No , he’s not such an expert that he has standing – among regular folks , ie; the forgotten taxpayers – he’s seeking a form of ‘ legitimacy ‘ – as usual . He’s nothing but a shill at the carny . Taxpayers are pretty much done with his – unasked for – inputs . We , The People , WE don’t need more chaos , Thanks the same , stay home & out of politicks .

    2. I certainly hope you’re right, but 350,000 voters (sorry, 349,999 new Democrat voters) next month will make Dominion look like a useless Dem investment.

    3. I certainly hope so…We have to go against them, by having millions of people facing the White House and the Capitol Building,,,,Enough is Enough!

      1. And we not for the Republican sneed to surround you by MillionslYouready for the END of the USA The Bible tells of our destruction. The so-called Christian Pasters know nothing of what the Bible really says

    4. YOU listen to all of the lies from the so-called right. The right care only about the rich, and Damned is the poor unless they decide to be the slaves from the right. The USA will be destroyed before the 2024 elections as we are. Babylon God made under the President as Trump was the President after the 2016 Election. Donal Trump will be who gets us nuked, and destroyed. Welcome to the end times and pay attention better read your Bible.It tells about today

      1. God gave you a Brain, don’t play with it!
        Think, Read, & Investigate.
        It’s NOT the End Yet.
        You will be waiting a little longer than you think.

    5. Watch, they call each other FRIENDS, while holding a knife in each others back.
      Pitiful they NEVER have any real friends & their lack luster persona Fades Away Quickly & People see them for what they are.
      Watch the news, watch the Day Time Talk Shows, they argue, each is right, they won’t show their face again. WHY!
      I guess when you have NO REAL FRIENDS it is easy to fight & argue with people.

  3. The obungler thinks he’s looking better every day. The trick is keeping in step with the retarded old white guy while keeping his arm up Joe’s backside to make his lips move.

    1. Really?? No. Do you know what is was worse than Our leaving Afghanistan? Our leaving Vietnam and who lead that Disaster? A Republican And Obama? 100 times smarter than Trump!! United we stood, and we will fall, because today we are Babylon , and the right Whites are Bigoted Racists

  4. O’scumbag, NIGbama, the anti-American, African Demon, Put the USA on the path of destruction, Trump fixed it, now Beijing pedophile Biden & the cat house clowns are determined to complete the destruction of the USA. When the pot of gold is empty & the pimples on the ass of society have no more handouts & free shit, they will turn on the liberal demons they voted for. Soon, their train will run out of tracks & derail into the abyss.

  5. Pat Dyer: Agree 100%. Biden’s presidency is unsustainable. He is the perfect example of why we need term limits for ALL offices. The voting on behalf of that cannot be done by Congress – why would they vote against themselves? And now – the infamous Joe Biden is tearing down the wall to which many Americans have added donations! How do you spell LAWLESSNESS? B I D E N!

  6. It is a very sad situation here in America. The rights our fore fathers fought for are going to the highest bidder, China or Russia, who do you think will win? I can tell you the American people that have worked and fought to make America a great nation are losing. Illegal immigrants, more spending, higher taxes, food shortages, even people who don’t want to work are taking over this once great nation. Every day I come on the internet and try to find something with a glimmer of hope for America, but nothing. The polls say Biden is failing yet I just watched him in television and he believes Congress is going to pass his terrifying bills that send America into another depression. As a senior citizen who worked my whole life, I can barely pay my mortgage and utility bills. I don’t have a big fancy house, I live a Shasta Dam shack that has been remodeled several times. Here is am in my retirement and can’t afford to go to the dentist, can’t afford healthy food, need new glasses but my taxes go to support illegal immigrants. I am required to get vaccinated but all the illegal immigrants aren’t checked for COVID before entering our country and aren’t made to get the vaccine. If Biden continues to destroy America the suicide rate in this country is going to jump drastically so thank you to all those that support this dementia ridden communist.

    1. Well said. We have to get them out of the office in some way. The Democrats knew that Biden had dementia when they voted for him. Don’t understand that.

    2. Trish: Your comments are so TRUTHFUL and I AGREE with you 1000%…There were so many people that have died from the Covid-19 shots and little kids wearing their masks in class all day long, is a bit too much for them…
      Biden needs to be IMPEACH and Pelosi as well….Kamala Harris, should not take Biden’s place nor Pelosi…

      Everything, that you have keyed in, is the God’s honest truth…

  7. Obama is probably trying to cut in and get a share of the money the Biden Crime Family is taking in from the mexican drug cartels from their human and drug smuggiling across our southern border.

    1. That wouldn’t surprise me at ALL Ron…Obama even stole most of the 4 billion dollars that was given to IRAQ and IRAN…How do you think he paid for 3 homes?

  8. Yes this mess in our country truly scares me. As an old senior that worked all my working years and never took from the gov via welfare it is very depressing to see how Joe is ruining our country with open borders and giving so much to the illegals. I keep praying something will happen soon to stop this jerk from continuing with his open border and start closing the border as Pres Trump was doing. God save our country.

  9. Biden and the whole Socialist ways have got to go. The Democratic party needs to start acting like they should. i.e., be patriotic and love America and do what is right for the American way and our safety and liberty. Keep illegals out of our country, get us energy independent again, stop paying unemployment benefits to those that can find work. Stop sanctuary cities from protecting criminals that have committed crimes against us. Start paying off the national debt not raising it. California needs to stop being led around by the Silicon Valley people, the rich movie stars and singers, the crooked government officials, and they need to be fed the truth by making the news media tell the truth like they used to do.

    1. Linda, Yes it did.
      You can find the story on Covert action magazine entitled; A company Family: The untold history of Obama & the CIA.

    2. Linda, Everything began with Obama, since he was in the White House…He even took a shovel to dig a pile of dirt, to have his Presidential Library in Chicago…Along with his male wife Michelle, Gov. Pritzker of Illinois and the Chicago Mayor….Last week, 10/2/2021…

      He thinks that he’s so popular and special…

  10. I felt so safe with Trump. No solder was killed,no fuel shortage,no food high
    prices, wars,just safe. Get rid of Obama’s I am sick of looking at him get
    rid of that wife ugly, get rid o Nanci too old get rid os Schumer stupid,get
    rid of Waters big mouth get rid of OAC stupid get Bush he was the one who
    started this war . He was a stupid Pres. This one I’d worst. He is stupid,
    No brains and cannot answer a question without a paper in his inside coat.
    Take that teleprompter away and he is dead.

    Get Trump back and we will save this country.

  11. All Biden has done since he’s been in office has made this country worse he should never knock that wall down at the border there are too many people especially kids in this country that do not have enough food to eat we as taxpayers are suffering why should we have to pay taxes with all these illegitimate are coming across they don’t have to pay taxes they’re getting food they’re getting medical insurance they’re getting free homes or hotels to live in and yet so many of us especially veterans are living on the streets no food to eat no shelters Biden should be impeached and Trump put back as president before we become a communist country

    1. If Biden is impeached he will remain president unless convicted in the Senate. If he is convicted, Harris will become president. If she were to be impeached and convicted Pelosi would become president (unless the Republicans took the house first). Watch out what you ask for. The best strategy is get out the vote, reclaim Congress in 2022 and win the presidency in 2025.

  12. Oscar Virgil Pearson:

    Obama has been Biden’s backbone all along…Biden is part of everything, that going on, along with Pelosi, Schumer and Soros..

  13. What O numb Nuts is really saying is that Joey you were my VP for 8 years and I taught you better than this, now get back to our plan of action.

  14. Obama is just playing everyone, these are the same policies he implemented while in office, revised.Everyone knows he’s the one pulling Bozos strings, so he , as all politicians do, is just throwing the blame at someone else. He’s trying to reinstated his ” Legacy’s , at the expense of America.

    1. Barry us not that smart. Remember this us the Harvard lawyer ” Constitutional Law Professor” and editor of “The Harvard Law Review” that had to surrender his law license to avoid prosecution for lying on his Bar application. The genius who wrote 2 autobiographies in which he talked a lot about his past drug use and use of other names. But when asked about it on that Bar Applicatioon claimed he had never done either??? He is a very eloquent speaker with a well rehearsed speech on a teleprompter in front of him. But take that away and he can barely answer a question – a lot of ums and uhs and changing topic multiple times in the same sentence. It’s all on various videos. Soros is pulling ALL of their strings.

  15. Phony Oibama has this fantasy of taking Joe’s place. If you have never heard of a man named Muhammed Sabuh or a little cult called SUBUD look them up and look at their connections to “Obama” or whoever the hell he really is. There is a very good chance that Soetoro is not even African as claimed. He could very well be 1/2 white and 1/2 Arab. I always wondered why Barry worked so hard to prove he was black – I have never seen any other black guy do that in my life. Then again I have never seen any other “straight guy” prance around the world pushing “his” gay agenda. Just weird- just plain weird- it does not add up.

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