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Maui Residents DISGUSTED As Joe Biden Tells Major Lie to Try and Win Them Over

Joe Biden FINALLY decided to take time out of his “busy” schedule, filled with vacation after vacation, to visit Maui and witness firsthand the damage caused by the catastrophic fires which left more than 100 dead, but residents weren’t exactly happy to see him!

Biden made a quick 6 hour stop in Maui before heading back to Lake Tahoe for another vacation, and at this point he would have been better off not going.

People lined the roads to protest his heavily delayed arrival, holding up signs that read, “he’s too late,” and “actions speak louder than words.’

One sign held up by the crowd read, “Traitor Joe Must Go!”

While the fires were raging on, Biden relaxed on a Delaware beach and couldn’t even seem to be bothered enough to comment on the devastation.


Then, while apparently trying to make amends for his laissez faire attitude about the fires, the president offered residents displaced by the fires a whopping $700 per household!

In advance of his arrival to Maui, residents were rather vocal about feeling “abandoned” by the president, and called him out for prioritizing helping Ukraine over American states that need it the most.

Locals in the overwhelmingly blue state even openly blasted the president as a complete “idiot” for the way he handled things.While speaking to the residents of Maui, the president certainly didn’t do himself any favors.

Joe decided to make up a completely tone deaf story about losing his house to a fire and sufficient to say, locals didn’t respond too well!

Watch the video here to see Joe’s latest lie!

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26 thoughts on “Maui Residents DISGUSTED As Joe Biden Tells Major Lie to Try and Win Them Over”

    1. Well, if they want more of the same from this senile old man, they should vote for him. He is a total disaster and he has no empathy. Vote red and let’s get back to the America we know and love

      1. They didn’t have to vote for him in the last election. If Trump had gotten 81million votes, Biden would have gotten 91 million even though there is not that many registered voters in this country. That’s whar is scaring hell out of the Democrats. They are afraid that after the election Trump will have so many votes, they cannot add enough for Biden to win again.

  1. America demand the Impeachment of biden and harris for Treason and Sedition against the American people and the Constitution.


  2. FJB.
    A report on tictoc mentioned as Airforce One departed from Hawaii, the pilot overheard Joe tell Jill to throw 7 hundred dollar bills out the window and make 7 poor Hawaiians happy.
    Jill said, I’ll throw 700 1 dollar bills out the window and make 700 poor Hawaiians happy.
    The pilot looked over at the Copilot and said,
    “If you throw both of them out the window, you can make 350 million people happy.

      1. joe&jill went UP the HILL!? OH NO they WENT DOWN THE MOUNTAIN THROWING some out of SEALED WINDOWS???? UUGGG!

  3. They are absolutely right Joe is a complete and total fraud. Picking Ukraine over American citizens should be the last straw for impeachment. I guess he had to chose Ukraine otherwise crackhead hunter’s money would dry up. As Bugs Bunny use to say what a bafoon. Yes I did use lower case letters on there names

    1. Agreed. Where does the money from Ukraine go? Nobody knows! It is somehow funneled back to the Biden’s and the DNC! They need to be voted out and the media held accountable for all their lies.

  4. After all the B.S. , people still insist that he’s doing a great job. They too must be spaced out on drugs and not aware of what is truely happening to our country.

  5. is every one getting sick of these jerks. they committed treason fraud lyes to aLL AMERICAN PEOPLE. and who is letting this go on . CLINTONS , OBAMA, BIDEN, SWIFT , Pollise , all the rest of them its time for rebellion , and get rid of all the lyes in our dimwit government, never seen this go on in our country , we need to stand up , and get rid of them before they destroy the rest of our country ,

  6. HI. voted for the Briben, Pedo sniffing Buffon. They can reap what they have sewn. To late to cry wolf now. The 45th would have been there on day one. This should be a LOUD & CLEAR message when it comes to voting day, but it will NOT resonate with communist clowns & their Ilk.

  7. This biden guy simply needs to GO AWAY! Leave all of us be… Go home joe and stay there! PLEASE! Don’t play POTUS anymore. Take your toys and go home, just don’t shower with an… ahhh, never mind. There’s no need to embarrass the innocent. It’s not the innocent’s fault Joe. It’s yours. Go to the beach and take in the sun. You’re very good at trying to do that though, you seem to fail there as well! Ask our fellow citizens in Hawaii. I read you really alienated them almost immediately. Stay home ol’ slo’ joe! Stay home! Oh, and take Camel-ah with you! PLEASE!!


  8. So sorry for the good people of Maui something my father told me was when it comes to politicians they all lie and you get what you pay for.

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