Joe Biden’s Economic Rebuilding Plan Proves White Privilege is a Myth

In a frightening speech by President-elect Joe Biden, he has announced his plan to save American businesses after his party has destroyed the economy through its policies over the past year. In describing this new effort to rebuild America, Biden emphasized prioritizing minorities, completely dismantling the myth of white privilege.

Instead of giving “privilege” to white Americans, Biden’s plan involves putting “Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American-owned businesses” at the front of the line in the new economic recovery. If you’re a white person who has struggled during COVID-19, the message is, “Too bad, you’re not a minority.”

Imagine any politician or president favoring white Americans in the same way. There would be calls for impeaching Biden on his first day in office (Oh, sorry, I forgot. That is already happening too!). This reverse discrimination is not about equality. It’s about political payback to those who helped put Joe Biden in office.


Do you think Biden really has such a big heart for America’s under-resourced minorities? Think again. Unless someone puts the words on the teleprompter for him to read, he has no clue what his next policy will be.

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31 thoughts on “Joe Biden’s Economic Rebuilding Plan Proves White Privilege is a Myth”

      1. Biden I wouldn’t talk about white privilege you are the prime example of white privilege. He really is that dumb or controlled for saying it.

    1. I think that having Joe Biden as Pres of America is a terrible mistake for a variety of reasons, one of which is that he is totally unacceptable as Pres! He has no real knowledge as to what needs to be done but far worse, he is entirely incapable of doing anything at all on his own! It’s a pity that the Americans didn’t think more clearly before choosing him!

    1. Harris and Pelosi had better watch their backs because Hillary wants to be the first female president and she doesn’t like Pelosi to begin with.

  1. Agreed Bidens time is going to be Short lived, I guess whatever they’ve been giving him during the ELECTION they’ve stopped giving him because he has Definitely Declined Again!!! You know these Evil Delusionial Criminals that Get Away with Doing Whatever they Want are going to feel exactly what Trump has felt like for the last 4years, but the PEOPLE are going to let them know !! Just as he did here being his typical Racist Self , and his Commie Pelosi running Rampant accusing everyone of this that and the other, wanting to “Expell” Other Republicans because of something they’ve SUPPOSEDLY Said- Well the Republicans Better Stand Up and DEMAND the same and EXPELL HER FROM OFFICE OR CHARGE HER WITH INSURRECTION !! Because the way I see it PELOSI has been using our laws and the Government to “Act like She’s A Tranny and Using Everything For Her Own Vindictive Wants Against OUR Great Republican Party!!!

    1. Absolutely!!! 100% correct! Pelosi has been the ultimate terrorist!!! She has held Americans & America HOSTAGE with her self serving manipulations! Term Limits!

      1. Yes!!!! Term Limits, voter ID and signature verification. Come on people we need to get these things passed and made law. It is the only hope left.

        1. I agree 100% l. We need term limits we need to stop career politician, like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Finstein etc. They get too cocky and arrogant, enrich themselves and we pay the price! We need 100% ID check to vote! In Mexico the state issues you a voter ID card. If you don’t bring it with at the time of casting your vote, you don’t vote. Period no questions asked.

  2. Otherwise I think if Someone doesn’t Imprach PELOSI or Demand that her and

  3. Filed as of now Biden has been put up for impeachment I believe he will be this is a good thing just piss them all of so the Democrats can turn on each other and spill all the secrets of their evil doings.this is getting better as we go along .

    1. The chance of Biden getting impeached is near 0% as long as the House is controlled by the Dems. They are a bunch of lemmings following mother rodent Pelosi. They don’t give a damn about the country.

  4. It’s not over by a long shot American people can not let these spoiled, monsters criminals get by with splitting the American people up we have to work together and dismantle these monsters. All you have to do is look at the inauguration 4 years ago and look at all the little democratic brats setting there with their arms folded that was a sick moment for me and I seen what kind of people they are!!!! They are all sick for power they the Democrats can not call Trump supporters monsters I will NEVER forget that day. SICK!!!!

    1. Well said. Never Forget. Never forget the State of the Union Address where the democrat women all dressed in white acted like giddy half drunk sorority girls at a frat party and where Pelosi very childishly tore up the speech. Never forget the embarrassment this caused our Country. They have got to go!!! Peaceful protests yes, armed protest NO. Do not play into the hands of these people by giving them an excuse to take away another right, the right to bear arms. They are trying to take free speech. Do not let them have any excuse to do more. Do not let yourself be manipulated by this mob of so called “representatives of the people” . They represent NO Americans. They serve their own pockets.

  5. President Trump will always be the President even
    if Joey gets it, he will not be a real President for the
    American people, just the Communist who are
    Trying real hard to run America into the ground

  6. Joe Biden is white so he must be a Myth. Because I don’t believe a word he says, you might as well kiss Unity good bye.

  7. Only lifeboats for the following on the ss biden titantic:

    Biden emphasized prioritizing minorities, completely dismantling the myth of white privilege.
    Instead of giving “privilege” to white Americans, Biden’s plan involves putting “Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American-owned businesses” at the front of the line in the new economic recovery. If you’re a white person who has struggled during COVID-19, the message is, “Too bad, you’re not a minority.”

    I never thought anyone was privileged except for politicians that never worked in the private sector.

  8. Racist we need Trump back watch your little daughters Biden likes 2 touch them n whisper in there ear n smell there ther was videos of that nthe little girls that danced on tic took he said on the video after they danced he told them 2 come back n dance for them when they are alittle older gross hes sick

  9. Our Society and Now with the Upcoming Stupid Group of Democrats that are going to Try and Run this Country…??… Americans are So Tired of the Democrat’s B.S. – Catering to the Blacks, Latinos, Asians is so Pathetic….These Racial Groups need to do what every other American has had to do and that is work hard and stand up for this Country and not….. Just want something for nothing, due to their color of their skin and actual race. This garbage about White Supremacy and Privilege…. Well, Just Too Bad. People were born White, People were born Black, etc. etc. Those that “Want” to make a go of their lives….will do OK. Everyone has to fight and work for what they get……Struggles in Life….. Is a Fact of Life. Just because I was born White…. I surely am not going to let Society play their Mickey Mouse Games of….. Who’s – Who in this Country.???

  10. Thank God for the stpirt of some Republicans who are not all cowards this country needs more like her and the real President Trump. Good to know not all the Republicans are such. Pussies.

  11. Joe Biden is as we have always said an empty vessel with no will to resist any lunatics in his perverted cabinet.The biggest looser in our lifetimes.

  12. Biden is a puppet, and fatass hell-ery, bill the sex maniac and that sad excuse of a politician…they are the puppet masters. They will be calling all the shots. Biden will never serve a single day without ‘The Masters’ telling him Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.
    The election was rigged, and WE ALL KNOW THAT. They manipulated the election. I pray PRESIDENT TRUMP will do what needs to be done. Marshall Law…

  13. Joe Bought-Em will soon be impeached via the 25th Amendment so Kamel-Hairs can be shoe horned into the POTUS Oval Office. China Joe is so afflicted with dementia that he won’t even realize what hit him until the week after it happens!

  14. What, “Sloppy Joe Biden”, Antifa, BLM, etc. call, “privilege”…..we, “white people”, call DRIVE..MOTIVATION…AMBITION…the DESIRE to SUCCEED, and to MAKE SOMETHING of ourselves…to be CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS of society!! NOT to be a, DRAIN or BURDEN on society, by not only ASKING FOR/EXPECTING, “charity” from society….but DEMANDING it!! America is called/known as the land of OPPERTUNITY–NOT the land of the, “free lunch”, or, the, “free ride” on the, “blood, sweat, tears, and aching backs” of EVERYBODY ELSE’S back–EXCEPT your OWN!!

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