Joe Biden May Have Just Said The Craziest Thing To Date

Joe Biden continues to shock the American people with the completely ridiculous things he says and this comment about kids might have been the worst one yet!

Biden made a statement suggesting that the children of American families belong to the entire country – rather than their own parents.

“There is no such thing as someone else’s child. No such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children,” Biden said.

Creepy Joe Biden seems to think everyone’s kids belong to him and are his property to do with whatever he pleases!

The claim received an immense amount of backlash given Biden’s own…questionable.. history with young kids in particular – Remember when he bragged about letting a young boy tickle his leg hair?!


But what’s particularly concerning is that the Democrats are now trying to push this concept which just a few years ago was considered a completely radical thought. The left has moved so far left that they’re now totally okay with old Joe peddling this narrative!

And it’s not just Joe! Several Democrats have recently revealed that they simply have no tolerance for parental rights – hoping to completely abolish them if given the opportunity!

What exactly they want to do with the children remains unclear, but just the simple idea of them arguing that the state OWNS YOUR KIDS should be massively alarming.

Watch the video here to see how completely SICK Biden’s claim is!

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14 thoughts on “Joe Biden May Have Just Said The Craziest Thing To Date”

  1. It’s obvious Biden cartel is the most corrupt organization in the USA. Problem is, who are they taking order’s from?

    1. Sounds suspiciously similar to Germany and some of the Scandinavian countries in their resistance to parental homeschooling and religious instruction. Taken a short step further this attitude will replicate Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, North Korea, and China’s views of children who are brought up to serve the State and specifically the titular leaders of the country. Is this what we envision for our children?

    2. Looking at how Biden’s children turned out, what parent wants him involved in any capacity in raising their children.

    3. How did someone with a mental disorder become president of this great???? Country. I served in the Marines in the early fifties and have seen this country demise since then. We have become a second class country and we are a joke country with the idiots in DC

    1. Let me amend that: The entire country needs to read the Bible! Most people have rejected God and think that they can be good people without God. Not true- We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. God will judge all, so start blessing God, then God will bless America. It is not too late. With God all things are possible. Read your Bible!

    1. You are right. I have volunteered with rehab program and I always start with the parents. School system in CA is not making kids responsible either. Teachers are quitting because of the type of education the schools are teaching. This started at least 30 years ago. Thank God my grandkid were able to go to a Christian school. Everything was volunteer. Obama pulled the nonprofit but the staffer joined a Mission in Mexico.
      Home teaching. government still wants to control education.
      God Bless America

  2. Pedo Sniffer is Demon possessed. By more than one. This is why he has flipped his script from years past, and now promotes the DEMONIC TWISTED sodomite FREAKS. & Their woke demonic agenda.

  3. Obama runs the country Biden Just reads his his bills and scripts and does what He says its Obamas #3rd term really he sucked as a priesdent he was terrible but he and his family took many trips on the taxpayers dime, even out of office

    1. Absolutely Correct. Obama is the anti christ, as was in a dream I had before I had ever seen the man. He wants Muslim to be our religion and wants to take America down because we, the good people that are still here that worship the real God are standing in his way.

  4. It’s because he’s a pedophile, and he wants to make it legal all pedophiles need to have their Due waccker chopped off

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