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New York Times Forced to Admit the Truth about Its Content

During the run-up to the 2016 election, former President Donald Trump exposed the fact that left-wing radicals within the legacy media knowingly perpetuated fake news and spread misinformation. Democrats had long used the dishonest liberal media as a resource to push its socialist, America last policies.

But the Trumpian takedown of the media hasn’t prevented them from continuing scurrilous campaigns to sow the seeds of doubt when investigative journalists nail Democrats for corruption. This thought-provoking video drills down on a case in which the biased New York Times worked overtime to undermine fact-based Project Veritas evidence and purposely spread fake news and misinformation.


During the last election, radical Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s campaign workers went door to door implying that residents would earn money for filling out ballots, ensuring the Democrat won. Project Veritas caught wind of the voter fraud and skillfully videotaped evidence that exposed the scheme. Rather than jump on a newsworthy story brimming with election controversy, a pair of New York Times reporters went to work bent on discrediting first-hand video accounts.

What the dishonest New York Times did to cover up the voter fraud scheme and make its dwindling readership believe Project Veritas are nothing more than partisan hacks crossed a journalistic and legal line. Now Project Veritas has them in court, and it could set a precedent that forces media outlets to tell the truth. Watch this video and find out how the disgraced New York Times is being brought to heel.

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5 thoughts on “New York Times Forced to Admit the Truth about Its Content”

  1. illegal bribes ?? LOL the left is lying like usual over stealing this election. God help us all. Going around knocking on doors for votes?? We all have to get this bunch out of office! Since these nut cases stold the election, they have done but lie and steal from us. China has a huge hold of this bunch

  2. New York is crazy if you let them spend over 15K of your money on illegals. That will bring millions more illegals to your pot of gold. Why do politicians lose their mind when trying to govern, make laws, etc. Send them back to their countries, and tell them our president had lost his mind as well, and we aren’t paying you over 15K each.
    Americans need work, money, housing. And this is what you do? God help you. God help the Central Americans, and every place else they are coming from. I’m sorry your government has failed you. But, we had a wise leader at one time that said….”Ask what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you.”

  3. There are veterans who went to war, many grievously injured, who call a cardboard box home and these people want to give money to non-citizens? How low can politicians go? Many Americans are struggling because of the pandemic.. Americans who have paid into the system but instead of helping them in their time of great need they want to help non-citizens? Time to clean our political houses patriots! Millions would put America first and the current crop ain’t doing that!

    1. I agree 100%. We need to get rid of the politicians wanting to give non-citizens money. What is wrong with them?It isn’t their personal bank account. Don’t they have any common sense?

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