Leftists are collectively having a full-blown meltdown over a 5th grade teacher who very simply dismantled the absurdity that is leftists gender ideology!
In an appearance on Dr. Phil, the teacher, named Ray, shut down left wing nonsense as other guests on the show attempted to argue on behalf of gender “inclusivity” in schools.
One of the guests claimed that BOYS should be given TAMPONS in their restroom to appease the trans population.
Ray shot back: “Men do not menstruate. Only women menstruate.”
The trans activist guest then retorted claiming that “trans men do menstruate” before adding that “menstruating is not exclusive to women.”
The disgusted 5th grade teacher then schooled the trans activist with a quick biology lesson explaining to her how it’s IMPOSSIBLE for men to have periods no matter how much they decide to play dress-up.
“They’re not men… they’re women dressed as men. You are not a man. You can pretend to be a man, and that’s ok. That’s perfectly fine. Live your life,” he said.
When the activist asks him to “define a man,” he does very easily by noting that it’s someone who has X and Y chromosomes – which clearly seemed to annoy his opposition who then suggested that we should not only pay attention to “the science.”
This exchange proves how the left and their gender fantasies are absolutely moronic – watch the video here to see it!
LGBTQ is VILE under Gods law! Sodomite FREAKS have already been judged by God. It is spelled out in the Bible.
Since God has already clearly stated what he thinks of these FREAKS & has passed judgement on them. No one else is passing judgement since God has already done that. This is why these mentally ill Demons can NOT handle the truth. God created man kind in his own image there are only Male & Female which is in the DNA. Anything else is a Demonic abomination which God has doomed.
You are absolutely correct!
In the Bible: Book of Romans, Chapter 1, verses 17 – 32: These are God’s words and He spells it out very succinctly. Period.
Ignoring biology will not make men into women or the opposite.
our former president, and his mate are STILL doing on-going anal pregnacy research because for them, “science is such a pleasure”
girls are girls and boys are not and gay is gay, but trans gendering is a mental illness designed to sterilize children for zero population growth agenda.
So, men can menstruate? This phenomenon is something I would very much love to witness. I believe that blood coming out of a penis for several consecutive days, each and every month, is a sign that something is very seriously, internally wrong, and an immediate Emergency Room visit is warranted.
Any sane person who believes that X and Y chromosomes are irrelevant needs immediate psychiatric help.