Newly Elected Republican Rep Marjorie Taylor Green to Introduce Impeachment Articles Against Joe Biden

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green flipped the script on Democrats with her plan to file articles of impeachment against Joe Biden the day after his inauguration. Her reason for impeachment is his abuse of power in regards to China, Ukraine and other foreign governments.

As she notes in the Newsmax video, “President Trump has held over 600 rallies in the last four years. None of them included assaulting police, destroying businesses, or burning down cities. Democrats have spent all this time endorsing and enabling violent riots that have left billions in property damage and 47 dead across the United States.”

She calls the proceedings against President Trump “atrocious. It’s a waste of our taxpayer dollars and they’re pouring salt in the wounds of 75 million Americans who voted for President Trump.”


While Green’s impeachment plans may not result in an impeachment due to Democrats being in control of the new House and Senate, her perspective clearly represents the attitude of many patriotic Americans. Conservatives can no longer play only defense against the illegal and wasteful tactics of the left. It’s time to go on the offensive and work toward legislation that exposes the true corruption of the Biden administration.

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161 thoughts on “Newly Elected Republican Rep Marjorie Taylor Green to Introduce Impeachment Articles Against Joe Biden”

      1. Absolutely impeach him he is an old man who gets confused and is not capable of running this country plus his dealings with China

        1. Not only his age and demeanor a factor, but his past actions and involvements. His “resume” shows nothing viable. 47+ years in the government and absolutely nothing positive was accomplished. He is a proven Liar, Plagerist and proven incompetent. He is a wussy, running and hiding in his basement at any and every turn. His only recourse is to resort to whining, complaining, name calling and false accusatioins like a child getting into trouble and not taking responsibility, blaming someone else. This is NOT a person to be a leader.

          1. i agree 100%, joe has no business in the seat of president..however concernd about his V.P. CHOICE as well.

        2. Peg
          He already had dealings with China, he, and his son took their money. If they get rid of Biden, then Harris will be President. It’s only a matter of time. He’s a bumbling stuttering buffon.

          1. Camel-ah and Pelosi are going to throw old Joe under the bus as soon as they can. Stupid fool thinks he will be in control. It was all planned. That’s why they chose old bumbling joe to run.

          2. And what would be worst?
            We’re screwed if we don’t and doubly screwed if we do!
            When the Democrats rigged the election? Game over! No chance of fighting back, The Supreme Court is a joke! They are supposed to be the ones making sure the Executive Branch plays nice with the Legislative Branch and they don’t have the cohonies to support anyone! At least listen and or review the evidence! But they won’t even acknowledge the documented evidence or even hear from the thousands of people that presented evidence of voter fraud!
            I’ve lost faith in America and it’s Justice System! It’s all a sham and we have to just live with it!
            God help us!

          3. Thank you for that. But as I see him signed these executive orders, I am scared to death of what he will do to our country. Allowing illegal criminals into our country, allowing men to compete about against girls in athletics, having taxpayers pay for abortions up until the time of birth, and everything else he is doing is scary as hell. Doesn’t anyone wonder what he did for the billions of dollars that he and his family have received from Kazakhstan, China, Russia, and Ukraine? He is the biggest threat to national security that we have ever experienced and no one cares. Hollywood is in love with him but they are idiots as usual and I hope that one day they are all shamed by supporting this criminal

        3. I don’t think it will be necessary. The democrats will be getting rid of him quickly to replace him with obama’s first choice, Harris. That’s when the real fun begins.

      2. Finally someone that has the guts to stand up for what’s right & DO something about it. Maybe she can teach the senior representatives what they are there for. Stop letting the dems push everyone around! Everyone is tired of the hypocrisy.

        1. Ok. Biden has earned an impeachment with all his corrupt dealings. NOW someone find the balls to impeach Harris for her constant calls for riots all summer long, for her raising money to bail out the thugs that caused the destruction of our Country all summer.

          1. Kate
            If Biden goes, and Harris goes, guess who will be President? Yeah, the queen herself… Pelosi, just what I wanted the first looser in Congress. Did you know that she is a vindictive 82 year old lady, and Feinstien is 87 nice!

          1. The swamp shall be cleaned out…we shall just wait and see, and keep the faith. all the corrupt, so called leaders will be washed out of the white house..enough is enough, they have fleeced our country long enough! a bunch or liars,corrupt, who have gotten rice on stolen money, by selling out our country, and military secrets.

    1. So refreshing to see Rep. Taylor Green speak up and truly defend our nation. Totally agree with her and Jeff Fosenburg – we need more of our elected officials with a real backbone.

    2. I agree completely. Joe, Hunter and Joe’s and others in the “crime family” should go the way of Bernie Madoff and other fraudsters & white collar international thieves. Just a humble old veteran’s opinion.

    3. Love love her! We have to make the Democratic Representatives accountable for their actions before and after Trump’s election and Obama, Clinton and Biden were the ones who started the lies, laws broken and Treason.

    4. I see a wonderful people politician coming into bloom with Marjorie Taylor in congress! Give em hell Marjorie!! Can’t wait to see more of you in 4 years!!!!

    5. Guess the lobbyist haven been able to bribe Marjorie Taylor, or they didn’t look at her as a treat against the Demonratpack.

    6. The last four letters of Republicans spells out “I can”
      The last four letters of democrats spells “RATS” . How fitting!!

    7. I don’t expect too much. When congress lets Nancy Hillary and Waters escape from their just dues why should we expect anything better?

    8. She is absolutely correct and probably the most courageous congresswoman on Capitol Hill right now! Joe Biden was caught red-handed on video tape admitting that he used the power of his office and the power of the United States government to fire the prosecutor in Ukraine who is pursuing information and a legal case against a good for nothing worthless and pathetic son Hunter! This is only the tip of the iceberg of the level of corruption that not only Biden and his entire family are involved in but also the sons of Nancy Pelosi and John Carrie are in Bed with them as well! I don’t care what side of the political ideological line you are or what, when you commit a crime your ass out to be indicted or arrested and convicted and then watch your ass to jail!

      1. Skip
        Remember the democrats own the House, and the Senate. But Marge Green has the guts to come after Biden. Remember what they did to Trump 19 minutes after the Judge said “Congrats Mr President” Thats when the democrats started the crap. And hillary started the Russia, Russia, and paid money to the scum who set him up, and for 4 years the broke his balls, and now they want to do it again so he can not run in 2024.It’s the reason they can away the crap they do.

      1. It is time for term limits with all of Congress who has played these political games for the last 4 years. Biden has profited for his office and don’t think he want do it again. Congress benefits should be cut to a normal citizen after leaving office so let them get on ObamaCare they voted for it. Harris can’t even support her on police department when she was a DA . She has to go also along with Pelosi who has put politics before the American people. They American people are tired of this circus that is taking place in our Capital and all of the foolish wasteful spending that is going on . We should never pay a Country money that hates us and wants to kill us. Go after Congress also and let’s send a message that we want people there that is going to represent the American people not puppets for parties. Thank you for standing up for the people and remember that other countries are watching us!!!

    9. All for it! I’ll support this all the way! He is is not fit for president, is a liar, traitor and has never done anything for our country in 47 years! And now he has the answers? NOT! He is also a racist! He’ll never get away with this!

      1. I agree with you on that about Biden, he is racist, crook and dirty slime ball Democrat. Let’s not forget about Obama, Clinton’s and Bush’s. They all need to be procured.

      1. Impeachment happens in the U.S. House and is like an indictment by a Grand Jury. The “trial” to determine guilt or innocence happens in the U.S. Senate. So, no, he would remain as president until such time as the Senate found him guilty.
        See no way a President Biden would be indicted in the new congress; but agree he is corrupt, along with son Hunter and maybe his brother (James or Jim?), too. He DEFINITELY did (said so himself!! – a proud of it!!) what President Trump was impeached for (supposedly) doing in his first indictment.


    11. Absolutely about time. They need to be reminded, they work for us. Biden has been a liar and committed treason for years. It will be a hard road, but well worth it. He & his family deserve long prison times, along with Pelosi, Shift, Schumer and Nadler.

    12. I agree ! I have been saying for some time that Republicans appear to have no backbone.
      I applaud Congresswoman Greene !!

    13. I think this is a mistake. We should impeach Kamala Harris for the same thing they are impeaching Trump for. Inciting and contributing to violence. Once she is gone, then impeach Biden. That will take a couple years. We will have taken back the house, so next in line would be a Republican Speaker of the House.

    14. Absolutely agree with Rep Green! Finely someone with a backbone! I have been saying the very same thing for years, Pelosi should be impeached along with Schumer! Neither one of them belong in Congress, they belong in prison! Those two along with a few other Politicions have been taking money from China and other countries to betray this country! They wanted to get rid of Trump because they were afraid he would let everyone know what they were doing! Pelosi and Schumer are traitors! Hopefully the other Republican Politicions will stand up and Impeach Pelosi, Schumer and Biden! Biden along with his son sold America to China, so now we have a traitor as our President! That is such a disgrace!

    15. One person alone cannot fight oppression, injustice, censorship, persecution, voter fraud, and communist maneuvers by the Democratic party, the left media and Hollywood. If we want to save our country, our Constitutional rights, our laws, our economy and our way of life, we must all stand up and speak out.

    16. The only problem I can see with impeaching Biden would be if the Dems go along with it so they can have Harris for press and pelosi as vp.

      1. Lois, we might see Hillary as VP, then Camela resigns and Hillary is numero uno. Then the Dems will pass legislation that makes Hillary president for life. They’re arrogant enough to try it.

    17. OMG impeach Biden & we are stuck with Kamala for 4 years – THAT IS OUR WORST NIGHTMARE – Maybe Impeach her first for aiding riots / insurrection & bailing out criminal Antifa types in Oregon / Washington who injured / killed / blinded cops – harrassed / terrorized countless harmless citizens in their homes & just walking / having a meal, burned so many small businesses & egging those cowardly scum on as freedom fighters – how sick & depraved was that?

    18. Oh right yes let’s do this we know he has been compromised by the communist Chinese and we know he is mentally unfit to be president let’s demand a competency test while we are at it And demand that happens before the inauguration

    19. well finally a person who has the guts to stand up and fight for the American citizen. I hope she gets 80,000,000 followers like the amount Trump has and he will continue to fight for justice and the right of the constitution.

    20. Thank you Marjorie Taylor Green for speaking the truth about Joe Biden! He is totally unfit for the position but it’s highly unliely that he’ll be replaced any time soon! However, you and others like you might get his replacement to happen much sooner than it otherwise would!

  1. If some of the senior members of the Republican party were as interested in the wellbeing of our country we would not be in the position we are now in.

    1. There pussies no guts afraid to be a man up they need to be out of goverment offices and strong members be put in place

      1. 10. Spineless Republicans wanted to impeach Trump. For what, If I’d know the intruders at the Capital was paid for $ agitators, $ Antifa, and BLM. All a part of the democrats. Used as a countermeasure against Trump, How come they don’t Know, or any of the other demonrat PU$$IE$.

          1. How long have you been in a coma? It’s good to have you back, and yes, there’s been a coup.

    2. rick ,
      I’ve been noticing of late just how many appear to be R.I.N.O.’s
      I knew of some like Mitt but many more seem to be coming out of the woodwork.
      I do hope that people are taking names and writing them down so they are remembered
      during the next up coming elections !

  2. I agree. The left has undermined the constitution, broken more laws, instilled more hate & incited more riots than Trump & every Trump supporter combined.

    1. Kathy ,
      A couple of weeks ago I was at the supermarket. While putting my groceries into my truck I noticed a guy staring at me. ( I was wearing a red hat ) If looks could kill I’d be dead and buried by now. From his position he could not see that the logo on my red hat was for a racing team.
      He appeared to be trying to decide if he should come over and beat me up. Because I was wearing a red hat. I’m 78 years old. I don’t street fight. And I don’t carry a gun. However, I do have something that will even stop a charging 300 pound lineman. It’s always within inches of my hand. It’s good for about 15 feet and very easy for a woman to use. Available at most supermarkets , every hardware store and even drugstores that have a garden department.
      It is that liberal’s good fortune that he did not decide to attack me.

    2. You are Soooo Very Right! It’s sickening listening to them on TV, saying they need to follow the Constitution Etc, they make me sick.!! They the Democrats are the liars, hypocrites, all money they spent to try to Destroy Trump!

  3. Highly Intelligent, Hope She Makes President Some Day. Great to See Some Congress, Stand Up for What They Believe In.

    1. Best check in on Jim Jordan and a few other Republican patriots before settling in on this statement. These folks call a truth statement into action. It’s rather like Gideon’s army. We are so close to becoming a Marxist puppet of China and Russia because Democrats have been using union tactics in concert with american Communist Party. Speak up and take action; these folks are representatives against an army of warped thinkers.

    1. Yes..someone needs to step to the plate & tell what’s right..this nation has been lied to..
      Biden has many dishonest things he has done & no one looks into it..It’s time!
      Impeachment yes!

    2. AJM
      Remember those guys in Congress, and Senate are making hundreds of thousands of dollars, and don’t want any waves. They do not have a backbone. Have you ever heard them say ” the Country is in peril”, so I’ll give back 20% of my money or benefits…………I can answer that in one word……NO! Do I believe they sould be wearing the Orange jump suits …YES!

  4. So looking forward to this lady’s actions! She is so right about this as there is all kinds of evidence and this man will be the face of America to the rest of the world! If republicians and moderate democrats had intervened years ago we would not have this absolute catastrophic situation! Time for more new faces in both parties.. mcconnell, pelosi, schumer and all their kind should have more than enough money by now… not from their salaries by the way. This country and citizens should come first, like with President Trump. If others will summon up some of Rrp Green we may actually see the truth for the first time in years.!

    1. Thank you God, finally a young woman speaks out, a woman with a backbone. Stay strong. I’ll keep you in my prayers. God bless you and our grand USA.

  5. Finally, someone is trying to save our country from being destroyed and being turned into a third world socialist country. Thank You!

    1. Thanks for the courage to take on the left. I am with you and many millions of trueAmericans are with you. Please include our “dear” vice- pres elect for inciting riots and raising money for bail for these criminals. Also, she threatened Americans saying to Republican voters ” we know who you are, we know where you live, where you work and who your family and friends are. And we are coming for you”. Another witch from California like Perosi, Waters, etc. You got your work cut out for you! Stay strong. Washington is not a swamp – it is a giant septic tank,and the biggest turds always float to the top!

  6. Nice to see someone awarding the left the same hospitality they awarded the greatest president of our time Donald J Trump.


    1. Bob R.
      Unfortunately the leftists now control the whole legislative branches of the government and they are determined to stay in that capacity ad infinitum. The rinos in congress are aiding and abetting them.

  8. I agree with all of the above especially Patricia!!! These EVIL Democrats in office have to go so we can get back to business that makes America Great !! They are costing us too much!

  9. It is time to pull out all the stops and do a full court press to institute term limits to get these career politicians out of our hair. Nothing else will solve this problem. They have all become ”entitled” and think they are our ”betters”, not our employees. The Faux ”OUTRAGE” about the incident in Washington demonstrates the power the people really have when they flex their muscle. Was that incident defensible? Was the loss of life ”worth” it? Probably not. But the Spirit of the American People, the taxpayers, has been stifled for too long in the Communist way… S l o l w l e y infiltrating our schools and stealing the minds of our children……………………..WE allowed it and have spent our time providing them with toys, stifling their creativity and ignoring their REAL needs namely showing them the VALUE of work. It IS time for a Revolution. a revolution throwing politicians out of office and replacing them with Citizen Representatives of the people. President Trump is the ONLY politician who had our interests in mind and the bloodsucking, corrupt political criminals have driven him from our midst. Who will work for US now? Democrats want to open our borders, flood our country with welfare recipients and terrorists and they want YOU to pay for it so they can stay in power.

    1. not to mention flooding the country with more diseases! Every idiotic idea that comes to mind, is proposed by the democrats. What is America thinking?

  10. About time we took it to them (without violence of course, as I do not need the corrupt FBI knocking on my door)! Time for us to give the leftists/socialists/communists an overdose of their own bitter medicine.

  11. Impeachment trials should be about the way it really is , insanity by way of madness , President Donald Trump did what no President ever did before , got it done , what he says he did . And democrates continue to pull there hair out , a sure sign of dementia . They are forgetting who they work for , they only believe in themselves and you’ll do what I say . Not me !

  12. I stand behind her the rest of the Republican party need to grow the back bone to unite together. And if they can’t it’s time for the rinos to go

  13. Elector for Ohio in 96 for Perot. Bush and Clinton clasped hands for Nafta. US lost 66,000+ factories.President Trump was behind Perot to save US Jobs.I love that man fight against late term abortion also.Libs have simply lost their minds and I will never forgive Pelosi for tearing up Mr Trumps speech.

  14. The only answer is term limits. The founders did not mean for someone to make a lifetime career out of being in congress. We need term limits for all of them. How many more of them are senile and merely live off of the hardworking people of this country? They only work about 10 or 15 days a month but make more money than the hard working people of this country

  15. Marjorie Taylor Green!!
    She sounds like President Trump. Tells it like is and does something about it. There is nothing I can think of that would be to bad to happen to the democrats. I cannot understand how there can be a democrat who does not believe the way they do and still stay a democrat. I agree that limited term limits would solve a lot of our problems, but disease from the democrats having a secret meeting might just do the trick! We also have some rogue Republicans who might be able to sneak into that meeting. Past time to clean house!

  16. Instead of Russia, Russia, Russia, they should hit him with Hunter, Hunter, Hunter.
    and 10% to the big guy.

  17. A brilliant and absolutely needed move for truth, justice and the American way. We should take note of all the WEAK RINO’s who do not back her up. 75+ million voters are with you. We will keep you in our prayers because the hand of God is upon you. This nation was founded and protected by God and HE will deliver justice to the left for their criminal ways. For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD they are plans for GOOD and not evil, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE. I truly believe that GOD is with you and continues to give you the courage and strength to continue to speak for the 75+million patriots and hard working citizens that support our country.

  18. When the members of Congress run out of shopping centers to cut ribbons for and babies to kiss they don’t know what to do. A lot of these clowns will be unemployed in two years.

  19. So nice to see someone with huevos. Someone needs to point out did Harry Schumer Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell put out more redrick then Donald Trump ever did. And when the government comes to take the law-abiding citizens of the United States of America. Constitutional rights to have a weapon to protect their self. They shouldn’t be surprised it what part of of the weapon they might receive. Thank you for standing up for the United States of America and its values



  22. Good for you Ms Green. Hope other Republicans will support you in your effort to make the Democrats accountable for their actions.

  23. It’s all well and good, BUT, it will never happen! With a Democratic controlled government, you’re beating a dead horse and taxpayers money. I do appreciate her efforts though.

  24. I am so grateful to hear this congresswoman stand up for us and for my President Trump she is so right that the conservative party Republicans have no back bone to support our president they only want to protect their political careers which is disgusting all the more reason for term limits these politicians stay too long and gain too much power while in office

  25. Perhaps taking a page from another ‘forgotten’ Republican – Martin L. King. Passive resistance! They can’t do a damned thing about passive resistance. Let’s start a nation-wide boycott of the ‘media’. I retired from that ‘media’ and I know what really hurts them! MONEY, or the lack thereof! First – boycott their newscasts. See who advertises on those programs and let them know you’ll NOT BUY their products as long as they advertise on those programs. Keep on watching NCIS and Chicago Med – those are completely separate budget items from the News. HOWEVER – It’ll only work if large numbers of us participate. Then root out the RINO’s! Get involved! Find out all you can about who runs for office. Push for Term Limits!!! If it’s good for the President, it’s good enough for the Swamp Dwellers!!

  26. Congress, DEMORATS and Republicans, have ignored the evidence of the VENEZUELAN ELECTION. This emboldened the perpetrators and they did it again WITH IMPUNITY. 75,000,000 disenfranchised voters SEE IT. The 75,000,000 were not in the Capital, but Antifa WAS. The government is the TYRANT.

  27. Amen to your efforts and perspective. If it were me, I would include articles of impeachment against Kamala Harris for her recorded statement regarding antifa (small a on purpose) wherein she stated that antifa was a movement that would be before and after the election and we should be in support of them. She as much as incited and encouraged them to go about their business which resulted in threats against American citizens, those 47 lives lost and businesses damaged at the cost of millions of dollars. This atrocity has lasted for months and is not what America is about. antifa members, dressed as President Trump supporters, were also in the lead at the White-house protest, Trump supporters chanting “no antifa” a number of times in their attempt to dissuade them from doing physical damage which they did anyway. God bless you in your continued efforts.

  28. Go get’em tiger. Hopefully we can impeach this illegitimate fraud in 2022! Then draw up charges on Harris and charge Pelosi with treason. If we accomplish that then get Hanoi Jane for treason… long overdue!

  29. All that been said is true but we’re a little to late to do anything about it you see they have control of the house and senate and who is going to investigate this the F B I good luck on that

  30. I totally agree. The Republicans should hound Biden from now until the end of his term like they did Mr. Trump. The President did not have one day of peace during his presidency. Those Dems refused to be responsible for all the riots they supported and should be held accountable for all the deaths and destruction.

  31. unfortunately the charges, as legitimate as they may be, will not go anywhere because “the cards are stacked against it”. About the only result will be that the charges and motion for impeachment will “be on the record” and the REALLY good part of that is, it will be done before his 1st full day in office. When “hoe” Harris takes office when Biden resigns, she will of course pardon the whole Biden family, the Obama, Clinton, the RINO Bush’s, as well as anyone who might be brought up on any kind of charges relating to lying, treasonous actions, or anything conceived as anti U.S. activities. The people of the U.S. is going to have to realize the U.S. will now be under a Communist totalitarian “regime” in total control of what you see & hear (censorship), what you can say, with no law enforcement other than what the dictatorship determines is unlawful. “History is now in the process of repeating itself”. The times and actions of Lenin/Stalin/ & Putin, along with UN, and the Chinese, plus Hitler tactics, have already started! Next, there will be the “Dem Gustapo” will be knocking at your door to take you away because you objected to ANYTHING the “New Communist U.S. Dictatorship” says or does. The censorship being allowed to happen is ONLY THE BEGINNING folks! It is really a terrible sad time for Democracy. As long as conservatives sit back with their “thumbs up their asses” and allow this shit to happen, it WILL, and has already started to HAPPEN.

    1. The Democrats are marching to the TUNE of HITLER (the Democrats have changed Education from Preschool thru our highest academic levels). CHANGE EDUCATION (this has slowly taken place over decades), that is why in Germany children turned their own parents into the GESTAPO!!! (The whole is more important than the individual per Hitler). IDENTIFY A GROUP OF PEOPLE TO TARGET (aka: white/or appears white) as the class to rail against and especially Republicans. SENSOR THE SPEECH OF THE TARGETED GROUP. GET RID OF ALL GUNS, UNLESS APPROVED BY THE RULING CLASS. Nazi Germany is the NEW USA if we are not careful, no wonder that Angela Merkel is concerned about Big Tech. Big Tech has the control now even over our government.

  32. MARJORIE TAYLOR! your God gift it is time that we stand,and tell Biden that is ass,and many on his side need to be in jail… Biden is totally unfit to be in power he is a criminal. it is very important that Biden ass is kicked out,and many of the swamp. thanks and GOD Bless

  33. Way to go Marjorie Taylor , dont forget to take Kamalia who said the protestors started before the election and they wont stop after the election and rightly so etc. is that not insighting riots ? Lets not forget Pelosi either, she needs to go also.


    1. i GREE completely. The whole Demoncratic party should be removed. Biden, Harris, Pelosi,DIanne Feinstein, Bernie Sanders , right on down the line.If there is one thing the U.S. A. DOESN’T NEED IT IS Socialism. It has never worked and never will. The only people who benefit from Socialism are the few people at the top of the government.

  35. Im very proud of this lady. Impeach this crazy Biden as well as fake Kamala and the list goes on through his thugs.

  36. LOL….luv it Robert Esposito! Just another example of a woman using her puss & the many “heads without a brain”, getting to where they are through “favors”. So nice we have a slut-bag going to be the President when Biden croaks or more than likely resigns, or actually when Pelosi pushes for the 25th amendment because Biden has shown signs of swaying some from the RADICAL pre-planned DEMORATS Communistic agenda! It is going to be VERY difficult to institute any changes with the Demoratic control of the house & senate, plus with the big corporations & mainstream media censoring what you can see & hear. with the courts also being seem to be favoring the Dems by refusing to hear blatantly obvious cases of corruption in ALL unlawful activities carried out by the treasonous, anti-Constitution, Communistic, socialist, Dictatorship seeking sons-a-bitches that call themselves the Democratic (obviously a joke) Party.

  37. It’s about time someone had the guts to stand up and tell it like it is. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Impeachment of Biden, all his dealings with the Chinese. Look at his family history and illegal dealings. He is a threat to this country. But, you know after he becomes president, give it a few weeks, they will say he has dementia and Harris will become president. That’s even scarier.

  38. I brought this out days ago. I happened to find an article about her and I sent her email telling her how much this impeachment of Beijing Biden needed to go forward. she should also impeach Harris for her blatant support and call for insurrection during the riots of 2020. that and the fact the demon rat party paid bail for these miscreants. she is on many tapes calling for violence and telling the rioters that she is so proud of them. if it can work for our president, it sure as hell can work for demon rats. what makes them above the law, besides the fact that they now control every aspect of American life? media, both houses gotten through thievery, and an illegitimate #46. I am getting shirts made with that on it. I will wear them for the next 4 yrs unless by some miracle, our President wins out over this entire mess. it is something when the Mexican president goes to bat for Donald Trump. he is going to talk to the next G20 meeting, and try to get some laws passed over sites like Twatter, who should be named SQAWK, since that’s all its owner can do over free speech., and facebook, FAKEBOOK, and gaggle, oops I mean google. use duckduckgo. it is a better platform…. contact all the rinos who voted for impeachment for our President. bomb the crap out of their emails, tell the scum to enjoy their last months in office. we will primary them into history. contact those who stood with President Trump, thank them, and tell them to join Ms Greene of Georgia in her quest to oust the illegitimate#46 and his California ho. we can do it. we just have to be as relentless as the demon rats. step up, America, show that you have what it takes to save this nation. don’t stick your head in the sand and wail. we can be 74 million plus strong. give maxine waters. a taste of what she proclaimed demon rats should do to Trumps administration. hound the hell out of them in public. ask questions you know they dont want to answer. point out their failings loudly. lets keep the Trump momentum going.

  39. The time is here for all free citizens to stand up and say enough is enough every politician who supports the Biden Harris oh yea the Harris Biden ticket to be investigated for allowing the shadow government to infiltrate the PEOPLES government it is way over due the summer of 2020 will go down in history as the most embarrassing moment of the United States which is one step closer to the Divided States the hypocrisy is a disease that has taken over the government and the people must rise up and defend freedom what has happened is the younger generations think they are more powerful than the baby boomers wake up hippies your sexual revolution has created more STDs in one generation than ever before the people must stop letting these immoral politicians to screw this country up freedom is being destroyed right along with morals and while the people who keep creating drama to keep the people distracted the best country in the world is being infiltrated by the dark overlords of the New World Order WAKE UP before it’s too late

  40. Right on ! What applies to President Trump allies to China Joe Biden also.
    As the saying goes , ” What’s good for the goose is good for the gander ! ”
    While you at it , what about the UKRAINE ?

  41. forgot to say, get a list of all companies that are supporting Illegitimate #46 and boycott the hell out of them. dry up their profits. there are also banks doing it, so take your business to those who support freedom. I will boycott each and every one of them. Goldman Sachs, chase, are just some I remember off the top of my head. the lists are out there. I believe Walmart or should I say china mart is also on it. the pocketbook is their Achilles heel. lets stab the crap out of it, and watch them hobble. keep freedom in America. we dont want communism here, and that is what Beijing biden is peddling. he is also peddling racism against the white race. his recent statement on who will get ppp for their business’s is a real eye opener. he said the white male business owners need not apply, as he is giving monies to Asians, Native Americans, Blacks, Latino’s etc. now I dont have a problem with some of that, but to exclude the white male is not correct. I hate favoritism in any form. maybe we should not pay taxes, so that we can support our white male owned business ourselves?????

  42. Im backing congresswoman, she has the balls to step up and do what our other kiss ass congress people won’t.

  43. Peg, where have you Been? He has been the out productive leader in history. And that will be in the history books one day! You can’t change that,
    Curious, why are you protecting China. Bad move

  44. Biden, Pelosi and Harris need to go as quick as possible for their blatant racism and encouragement for blood in the streets as long as it’s imposed by liberals against patriots . We will never have unity with them because they operate from hate for anyone and everything Republican.

    This is a time when President Trump and the Republican Party need us more than ever as people are coming out of the woodwork to put the screws to them. We should boycott every company who has reneged on their contracts with Trump calling him an embarrassment or are shoving down people’s throats that President Trump incited violence. I don’t need Ben and Jerry’s ice cream or the Marriott hotel chain to get along in life but they need us and will feel our wrath if we hold back our dollars. Let’s get a list together of those crucifying our leaders. Spread the word.

  45. You Go Girl, a person who believes in America as well is a Patriot and believes noting what the MSM, Social Media, Deep State, and Democrat cronies says or want s to believe, the people open their mouths and are liars and cheats. If you don’t believe, look at what they were worth before coming into office and where they are today, million dollar home in protected communities, and only listen to Hollywood elites.

  46. You can not run for President while under Fed Investigation anyway. How we got to this point is by keeping quiet
    not being involved, this is are own fault. It’s going to be a hard fight back because the Dem’s are blind to the truth. What this really means is Donald returns as President because Biden was not fit physically or legally.

  47. Thank you Representative Taylor Greene. Yes this should be a top priority. This impeachment is not based on Zero evidence and hearsay like the B.S. Democrat impeachment, for which all who voted Yeah with no evidence should be charged and convicted of treason.
    This impeachment is based on actual facts, where even Biden incriminated himself. Should be a no brainer to price and should not take 3 years. Evidence should call for his impeachment within months. Then they can go after Racist Kamala. You have made my day Rep Greene. Again Thank You

  48. I agree 100+ % with about all the statements above. But I fear I can’t do a lot to help (except VOTE, which I have never failed to do). I, like probably 90 % who have written on here, and whom I agree with, are unfortunately mostly unable to do much any more but write their thoughts. No longer able to work, -only able to read these comments, and not much else any more. And when the big showdown comes, also no longer able to march with a group, or take up a gun, if it has to be done that way, which I pray isn’t needed.
    Praying for President Trump, and still hoping he may still have a plan up his sleeve that will keep him in office another 4 years. I can’t believe our USA has gone far enough down that we can be cheated on votes, but apparently it has. Praying for the best.

  49. She’s right on all accounts. We do need to start fighting back. Biden should never have agreed to run for President. He’s only a pawn for the left. He won’t be in power long, if he ever actually is set in as President. He won’t be my President. God forbid Kamala Harris takes over. God Bless America!!!!!!


  51. At Last The Reality of Truth of Who Really Should be Impeached. As an American Citizen I have never witnessed an election so shabby and the Threat of Solcialism so real. Our Nation must protect the Democracy and Capitalism that made this country the envy of the world. Yes there will always be jeleously, but the job of our House and Senate is the serve the citizens. Many unfortunately feel the citizens should serve the wishes and needs of the Senator ane Congress. Especially someone as Nancy Pelosi. What a disgrace to this Nation!!!!

  52. Finally, a Congresswoman with backbone! I hope All Republicans and honest Democrats that believe in our Civil Rights and our Constitution follow Congresswoman’s Majorie Taylor Green’s lead. Everything the Dems are accusing Trump of doing, the Democrats already have done. Had the corrupt Liberal media exposed Hunter Biden’s computer, and Joe Biden’s connection to the CCP and the money laundering scheme the Biden’s participated in, we would be celebrating Trump’s second term right now. We know who our duly elected President is. One day, the entire world will know the TRUTH! Keep the FAITH, because the Truth will be known and the hateful Democrats that participated in this LIE, will pay. Karma works in mysterious ways! Good always triumphs over Evil!

  53. actually, If Biden is out, Harris takes over and she get to nominate a vice president to take her place . They have to be approved by the senate or congress . So Nancy is not in line for the president unless Harris would nominate her.

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