Media Not Airing Video of Trump Inciting the Mob Because it Doesn’t Exist


Can we get our money back on this whole impeachment thing? We really should have known better after the first one, titled, “Impeachment — Don’t You Dare Ask About Biden Corruption in Ukraine,” flopped so badly at the box office. Not even the daily footraces between Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff to try to reach the microphone first were able to pull that one out of the dumpster.

But now, here we go again with “Impeachment 2: Insurrectiony Boogaloo” and it’s even dumber than the first one. During the first dumb impeachment, there was a transcript that literally proved that Trump was completely innocent of the impeachment charge (asking for a quid pro quo from Ukraine).

Get a load of this: For the second impeachment, there’s VIDEO! Trump is being impeached on a charge of inciting a white supremacist insurrection treason sedition treason coup against the US government. Trump called for violence, the media claims, and then his cult of followers attacked and tried to murder Congress.

Which is pretty weird. We watched the speech. The only thing that incited us was Melania’s high heels, but maybe that’s just us.


Anyway, if Trump actually had called for violence and incited a riotous mob, don’t you think MSNBCNNBCBS would be playing that clip over and over and over again on a 24/7 loop? Where is this alleged video of Trump’s incitement? How curious that the news media that’s egging on the Democrats never seems to show us those “inciting” words!

Check out Dinesh D’Souza in this video as he explains that not only did Trump NOT incite a coup, but the incursion of the Capitol building actually started before Trump even finished his speech…

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87 thoughts on “Media Not Airing Video of Trump Inciting the Mob Because it Doesn’t Exist”

  1. possum face polesha is a good catholic just like all those priest who abused followers she is a pathical liar and mad because trump got rid of most of her and the demorats fivolous money they were pocketing.she should be sent to gitmo along with her commie buddys shit face schumer liar shiff quack quack nadler asshole democrats

    1. I totally believe that our wonderful President Donald J. Trump didn’t incite the riot at all. He’s got a strong personality that got the job done which is take care of our Americans and was getting rid (Draining the swamp) of the bad people who WASN’T making OUR America great. Just like his older son “Donald Jr.” said: INCITING VIOLENCE IS’NT WHO WE ARE!!! HE’S SO VERY RIGHT!! When he said March to the Capitol, he didn’t literally mean hurt people. The people that did this should be the ones prosecuted NOT OUR PRESIDENT. The lefty DEMOCRATS are doing whatever they can to boot him out because they’ve got so much to cover up and OUR GREAT PRESIDENT WOULD BE IN THEIR WAY!! The 1st Impeachment didn’t even count because he was acquitted of that one, When I saw the look in our President’s eyes as he was leaving Washington in the black limo online and in our newspaper, it tore me a new one. You could tell he fought hard to make OUR AMERICA GREAT, and the UNCHRISTIAN People wouldn’t let him stay the rest of his term. He deserved to stay the rest of his days there. I just pray that he and his family are ok and the REAL truth will come out so ALL OF THE TRUMP FAMILY AND OUR AMERICANS WILL feel at peace one day..

        1. I think the Democrats have been infiltrated with communists who plan to turn our country into a communist country. They are very sneaky and promise everything which appeals to so many who are hurting financially. Our country is so far in debt that I don’t see how we can ever get out of debt and it will never end as long as we keep giving money to all these countries, leaving our citizens behind. Communists have already divided our country. United we stand—-divided we fall——

          1. Thank you Liberal Democrats… “Revenge is mine” saith the Lord.. and you can’t hide either.. :o)

          2. The crappy part of all this money thing, is we keep borrowing it from CHINA. They already own us. How scary is that?

          3. Khrushchev warned the US in the 1950’s, we would be conquered. All the communists needed was one generation of school children and they would control us without firing a shot. It is done

          4. Nancy Pisslosi infiltrated our government decades ago and she is definitely in favor of communism.

          5. You may be correct. Just look at the Swalwell situation. He’s compromised by a Chinese spy and Pelosi leaned him on the intelligence committee to get all our most secret information! And they already have the wealthy Oligarchs in place as well as the state media. Sad days look to be ahead for America unless loyal, true American Patriots stand up and be heard and stop this takeover.

        2. You are very right! There have been so many minister’s that have had visions from God that he want President Trump to remain in the WH for 4 more years.
          He has a lot more info on what different people have done against him. Even some people that have worked with him and for him

        3. I agree with you. It is really simple. The dems that are in power now, both in the government and behind the scenes in media and financial circles want the ultimate power of enslaving us.
          Just look at historical data, and current data, China, NK, Venezuela, Iran and it is crystal clear!
          They don’t plan to be with us. They are already planning their dictatorships both large and small OVER us.

        4. The democrats probably planned the capitol riots to trap Trump!! They are totally scared of him!! Well, the truth will come out and will prevail!!

      1. Well said this is a very sad mark on our history and the democratic party, mark my words they will not stop until they ruin all of us – conservatives/republicans. So what are we going to do about this, nothing like Natizi Germany did to the jews because their views and beliefs were different.
        We must defend our rights and liberty and they took away the greatest leader and President we ever had. Hopefully, their day will come for justice to all of us!! They had never stopped attacking our President horribly with no justice what will they do to us????

        1. Concertation camps because President Trumps followers are all considered terrorists and we should be deprogram like the leftist is calling for.

      2. This was my 1st time voting in my Life ! Immigranted from Germany in 1982,went to College here,WORKED ALL my Life here. I did not become a Citizen till 2018 after my mom passed since Germany does NOT have dual Citizenship. I am surely not an authority on politics but try to understand it best I can. Politics is not easy to grasp when all we see is Candidates maliciously attack and degrade each other ON NATIONAL TV !!! The WORLD IS watching and MANY are probably LAUGHING like the Chinese President,he seemed very happy. I would like to buy made in USA or Germany, QUALITY things not Tons and Tons of Cheap fill our landfills. I am AFRAID of what the ” future ” holds,at 61 my clock is ticking. I am Deeply disappointed,Actually SCHOCKED how this ENTIRE ” voting ” CIRCUS went down. Don’t know if I ever want to
        vote again……when the INTEGRITY of the Elections in the United States of America is this QUESTIONABLE und potentially Rigged and BULLSHIT.
        WHY are WE even calling this Country the ” United ” States ?? WHERE IS THE UNITY WE ALL SO DESPERATELY NEED AS COUNTRY in order to THRIVE and SURVIVE ???? The FILTHY RICH with their OWN Agendas Should NEVER be able to INFLUENCE the outcomes of Elections.
        America WORLD POWER ??? Stop outsourcing !! EDUCATE ALL YOUR Children WELL, THEY Are YOUR Future !!
        Watch WHO you let in from Countries that secretly DO NOT wish you well but are HERE TO Undermine, Spy and Steal.
        Stop giving Billions to Countries that DESPISE YOU ! FIX the POVERTY in your OWN backyard !! I could go on and on ….. WE NEED UNITY ON BOTH SIDES TO SUCCEED….OR ” others ” WILL try to fill that void….maybe Not to our liking.
        Now go and RUN to get your Poorly Researched ” vaccine ” which again WILL make a few folks……that won’t take it themselves even RICHER and more Powerful. The WORLD is a SAD PLACE to live in at this time. I HAD a Dream ?

      3. Absolutely true. Trump loves this country and will defend it to the end. Dems and all the far left will do nothing to bring it down snd make us a socialist country.

  2. I agree. Media acts like anything a Democrat says is the truth. We no longer have real reporters. They are told by their boss what they can report.

    1. FoxNews all the wAy for my family. Fake news like that jack…ass Lemon, Tapper etc on CNN are a waste of air time.

  3. I think Pelosi s time is limited. Most everyone is getting sick & tired of the “same ole same ole ” she needs to go back home, to the “land of fruits &nuts”

    1. Everyone’s time is limited. But it is fair for one to suggest that HER time should have been limited much sooner.

      1. I agree!
        The reason the witch stays around is because she’s their finacial bread and butter. The land of fruits and nuts seem to suppliy her with dollars. They’re buying her and the other radicals.

        1. If there was some way we could keep our taxes from the government, so they couldn’t blow it on their selfish agendas, that would make them wake up. But criminals don’t always change. They would find a way to imprison us anyway. China loves the Bidens thats why they “helped” elect Joe. And I knew the Georgia senate race would be stolen too. We all knew that. Now they are pushing for DC and Puerto Rico to be states so they will get 4 more dem. seats and then pack the supreme court. No more republicans for a long time. How come we don’t have a voice in their decisions? That’s our money they are spending.

  4. Where is the evidence of what Trump is supposed to have done to incite a riot? It isn’t there, here, or anywhere!
    Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, and the satanic value demons are the ones who need incited the riot. They are the ones who need to be tried for crimes of falsely giving false, harmful reports to the Police, and not doing their Oath to God and our Constitution!!!

  5. Democrats have to blame Trump and stick together because they are the only ones that believe all their b.s. And basically have to block off the capital building where Biden will be so they can use that as an excuse why there are no Biden followers there to watch his ignoration. Besides all the riots just look at how many follower’s that our President Trump has. Biden doesn’t even know who the president elect is, him or Kamala…He will have a handful watching and not because they had to barb wire it off but because there are no follower’s. Pelosi needs to go home and cook her pigs head for their event…How appropriate would that be? How stupid are they to think they can fool everyone without having any repercussions? I quit Facebook when they starting blocking everything Trump and I couldn’t stand watching Biden and his bitch. I quit twitter. I quit watching the news that completely change what happen when we already seen what happen and it wasn’t how they described it at all. Channel 294 (ion) tv is the station we’ve been watching. Basically forced us to stay home, forced us to watch all their lies…but still can’t force us to agree with their way. Maybe Trump should’ve split the U.S. down the middle with that wall and let all those corrupt dumb asses run their side and all the happy Trumpers run our side….I’m sure the Trump side would finally be united!!! But seriously Biden we don’t want to be united with any of you! Thanks but no thanks…peace out!

  6. That’s the way they the commies use their propaganda to fool all the non political , hard working everyday people.

  7. Censorship and a biased, corrupt media go hand in hand. Today’s mainstream media is even more fanatical then Adolf Hitler and Goebbels combined. What’s really amazing is how they immediately condemn the President but
    never once called out Biden, Harris, Pelosi or Schumer while cities across the United States were burning due to the BLM and Antifa riots! Talk about the greatest hypocrisy show on earth, just watch the Democratic party and it’s followers.

    1. The democrats were bailing them out! So we’re some overly paid athletes. Kapersnitch 49ers, LeBron with the Lakers, and even Harris! They were the ones inciting violence!

  8. Democrats can’t let a thing like FACTS get in the way of accomplishing what they set out to do over 4 years ago. What were we thinking?

  9. Gary is correct. God is in control and will have the last word. The commie dems hate anything righteous. They think they’re the god to bow down to. NOT!

  10. We all know the attack on our Capitol was similarly related to all the other attacks and vandalism which have occurred over the last 10 months. We should look in that direction as the incoming president did not condemn this. Nor did his constituents. We all need to stand together and prevent this socialistic infiltration that is being put on our democracy!

  11. All the dems want is for our beautiful America to become a socialist/communist wreak!
    We, the people, MUST use our votes to get rid of them, or RECALL all we can. There are petitions to recall the Governor or Michigan, but they have been sitting in the SOS office for weeks. So, when is our SOS going to get her rear in gear and properly handle them to an ultimate conclusion that will remove her????

  12. Just more made-up Commiecrat BS! The real perpetrators of this scam could go on TV & admit to causing the riot, & I’d bet not one court would convict any of them! Welcome to our new form of government- Criminalocracy1

  13. One thing you can ALWAYS count on – whatever the demorats accuse Trump and the Republicans of, you can bet your last dollar the D’s are already doing it! (I could list some of the things they accused R’s
    they were actually doing, but everyone out there can probably do likewise). BTW, One of the 1st arrests was of a left wing agitator who was inciting the crowd to act illegally. Also, there’s a huge rush to militarize DC for the appointment of biden, but IMP that’s being pushed because the D’s are organizing some kind of event that the R’s will get accused of – even if innocent their voice will not be heard from the MSM. If Trump can’t get his message out the others are very unlikely to be heard. It’s time for Big Tech to be broken up like the phone companies were back in the 70s.

    Also, whenever I see something like this (the attack on Trump), I recall the Kavenaugh hearings where people were seen and VIDEO’D receiving cash – assuming it was for their “protests” and also assuming the payments came from Soros. I haven’t heard of anyone getting any real evidence but as evil as that guy is, I wouldn’t put it past him. Also when you have many Billion$, it’s possible to hide from anything.

    1. I agree Larry. That is why every conservative should stay at home on the day of the (FAKE) inauguration since cheatin joe is NOT and never will be our president. But no doubt, Pisslosi is planning on true Americans (conservatives) to riot so she can blame it on President Trump.

  14. Our democracy has stood the test for several hundred years. It has been the envy of the world! That’s why people try to get here and experience it.
    Now, in one or two generations, are we going to see it all shot to H____ by liberal idiots who care nothing about it except the milliions they can milk from media, big money, and poor tax payers?
    God help us. And that prayer is sincere. And an added prayer for those who courageously have loved our country and sacrificed their careers, their good names, their families, as well as those who have given their lives for it.

  15. I for one don’t believe the media! Never trust them! Never do they share fairly in the Media! Racist systemic was STARTED BY DEMOCRAT! IF YOU READ EVERY LAWS THEY PASS SINCE 1968. YOU CAN SEE THEY ALL ARE AGAINST BLACK RACE AND POOR WHITE PEOPLE! But to keep the black ones dumb they use the NAACP AND OTHER HATE GROUP TO PUSH IT ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY! That no difference to giving illegal immigration right before helping AMERICAN PEOPLE! But young people are fool! Education has hurt them than help them! That why liberal democrat got into the school system to BRAINWASHED THE YOUNG PEOPLE!

  16. There is no video of President Trump inciting insurrection, but there is video of known Antifa thugs staging the incursion of the Capitol building. The Democrats pulled another hat trick, something they have become very adept at doing. The result? Trump is impeached, again, and there are many reports of Trump supporters being placed on no-fly lists because they were there. With the Democrats in charge of all aspects of the government, there will be no justice. We must all stand up for our country and the republican (small r) form of government if we wish to continue the American dream.

  17. How long will you live in this fool’s universe where phony election fraud rules you. Face it, Orange Man lost fair and square. No socialist takeover, but moderate sane people finally running the government. When Orange man gets indicted for his crimes more truth will come out. Biden 2020, Trump 10 to 20!

    1. To the fool that call’s himself a real American. You’re not a American! You’re a fool who blindly follows the idiot who had help by lying and stealing the election to win the White House! You follow like sheep to undo anything that built our great country! Like all you Demcrazys, and your kind your day will come cause y’all can’t exscape GOD if you even make it to him. Makes me LMAO just knowing that! So don’t call yourself an American, you’re anything but! A true American Republican!

    2. Wake up man!! Do you like being last!! You should do some research instead of putting your head in the sand and foolishly believing they have our best interest in mind!! You have been brainwashed.

    3. Real American my ass. Ugly troll should be your heading. Brain dead retard describes you. Stupidity must. Run rampant in your house. Stfu

  18. My fellow Americans we have one thing to keep in mind. We have to stick together. No matter how much fraud an lies are put in the media. As Patriots don’t let them divide and conquer us. Put your trust in God don’t ever stop believing. President Trump has been the Greatest President in the history of AMERICA. God Help us and God Bless America!!!

  19. I’ve voted in every major election since the 26th Amendment was ratified and most of the minor ones. I served our once-great nation during the Vietnam Conflict by choice, not by draft. I’ve been a scientist and technician most of my life, and that career has taught me to focus only on facts, not political opinions. That being said, let’s look at some facts. FACT: There was no substantiated evidence that led to the first impeachment of Mr. Trump. FACT: There is no provable evidence of Mr. Trump inciting any kind of violent behavior from his followers. FACT: There was provable evidence of voter fraud. FACT: The Democrats denied all evidence of voter fraud at first, then claimed it was not widespread. FACT: The Democrats did nothing to investigate voter fraud, and did take steps to limit investigations of it. FACT: The percentage of total wealth in the U.S. held by the 1% has risen from 8% to 42.5% over the last 50 years, no matter which major party was in charge.
    These are facts pulled from multiple sources, including what the news media said, as well as what they did not say. Neither of the major parties have done much for the majority of American citizens in over 50 years. Instead, jobs moved overseas, financial institutions were deregulated, and we can no longer trust our news media due to obvious slants in their reporting. The best way to fix these problems may sound a bit draconian at first, but it would work in the long run. That way is to remove slander and libel from the civil courts and put them in the criminal courts. If telling harmful lies about a political figure or party becomes a misdemeanor offense, then no one would have to come up with money to sue for damages. The police and criminal courts would handle all of that. Since police are often not permitted to quell riots any longer, this would give them something useful to do. Neither politicians nor the media would be immune from these laws, so their lies would become punishable.

    1. It is time for real Americans to relies that the swamp is not only in Washington DC. But the swamp has over flowed into our courts in several states and some of the governors that claim to be Republican.
      The biggest reason President couldn’t finish draining the swamp was that there were too many Rino’s refused to help.

      1. Amen to that!
        President Trump got so much done while fighting off the Demcrazys, wonder what could have been accomplished if they would have worked with him?

  20. I can fathom the out right lying and subversive language the media cronies use…all should be sued for slander and inserection to riot and steal…who were the two (Kamala and Bidden) when asked about the riots and looting said “AND SO THEY SHOULD”…..They need to be brought up on charges for exciting riots and discord.

    1. Thanks to all of you who stands by our President J. Donald Trump. folks it is passed time that we should be on BINDING KNEES asking our GOD for guidance. this is the only way we are going to win. SATAN has a grip on all of us and we are destroying OUR LAND. OUR FREEDOM. OUR RIGHTS. THE CONTRIBUTION OF OUR SERVICE MEN WHO LAY DOWN THEIR LIVES THAT WE MIGHT LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE. IN STEAD OF DESTROYING AMERICAN HELP BUILD AMERICAN UP AND THE WAY TO START IS ON BENDING KNEES. NOW.

  21. Dinesh-if you haven’t already sent an email with your video attached to all senators and congressmen so they can renounce the impeachment of Our president, please do. I’m thinking a majority of them haven’t seen the entire clip as the mainstream media refuses to show it because there is nothing to see! Thank you.

  22. He should of never been impeached, this is all Pelosi fault.
    She is the problem in congress, she can’t work him like she do Obama.
    And he can’t be bought. Get rid of her and things will turn around.
    Trump has taken away proper. He’s making a ass out of all the other presidents, he’s getting stuff done.
    She and her family needs to be investigated. Now

  23. It would be nice if this newest lie could wake some of the liberals as to how pathetic the Democrats are. However I feel that will not as the Democrats propaganda arm ( MSM ) will continue to spread the lies for their masters Dems and the gullible will continue to believe themselves informed not lied to.

  24. liar [lahy-er]

    noun – person who tells falsehood

  25. Pelosi either doesn’t know that the 14th Amendment was passed to——-:Her pretzel logic (an offense to pretzels everywhere) is that since President Trump questioned the ballot counting in the recent election, and Trump hosted a rally for supporters, and some of those supporters lost their mind and stormed the Capitol (the “Insurrection”), then any Republican member of the House who also expressed doubts about the fairness of the election is guilty of supporting an “insurrection.”
    In the interest of brevity, we will overlook the fact that if this had been a real “insurrection” the mob wouldn’t have given the Capitol back.Instead we will observe this is the latest effort by the left to turn a political disagreement into a crime.

    FAILED 25th trying 14th!

  26. The Main Stream Media aren’t reporting on Trump because they don’t have anything bad to report. Don’t worry folks, that has never stopped them before. If they can’t find something they can twist into news, they’ll just make it up. The Right will know it’s a lie, but the Leftist Lemmings will jump on it with all the idiocy they can muster.

    1. I think the news media are doing this because they cant think for themselves. Its monkey see monkey do. And it’s so much easier to just follow along than to have to think I for themselves and report honestly. It’s like being in the clock in school they gotta be cool no matter what. They’re afraid of losing that stigma

  27. Who’s going to fact check what Steve Gorman wrote for Reuters? the SOB quotes David Meyer, a f__ing sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine, “What’s really unusual this time is a president of the United States explicitly encouraging people to take up violent means against his political opponents.” This is complete and utter hogwash. A complete lie meant to discredit the President and incite violence in people like me. As far as I’m concerned, people like Dave and Steve are the problem and will figure prominently in their trials after the war.

  28. The DOJ released a report after investigating Facebook and Parler, that this breach at the capital was preplanned back in November. It had absolutely nothing to do with President Trump or the rally. It was planned by around 40-50 people. Senator Graham said, that if he needs to, the FBI will be called in to testify next week. He’s in charge of the judiciary committee.

  29. It appears that FBI knew there were troublemakers getting prepared weeks if not months ahead of time…Silly question…Why wasn’t Trump informed ? Having been informed he would have the opportunity to promote
    a peaceful protest and warn his people not to get caught up in any shenanigans …. leaving him out of the loop denied him the opportunity to speak against any incursion.

  30. Blame zuckinterd for all this. Voter fraud,riots,looting,lockdowns you name it he had his hands in it. Pri.e example of too much money. Turns you into an ugly idiom. Example pigosi,soaros,biden,demorats,

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