Joe Biden is Not a Moderate

There were two massive absurdities that the mainstream media pushed on the American people regarding Joe Biden during this election cycle. The first was that Joe Biden has a functional brain that is firing on all cylinders. The second is that Joe Biden is a “moderate.”

As for Joe’s brain, we all know that’s not true. The guy is a literal poster child for dementia. Back during the primary season, many of Biden’s opponents zeroed in on that fact and called him out for his deer-in-the-headlights debate performances. The media agreed back then.

But after they rigged the Democrat primary to make Joe the nominee, he was suddenly just fine again. No cognitive decline to concern yourselves with, America!

And moderate? Joe Biden’s “climate plan” is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal. It’s on his website, just with AOC’s name removed from it. (Joe’s really bad at plagiarism, too.)


Just this week, Biden announced that his first act as president, if he manages to steal the election from President Trump, will be to send American soldiers into Syria to fight Russia. It probably would have been nice to know that “moderate” position before everyone voted.

The fact is that the ultra far leftwing Barack Obama chose Joe Biden for his vice president for eight years. Obama was no moderate and he didn’t allow any moderates to serve in the White House with him.

Don’t fall for the lie that Joe Biden is a “moderate!” Check out this video of Biden’s many radical far left positions on the issues and then ask yourself: Does any of this sound “moderate?”

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88 thoughts on “Joe Biden is Not a Moderate”

  1. The only reason he won in the primaries was because the people wanted to can crazy Bernie. the only reason he is going to be our next president is because voters voted against Donald Trump. Now all eyes and money will be on the Georgia senate races. Democrats will do their best to get two more Democrats elected

    1. Many stupid libtards in the U.S.A. that gave away their Constitutional Freedom & Rights when voting for any dem that is support for wannabe dictator stench of bo, hilary treason for past 12 deceitful years of crimes ! Next 4 years are going to be a living hell in the U.S.A. if biden wins ! Another dictated 3rd world s–t hole is U.S. future !

      1. You are so right, Why is Hilary not in JAIL? along with Obama, the FBI’s and all those that decide to impeach President Trump.
        The reason President Trump Lost was because dead people, double voters, and Young adults voted for Sleepy Joe.
        All the dead people Voted for Joe only Sleepy Joe, People being allowed to vote twice, Young people wanting something for free, wake up American there is nothing, not one thing free… it may be free to you, but somewhere somebody is paying for it.
        when you are out playing, gambling, drinking, and using drugs, getting free food, housing, health care. Someone is working paying taxes to pay your way. Remember that it may be your grandparents that can’t buy their food or needed drugs because they are paying high dollar taxes.
        thank you Mr. ward for letting me sound off this Monday morning that so many people are going to work to pay their ways.

    2. Yeah, dead voters, Illegals and pet voters. Remember that when this Jack Ass if he wins opens the borders, and all the scum of the Earth come in, sends all the jobs Trump brought back home to china, kills our energy independence, our energy jobs, destroys our economy, lose what little jobs we have to the Illegals cause they work cheaper, terrorist bombings, and you’re unemployed and broke living in a cardboard box just like the people in San Francisco having to crap and pee on the streets, and stand on a bread line.

    3. The Leftist Democrats are ALL going down and will have to go underground because this is the end of the line for this Marxist Democrat party. Trump and the American people haven’t lost anything, but you and your lying ilk are too deceived and evil to know it yet. We have an Ace in the hole known as Almighty God! He is very active in this unveiling of what has been influencing the occultic Democrat Left. Stay with them and go into hiding or come out into the light. Either way, this Trump train is continuing until all know the truth.

    4. I think that it’s true what you said about people voting against Trump and that Joe Biden was along just for the ride. My big question is why do the Democrats have to push a rainbow team with runners who weren’t given birth by American parents? Obama’s heritage comes from foreign land as well as Biden’s running mate . The child may have been born on American soil, but the parents were not American born or citizens?

    5. Voters didn’t vote against Trump they voted for him but democrats cheat it’s all they know. Republicans need to grow a set and stand up to this fraud. Biden/the hooker didn’t win there is no way millions voted for someone that never came out of his basement or formed a complete sentence. This election should be thrown out and redone everyone votes in person no mass mailed ballots and no software that changes votes.

    6. biden only was talking better wake up his old lady is a dr. she gave him drugs to get through this now that’s brain fruad

      1. She’s not a medical doctor, she has a PhD in education. Her tax filing has her listed as a “teacher”. They keep addressing her as Dr. to try to impress the public. I know many people that have their PhD in different fields and they are not addressed as Dr. in the everyday reference. Also he is listed as an executive on his tax filing. An executive, no way, he’s a lying no good politician.

  2. To bad the people of this country cannot see through the the bs joe Biden has been lying all along he has not told the truth about one thing and cannot face up to his sons and his mistakes of course the laws are not made for him or his family.

    1. The media covered all of this up and those morons who only view CNN, MessNBC and the networks have only been fed lies and they are/were not intelligent enough to check other news sites.

    2. The whole damned dem party of deceitful asses are liars that created every problem the U.S.A. had in past four years ! The bo, hilary created coup with a russian investigation that is a dem crime of their own that they twisted on POTUS Trump ! The phony impeachment with the illegally created germ warfare china, dem -19 virus along with the bo created antifa, blm, Islamic terrorist attacks on U.S. Citizens proved the high treason crimes of all dem leaders that should have been prosecuted with execution verdicts ! Just these crimes should have been enough reason for any dem ass to stop voting for NWO created wannabe dictators ! Yes proof of dumb ass dems is here !

  3. Biden did NOT win the election. Anyone who believes that he did is missing a brain! the demonrats are CHEATING SOB’S. President Trump is the winner by a landslide and to all the evil idiots helping them…. enjoy your eternity in HELL!

    1. You are so right! There is no way he won the election. Trump was way ahead all night until the slimy Democrats stopped counting and then brought out the ‘“mail in votes” they were hiding for insurance purposes. Wake up America! This president won a second term in a landslide and you all know it! The dishonest media suppressed polls all summer long, created the narrative that Dementia Biden was ahead, called states prematurely for him election night to perpetuate the narrative, and then went in for the kill with the mail in ballots. It’s so obvious. Wait until you stupid people who supposedly voted for Biden see what’s going to happen with their left wing socialist policies that are going to be placed on this great country. Our only hope is that they don’t steal the Senate to pass these policies. Taxes are going to skyrocket when Biden does away with the tax cuts. Biden won’t last too long anyway. It’s the socialist Kamala Harris who will be moving in.

      1. Quite obvious, right? They cheated in broad daylight! Just think of all the people that will go to jail once the dust settles and they find out who was all involved in this coup! It will be epic! Stay tuned!

        1. JAIL ?!?! I’ll believe it when I see it. It looks to me that 85% of Republicans are corrupt and 100% of the DEMONocrats are. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE LOVE OF MONEY !

          1. Exactly right DAV!!!
            The facts exposed with no accountability????
            Be in bondage to
            evil indulgence ?
            Be out of bondage
            free to embrace
            God’s goodness!!!

      2. I absolutely believe this also! And with all the rallies that Trump had with thousands of people in attendance and Joe Biden on the other hand maybe had less than 100 people at every rally that I saw him doing. This right here should tell us that Trump is the true winner of this election. If somehow the Democrats get their way by lying and cheating to put Biden in, he will never be the President because a lot of us know he is suffering from dementia and can’t possibly be making any kind of presidential decisions. I doubt he will even live in the white house for more than a month or so when Kamala Harris will be declared the President. They will say how sad too bad but good ole Joe is now to sick to continue as the President and ship him off somewhere else. This has been the Democrats plan all along and the Biden family is too stupid to realize it.

    2. AGREE. We must get on with our lives. God gives us each day to live for Him. Let’s do it. He will get us through this season of our lives. Pray every day and live for Him, our Lord and Savior.

        1. Yes Agnes!!!
          Nothing more perfect than
          The Divine Justice of God
          to settle all matters that attempt to destroy Truth

    3. All along I have said that the only way Biden wins is with voter fraud. And this election has been voter fraud on steroids. Never before have we seen anything like it. Two solutions are toss all the votes in districts where GOP vote counters were not allowed to participate; Redo the election in the controversial swing states at the expense of the DNC and the Biden campaign since it is they who are the culprits. We cannot allow these atrocities to exist in this country. Biden remained in his basement while President Trump was campaigning because Biden’s handlers told him to stay there and not continue to embarrass himself with his senility and they would handle the voter fraud consistent with the mail-in voting. They have used every trick in the book to remove our president from office since before he even became president: Russia collusion that did no exist on the part of President Trump; innocuous phone call with Ukraine leader blaming our president for debasing Biden and Family which they did a good job of themselves, phony impeachment that delayed attention to the China virus because if President Trump would have brought attention to it back then, he would have been accused of wagging the dog. By hook or by crook they tied his hands. Hopefully the American people are finally waking up to the Dem corruption, become mad as hell and not take it anymore.

      1. You are so right! Once the American people get to see the truth, they will understand. In the meantime, stop watching the mainstream news! It will only increase your blood pressure!

        1. I absolutely agree. Fox News is the only credible news source out there. Everyone out there, stop watching the news stations getting on their knees to the radical left. They are helping to promote the violence and fraud, showing they are clearly anti American. Also, cancel your newspaper subscriptions. If the news can’t do credible reporting, they need to disappear. Why should we waste our time watching or reading lies. The leftist media is helping to destroy our country.
          Biden was just a puppet for the “dums”. The “dumacrats” plan all along was to use him to get in the White House and give Harris the Presidency, who is about as far left as you can get.

    4. Remember bo and hilary are the original instigators of these criminal free-stuff socialistic idiots voting for biden treasonous attack on U.S. Freedom so they can be totalitarian dictators in a NWO with other dictators to destroy humanities Freedom & Rights ! Treason is the dem leaders crime & execution is their past due justice; 1st is bo !

  4. They should go back to the count on election day, the way it’s always been done, and whoever had the high points then should be president. That would be Trump. They have given them time to pull the ILLEGAL votes out of thin air and elect a senile old man. Of course Harris will be running things and that should scare all of us to death. Wonder how places like Nevada will like it when Biden decides to do a lockdown, as he has promised? It will kill all of us. Economy down the toilet. So sad and so corrupt.

  5. I dont get it. America has to wake up. We believe it is important to oversee Presidentual elections of other countries to ensure a fair & democratic process. While our own process appears to be badly flawed. We are losing our leadership in the World NOT because of President Trump, but because of continuous erosion of the value of our currency (debt runaway), moral decline, lack of Leadership, and complacency of the citizens.

    1. “Complacency of U.S. Citizens” is proven in dem’s indoctrination of free-stuff socialistic greed that destroys U.S. Constitutional Freedom & Rights and creates the dems as totalitarian dictators as bo tried & failed in 8 years !

    2. You have to remember The Golden Rule…Whoever’s Got The Gold, Makes The Rules ! Gorge Sorrows (George Soros) has been the Sugar Daddy for the Lie-beral DEMONocrats. I am going to make a prediction: Trump will be our last Republican President. Since the demons and their corruption are so untouchable and nobody is doing anything about it…in the future, nothing will hold them back. I see the writing on the wall. Their actions have no consequences and they realize it.

      1. Arghh DMV
        No doubt, those lowlife people be merely whittle kings of their castles made of sand for a short time and i still believe in miracles that someday soon, they will be not be residing with us freedom and truth loving people and we will be truly blessed to have them be gone!!!

    1. He can’t! He thinks he’s getting away with all the corruption he is involved in since everyone –>Democrats, Media, social media and and other corrupt people are turning a blind eye and as well RINOs. Can see this corruption across the board. The American citizens at least those who love our country, its people, our faith and the integrity to work to provide for our families, neighborly etc though flawed will continue to support President Trump till the very end. Communist, fascist, socialist anarchist want to take our country and the Democrat party in their pocket. Disgusted to see that the support from the Republicans for President Trump has been lifted once they were elected back in office. No government will ever govern well & righteously. GOD has allowed all this to happen, we must open our eyes and remember that JESUS will govern perfectly and righteously. His plans are coming to fruition right before our eyes.

  6. Some random thoughts on the election:
    1) Needed a fair and impartial press. There was next to no reporting on Hunter Biden’s corruption charges;
    2) Presidential elections need judicial oversight as free from party politics as possible, observers need to be mandatory not optional, any violation should call for the discounting of ALL votes submitted to that polling place;
    3) Presidential results should not be “called” by “news” sources, let the count be the count;
    4) voters rolls in all states need to be cleaned at least every two years.

  7. If Biden is declared the winner, the next four years will be a living hell! It’s too bad that so many people are swayed by him and don’t check the research. Study the depression of the 1930’s.

  8. The mail in ballots should be ruled unconstitutional from the supreme court this is not a way in the United States that we’ve ever voted we’ve always voted with an absentee or in person to verify are voting it doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat or Republican this will hurt everybody in the long run why would states vote to take away their jobs doesn’t make sense to me yes it is a fixed election from the news media to the billionaires to Wall Street and this is not America anymore we need to take it back us American people and put the values of the American people first the way that we want to raise our families and our children to grow up and know values to respect our flag to respect our senior citizens to respect our military to respect our police force this is the American way not for people to be able to buy our election each and every American should know that their vote has been counted notThis way why is it that nobody asked American people of how they feel because they don’t want to know they already know how this is not America and we need to take it back to vote out these people and they need to be accountable for their actions Supreme court needs to be on this and know that this is unconstitutional for these mail in votes that are not verified

    1. Very well stated. I wish more individuals understood these concepts and support and educate fellow Americans.

  9. And when you have proof of ballot harvesting, and also keeping poll posters to over see ballot counting are keeping republicians out of certain polls, it is all over news, wake up there is voting fraud going on. Biden even said he had tons of people doing ballot fraud for him. dah…..wake up Biden will be removed from office soon after he is sworn in for what he and his son Hunter did, then Harris will put some one in as VP to help her guess who??? Obama, Hillary or Nancy, Sanders….. ALL SAINTS PRAY…….FOR TOTALS TO CHANGE FOR TRUMP OR WE ARE DOOMED……………MAY GOD’S PERSON BE PUT IN OFFICE WHO HONORS GOD’S COMMANDMENTS NOT SOME ONE WHO IS AGAINST HIS WORD.

    1. Very well put. Here is the issue in my humble opinion. Many people do not believe in God, Mohammed, Krishna, Buddha and some believe in natural selection or not in anyone but themselves. If one goes back to the original Constitution or Declaration of Independence it does not take rocket science to determine what forefathers meant. Some of greatest presidents owned slaves which is totally contrary to saying “Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Love one another as I have loved you. Care for orphans, homeless, widows, widowers, the least of my brethren. Share with one another. In words of Paul the apostle “Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love is not boastful or conceited, it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage, it does not take offense or store up grievances . Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds its joy in the truth. It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes….”

  10. I think the election and politics has become a big scam. Everyone lies but only a few are checked. The news presents the facts out of context to fit their objectives. Even the news doesn’t tell the truth Not very proud of what we have become. I think politicians get too many perks and are in it for money and power and not the people they represent. A lot of changes need to be made but doubt they ever will.

  11. Remember Biden was once corrected by his wife for supposedly saying George was president of the USA , well he wasn’t wrong, Biden was referring to George Soros who paid him handsomely to win the election and to act to his commands. Down comes the Mexican wall and down comes America.

    1. Whoa!!!
      Ohhh, but i believe in miracles
      and pray that The Divine Justice
      of God will soon be upon them and that the almighty fists of our loving God’s Hand close very tight while He grabs hold of them to remove them from our House!!!

  12. PEOPLE NEEDS TO GO TO “ANTIFA.COM” goes straight to Bides’s web site for donations. All this Democratic scam is discussing!!!

  13. Joe Biden has no brain ! 47 years in elected office and nothing , not one thing can be shown of any accomplishment to benefit his constituents or the American people . Anything done by Joe Biden was solely for the benefit of Joe Biden . And he is still at it with his son making shady and corrupt deals with foreign powers . How anyone could be gullible enough to swallow his BS and vote for him ? The guy can’t even get his lies straight about what Collage he attended . Deleware State Joe , really Joe you went to an all Black Collage and nobody knew or noticed ?

  14. This was never an election, it was a coup, without bullets! This so sad, it’s heartbreaking that this would befall an American election.

  15. Joe Biden will not be president Trump is going to triumph and all the fraudulent votes will come to light…My God will not be mocked…his plan is for President Trump to have 4 more years…

    1. It is our GREAT GOD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST’s will, not “SLEEPY JOE BLOW’s,” I’m on board with that, TRUMP 2020!! 4 more years and maybe 8. It’s pre-ordained my sister!

  16. The media has a lot to answer for.. their lies and distortions affect the lives of everyone in America present and future! At some point in time their aiding and abetting will most likely affect someone they care about! Proud of yourselves? Same to entertainers who do not have a clue about day in and day out living for vast majority of people!

  17. Would it be too much to ask to get a president in office with some common sense? Unlike Biden, Trump has a great deal of decency and ran the presidency with grace and a complete understanding of what it took to be the president of law and order.

  18. Joe Biden is not a moderate and he is not a liberal. He is an opportunist. He was picked by the people who now run the Democrat party as a surrogate to get some one like Kamala Harris in the white house. As for the diversity that the Democrats seem to value so much, what is the root word? Isn’t it divide as in divide and conquer?

  19. EV 1968 USMC. Can’t understand with ALL the information on biden&harris THAT is SO obviously out there that’s more than believable , harris and the way she moved up, deceit, lieing , REALLY LOW WAY TO GET INTO GOV. Positions. biden!?? For leader of OUR GREAT COUNTRY, he has DONE NOTHING to be in this position with 48 yrs. In Gov. But MOST IMPORTANTLY!! His MENTAL STATE!!!!! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING???? Dealing with other Country’s not to mention Hostile ones , weather it’s to US or others around World.

  20. The truth is even if the media did not cover any of this Biden stuff up, it would not have mattered because most in the democratic, left-leaning, socialist party do not care, they just want an alternative to Donald Trump, no matter the qualifications of the follow on team!

  21. look, i wanted trump to win. more than you could ever know. i know we are in for a moderate to massive transformation, if he didn’t win. do i think the dems cheated. of course they did. it was obvious it was going to happen. i wasn’t surprised in the least. pissed off yes. not surprised. the last “new” voter option was a dead give away. but. even if trump won it was just a matter of time before this all happened anyway. the dems would have to win eventually. likely after trumps 2nd term. the real threat to us is the “great reset” i urge everyone who can read, about this horrible reality. if you are not familiar with it, go to the time magazine website. they are remarkably candid of its all encompassing tentacles. biden winning is just the start. buckle up kids. its not going to be pretty.

  22. President Trump win election, he is winner if he’ll loose election he is winner also.
    Americans know about fake news, about swamp, about corruption among ruling upper class

  23. Did you know that according to the 14th amendment, we, the citizens of the United States of America and the Americans in America DO NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT the election we just did? We can order a brand new one. Look it up in the Bill of Rights and let your Governors, Senators and the President know that YOU want a new election don the right way!

  24. It’s a little hard to decipher where Joe Biden stands on any of the issues that have full-fledged our Country for decades. In 47 years in Congress, he’s been one of the most flip floppers on voting on some of the most serious issues this country has ever faced. It seemed to change as fast as most people change their underwear or what group was buttering his roll. Biden will be America’s worse nightmare, worse than Obama was, as the far left know how to manipulate and intimidate Biden, and we will NEVER hear the truth again, have an fair and honest election, or thanks to this “supposed” career liar and thief and the media’s constant protection of Biden and members of his family. Don’t forget they are still investigating Biden and Hunter for crimes they believe they committed since 2009. I NEVER believed it would be a landslide for Trump as so many people had predicted. I’ve studied the democrats “strategy” for most of my adult life. They are predictable, cunning, pathological and ALWAYS SCHEMING AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. To those who voted for Biden because they didn’t like Donald Trump’s personality or his tweets, when you start to lose your freedoms as the democrats sell out America to China and the new world order. Do NOT come crying to us when your suddenly realize you made a heinous misjudgment about Joe Biden and the democrats. We warned you and you didn’t listen.

  25. It’s true – much blood has been spread – from Portland and Minneapolis, Atlanta to Chicago
    -and its spreaders are trying to get their reward now:
    Look where all the blood of Black People was shed:
    Democrat cities!
    And who the vote for now. Look who excused the batterers of Rodney King
    and caused 63 Black peoples’ death: Joseph Robinetta Biden!
    Look who designed the Police Laws of 1994: Joseph Robinetta Biden!
    Look who designed the Police Laws of 1998: Joseph Robinetta Biden!
    Look who designed the Three Strikes Law: Joseph Robinetta Biden!
    Look who justified the killing in Ferguson where BLM began: Joseph Robinetta Biden!
    And look who this new “BLM” ran riots for: Joseph Robinetta Biden!
    He is a great deceiver: He fools the people he hurt to support him – clever little Robinetta!
    Like in Kiev on the Maidan where “Our Yats” sent in the snipers – and blamed it on the police.
    The same here now: You do it – and blame it on others!
    Who would ere not remember the words of Bertold Brecht:

  26. i think kamilla harris will wind up being president. she will have biden taken out because he is mentally off.

  27. How can Trump lost in a swing state when his Rallies draw muti thousands of people but Biden can’t get 25 people to show up at his rallies.

  28. We can only hope and pray that the good Lord will help us. For the real news stories watch NEWSMAX !!!!! the regular channels are not reliable!

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