Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer REFUSES to End State’s Restrictions, Even After State Supreme Court Rules Them Unconstitutional

Get a load out of this statement from Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D). She actually had the gall to say this out loud after her insane coronavirus lockdowns got spanked by the Michigan Supreme Court:

“My emergency declaration and orders retain the force of law.”

Set the politics aside for just a moment and forget about the fact that she’s a Democrat. Did you ever in your lifetime think that you would hear a “leader” outside of a banana republic Third World dictatorship say something like that? Could you have ever imagined that you would hear an elected official in America say something like that?

To heck with the courts and with the representatives elected to, you know represent the people in Michigan. Whatever Gretchen Whitmer says is now “law” and you had better obey it, little unimportant people. If Gretchen Whitmer says it’s illegal to buy or sell paint during the coronavirus outbreak, then that’s it. You can’t buy or sell paint. (As crazy as it sounds, that was actually one of her executive orders. Take that, Home Depot!)


Now that the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that Whitmer’s lockdowns are unconstitutional and must end, Whitmer is defying the court.

Has anyone within Gretchen Whitmer’s orbit ever read a history book? Does she really not know how this is going to end if she keeps pushing and declaring herself dictator-for-life?

People in Michigan were cheering the Supreme Court decision to end Whitmer’s illegal lockdown orders. But Whitmer has other plans for her royal self and her subjects. Check out this video from Tim Pool where he analyzes what’s going to happen next in Michigan. This is a big one!

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28 thoughts on “Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer REFUSES to End State’s Restrictions, Even After State Supreme Court Rules Them Unconstitutional”

  1. the citizens “voted” for her…you got what you wanted…don’t complain… KNOW that what you choose has results…you all thought you could be mindless liberals, following the party line…you don’t respect or honor your own power….enjoy your own self destruction…liberalism is an ADDICTION…it can only end in insanity, or death.

    1. Not sure they really all voted for her? She is a Soros Associate. The Democrats cheat, lie, steal and forge documents They destroy Republican Votes and add to their democratic votes We know they cheat.

  2. Michigan state police are some of the most corrupt in the country (look up ‘asset forfeiture laws’) – if they would refuse to do her bidding, she could go pound sand in an office somewhere while the world moved on. Dont expect the sheep to go back to normalcy either – the corporate businesses will continue to enforce the marxist rules.

  3. She needs to be removed from office. I would think if you blatantly refuse to comply with a court determination/ruling, you should be arrested!??? What we are seeing here is what it will look like across our nation if the Democratic Socialist Party wins on November 3. Also look at New York, California, Oregon and Washington. These all show what defunding and mandatory closing is going to be the end result if they gain power! People please vote carefully, not just for our president but who your senators & representatives are! Our constitution is at stake, our freedoms for everything who are used to having. God bless America!

  4. Polls are rigged. Haven’t you seen all of the YT videos of the Trump parades around the country? Are there any Biden parades? They are lying.

  5. Gov Whit-less is a left wing nut…..pity the people of Michigan-BUT you voted her in and now you live with the consequences unless you get her out NOW!

  6. This governor is a relative of Soros’ so we can guess how she got into office. Probably lots of money floating around in high state and county offices, especially the voting supervisors. It happened it Florida and it is probably more common than we believe. I hear he is already doing it with state prosecutors to avoid having his rioters charged for their crimes.

  7. Lock her up in FEDERAL PRISON for SEDITION and TREASON as per the U.S. Constitution. The time to remove her from OFFICE is NOW. One Hopeful Patriot. Team Trump and his allies 2020.

  8. Tyrant Whitmer MUST end these unconstitutional restrictions or by law,she will be arrested and removed by the orders of the POTUS for violating her oath of office and the Constitution of the United States of America.

  9. I live in Michigan and I had more sense than to vote for this tyrant and her false promises. The Democrats in this state live and breathe the socialist party line. This state can’t fathom whats to come. She should be arrested and prosecuted for Treason for her unconstitutional acts. Sad day for a once great state.

    1. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I did not vote for her. Since this pandemic hit back in March, she is really showing her true colors. I had no idea that she was so egotistical. Somebody told me in another political discussion forum that she was Granholm’s “lapdog”. I didn’t know she was part of that , either.

  10. They need to dragged out of the office by the hair of her head! After all, isn’t that the new liberal peaceful demonstration way?

  11. This TRAITOR to America’s days are NUMBERED! I can not wait until the hammer drops and she is declared an “enemy combatant”! Everyone of these DNC/Communist party members are DOOMED! FYI, an “enemy combatant” losing all their American Rights! They are prosecuted in a MILITARY TRIBUNAL! They do not get a trial by public court or a ‘free’ lawyer. What they actually get is a JAG officer and a trip to GITMO! I know you all want these traitors arrested NOW! I know you want justice for all the evil done to this country, and so do I! BUT THINK!
    What would happen if POTUS just arrested people without the American people understanding why? Riots? Civil war? Our President does NOT want brother fighting brother! HE CAN NOT BREAK CONSTITUTIONAL LAW! That’s why he works FOR FREE! Public servants are NOT supposed to get money for their service to their country! THAT’S THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW THAT DEMOCRATS THREW OUT THE WINDOW YEARS AGO!
    POTUS is waiting for Americans to DEMAND that Clinton, Comey, Biden and O’Bama (THE GREAT TRAITOR) has been exposed and America is AWAKE to the TRUE AGENDA OF THE DNC/COMMUNIST PARTY! Only then can he CAN ACT AND ARREST THESE TRAITORS! Be patient, spread the word. Most of America is still asleep and won’t understand until they WAKE UP! Spread the word, be patient and trust your President! TRUMP2020!

  12. News for Governor Whitmer. Only the legislature can make laws. She can sign them into effect but she cannot make laws by just stating what she wishes.

  13. She is in contempt of the Supreme Court ruling, time for jail. The justice department needs to do their job and prosecute her and throw her sorry ass in jail.

  14. This bitch is in contempt of court in my opinion. The court should put her ass in jail for contempt of court. The courts do this for others, so why can’t they do this to this dirt bag. She needs to have someone take her ass off her throne. I don’t know when she is up for re-election, but the Republicans must use their votes to put her out of the Governor’s Mansion. It would be easy to say that is what happens when you give a woman a high position job, but I am certainly not a womanizer; I just dislike anyone – male or female – who thinks they are God Almighty. Her state government should take action to recall her from being governor. Maybe she should go to work with Pelosi. That would give the Nation a chance to see two greedy bitches to see who would be boss.

  15. Democrats know the Republicans are a
    “ WERE LOOKING INTO IT “ Party as they lack conviction and unity and will not Persecute
    So Democrats know that can do anything they want as there are NO REPERCUSSIONS.
    Just another example the Judge that refuses to let go of General Flynn case even after a higher court ruled against him.
    AMERICA will Eventually wake up but it will be way to late as we’re almost at that point now, and people will wonder what happened. And someone will say you let it happen as you were to Complacent !

  16. Simply way to control those democrap Gov. Stop all freight trucks going in and out of mich. OR. CA. WA. WI. Then about 6 to 10 days no groceries no gas,let those stupid governors figure that out. I bet they don’t get voted back in.

  17. What should Michigan residents do if Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer REFUSES to comply with a state Supreme Court decision that found her actions unconstitutional?

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