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Kamala Harris, Are You Kidding Me?

Vice President Kamala Harris is easily one of the most disliked politicians of our time, somehow managing to outpace even dementia-brained Joe Biden – and she seems to think the way to fix that is to just flat-out ignore it. What a great leader!

During a recent interview, Harris was asked about the elephant in the room – her horrid approval rating.

The interviewer pointed out that more than half of Americans think she’s been doing a bad job and asked how she intends to fix that moving forward in order to get voters to back her again in 2024.

What do you say to those voters about the next four years that you’re looking to make these changes?” the interviewer asked.


Kamala’s response? A complete dodge!

The smug and out of touch D.C. elitist responded simply by claiming that she and the Dems are “very excited about the next four years,” implying that it will just be a continuation of what we have seen from her and Biden thus far!

She then goes on to brag, saying that “People stood in line and waited sometimes for hours to vote and they did so because they wanted to put in their order.”

Kamala knows full well that Americans HATE her but she couldn’t be bothered to try and fix that!

Could it be because she knows the Democrats are going to STEAL the election again so these poll numbers are meaningless? Maybe!

Watch the video here to see the look on Kamala’s face as she practically mocks the American public.

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27 thoughts on “Kamala Harris, Are You Kidding Me?”

  1. She has no idea how to be a Vice President, or any other president for that matter. Please give the USA the president that actually won back his job.
    America was doing very well under Trump, we as a country have been losing since the two Dolts took over.

    1. We need our real President back in the White House and we all know who that is. Our President is Donald J. Trump, and next year he will be put back in the White House. Unless the Dimwhit Democrats steal it again. With all the corrupt democrats in office I’m sure they are going to try it again. However, We The People won’t let them get away with it this time around. President Trump come on back. We are waiting.

      1. Absolutely 100% cirrect, every word. May their path be a rocky and slippery one as they ciontinue to try and bring down our great country. We need Donald Trump back in office for the sake of our country. Amen, so be it.

    2. Agreed.. I wonder if America can survive 4 more years of Biden/Harris policies. So far everything has been a disaster!

  2. No one talks about the corruption in voting in Ga. We all lived it. Ballots dropped off at #AM in the convention center, the republicans sent home because of a bogus restroom problem. Those dropped off ballots were run through the machines many times. there was video of the drop off boxes with cars stuffing the ballot containers. There is the time when a cover was taken off a long table, boxes of ballots were pulled from underneath and those ballots were run multiple times. Those videos should be exposed again on national TV. There was also fraud in PENN on video. If you saw the same thing we did in Ga, then speak up about it or else suffer the BS that the far left is pushing. When border is overrun, the migrants come to your place, and tell you what is yours is theirs. This isn’t a movie you can shut off. How about our Georgia Senator sending money to one of the Boston Marathon Bomber in prison. Good thing the Boston police killed his brother! So if you believe all this Far Left BS your better have away to protect your family. Do you know how Kamala got ahead in California? It wasn’t brains.

  3. How can anyone think that the Democrats didn’t steal the election with all the videos showing them stuffing the ballot boxes and the results like more votes than registered voters. Elections are the most important thing that happens in this country and every precaution should be taken to insure that it is legal. Both parties should be allowed to oversee everything that goes on duing the election and anything that would allow illegal votes, like mail in votes, should be outlawed.

    1. You would not believe the number of bidenettes who will go to their graves ACTUALLY BELIEVING that bribe’n received 81+ million votes. The reason for their delusion? “If there was concrete evidence of fraud, why did every court throw it out?”

      They wouldn’t listen to the fact that Soros-backed DA’s, and any democrat involved in any state’s government or court system made sure the court case failed. The democrats and George Soros are to blame for the stolen election. But don’t hold your breath waiting for them to confess.

  4. I don’t know why everybody isn’t addressing the fraud in the last election…if that isn’t eliminated…it won’t matter who we run…we’ll lose….again. I’m sure that’s why Biden has no qualms about running again…even tho his approval rating is in the tank…why haven’t the drop boxes and mail in voting been scrubbed….they were put in supposedly because of the pandemic….and it’s over….so get rid of them! And with all the immigrants they’ll probably try to slide through…this next election better be scrutinized to the fullest….or we’ll be standing there….once again….wondering…”how did this happen?”….and the clown and clownet will be back in…..and we can NOT survive four more years of this…..

  5. She is just a stupid, arrogant, loud mouthed, stooooopid old whore. If brains were gasoline she wouldn’t have enough to run a piss ant’s motorcycle halfway around a damn cheerio!!! Oh yeah, BUCK joe fiden, the idiot!!!

    1. You hit the nail on the head! We all know how Harris was planted by Obama. Her good friend to manipulate Joe, with his fragile mind, not knowing what was going on. And, Jill Biden had a lot to do with this, just so she could become first lady!

    2. Exactly. Kackles is only the VP to prevent Crooked Pedo Joe from being impeachedor assisinated.

  6. She is completely delusional & out of touch with reality!! We’ve had to endure her & BiDumb for 4 years more than we had to!! Cackling Kamala & Corrupt Joe gotta GO!!

  7. Her robotic response wasn’t so much arrogant as it was what you’d expect form any politician, regardless of party. She knows people hate her and consider her a laughing stock whose political career will end in 2024, so she’s just riding it out.

  8. Horizontal-Harlot Harris is a complete DISGRACE & EMBARRASSAMENT to the USA & humanity. Even Ole Willie Brown wont use her for his bratwurst bun anymore.


  10. If by chance those two brain dead idiots get in the White House in 2024, there will be a revolution!!

  11. This once very great Nation is going to CRAP in a hand basket with the people that are setting in the White House. To steal an election is one thing but to make AMERICA look like a fifth world country is another. HOW is this possible people???? It is not that hard to control the elections. One person face to face, casting one vote face to face and counted face to face and no more machines to use to cheat with. IT is not that hard. In the day of Lincoln there were no machines, yet people came out to vote. The democrat control is based totally on cheating because they cannot win any other way. Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck ( no pun intended Bugs and Daffy) would have done a better job. WAKE UP AMERICA WAKE UP!!!!!!!! Get off your lazy butts and V O T E face to FACE. Get rid of people like biden and harris. There is a perfect place in hell for them. As your at it start voting for good people that love this country. biden and harris are like cancer and will destroy this country. In other countries, traders were shot. Not a bad idea America

  12. Harris reminds me of another useless, devious, ignorant and corrupt vice president. I think we know who that was,

  13. If I said what I really think and what armed Americans should do,,,, the Fools B I and the Stupid CIA and all the other Biden cronies, would be mocking on my door within hours!!!

  14. 0f CUR$E, they’ll “election” FRAU’D US, again; since succeded2 time witout punishment, alresdy/

  15. I thought the people voting stood for hours because voting machines broke down, ran out of ink, tabs didn’t align with pins that counted the votes casted accurately? You polititians need to get your stories right and stick with them. The “VOTERS” aren’t stupid and the games you play and stories told are getting old!!!!

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