Judge Forces FDA to Release Pfizer Docs that Shows More than 8 Pages of Adverse Effects Linked to Vaccine

A judge forced the FDA to release hundreds of thousands of pages of documents from Pfizer on their vaccine. They are releasing the documents in batches and the first batch revealed something quite stunning.

The documents have revealed over eight pages worth of adverse effects linked to Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

Jimmy Dore goes over just how incredible this is in his report below. He notes the left lied about masks and now it’s become clear the mainstream narrative that vaccines are completely safe is not as accurate as we have been led to believe. Where was all of this information last year? Six months ago?

It’s convenient that these details are being released after the U.S. has dropped many vaccine mandates and restrictions nationwide, isn’t it?

That’s in addition to now acknowledging that vaccines haven’t really stopped people from getting the virus. The Omicron variant made it painfully clear that the vaccine and even the booster was not enough to stop the spread, only stopping most people from getting really, really sick and dying—not all, but many.


Instead, the government has quietly moved on, focusing now on gas prices and war in Ukraine. But now the facts are starting to reveal more of what medical leaders behind the scenes knew but didn’t share with the public.

Dore takes the list of side effects and talks in detail about the importance of knowing and sharing what Pfizer, and likely other vaccine companies, discovered as they rolled out the vaccine. It’s not a matter of denying vaccines or not; it’s about being honest over the side effects many Americans claimed after taking the jab.

Dore has more to share in the video. You won’t find the details anywhere else, so check it out now for more.

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16 thoughts on “Judge Forces FDA to Release Pfizer Docs that Shows More than 8 Pages of Adverse Effects Linked to Vaccine”

  1. I knew that everything that comes from these hittler lovers, was and is lies. I did not wear a mask and i refused to take the vaccine.

  2. All those who pushed this vaccine and all the LIES to create TERROR in this country over this ??? disease should be prosecuted as CRIMINAL TERRORISTS and TRAITORS to the country. All they wanted is POWER, CONTROL, and GREED MONEY. And now with the discovery of BIO-LABS, run by the American government, in the UKRAINE, we see more proof that this FRAUD administration and those who are pushing world order are the ones totally responsible for this asinine world and American disaster, all for MONEY and CONTROLLING POWER. And the vaccines are now showing that they are really about changing a persons DNA structure and not about curing the disease, for more CONTROL.

  3. My husband had all three vaccines, the pneumonia shots and the flu shots. After suffering 2 months with covid double pneumonia, the finally passed away. Goes to show you how well these vaccines work. He went through hell fighting for his life until he got so tired with the stress on his body, his heart finally gave out.

    1. I guess you should not let the Democrat thieves get away with this. A fairly good lawyer can make you financially stable if you go after the pharmaceutical company vacine, which was administrated to your husband. Most likely, the vacin could more harm and definitely created a false feeling of safety against taking precautions toward covid contamination.
      This administration of thieves had a completely different intention from saving people by forcing them to take the vacine. Maybe the truth will come out one day as it usually does, and in the meantime, you are entitled to your loss due to government overreach

      1. Probably come out better sueing whoever forced or coerced your husband inti taking the shot .The shot companies refused releasing the shots until they got immunity from damages ,so they knew the shots were dangerous to a lot of people before they released them.

    2. The pandemic clearly brought out Fascist tendencies in especially Democrats. Red states such as Louisiana and Kentucky need to push their General Assemblies to find a way to legally dispose of their Democrat Governors. Both Edwards and Bashear have vividly demonstrated their Fascist inclinations. They have proven that they are “dictators at heart!” Deals can be made allowing their quiet resignation with a promise that they will not be required to serve prison time.


  5. Please understand, these bioterrorists have been lying to us for years. Look at what they tried to do to President Trump. ALL LIES!!!!! They have been planning this since 2012. I believe they were going to bring out the virus in 2016, but their little sweetheart Hillary lost the election to Mr. Trump, so that upset their plans and that is why they hated him and tried to “oust” him early on as President. They all are part of the New World Order or “The Great Reset”. PLEASE, DON’t BELIEVE THEIR LIES!!!! They want to control your life in every way. The virus was a means to get the vaccine introduced. They used the media to hype everything, “the lies about the virus” to create FEAR and PANIC so that everyone would take the vaccine and make them filthy rich plus rid the world of masses of people. This vaccine is, in my opinion, a bio-weapon. These people are guilty of Genocide. They are mass murders. Why else would the government give Phizer and Moderma and J&J the immunity from law suits. They ALL KNEW this would kill millions of people.

  6. I think that the so called Government should be held accountable for all those people who have died due to COVID and the VACCINE! I REFUSED TO GET THE VACCINE and I am happy that I didn’t. Both my husband and I both had COVID. He passed away from complications because he had diabetes and kidney failure from the medication he was taking for his diabetes. I think that THOSE WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DYING SHOULD BE ARRESTED AND PROSECUTED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY !!! WE HAVE LOST AND GIVEN UP TO MUCH OF OUR LIVES AND FREEDOMS BECAUSE OF THEIR GREED, AND CORRUPTION. IT’S TIME FOR JUSTICE TO BE UPHELD AND AMERICA TO GET BACK TO WHERE IT BELONGS AND ALSO BACK TO AMERICAN’S.

  7. I agree with all the above. Population control justice Hitler. Now we have an ignorant lefty in the white house killing more Americans by closing our energy down and suicides are up. Drugs rolling in from open borders that kill our next generation. The dems are just evil.

  8. More of the same from Big PHARMA. Trying to set up another maintenance drug regimen then actually curing something. They can adverse side effect you to death with their meds but will not put an actual cure on the market. Have used grannies tried and true remedies for 70 years with zero adverse side effects.

  9. They’ve lost their fight with forced vaccinations on adults , with many lives lost during their experimentation. Now they’re zeroing in on our children under 5yo , the little ones that can’t speak for themselves. Schools are working in tandem with public health in administration of IM medication without parents consent eg (Washington). Thankfully one child spoke and now class action lawsuits. WATCH your children and during immunizations ask nurse to prepare medication IN THE ROOM. Shouldn’t be a problem, but if it is , RUN .

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