It would be an understatement to say that fake news MSNBC is a radical propaganda wing of the Democratic party. But a recent segment discussing White and Black Americans’ reasons for not getting the Covid vaccination crosses the decency line. This shocking video exposes both the gross inconsistencies perpetrated by MSNBC, its inherent bigotry and insanity.
Imagine that you want to be certain the mass-produced vaccinations will be effective and not cause you any harmful side effects. If you are a White American, MSNBC wants the general public to believe you are a lunatic and your religious beliefs are based on hatred. That’s how far over the line this mainstream television news outlet went over the issue of Evangelicals weighing their options.
No Evangelical Christians appeared on the segment. The anti-conservative, anti-Christian, and anti-freedom channel put two African-American radical liberals in front of viewers to denigrate the good names of everyday people.
But what makes the attack on White Evangelicals perhaps the worst example of bias is when it’s compared to another segment. It seems that some Black Americans are also worried that the vaccine might not be entirely safe or even work. When an African-American doctor targets the science as potentially unsafe, MSNBC spins that narrative in a familiar direction. Check out the blatant slice of bigotry on this video and watch MSNBC lose all credibility. They are trying to divide us, not unite us.
doesnt matter what she says—she is lying anyway and has no education of any type
yep—we all know that
Another race baiting democratic BITCH
I suspect she had a choice of working for MSNBC or for pimps in Southeast Washington. She chose the pimps at MSNBC instead–wise choice.
You left out the N word.
You got that one Right! She sounds like 2 Sandwiches short of a Picnic.
why do they networks allow such complete racist bulls schiff to be on their channels?
If a white host said black supremacy they would be fired.
Talk about racist garbage networks.
The black supremacist host should stop talking because obviously English is rooted in white supremacy.
P.S. I really don’t care if they get the vaccine or not.
Your right John, she just any got no learning!!???
Want to fix the problem? Well from what I see with the destruction of private property, attacking the elderly who dare to walk down the street, purse stealing in broad daylight in grocery parking lots, burning business majorly owned by black business people, it seems to me that the first step to peace is…
Naming BLM a terrorist organization. Because it is.
How sad. It started out so well. It isn’t anymore.
The US has changed so much in the last year I am glad I am not there in 2021.
We need to moderate some of both left and right.
This country needs to understand the democRATS are putting lipstick on a pig. The words of blm are important, the organization is Marxist and only exists to destroy this country. Look at the new spending bill called “Infrastructure” It has nothing to do with infrastructure at all. They rename everything to sell it to the sheeple . They did the exact same thing with the last pork filled bill.
All of the comments by the newscasters are being centrally promoted and written to foster a racial divide. It is all pre planned. Take a look at the BLM attacking predominantly white customers in a Dallas Restaurant. The customers who probably have not been able to enjoy a meal out in months now have that taken away by a mob pumped up by BLM leaders who are now sitting in their new plush Mansions purchased by the efforts of their out of control mob sent into the streets just to stir up trouble and accomplish nothing. Little do they know they are playing into the hands of the globalists who when they take over will execute anyone who dares do what they ae now doing. Just look at Hong Kong an the people who protested there, or in many cities in mainland China where there any protestors against how the CCP handled the viryus? They’re all MIA. That is racism.. . The Blacks stormed the place shouting. WE Burn SHIT Down” They are telling the truth. The globalists select people who have no problem historically standing in the street and shouting obscenities’ over and over likes some tribal chant. They are the “useful idiots’ of the Left.. but they do not have to be. all they need to do is to watch themselves on TV and see if they are persuading anyone to join their alleged cause [ whish it seems, is to buy more larger estates for their Marxist Leaders who claim they are the victims of people who work for a living to purchase their homes. The new victims are the blacks who fall for the lies of their new Masters . These people think they are raging against white masters now they are enslaved by black masters who train them to ‘burn shit down,, harass white and the elderly, and donate to the new wealth of these new Black Marxist masters. Will they ever take the time to analyze the situations they keep putting themselves into?
Will they ever take personal ownership of their situation, or will they forever look at themselves as victims . They are victims, but the ones victimizing them are themselves. They have no base of people who are gullible enough to give them money for a home. They believe the lie that the government is required to give them all the free stuff they need. Their base are the ones being used and abused by their leaders in the name of rejecting racism which does not really exist.
As I see it the Democratic Party in this country wants to keep us divided so as to keep their voter base and in essence keep them in power. The easiest way to do this is to convince black Americans they are all victims. Of course the MSM is just another Wing of the party. the Democrats are following the communist manifesto play book item by item. Read it and see exactly what is happening in this country today.
If they wanted to find who are keeping them down, it will be the new slaves who are coming into the country now. They will get the benefits that the blacks think they deserve. In retrospect, none of them deserve anything, because they are both in the wrong. God will only benefit those who follow His Word, do not go the way of Sodom and Gomorrah, and do not murder their own flesh and blood. The democrats are on the wide path to destruction, and they can kick and fight, but they are only cementing themselves into that lake of fire.
Talking about reparations: Slaves did not work for free. Masters had obligation to FEED them, give them shelters, cure them when they became sick and teach them basic skills. All this cost money. Regarding press – they have so huge salary – they can say anything, any lie for those money. Their opinion is nothing. When famous singer Monseratty was asked why she sang duet with so low key pop-singer from Russia she answered “For those shit load of money they gave me I wil sing even with dog”. So consider our press.
Check out how many mansions Cullors–BLM co-founder has bought–worth millions of donated dollars.
Very good write up. The RACISM card this past Couple of years is so over used it means absolutely nothing. And is is the democrats administration and all their rich house senators, they have gotten rich off the backs of the taxpayers (last I heard all nationalities along with all people – so that includes whites, blacks, yellow, red, brown skin colors). They are the reason for the divide in this country. They have the media, who will print what they tell them. The lady from MSNB. Is absolutely CRAZY, if anyone listens to her, they will deserve the communist country that we are headed for. Then when the leaders don’t need her anymore they will get rid of her. She and her guest are both Racist, you can tell because of their little talk. They are making it ok for black people not to get the vaccine, but if it is a white person its because of racism..member how many viewers fell for that?
The main stream media is nothing but garbage!
Remove all communist controlled democrats from office! period.
MSM on their Task of convincing people for the Test Jab….. yet they FAIL to Observe that a test Jab is something that Requires full explanation of the unknown consequences since it’s a test Formula called Vaccine! But explanation is Given. So you are a Guinea pig ! MSM is Committing a War Crime against Humanity. People Should Read into the Nuremberg Trials Military Tribunals. As Promoting this MSM Potion without a Deep explanation of possible consequences including the Lost of your life. Is a Crime by the promoters and assistant whether nurse or doctor are Just Crimes against Humanity
Stupid people. Will always be STUPID . FACT .!
You hit the nail on the head with your comment, very well stated.
Where she get her education from? Al SHARPTON house? Her mouth is that fill with evil of a SATAN FOLLOWER! She know she pushing the wrong idea on black people, but like the NAACP SAID IN THE 80’s VOTE AND BELIEVE YOUR OWN COLOR! No wonder black still depending on the government! What they going depending on WHEN THE MONEY RUN OUT? Those rich black won’t help them!
Shit black people are a disgrace !just like shit white people are a disgrace! All shit people are a disgrace! Good people are great !!!!
Reid is an idiot! She needs to be taken off the air. She incites racism and violence and does nothing good for black people or the good of our country.
One last time; who’s the racist/haters?
And, this damn moron actually has a job?!?!
This proves to me that these women are the true racists and they are breeding hatetred and should not be considered anything else but pure evil,there’s a special place in hell for them
There doesn’t seem to be a real IQ at work for Reid. Better to keep your mouth shut & have people think you might be an idiot than to open it & remove all doubt.
When satan comes, only GOD’s Elect will be protected from satan’s lure, and when he is worshipped by the majority of the world, they will have sealed their fate and be damned from the first resurrection. Many of those who fall, will be people who believed they were Christians. Do not fall into the trap of believing in a rapture. When Christ comes, we will be staying here. The only gathering is going to be here. Do not be deceived, if you can pinch your flesh, the entity claiming to be Christ is satan, and he will only lead you to destruction. AMEN
Another Idiot who PROVES that these people are the true “hate” pushing race and are the ones who will continue to destroy this country.
Ike ho harris she is a ho to the leftist society of losers.
What an ugly, evil pig this Joy Reid is. She’s absolutely despicable and there’s no doubt she’s the worst kind of bigoted racist.
People like her are obvious racists. This one hates ALL white people.
I wonder – does she hate her white bosses, the huge majority of the Pinocchio Media and the top leadership of the Democrat Party too? She must, they’re WHITE.
I suggest she return to Africa, hunt down the descendants of those who SOLD HER ANCESTORS INTO SLAVERY in the first place and focus her hate on them. THEY WERE ALL BLACK. That’s right, SLAVERY could never have existed as we know it without the active, willing and PROFITABLE participation in the slave trade by BLACKS.
This idiot woman is told what to say by her CEO at that network, who hates Donald Trump, White people and anyone who isn’t on the alt Left. Who watches this crap any longer? They don’t report ANY NEWS. They have been complicit with spreading lies, taking America down and selling us out to our enemies. What happens to traitors? You know. It won’t be long.
If at anytime these racist terrorist, try to stop me on the road or sidewalk , I will kill everyone in my way. These organizations have shown they will beat, harass and kill people. Democrats and owned gestapo FBI let these sick fucks do what ever.
American citizens are dieting…..nazi Hitler did this to Jews, time to kill all antifa and blm…….
This not a a race issue. I for one read an article written by someone from WHO in 2019 stating how there would be a pandemic come 2020 and they were considering vaccines for this virus to include HIV. I make my decisions. I do what I want for myself and not based on what others recommend. I think for myself and respect what others want to do themselves. My liberty is to take care of myself for all people and I have been around others who don’t and through God’s grace I have not gotten sick. The flu/cold can be transmitted like covid and has for years which then they have to make a new vaccine every year to reflect the strain from the previous year. Now, in the future, IF I decide to take the vaccine it will be my choice. It will not be because I have been harassed by anybody no matter who they are NBC or anyone else.