- Something very disturbing seems to be going on in America and if we’re not careful – it could destroy everything this once great nation stood for.
Joe Biden and his White House have greenlit the weaponization of law enforcement for the purpose of censorship and though Biden has done it via the FBI and DOJ, others have decided that it’s “okay” for them to have local police do their own bidding.
That’s exactly what happened in Marion, Kansas where police decided to TRAMPLE on the First Amendment in order to protect a powerful public figure by the name of Kari Newell – and it cost an elderly woman her life.
Marion County police carried out an unprecedented raid of the local newspaper and its owner’s home to seize a slew of items, including computer hardware and software, digital communications, cellular networks, servers, hard drives, utility record, and any documents related to the powerful public figure.
The intense raid appeared to be too much for the paper’s 98-year-old owner, and days later she dropped dead.
Even though the majority of the country can see how sickening this trend of attacking the free press is, local police actually DEFENDED their actions while claiming that the newspaper was not covered by any constitutional protections.
This is what happens when you have a “leader” in Washington, D.C. who has suggested that freedom of the press no longer exists in America!
Watch the video here to see for yourself why this is so alarming.
It All Started, On Mr. Bathroom Barry Alias Barack Hussein Soetoro’s Alias Soebackah’s Alias Dunham’s Alias Obama’s 1st Day As NOT My US President = #44, Back In 2008! #44 Began With IGNORING = CIRCUMNAVIGATING= CIRCUMVENTING And CHANGING = INFRINGING UPON ‘WE THE LEGAL PEOPLE AND LEGAL IMMIGRANTS OF THE USA’S RIGHTS, FREEDOM’S AND LIBERTIES, But When He And The New Version Of The Anti-US Constitutional Communistic Chinese Colluding Progressive Liberal Democratic Donkey Swamp Creature Party And Their Illegally Labeled Left Leaning RINO Bed Warming Puppets/Snowflakes = Like Mr. Mitch “Who Is Married To That Infamously Filthy Rich Communistic Chinese Heiress Of A Wife ” McConnell, Ex-US Congress Person Lizzy “Borden” Cheney, And Others, Who Ran On True CR Party Promises, Then They Had Won Their US Congressional Seats, They Threw Out Every True CR Promise Right Out Of Their State And US Congressional Windows, And Started Being One Of Those Anti-US Constitutional Communistic Chinese Colluding Progressive Liberal Democratic Donkey Swamp Creature Party Members, Mentioned Above, And On 6/27/2013 CANCELED The 7/27/1993 Version Of The US Immigration And Naturalization Act’s Rules And Regulations, Started Never Listening To “We The Legal Constituents = We The Legal People And Legal Immigrants Of The USA”, And Closed Their Eyes And Stuffed Their Ears With Cotton Balls, Back During #44’s 2nd Term, And Illegally Allowing All Of Those IFA’s = Illegal Foreign Aliens, To Use The USA’s Boundaries Like They Are A Old Fashioned UNSECURED Department Stores Revolving Front And Back Doors, Never VETTING ANY OF Them, Which Is Anti-American And Anti-US Constitutional And ILLEGAL, Because The US Constitution Says All US Government Employee’s Including The US FBI, US DOJ, All US Representatives And Senators Have To Protect, Guard We The Legal People And Legal Immigrants Of The USA’s Rights, Freedom’s And LIBERTY’s, NNNOOOTTT To Any Of Those IFA’s Illegal Foreign Aliens, Because All Of Those IFA’s Were Never VETTED THOROUGHLY ENOUGH TO EVEN BECOME A LEGAL IMMIGRANT OF THE USA, GET MY DRIFT NOW! IF You Don’t, Then All Of You Lefties Definitely Have To Be Dis-Indontrinated, And Started Your Education Again, Starting In Pre-Elementary School, The US Constitutional Way, NOW DOES ANYONE GET MY DRIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
True communism
OMG its getting to where its not even safe to be a true American citizen ! This dam democrats virus is getting very deadly now . What can the America people do readly nothing cause the dam virus is taking away our constitution that protects us.!!. I have been saying all along that the virus was getting deadly to every man,woman and child and this shows I’m right about the democrats virus. We need a miracle– hope and pray cause sometimes miracles do happen. ( maybe in 2024).