Parents, if you thought the next school year was going to be safe from left-wing propaganda, think again. Kelly, a concerned parent, joins in a special report about the new “I’m HERE” badge one school is asking teachers to wear.
According to the NEA LGBTQ+ caucus’ website, “By wearing our badge, you tell everyone that you are a safe person to discuss LGBTQ+ issues. Affirming LGBTQ+ youth couldn’t be easier than by identifying yourself as a safe and supportive person.”
The badge also comes with a disclaimer. “If you are not a safe person or do not support LGBTQ+ youth or issues, please do not wear or display the ‘I’m Here’ badge.” Isn’t that interesting?
It’s no longer enough to be “tolerant” of the left’s LGBT ideas. You have to wear the badge and agree with everything the Alphabet mafia does in order to be considered not a bigot.
That’s not freedom and it’s not right. The left can push all they want but that doesn’t mean we have to take it. The latest video shows how extreme some of these efforts have become and discusses how you can respond in a can’t-miss video featuring a fellow real-life parent dealing with the issues.
Check it out now for the full shocking report now.
I’m sorry but if your pushing this CRAP on children then you are guilty of child abuse !!! AND should be in PRISON !!!
100 percent agree. No one will tell me how to raise my kids or force beliefs down my throat. They are not conforming to my religious beliefs and cannot force anyone to adhere to theirs or anyone else’s. Schools are not the place for this!! Keep politics out if it!!
The alphabet Pedo’s.
These freaks are a bunch of sickos ,
I wish that they would all go back in the closet l don’t care what they do in their own home l just don’t want to hear it or see them, keep your sickness to your self freaks.
You want to be perverted I can accept it ! But I will never think it’s normal because we accepted being and now your telling pedophile is okay get a grip your turning to degradation
Home school your kids! NEA IS A TEACHER UNION THAT SUPPORT GAY! Save our children future! Since liberal are mostly democrat supporter they are already the dumbest people around! Like I asked a 5th grade teacher if she knew who was the sixteen president of America, right off her head! Didn’t know!
100%. How can any child be trans unless an adult has molested them?
How is allowing pedophiles to be teachers any different from letting convicted murderers be teachers?
Why doesn’t everyone have a tattoo on their forehead stating their opinions then,so nobody would have to wonder?
Well if wearing a gay badge or being a bigot are my choices, then I’m proud to be a bigot!
I will never be wearing such a badge….I am not a bigot but they are getting way to full of themselves…I’m not for hurting anyone…but their pushy attitude is starting to create a bias in me….I’m beginning to think that they were better off left in the closet. Straight or gay….just leave your lifestyle private…and live your life with some simulance of dignity…that’s what would be in your best interest.
They have to have some dignity first
I’m not gay. Makes me anti-gay and I do not conform to sick pedophiles or child predators. Aids wasn’t enough, now you have Monkey Pox. I’m definitely not sorry for mentally sick freaks.
I don’t care about their sexual preferences but they are trying to force everyone to think their way and try to make us accept all of this as normal. This is not normal and this is not Communist China as of yet, so why do we have to have this forced down our throats. I respect everyone’s view and opinion but it doesn’t mean that I must think like them. We are losing our traditions, values and our country.
Do we all have to put a star on our armband?
I guess im definately a Bigot then. Because all this s*** is getting really tiresome. They make you a Bigot by the way they force this s*** on people. A person can only deal with so much. This dam country is going to s*** Fast. All thanks to dumbass F***tard Biden and the democrat scum! We definately need President Trump back!
Wellll, count me as a bigot. I’ve already got the badge of a domestic terrorist. So bring it on!
I wear a badge of a DEPLORABLE. Yee Haww MAGA
Sodomite Freaks & Fruits are the scourge of the earth. God has passed judgement on these freaks in his written word. The excrements are doomed.
I must be a bigot, cause I’m not a queer, peter puffer, backdoor man, fag, not limp wristed!
Calle me a Bigot! I say big fucking deal!
I won’t be wearing no stinking badge
Hitler made Jews wear stars!
Sound familiar?
LGBTQ are nothing but racist bigots faggots. They should be forced to wear a gaybay faggot badge so every one can advoid them.
I’d be glad to beat the living shit out of any faggot asswipe who tried to force my kid to wear garbage like their badge.
Listen up you buttercup leftist lgbtq community we the parents and grandparents don’t take a knee to your trying to Groom and indoctrinate Our Children not yours back the fk off with this crap we will be watching and listening carefully again Our Children Our Choice, you do not have the power to stand up to us parents were many your few so back off! Let’s Go Brandon!
No problem I’m a bigot
Wear a gay badge? You lost your freak mind! Why not you gay people wear it? So we know who has MONKEYPOT? I wear my cross ?? to let you know I stay with JESUS!
Stop pushing your agenda on all Americans!!! Man would the S@@T hit the fan if some redneck said everyone should wear a confederate flag badge!! The lgbtq would freak out like they always do.
This request reminds me of Nazi Germany requiring the Jews to wear a Gold Star…. hmmm are we going backwards? Inquiring minds want to know