MSNBC Host Joy Reid Uses Racial Slur Against Justice Clarence Thomas Live On Air, No One Flinches or Calls Her Out

One of the ugliest race-baiting cable news hags who just doesn’t get enough credit for her ugly racism is Joy Reid of MSNBC. She’s a real peach!

Reid once again opened her mouth and inserted her giant racist foot in it on election night. But before we get to that, it’s worth reviewing Joy Reid’s storied career. And keep in mind — she’s supposed to be a tolerant leftwing Democrat.

Joy Reid used to run a blog called the “Reid Report” back in the early 2000s. A perusal of her blog posts found that the ultra-liberal Joy Reid is repulsed by gay people. She wrote that gays make her want to puke and that all gay men are actually just pedophiles. She voiced opposition to same-sex marriage and described herself as a homophobe.


Wow… how did this woman get a job on TV? And how does a left-wing media figure get away with saying junk like this? When she was caught in 2018, she claimed that someone hacked her blog and wrote all of those “hateful” things on it way back in 2007. Right…

Reid also railed against the Jews in many blog posts and photoshopped John McCain’s head onto a mass shooter for one post. She also accused President Trump of “radicalizing” young white men… “just like the Muslims do.” Try to imagine Sean Hannity keeping his job if he said anything like that.

Anyway, on election night, Joy Reid once again let her inner bigot out for the world to see. Check out this racial slur she casually tosses out about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in this clip.

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97 thoughts on “MSNBC Host Joy Reid Uses Racial Slur Against Justice Clarence Thomas Live On Air, No One Flinches or Calls Her Out”

        1. Nah. She is an aunt Jamima (sp?). All she needs is the rag on her head. HMM. Maybe I am insulting Auntie she WAS an American icon for years.

      1. What was that about a racial slur? Just a little Morning Joy. For MSNBC to have someone as bigoted as Joy as a show host, and put her name on it, is amazing. I’ve seen many Black figures state their disgust with the Democrats, and others serve with distinction in President Trump’s administration. It all comes down to our probable President Elect’s statement that if you don’t vote for him, “you ain’t Black.” I guess Joe Biden might actually say “She looks like a monkey. Look at that face.” He’s said worse.

      2. We have 1.2 billion of them here in Africa but the ones that look like her have not progressed since they left the bush.

      3. No, that is uncalled for…..she’s despicable, but to call her a ‘monkey’…that is beneath you and not a way to argue on her terms.


      1. Joy Reid gets away with her racist comments for one reason only: She’s black. Period. The network, like so many other political hacks, is too chicken to call her out because of her color. We’ve reached a point in our “Identity culture” in which being black is equal to an exoneration for something that, if committed by somebody white, would be indictable via cancel culture! The reality is if the human being–not his or her color–is in any way dastardly, that person should be called out for it.

    2. she called Clarence Thomas an “Uncle” hmmm, “Uncle Tom” is my take, she should be given the highway out of town, sick person

      1. If she did call Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” so. Donald Trump is the most racist president I’ve seen in my life.

        1. Then I suggest Money Russ, that you show us the things that YOU consider racist that Trump said or done. Come on don’t be shy, if your so cock sure that Trump is a racist it should be easy for you.

          1. Amen Brother. I have myself never heard him say anything racist. Hell he has helped more black people than any President we have had sence Lincoln . . but like most DAMOCRAPS why tell the truth for the sake of a good story. Some people are just brain warpped today it isn’t funny.


        3. Yes he did Lyudmila.
          Want to know the worst part, that assholes rules of engagement were….. are you ready… you can’t shoot back!! How’d you like to be in that country getting shot at and you’re not allowed to engage!!

        4. Good call Money!!
          You piece of feces!
          Maybe you should read the novel of racial slurs your “ president elect “ has spewed forth for YEARS. Good God your a dumbass !!!
          And like Larry proposed you idiot, do tell !! I’m implore you, you ignorant pig

    3. She may think Clarence Thomas is her uncle. She probably isn’t real sure who her parents are so it could be conceivable that Clarence Thomas is her uncle. Never know.

    4. The typical lib double standard. She wept the last time she went racist and said she wasn’t Now the truth gets out and momma gets a free pass cuz momma be black and a racist too boot.


    6. It appears the black community in order to be seen and heard will do anything to be on national TV, earning money and renown they would sell their soul. She is not someone I am aware of nor do I want to, therefore I discount her as a “NOTHING!”

  1. There are no words to explain this ugly woman. She ways the worst things and no one calls her out or fires her for them. She must be a democommunist because they all get by with this stuff. She makes our country look so bad to people from other countries. If MNSBC had any scruples, she would be gone. But it won’t happen. Disgusting.

    1. You are so right. When people like her says these racial slurs she should be fired and who told her she looks all that good on tv she lookcrosseye when she talk. She’s a real hater of truth and justice

  2. Wow! So, according to the Left, Trump and anyone voting for him are all racist, meanwhile, this rabidly liberal MSNBC host can make such a blatantly derogatory racial comment – on the air – and somehow THAT’S “OK”?!?!?
    MSNBC needs to find some integrity and replace (FIRE!) Joy Reid ASAP!

    1. They won’t bcuz she’s black and she’s the one who said it like that makes it okay. I cannot believe how much this country has let black people say and do whatever they want to to white people and other people that don’t agree with them.

  3. So, according to the Left, Trump and anyone voting for him are all racist, meanwhile, this rabidly liberal MSNBC host can make such a blatantly derogatory racial comment – on the air – and somehow THAT’S “OK”?!?!?
    MSNBC needs to find some integrity and replace (FIRE!) Joy Reid!

    1. your so right,now their calling for a list of Republicains so they can crusify them for keeping this country going when Soros,Zucker,Dorsey, Pichai and many other elite, every state run by Democrates has failed ,killed many,like NY let Terrorist groups run amuck blm etc. Funnel money to Biden,and Harris . Trumps the problem,go figure.

  4. This doesn’t surprise me in thevleast. Liberals, and Democrat’s are closer racists. They just hide it. I was talking to a Liberal about a week back. I asked him. How can you vote Biden knowing he’s racist? His reply. So. I don’t like Niggers either. If I had a choice I’d move all of them into the desert. I just looked at him. He went on to say, Biden doesn’t want them around his family, and neither do I. I asked, but your not racist? He said OH no.

    1. These ignorant people have nothing to do with those of us who love America and the opportunity it gives us. They show their IQ and tolerance “0”. Biden/ Harris and the left wing liars would not know the truth if it was in their face, when you hear lies, hatred and intolerance every day 24 hours of the lying from the media people suck it in, Joe Biden and the Dems are fakes smile in your face while they hold a knife to your back. He called black men predators super predators I don’t want my daughter riding on bus with them he said. People will not like what he now.

      1. Actually I didn’t like him back then either! Hew is STILL a lying, pandering, POS who will say and do anything to get into power so he can scam money from whoever he can.

  5. Not a problem no one was watching anyway!!!! Did you see their ratings foe election night? Is there a viragra for ratings they need some as they were pretty flacid

  6. She is a direct result of the true feelings of the party. Obviously everyone that watches her agrees with her, or she would be fired, and never work again. They only push policies to gain power within these communities. So when the MSM, says the things they do, with zero pushback, it proves that the people that watch agree 100%.

  7. My fellow liberal communist democrats are disgusting! I go with truth not facts uh or is it facts not truth..COME ON MAN ! This is why I’m running against George for the Senate!

      1. Even the respectable blacks call her a Nigga! She was probably one of many niggas you see jumping up and down on cars, starting fires, looting, stealing, destroying businesses, lives etc.etc.. when they dont get their way. And no way she knows which of nine black dudes would be her daddy. So she is a combo module of a combo of niggas..

  8. It is true that Joy Reid is a biased pos and now we can include the entire MessNBC family. They definitely deserve each other. ’24 will be a new beginning for the party of the people, the Republican party.

  9. When are we going to wake up and boldly state that the democrat party and their media lap dogs DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANYTHNG BUT POWER. They don’t care about race, sexual orientation, and especially freedom. To all of you who voted for Biden, I hope enjoy the shitshow, 2020 is nothing compared to what we will have with Biden at the helm. ANYONE paying attention can see that the democrats are trying to manufacture votes for the democrat candidates.

  10. Stand by! This evil one is almost to its end! Don’t look past today! For tomorrow has its own issues! Worry not, of this worldly hell that Satan has limited days to deceive! Don’t be fooled, Glorious will be his return, for all mankind to see!!! On the clouds! Don’t be fooled by satan’s deceit!!! He has the same old tricks!
    Soros / Satan to the Lake of Fire and you know it’s coming!!!
    Pray for the Kingdom of God! Have faith but mostly try to LOVE Each other !!!
    Gods Speed

  11. For Fake news reporters must pay. We have Freedom of our speech not lies.
    I believe that some democrats and liberals are good and honest people. They want country to prosper. But among all dems and reps a lot of swamp people, and crooks. I’d like to know about American interest in Afganistan. Obama sent 30,000 troops to this very poor country

    1. Yes he did Lyudmila.
      Want to know the worst part, that assholes rules of engagement were….. are you ready… you can’t shoot back!! How’d you like to be in that country getting shot at and you’re not allowed to engage!!

  12. Who gives this women to talk to the people. She suppose to be Bias and she clearly isn’t I’ll think for myself she should be out of a job with her nasty self. I’m also adding all of CNN should be dumped.

  13. Wow ! She is just a little bit worse than Juan Williams of Fox. He is a pock-faced dled in the wool racist, also. No worry, this election will be the deathnell of Fox, which was to be expected when its mamagement was taken over by a broad from CBS, and its content became dictated by Disney.

  14. And the african-American people call white racist? Calling a supreme court judge ( Uncle) ? Wow , now you see socialisum at work, except if biden get into office the will discard her like used toilet paper.

  15. Fat Old Black Joy, was WHELPED from a SWINE (pig) that was IMPREGNATED by a DOG (canine).

    (criminal lives NOT AT ALL)

  16. I agree. We are unfortunately going to have to deal with Biden for the next 4 years. Hopefully someone in 2024 will run and be able to get Biden out of office and we’ll finally be able to overturn the Congress. We will then be a fair and represented America.

    1. Joe Biden won’t last four years. Nancy has lost a lot of cred with her party, because the Republicans gained several House seats, and the Senate will stay in Republican hands, making getting rid of the filibuster or packing the court impossible. But Nancy is not the only one trying to figure out a way, not to remove Donald Trump from office in the next 1 1/2 months, but remove Joe Biden early in his term, and replace him with soon to be VP Kamala Harris, my own Senator. Harris is an off-the-wall lib, and I’m sure she is in on the scheme. Heck, Biden may be in on it too.

  17. Lie-beral DEMONocrats…the syndicate of fake, hate, negate, ingrate, degenerate, denigrate, agitate, instigate, segregate, separate, isolate, desecrate (Bible burning), depopulate (abortions), and D O M I N A T E !!!
    Satan is their Pied Piper.

  18. Shouldn’t Clarence Thomas, a black man who rose in “racist” America to sit on the highest court in the land, be held up as a symbol of progress? Oh, that’s right, he’s a conservative so, to Democrats he’s left the plantation and is, therefore, an “Uncle Tom.”

  19. Insulting her is a huge waste of time and it drops those who do, to her level.. a level that no normal, non bigoted, non prejudice, decent human being belongs. The fact that this type of despicable behavior is allowed by a major network is itself quite disturbing and is just one more clear example of how biased and unprofessional our media is- consistently giving a pass for any offenses regardless of how despicable and disgusting they are as long as they are democrat/democrat supporters… Our country deserves so much better… SO MUCH BETTER!

    LIKE MOST DEMOCRATS. These women of
    Color are the worst kind of racist , every facet of life revolves around it ! They don’t get their way, RACIST! Criticize them RACIST
    Don’t agree RACIST ! ( It is what it is )
    But being or labeled RACIST doesn’t work on them, they are ….so it’s okay!
    Just like lying , stealing betraying the country impeaching a great president
    Watch out dirty rats you can’t play games
    anymore ! You have crapped in your own bed ! Who are you gonna blame now ?
    Can’t be TRUMP anymore ! What are you going to talk about ? Who gets the blame for this upcoming catastrophe? Trump??
    Now there’s rumors of retaliation against
    Trump supporters ! Come Correct or pay
    Who I vote for is my business , DONT ASK!
    Democrats stole this election! They lie about it. They use the virus for political gain
    (Did they collide with China on virus ? ) SURE THEY DID !!! How was it released ?
    No democrat wants to know ! Who asked ?
    Democrats won’t be happy until America
    Is finished ! Joe Biden don’t give a damn !
    He’s just a common criminal TREASON

    LIKE MOST DEMOCRATS. These women of
    Color are the worst kind of racist , every facet of life revolves around it ! They don’t get their way, RACIST! Criticize theme RACIST
    Don’t agree RACIST ! ( It is what it is )
    But being or labeled RACIST doesn’t work on them, they are ….so it’s okay!
    Just like lying , stealing betraying the country impeaching a great president
    Watch out dirty rats you can’t play games
    anymore ! You have crapped in your own bed ! Who are you gonna blame now ?
    Can’t be TRUMP anymore ! What are you going to talk about ? Who gets the blame for this upcoming catastrophe? Trump??
    Now there’s rumors of retaliation against
    Trump supporters ! Come Correct or pay
    Who I vote for is my business , DONT ASK!
    Democrats stole this election! They lie about it. They use the virus for political gain
    (Did they collide with China on virus ? ) SURE THEY DID !!! How was it released ?
    No democrat wants to know ! Who asked ?
    Democrats won’t be happy until America
    Is finished ! Joe Biden don’t give a damn !
    He’s just a common criminal TREASON

    1. Hey Crockett…. let’s NOT forget the lovely WHOOPIE….. now there’s the pot calling the kettle black LOL…. Nigga Please! When I see that face, or worse, hear her racist voice I turn off the TV. Joy Reid… Joy Behar, which one is which?!!!

    1. Eposh Tmes is what you are looking for. Real journalism. Truth and Integrity. Reminds me of Walter Cronkite. He was exactly what is needed NOW!..

  22. Attacking Justice Thomas strongly suggests media was informed of voter fraud scheme; they try to poison the waters by telling their “base” (which in this instance is a noun AND an adjective) that when the Court throws out all the votes in Pennsylvania that came in IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OWN CONSTITUTION (only Legislature can change election rules) that they are staling the election. How dare we take back the election they were stealing! Justice Thomas was not appointed by this President. I believe if they set aside illegal votes and re-election is certified that media will be investigated for conspiracy to commit Treason.

  23. L. J.
    I do agree with the fact that she needs be be reprimanded for her actions. In some of the posts, I find it offensive that all black people, all black women and all democrats are being included, I DON’T AGREE. To punish and talk about all people for what one ignorant person has said, it is WRONG. To stoop to her level, Pat, to call her a nigga; I don’t care how you spell it, IT’S RACIST, a lot of you all are just as bad as she is. I do want to thank Lyudmila Shedaker for the comment because no one party, race or gender was pointed out. Crockett, I especially disagreed with your comment, “These women of color are the worst kind of racist”, I am a woman of color and guess what, when I see people, I don’t see color, I see another human being. Whether you are Democrat, Republican or Third Party, we all are apart of the same body….GOD’S BODY…. that’s nothing any of you can change. HE CREATED US ALL.

  24. This is truly one person this world would be better off without. She does nothing but spew hate and radical racist garbage. She is exactly what’s wrong w/this country. Cry,cry,cry some more. Super sensitive unless she doesn’t like it then she becomes completely “Ghetto Fabulous “ and rants all day long. Typical racist BLACK person. I hope she makes over 400k so we can see what happens when the Pedophile and Multi Nationality Bigot Bitch start taken there money……
    We had 8yrs of this. God help us all.

  25. You have read and/or seen the illogical “thoughts” of a 1991 Harvard University graduate with a concentration in the “Visual Art and Documentation Form, Film”, ( according to wikipedia ).

    Hmmmmm…………….Film ?

  26. MSNBC Host Joy Reid Uses Racial Slur Against Justice Clarence Thomas Live On Air, No One Flinches or Calls Her Out.
    What do you expect, she is a black socialist anti-American demo-crap moronic IDIOT. She is BRAIN DEAD, stupid, uneducated pile of socialist manure.

  27. Can we see why RACIST AND HATE IS use during the campaign season? Democrat love to pay fool to act like FOOL! Joy Reid is a FOOL as is every member of the VIEW!

  28. MSNBC also know as MSDNC is a foul criminal organization of drug cartels spreading hate news and undercover colluding with drug dealers to continue the drug overdose pandemic in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. Joe Scarbourough, Joy Reid and those others are the worst of criminals which should go to jail. The FCC should do their job to take this fake criminal hate news off the air for their criminal activities in America.

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