Three years later, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has decided to finally admit that her extreme lockdown rules in Michigan may have gone too far – but she REFUSES to take any blame!
Whitmer, one of the most power-obsessed tyrants during the COVID lockdowns sat with CNN’s Chris Wallace and said that a lot of what she did with respect to the pandemic didn’t “make a lot of sense.”
For example, Whitmer restricted seed sales in Michigan during the lockdown which she claims was because they didn’t want people “congregating around the gardening supplies.”
Gretchen is clearly backpedaling on her draconian lockdown stance as the world sours on COVID as a whole – and just in time for the 2024 election for which Whitmer’s name has been in the mix.
However, the Michigan governor is casually trying to play the whole thing off as if she didn’t let the power go to her head and transform her into a complete liberal maniac.
She’s also suggesting that the extent of her bad policies was limited to restricting seed sales – which is a bold-faced lie! Much like NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, Whitmer also forced COVID positive patients into nursing homes, exposing the most vulnerable population to the virus.
She has blood on her hands and is trying to chalk it up to a couple of mistakes which “didn’t make much sense.”
This evil Democrat has ruined lives in her state and she doesn’t even feel the need to apologize! Watch the video here to see how completely SICK Whitmer is.
The communist liberal SKANK is an embarrassment & disgrace to the constitution & free America. She should be impeached or recalled. There are many seniors who died in nursing homes because of her tyranny. She should be investigated for crimes against humanity.
Whitney the Wicked Witch of the North
No magic just a CLUELESS WITCH out to hurt others!!!
Why did the ignorant people in Michigan re elect her? Your own fault, pay the price.
Well, you voted for her boys and girls. What did you expect? You put a liberal Democrat in office and you get liberalism. Liberalism is the death of capitalism and consequently the death of America. So have fun with your socialism folks. You asked for!!
Yeah, right! If I’m responsible for re-election her, then you are responsible for putting Joe in the White House!
Never forget that if anything went wrong it’s always Trump’s fault. No Dim-ocrat has ever made a false move as the main stream media will always be glad to confirm.
This is one of he major problems in America today. No one wants to be accountable for their OWN actions.
Sorry state of affairs indeed.
Why should they? Liberals are so f***ing stupid, they keep reelecting failures, regardless of the damage they do. NYers had a chance to elect Lee Zeldin and they kept that nasty, incompetent hag, Hochul.
What she did was deliberate and mean spirited. Michigan suffered. So, what did the Michigan voters do? They re-elected her!
Not likely….
The morons who first elected her knew what a vindictive twat she is but they kept her in office anyway. You can’t fix stupid. Conservatives need to punish these blue states by boycotting any and all business with them, whenever possible, especially vacations. When you vacation in a blue state, they taking your money and giving you the middle finger. Trump won MI in 2016, WTF happened to these idiots?!
Well I do not consider myself a conspiracy theorist but….. when George Soros OWNS the voting booths we vote into and then Democrats counting the votes in the last election REFUSED to allow Republicans from witnessing/observing the ballot counts take place I’m a bit suspicious of the process!! I do not consider myself a Democrat or a Republican, I vote for the president based on the platform they run on and in the state I live in SC We need to get new blood in the Senate without it I ended up having to vote for the least of two evils. I would like to see Tim Scott in Lindsey Graham’s position myself!
A slap that lying doglift face, moment. The citizens should turn like rabid animals on her for the deaths of thousands in the state. What was, was. What is, is. Take control of your state people. If you don’t, you’re responsible & accountable. You!!
she needs to go behind doors next to biden and oboma
behind bars ugg sorry
The Covid-19 situation was unreal and something I never thought I would have to ever deal with in my lifetime but…. I think the Governor of SC (Henry McMaster) did a pretty good job considering this was something new no one had any knowledge of. SC was initially locked down but he made changes the more knowledge he gained and we still had people “at work” and restaurants were open unfortunately in downtown Charleston tourist might have had a bit of a wait for service (they’re still having issues hiring in the food & beverage industry!
And now she is allowing a Chinese company to set up shop in Michigan. The company requires it follows the CCP Constitution and establishes a CCP youth association. Ridiculous! At least my Republican Governor rejected same.