Nancy Pelosi Tries to Cover for President Biden on Afghanistan, Fails Miserably

Not even CNN and MSNBC journalists are defending Joe Biden’s handling of the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. That should tell you something. At this point only sickos are defending Biden in this scandal—and Nancy Pelosi.

The Speaker of the House actually went on TV and praised President Biden for his handling of the collapse of Afghanistan and leaving thousands of Americans stranded without a safe way to get out of the country before all U.S. troops withdrew.

In the interview Pelosi tells the reporter questioning Biden’s handling of the Taliban takeover that it was inevitable that the Taliban would get some U.S. military equipment in the collapse, saying ‘some stuff’ gets left. She also claimed Biden’s withdrawal reduces the chance of terrorism in an odd gaslighting of the president’s failed exit from Afghanistan.

She said during the interview on Tuesday, “I do believe that the president’s decision was based on one that reduced the prospect of any attack on our homeland. And the president has made it very clear to the Taliban, any assault on any American entity or person would be met forcefully.”


She added, “So, the — this is what happens when you withdraw. You — some stuff, some equipment is left there. It was thought that that would be used — it was hoped that that would be used by the Afghan military to defend its own country. The fact that it did not and could not was all more the reason for us to leave.”

Seriously? The Speaker of the House wants us to believe we’re safer from terrorism after leaving a stockpile of military weapons and equipment for the Taliban? Her lack of concern should be concerning. She’s not only supporting a failure on the behalf of the president; she’s lying to the people she represents. Check it her interview and see for yourself what kind of gaslighting leader Nancy Pelosi has become.

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47 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Tries to Cover for President Biden on Afghanistan, Fails Miserably”

      1. Ed, Lynn HAD to have meant the comment to be sarcasm. had to. Nobody, not even a Democrat, could possibly be so addled as to earnestly mean that Mumbles had done “great work.” –Or that Nasty P. had done great work in praising Mumbles’ work.

        I choose to hope that Lynn was being as sarcastically critical of the Harris-Biden Circus as you and I are.

        1. Ursus..haven’t been around many Democrats, have you ? Listen more to them, you’ll change your understanding.

        1. She ought to go over there and she what it is like. Maybe with some luck she would get stuck there for good.

        2. She couldn’t possibly know the truth from her lies….she’s DRUNK MOST OF THE TIME!! Even a slap in the face wouldn’t make a difference…altho it MIGHT cause her to fall on her shriveled behind!

    1. No. You get all the people possible to drive as many of these as possible to an open area, and send in a few B1B’s and B2’s and turn them into a molten pile of steel. Including the planes and helicopters. Only and idiot would allow the enemy free arms and aircraft.

  1. Pelosi, Bidden, Harris, Schumer, & Sanders Are the worst thing that ever happened to America. We had better gov when there was a war between the states & if they keep it up there going to have it again. America is tired of there lys & funneling money into there own pockets & those who are doing nothing for this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Again ugly old walking cadaver Pathetic Pelosi proves she has no living or functioning brain cells and is completely mentally ill. The most hated and despised witch on earth should be locked in a insane asylum with “Demented” Biden !!!

        1. Both so called Catholics they’re as bad as those pedophile priests . No good act of contrition will save either one of them from the gates of hell . Satan’s waiting , they’ll be with the likes of Hitler and Stalin etc. etc..

    1. I agree 1000000000 % with Tony Forster. The US has taken a dive into the shit pond since they cheated on the election !

    2. Totally agree. The top three need to be impeached now. Biden, Harris and Pelosi all need to be impeached for their failures as representatives of this great nation. They support the rioters, thieves and murderers for the BLM but put protesters in the DC jail without due process, they are still sitting in jail and not even DC senators were allowed in to see them. Talk about the Taliban, we have our own terrorists and it is the top three of our government. it is time for all citizens of the United States to start sending letters, emails, phone calls to your congress and let them know we will not stand for this type of sedition from our own government that is supposed to be for the people, by the people of these United States of America. California is recalling our governor and Pelosi should be going out right along with him. She is from California and does nothing to represent the people of California or the United States. Money talks and George Soros is spending a lot of it to destroy America with the help of his friends in our Congress. Take back America, write letters, make phone calls, demand our elected officials do their jobs they are being paid by us, the taxpayers to do which is protect and serve this great nation.

      1. Unfortunately, they are being paid much more by Soros and Zuckerberg, probably the CCP. They don’t care about their salaries.

    3. Amen! If they would spend their time and efforts on the AMERICAN People and keeping this America Great instead of bringing it down through their lies and hate for Trump and those who share in America First, we would not be where we are today. Time for them to go and the American People need to make sure we only select people that believe in America First. These people along with the squad as well as Republicans that side with them need to be stripped of their positions. We need to stop those trying to turn us all against each other, pushing CRT, which is Racist, and trying to erase history. Why do we allow a handful of people to change the way we do things when so many of us do not agree with them. They want to defund those that protect us while they let criminals burn our cities, kill our officers, and ruin and steal from businesses. Those in Government need to be remined they work for WE THE PEOPLE.

  2. I would hope that those who were never Trumpers can start to see the darkness of evil and help us to take back our country!

  3. Pelosi can try but an evil woman needs to be ship to Afganistan with her nephew Grusone Calligula Newsom. One day it may be enough to teach this goons how wonderful Biden policy is.

  4. I cannot believe what has happened to our country. It makes me sad that some people actually vote for someone like Pelosi, Biden and the rest of the sh-t show. How dumb can people be?


    1. Covid ? Nah , ship them to Afganastan and let them be “Talibaned ! ” Pelosi will go nuts , no hairdresser and even worse , no Vodka !

  6. Biden . Pelosi .Harris Mitch Mconell and all of the democrat ass kissers need to go need some one in there with commom sense for a change if the Founding father of this country would see what was happening they would be turning over in there grave

  7. Don’t fear, patriots. All is being taken care of legally. They are being taken down, one at a time. Do you now many of the Dems have already been flown to Gitmo or taken to the Pentagon and given the riot act? Shiff was taken to Gitmo and walks no more. He is gone. Just a day or two more and we will all be very happy. Be patient just a few days more. I do agree with all of your comments on here but I do know much more than you do so I ask you to take a deep breath and relax.

  8. I’m just waiting for Biden to announce he’s “gifting” the Taliban several million $ to assure our citizens’ safe passage to the airport… then we’ll find CCP moving in to “help” the Taliban and share their resources. They own the Biden family and are simply calling in chits. US is made the chump by both, compliments of the puppet.

  9. May God have mercy! on all the ones left behind during the Taliban take over. What a very sad situations. Pray America!

  10. They all need to go to church, Biden, Pelosi and the other bad people. And stay there!!! Maybe God can shake them all up.

  11. You know everyone talks about how Biden is suffering from Alzheimer’s. Well look at Namby-Pamby Legosy, she has totally lost all common sense and has turned into one of the biggest commies in this country. How she can tell such bold-faced lies and people believe her. Many years ago, after first getting elected she talked half=way decent but she is so out of touch and tells such lies. EVERYTHING she has done in office since Barry Soetoro was placed in the White House is been ILLEGAL. Everything. And why most of the Americans in Congress still let her get away with it is beyond me. She doesn’t even belong in her local funny farm, she belongs in prison and that would be Gitmo.

  12. I’ve followed politics since I’m 16 yrs old I’m now 73 and in all that time NEVER have I seen a president who is so openly a deliberate Traitor to our country like Biden . This is Obama’s doing he started this Biden’s just finishing up his dirty work .

  13. THIS is what WE THE PEOPLE get for putting our own self interest ahead of our Nation’s.
    THIS is what WE THE PEOPLE get for taking the easy way out.
    THIS is what WE THE PEOPLE get when we surrender our rights for pseudo-security.
    THIS is what WE THE PEOPLE get when we surrender our own critical thinking and accept as facts the blatant lies of those who would destroy us.
    WE THE PEOPLE are fat, lazy, stupid, ignorant, easily manipulated, self important, entitled JERKS, who can’t remember shit! Three weeks from now
    WE THE PEOPLE won’t remember ANYTHING about KABUL.
    Si gone? He was on that duck show. I didn’t know he was gone.
    Ben Gazzi? A TV actor, right? From the 60s.
    Hanoi Jane. That’s who does my wife’s mani-pedi.

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