Nancy Pelosi Obstructs Stimulus, Dooming Millions of Needy Americans, All So She Can Stop Trump from Getting a Win Close to Election Day

The US economy is slowly coming back to life, thanks to the efforts of President Donald Trump. But it’s clear to most people that the tens of millions of healthy people who were thrown out of work by the government-forced shutdown mandates still need some help.

Lockdown conditions are still in effect after all this time in many states — including some red states. Just ask the people of Texas, who are getting extremely fed up with their Republican Governor.

But if there’s one main villain to pin the lack of help on right now, it has to be Granny Winebox, aka House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Both the White House and Senate have offered massive aid packages to the American people of the sort that fiscal conservatives normally balk at.

Yet Pelosi continues to block those bill or reject them. She won’t negotiate and she won’t compromise. Why not? Because defeating President Trump in November is more important to Nancy Pelosi than the very real suffering that the American people are going through. How do you like them apples?


A stimulus package to bail out ailing restaurants, gyms, bars, movie theaters, and other small business owners, as well as sending out stimulus checks to families that have been out of work for six months now, could be passed tomorrow. Pelosi won’t pass the bill and get this — she has the nerve to blame the damage from the shutdowns on President Trump! It’s getting so ridiculous that she got into a fight with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer about it the other day, which you can see in this must-watch video!

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135 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Obstructs Stimulus, Dooming Millions of Needy Americans, All So She Can Stop Trump from Getting a Win Close to Election Day”

    1. Better nickname for her is the wicked Witch of the West, blasting Wolfe from in front of her $24,000 freezer full of $12 a pint ice cream.. Telling Wolfe “We feed them!” That could support some families I know for a WHOLE YEAR!

    2. She is nothing but a drunk n dope head. That’s why she’s like she is. GET RID OF HER, along with NADLER, SCHUMMER, OBAMA, HILLARY, N LYING SCHIFF. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

      1. Nancy Pelosi is nothing but a worm, struggling to stay on top of the dirt pile called the Democratic Party. She should be ashamed of herself for being such a gutless worm! We need to get rid of Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, Schiff, Obama’s and the Clinton’s! They tried to destroy America when Obama was in office, they thought they would win in 2016. When the Democrats didn’t win in 2016, they came up with a phony Russian conspiracy. Truth be told there was a Russian conspiracy, but it was with Hillary Clinton, Obama and the Democratic Party. President Trump warned the American people that the Democrats were spying on him and his election campaign. Everyone said he was being paranoid, but the truth came out. Obama & Clinton should have been arrested and charged with TREASON. They still can be charged with treason for the Russian conspiracy. Hillary Clinton should be arrested for lying to Congress, about her emails and for destroying her emails. I want to see the Democrats turn around and be the Party of the past, where they were honorable and honest. But we can’t go backwards only forwards and the Democrats can’t change their ways, like a tiger can’t get rid of it’s spots. So come November 3rd. I’ll be voting for the best man for the job and that’s Donald J. Trump. If you want to totally freak the Democrats out, vote for the Trump/Pence ticket. They are the best for our Nation.

        1. I’m with you. Vote Trump/Pence and Red all the way. Sign the petition to expel Pelosi, Schiff from Congress. Get them the hell out of politics.

          1. Firing squad too good for Pelosi, “the squad,” Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Obama, Obama, Biden, Torcher chamber for all of them.

          2. just be sure if you’re voting on a machine to check your vote. They had machines rigged to change votes in Obama’s second term. You voter one way and pt voted for the other guy. Remember Soros has voting machines.

          3. It would be great to remove all of the ones you name (along with a few other obstructionist ) but it’s the Braindead, Brainwashed, voters in their districts that keep voting them in. Please get out and vote, if you choose ( or the state your in ) to vote by mail and don’t trust the ballot to get through you can drop them at ballot boxes located around your voting district ( or the supervisors of elections offices )

        2. I really like the word “treason” but alas, it will not happen. If the justice department brushed off the illegal masking charges, do you really think they will bring any serious charges against these conspirators? I’ll believe it when I see it.

        3. Congats on your outstanding presentation. I am an independant & over 45yrs of voting I have NEVER voted a straight ticket/ BUT this year I am voting a straight ticket REPUBLICAN & hopefully (God willing) we wake up this country. Anyone else think that the Biden e-mails noting the big guy is it Dad or Barrack? They are so corrupt & still believe they can (& are) get away with it because the liberals are all in/ no matter what. I blame MSM’s propaganda and aligning with the left has killed this country! With the prior yrs under Obama, Holder,Biden,Rice, to name a few corruption we need to clean this country out. Starting with DC !

        4. a tiger has stripes. If I or anyone I know would have done anything the dumocraps have done we would already been imprisoned or killed. Knowing what we do know about the Clinton’s, Obama’s and all of the democrap’s in congress why are they still walking around free? Why are they allowed to inter fear in our government.The true American’s should shame them into their basements afraid to face any loyal American. Thank you Mr.Trump for saving America and continue into 2028.

        5. Sherry, I totally agree with your comment. It is a shame our country is going downhill. President Trump has tried to do a GREAT job, but they are dragging their feet as usual. The DEMOCRATS will do anything they can to rid of our President. In other words, HELL WITH THE PEOPLE THAT ARE HURTING,

      2. Absolutely Mary you are my kind of chick honey!!
        Love a smart sassy woman mans Nancy ick Pelosi is an evil B!!!!

      3. Absolutely Mary you are my kind of chick honey!!
        Love a smart sassy woman Nancy ick Pelosi is an evil B!!!!

      4. Amen!!!! And yes the pigs would run away even if they eat everything in site. The pigs know salmenela when they smell it!!!!

    3. She is a pathetic and pitiful excuse for a human. The democratic
      party has turned into a bad joke. No sense of direction whatsoever.

    4. This hateful woman’s hate for the president has rendered her useless to the country and her own party. Her own party has urged her to stand down but she refuses. She has become toxic and it’s a shame her departing after so many years will be a shove out the door and not a farewell party.

    5. She is just about the worst woman I’ve ever seen to be speaker…why can’t President Trump over rude her and send out the checks anyway? Can someone answer that because I would like to know!
      I have voted and I voted Republican all the way… Anyone else?

    6. If this horrid winch doesn’t get tossed out of Congress and tossed out of speaker of the house, I will have to turn the TV and videos off because I cannot tolerate this evil nasty woman. She really needs to get therapy to deal with her hatred for our President. I think getting drunk every night is not working for her.

    7. Don’t down grade the pigs !!! I would rather have a pig then that dirt bag !!!They get rich off the tax payers !!! Should be tar an feathered an sent to China !!!

    8. the problem is we have let this happen. and we let it continue. we talk and talk, then we go back to doing nothing!
      always waiting for someone else to do something. if we dont act who will? if we dont take matters into our own hands who will?the answer is: no one! we are already enslaved and we dont even know it. it will get worse because no one will do anything about it. NO ONE!.

    9. PLease ! Don’t bad-mouth a pig ! She is a biology frog still responding to involuntary “twitches”. Although, that maligns helpless lab experiments, she is closer to a “brick” {man-made} since “rocks” are created by GOD.
      From another “Vet”

    10. Yes, an ugly pig, with so much Botox, that it has affected her mind. Her daughter, who can’t stand her, said she when she wants to destroy someone, (Trump), she will do anything, and everything she can to put down that person. Now she will go down as the biggest bitch in American history. When she is dead, and buried, her grave will face daily vandalism, but she will also be in Hell, and won’t be able to do anything about it. I liked when that one guy took a dump in her driveway. To bad that her illegal alien, help had to clean it up.

  1. Nancy Pelosi works for the American people but she doesn’t do her job. Most of us on both sides dislike her, her actions, etc. She won’t see another term.

      1. She should be arrested for treason. She is going against the president of the United States. That is treason. It would be different if she had a real reason but they just can’t handle that they lost Vote her out now she hates America or she would do what’s right for the American people , instead of worrying about her agenda

    1. She will, at the very least, lose the Speaker-ship because the struggling Americans see through the dem’s shenanigans. Vote the dems out of power!

      1. Vote her out?
        Throw her out of the USA!
        She is part of those taking bribes to destroy America.
        She is nothing but a piece of S..t!

  2. Pelosi has never cared about the American people, it’s all about her power. She says the right thing to the people but they need to ask themselves has she ever done anything that helped them, not her.

    1. I agree w/ this statement, Pelosi does not care about people, just herself, she thanks she is miss america, but she is really a royal bitch??

  3. Nancy Pelosi is all about Nancy Pelosi. Her ego is so much larger then her sense of duty to the American people it is both amazing and disgusting.

    1. Nancy, Chuck and Adam is letting hate rule them. They need to locate their heart and help Americans with straight stimulus and not their need to control. Hate don’t look good on them is shorting their brains out. Lol

  4. She still gets her outrageous pay so she can get her $15 a quart ice cream. Maybe she should get her pay cut in half or only make $30,000 a year and see off she can make it. She gets her money so she don’t care if the people do.
    She is going to be in for a ride awakening on election day. President Trump is going to get re-elected and Republicans are going to keep the Senate and take the House.
    TRUMP 2020

      1. how does someone who makes $174,000 a year end up being worth over a $100,000,000 dollars owning million dollar mansions not even in her district?

        1. Pelosi makes extra from lobbying and thousands on top of her pay. Congress members make that $174000 but Nancy I read makes the $240,000 plus all kickbacks from lobbyist.

    1. we should get at least 4 years of her ill gotten money back for not performing her job, her job is caring for the people not playing politics

    1. Since the 25th Ammendment concerns the Presidency and Nancy Pelosi is the next in line to be President if something happens to Trump and Pence can we not use it now to remove her as Speaker Of The House if she’s nuts?

    1. It’s way past time for the Wicked Witch of the West to be gone. Where is Dorthey and her house when you really need her?

  5. I must say she has to be the most miserable person I’ve seen in the whole world. To have that much hate in her. She hasn’t any respect for herself and none for her fellow Americans. As far as I’m concerned, Pelosi, Schumer, and a lot of others representing the Democratic party has lost votes for the Democrats. I wouldn’t vote Democratic if she paid me.

    1. Pelosi & her minions got to goooo!
      She is one of the main reasons I abandoned the Democratic Party…what I have seen them do to our country this 2020 is despicable!!
      For the first time I find myself actively promoting a presidential candidate. Scares the hell outta me what the Dems could do to us if they win the Presidency… Vote Trump!!

  6. Nasty bitch cares Nothing about American
    Citizens suffering from economy issues.
    She should be impeached fir failing to work
    FOF Americans or stop drawing fat salary
    And Go back to Calif and let Real concerned
    Citizen do real work in Congress.
    Let’s see her get Impeached.
    Vote her Out of Congress

    1. I don’t live I n California but the people there dont vote her out they like living in the streets.

      1. You can’t fix stupid with Dems. When I got into politics and didn’t understand why Dems keep voting this trash in. My mother said, they would vote for a cockroach before voting Republican. So I don’t feel one bit sorry for the idiots in California. And even if they move. They take their policies with them. I KNOW someone through my husband that moved from California to Colorado and is voting Dem. And now Colorado sucks! THAT! Is how ignorant Dems ARE!

      2. Even though there are organizers out there trying to get the homeless to vote, most of the homeless could care less. They care about where their next meal, fix, cocaine rock, drink or hit of meth is coming from. If they are drinking or using hard drugs, one is never enough, so they chase the drug until they run out or pass out. They are broke when they wake, and they do it all over(it’s Groundhog Day). Depending on people like this to vote, just keeping them sober and focused long enough to do so would be a hell of a chore.

    2. I agree she has way to much power ,and is more concerned about her personel vandetta than the good of the American people she must go,on her own or be thrown out.We the American people have no place3 for her Bigotry or her nonsense in congress,we are the ones who are paying the price for her childish behavior.

  7. house speaker shouldnt have that much power… we the american people should be more powerful than any house speaker. take that control away from polosi shes done all the damage to america that she can do, what shes doing is personal.. shes determined to take trump down, without regards to the american needs.

  8. I agree she has no respect for herself or the American people. I think it’s about time we show her what the American people think about her!!! Get rid of the garbage that is the speaker of the house!!!!

  9. she is disgusting and all the rest of the Dems. Go away and Hopefully Trump will get rid of them.
    Dems are so stupid forgetting the real reason why they are in those positions

  10. Some of us had jobs BEFORE THIS virus! I had 3. Now, nothing. My UC is up in a week. I have never sent out more resumes in my life!
    My family needs to eat, keep the lights on , heat and cable for homework’s! We need help, Pelosi!
    Thsts not even including the mortgage! Move out of the way, Pelosi!!!! I am one of millions!

    1. I wouldn’t want Nancy to Pray for me, no telling who would show up to answer her pray. Her prayers are killing baby’s

  11. Nancy Pelosi is an UGLY old douche bag. That only cares for herself. She does NOT work for the people. She takes care of herself. She needs to be THROWN out of office. All she wants to do is call the shots . She makes me sick. Can’t stand to see her ugly face an watch her talk. Trying to keep her teeth from falling out. TRUMP. 2020

  12. Pig Losi has always been a stupid f***ing cunt and yet somehow seems to get paid for doing nothing. Vote for term limits for senators to weed out the deadwood .as for piglosi she truly needs someone to insure she contracts lead poisoning right between the eyes.

  13. Nancy Pelosi thinks by not passing stimulus it will hurt president Trump.In her addled brain,she fails to understand that this isn’t hurting the president,it is hurting the citizens of the greatest country on the planet,and her chances for winning another term in office.At 81 years of age,it is past time for granny to retire to her rocking chair and get to knitting scarves.

  14. This is what happens when you allow a spoiled rotten, out of touch with average Americans, crazy B who has no morals nor ethics to have wayyyy too much power!!! Who failed to do their due diligence in allowing this type of person to represent American Citizens (or has this been the motive all along?)

  15. Pelousy could care less about American people, She has done NOTHING for us the past 4 years just trying to get rid of Trump NOTHING NOTHING PAST FOUR YEARS She is just a BAD PERSON

  16. Nancy lives by her argument that the Care Act that she and fellow Democrats proposed is the perfect cure for the people held hostage by this terrible disease. What she neglects to mention is the millions of dollars included in her bill that have absolutely nothing to do with Covid-19 assistance, such as: millions to fund Planned Parenthood, millions to rebuild Democratic governed cities which have been fiscally managed into bankruptcy and then allowed to be burned by “peaceful” protestors while her Democratic cohorts looked the other way, millions of dollars to fund the arts, and many other Pelosi pet projects. The President made it clear to her that he will sign immediately, a revised bill with the non-Covid related items removed. Nancy Pelosi would rather kill American citizens then get a bill passed where she didn’t come out on top.

  17. All of the above mentioned ignorances by the older Nancy including ignoring the mayhem and killings associated with it are proof that Dems are not thinking of the citizens that put them in their high and mighty jobs. When they aid and abet these circumstances they are just as bad as doing them themselves. This is NOT how our Country should be run. Where are the checks and balances that are required to arrest them, and take them to court? If terrorist came into the US and did some of the things they are doing, we would do just that: arrest them and take them to court. They don’t deserve this responsibility that they have been elected to do. This us NOT serving their country.

  18. I am almost 90years old and have NEVER seen anyone as stubborn as Nancy Pelosi…if this were the 1960’s she would have been assassinated a long time ago and the Sad part is the Dumbbasses in California who keep sending her back to DC swamp. 5 will get you 10 the gruesome-looking Drunk will be reelected!

  19. Agree Pelosi needs to be knocked off of her perch. She will leave Washington one way or another and if she is looking for it to be done by force so be it. She seems to enjoy watching cities burn!!!!!

  20. Ever since she got back into house speaker she had a plan. When under Obama before the last speaker you never heard anything out of her mouth except yes sir. Now she is a total bitch killing our country to appease her hate for Trump, she needs to go for good. She’s waiting til after the election is more unAmerican then the Russians.

  21. Nancy and the rest of her Dimicrap Hoodlum Gang members have nothing on there agenda except their own power to jam their terror down the throats of the American people. They are trying to take control of everything in our lives. Water, food, medicine, economy, even the air you breath. They care only for the vote, not the lives that cast them. Their gun control efforts are not to protect the American people, but to protect them when they try to overthrow the very Government and people they have sworn to protect. Hitler started by registering all guns first. Once he knew where they were he confiscated them. See any pattern? The Dimacraps must disarm you so they will be safe from you, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, when they come to Imprison you and your tools to resist has been removed. Control, Control, Control. That is Queen Nancy and company want for YOU. President Trump is your only salvation on this Earth. Vote Trump!!!!!!

  22. Nancy and Hiden Biden should be locked up together in the looney bin. They have both lost all sense of reality. Shame on the losers in Calidumbia that keep sending her back to the swamp. Can’t you nutheads see what she has done to Cal. she is also trying to do to the whole country. She only cares about her power and to hell with all the people who are suffering from all the ridiculous rules put in place due to COVID-19. Take away her security detail and see how long she survives.

  23. Nancy Pelosi is the poster girl for the Democratic Party all they are interested in is power they want to control us they want to control how much money we get, where we can go, only tell you what they want you to know this is a very disturbing picture and American people better wake up before November 3 because if you make a mistake there is no going back and you will pray for a Donald Trump to help us.

    1. Yes!!! Seriously Yes!!!
      Will pray for voters not to be deceived, but clearly see the pond scum, and self loathing ones that want only to pull you down, deep down where misery will be everlasting for them to share amongst their selfish selves!!!

  24. Peloski has Trump in a bad position not doing a stimulus bill. She doesn’t want to do anything till after the election. If Dems win, they print money for their wishlist of all the candidates. If Trump wins it will be a reasonable debt to jump start economy. So no stimulus checks till Christmas courtesy of the Dems and you must spend it on line. Lol

  25. She needs to go and all her democratic friends enough is enough they do not care about the American people they care about themselves and the nexted vote vote them out.

  26. I can only hope that someone takes one for the team and squashes the cockroach, aka Pelosi. She needs to be gone. Vote the old bag out!!

  27. I can only hope that someone takes one for the team and squashes the cockroach, aka Pelosi. She needs to be gone. Vote the old bag out and say NO WAY to the socialist agenda

  28. IT is a tragedy that at least half of our political leadership has forgotten why our country exists. Our ancestors came here to live a life unburdened by pity nobles that altered peoples lives at their whim. Imprisoning people or selling them into servitude for real or IMAGINED slights or political differences. And to be clear these were WHITE people sold into servitude { spelled SLAVERY} that they could NEVER pay off. Everyone was disarmed {as our Democrats wish us to be} so they could not be able to stand up to the NOBLES in POWER. OUR government was originally designed to rotate our leaders from civilian life into volunteered government service and back to civilian life so as not to allow them to take on the mantel of NOBLE in charge. Our representatives have lost sight of the intent of our ancestors. They are the only people in the world that can vote themselves a raise while our economy was in a steep decline. I PRAY that at least a few of them wake up to the fact that being protected ,pampered, covered by the best health care money can buy, and paid an outrageous amount of money is not supposed to be a life time job. The outcome of their current situation is that they become like Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy. They believe that they alone know what is best for us all. The problem is they have not actually LIVED among us in so long that they have no idea what it feels like to worry where their next meal is coming from or when. May the Universe look down and save us from the power hungry and arrogant.

  29. After much consideration with all the information coming out. I believe I will stick to my conservative convictions, I had not planned on reelecting any incumbents. I felt conservatives had a little to shoulder in the blame game with regard to stimulus, I see clearly the blockage in the road. Its name is Nancy, she is very bright when it comes to thinking thru this entire shenanigan she’s pulling. Her political aspirations only continue to wreck the Dems chances of capturing senate seats, and could very well backfire in the house, as it looks right now, I would gamble to say they would loose alot of seats in both chambers. Lord Almighty I hope this will be the case. You california’s need to replace her post haste, your being screwed up the wazoo without lube as much as the rest of The american voters. Do the right thing kick her butt to the curb. That goes for you New Yorkers an schumer ad well. DO IT!!!!!!WE WILL BE BETTER OFF. GOD BLESS ALL OF US AND TRUMP


    1. Wellu all know what to do get rid of Nancy watch your back nancyyyyy if i were i hid you are in big danger you are the anti christ people pay attention rember one thing Jesus pick thrump God bless America @presidents thrump

  31. Pelosi should be removed from her office as speaker of the house immediately along with the others who are trying to pull America down into communism/marxism etc.

  32. You can post whatever is on your mind about Nancy Pelosi. Do you think she give a rat a$$? How do we NOT KNOW california polls is rig? It seems like since they always elect a DEMOCRAT. Which is hard to believe! But these people in this STATE are a bunch of COWARD! I for one knows something is fishy going on in their State legislature office. NOBODY would be re-election if what going on in California as of today without the POLLS VOTE getting changed! Pelosi and other who claims they are the POWER ONES IN THE DEMOCRAT PARTY ARE LOOKING AT A TARGET PLACE ON THEIR HEAD! People are getting impatient with them and their LIES! HOW CAN ANYONE IN THE BLUE STATE BE SO DUMB OR STUPID TO SUPPORT THEM? ONLY FOOL WHO DON’T CARE ABOUT AMERICA OR THEMSELVES WILL VOTE FOR THESE PEOPLE! Hoping to receive something back in return!! Really? You got to be a dumbass to believe that they are looking out for you! If they were then why haven’t they given you a STIMULUS CHECK LATELY? So like I said you got your head up your butt! Because I don’t care which STATE YOU LIVE IN. IF YOU VOTE BLUE THEN YOU JUST DESTORY YOUR OWN LIFE! These DEMOCRAT are supporting CHINA, if you think not prove me WRONG! Who else would pass NAFTA and RAISE TAXES? Now you got them REFUSED TO OPEN THEIR STATE AND LET PEOPLE GET BACK TO THEIR LIVES. BECAUSE THEY HATE TRUMP! THE ONLY PRESIDENT THEY CAN’T CONTROL! AND THE ONLY ONE WHO ATTACK THEM AND THEIR CORRUPTION LIES! ARE YOU PART OF THEIR PLANS? I DOUBTED YOU ARE! WANT TO LIVES IN A SOCIALIST COUNTRY WHY DON’T YOU GET OUT OF AMERICA? CANADA NEXT DOOR SO IS CUBA! Just LEAVE! DON’T COME BACK!

  33. I am flabbergasted that this woman always manages to turn the blame on Trump . He is willing to send out checks tomorrow and she insists she has to have money for Illegals and all the other pork she decides on . She is trying to make the economy bad for Trump for politics . This woman is evil .

  34. This is so funny. If i get pulled over by the law and they find something in my car i got to jail. Guilty until innocent. Now the democrats have broken all the laws and half the constitution. But nothing. Everyone knows they fucked up and you tell me they above the law? Fuck that shit and bust tyem fuckers or is the government to pussy to do anything? WTF

  35. I’m voting for TRUMP! You got a problem with that? I for one study POLITICAL in COLLEGE and on my free time. Learning how they go from rags to riches in a year after getting elect into office. MOSTLY by agreement with these BIG PHARMA AND BIG TECH PEOPLE WHO GOT BILLION OF DOLLARS! Sure some don’t agree with them. BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY OFF THE DEBTS THEY CREATED RUNNING FOR A 174$ thousand dollars SALARY. So they sign up for the MONEY! Then try hard to COVER UP their evil doing! Hurting people who lives get destory by what they did! There is NOT one POLITICAN who can say they NEVER USE THE PEOPLE IN THEIR STATE! For wealthy lifestyle! You have to be a dam fool if you don’t want TERM LIMIT IN THE CONGRESS! Take a look at those careers POLITICAN WHO ARE living in MILLION DOLLARS MANSION ON 174$ Thousand dollars a year! How else are they able to afford it??? Being CORRUPTION AND PLAYING WITH PEOPLE LIVES IS HOW THEY ARE ABLE TO AFFORD IT! Just as they keep passing LAWS that doesn’t benefits anyone but one of their BIG DONORS! EVEN THESE DEMOCRAT HAS PASS LAWS TO KEEP BLACK PEOPLE FROM REACHING THE AMERICA DREAM! BY PASSING LAWS TO GIVE THEM WELFARE. FOOD STAMPS, LOW INCOME HOUSE, JUST FOR A LIFETIME OF THEIR VOTE! WHAT HAPPENS TO THEIR GOD GIVEN BRAIN? YOU GOT INTELLIGENT AND IDEA YOU COULD BE A MILLIONAIRE LIKE THESE POLITICAN! But you choose to be stupid and a DEMOCRAT to SLAVE!

    1. She’s a nasty cunt full of pure evil. Because of her insane antics, Trump will have a victory so great that hopefully she’ll stroke out this Election Day Again, she’s an evil cunt who deserves a lengthy prison sentence for her disregard to Americans

  36. Do not bail out these liberal cities that have run billions of dollars in debt with their giveaways to illegals and insulting golden parachute retirements. Here in the Chicago area, the extremists who have been destroying our state all gave themselves pay raises while the state witnesses the largest exodus in state history. Illinois continues to overtax all small businesses. End the liberal policies of “run it into the ground and make the taxpayers bail us out”.

  37. Mama Pelosi’s sole goal has been the obstruction & destruction of any & all Trump Initiations since the very beginning of his Presidency. All, have been blatantly transparent to the Nation via the hateful left media & Congressional Democrats telecasts, all of which will be instrumental in Trump’s Landslide winning of his second term in the Presidency& the loss of Democratic Control oh the House of Representatives !!!

  38. There are many reasons to Vote for the correct person…Nancy Pelosi is an absolute waste of a position…She wastes OUR money and supports her own agenda not the American people’s…
    I don’t understand how these Democrat Congressmen support their party because this means they agree with it…They don’t have a brain of their own…they’re led around by their nose and told what to do and what to say…

  39. god whould reach out and choak you………..i a hungry………….you eat 12 dollar a pint chocolate ice cream and i cant put bread on the table………..big tit wake up and smell the roses. people are down and out or did you not notice.

  40. Pelosi needs to be removed from her position as soon as possible, so the stimulus can go through to help the many Individuals who need help!!The only help she needs is one by a psychiatrist!No human being has as much hate for American people as she does!!!She has been the cause of all the hate between the Republicans and Democrats!!!All I can say is she has done nothing but be a thorn in the Presidents side since he won the election!!She so wanted crooked Hilary in there, so the corruption could go on Which it basically has against the Republicans!!Be gone Pelosi, and take the corrupt jerks with you!!

  41. Bail outs to these broken cities means kickbacks to scum politicians in those areas. Very little of that money will make it down to shop owners or those affected the worst. It needs to be sent directly to those affected and bypass hog trough dwellers. Would not trust these states for distribution.

  42. It’s obvious Pelosi is mentally ill. That intense of hatred has to be or else she is being influenced by demons. She has to go!!!
    Her hatred for Trump is so bad because he stands for America’s lost moral values ( not that he is perfect-but none of us are). She’s
    Getting old so she better think about where she might spend eternity. A lot of Democrats
    Should watch their LIES or they may join her
    in the great by and by. God is still in control!!

  43. I agree with all that has said. One thing was missed. Pelosi married a rich man and so she can fly home any time she wants to. She just closes Congress and hops, Oops, hobbles onto her husbands plane and takes a break. I just wonder where the plane is parked? She sure does not want to be close to all the homeless who live on the sidewalk outside their front gate!!!! BCPV

  44. Pelosi is EVIL to the core. I cannot believe that she has gotten away with all of her ROTTEN wickedness. She is jealous of President Trump, his popularity and his beautiful family. It is unbelievable the HATE this woman has displayed towards OUR duly elected PRESIDENT TRUMP and has gotten away with it. She is so unprofessional and can’t for the life of me understand how in the HELL she got elected to her position of Speaker of the House. She is one SICK individual to constantly display her obvious HATE for our President. I don’t understand how she has continued her professional position with her devious, hateful and disrespect of our PRESIDENT and has gotten away with it w/o losing her position. She acts like she is the PRESIDENT and he has to abide by what she tells him? Her unprofessional ass should have been thrown out a long time ago and I don’t care if she is the speaker of the house. TRUMP is the President and has the highest rank. What the hell? I find this so unbelievable. She is a hateful, mean spirited POS and her ass should have been thrown out of her position when it 1st started. President Trump is the one that holds the highest position of the land, NOT her. I have never seen such disrespect & unprofessional behavior in all of my years. UNBELIEVABLE.

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