By all accounts, the 2023 Academy Awards were a total pukefest of “woke” politics and transgender weirdness. We wouldn’t know, since we haven’t watched the irrelevant “awards” show in over a decade, ever since Hollywood decided it would shove Barack Obama’s race hatred and communist views down everyone’s throat instead of doing their main job, which was to entertain everyone.
Seriously, name 5 “good” movies off the top of your head that have been produced since 2011. We’ll wait.
Anyway, the nice thing about the internet is that we no longer need to watch the Oscars, because comedians like Mark Dice will watch it an analyze it for us, thereby saving us millions of brain cells and several hours that we wouldn’t be able to get back.
The first thing that Dice wants us to know is that Hollywood is now full-on crazy about transgender weirdness. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis, who lost her relevance in the 1990s, is such a nutjob that she gave her Oscar statue pronouns. In other news, Jamie Lee Curtis somehow won an Oscar for some reason.
The main takeaway from Dice’s analysis is that you should definitely not allow your kids to watch any Hollywood awards shows these days. They’re just too over-the-top weird, not to mention being utterly repulsive to normal people. Watch as Mark Dice performs a brief takedown of the horrific 2023 Academy Awards ceremony…
I haven’t watched in about 20 years. I’m 70 years old and gay and don’t go for ANY of this trans crap. Never go to the show anymore. Nothing worth going for. I’ll see the Top Gun movie at home. Probably the only movie worth seeing – Hollyweird SUCKS.