How Biden’s Weakness and Family Corruption Led to the Ukraine Conflict

As Russia amasses its forces at Ukraine’s border, and China taunts Taiwan, let’s consider how we have emboldened our enemies to this point. The answer, of course, is Biden’s weakness and his family’s corruption in both Russia and China.

Are we really just starting year two under Biden and the planet is on the verge of World War III? Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse after his failures in departing Afghanistan, he could nearly cut and paste his Taliban warning and switch out the names as he deals with Putin’s plans to invade Ukraine.

Sure, the U.S. is sending some military gear and positioning potential troops to send to Europe, but Biden is not really out to put a stop to Putin’s actions. It’s instead a show to pretend he’s dealing with a problem that he plans to unravel and deal with itself rather than trying to intervene and help the people of Ukraine, or any Americans within Ukraine’s borders.


If you were in the Ukraine now, you wouldn’t be counting on the U.S. to show up to put a stop the Putin’s 100,000 forces. Instead, they’re protesting in the streets and preparing for their own battle, realizing they are most likely on their own in any showdown.

It’s sad to think that Reagan and Bush helped end the Cold War only for Democrats to restart it less than a generation later. It’s not fun to see, but it’s the reality we face until we can elect someone else to actually confront Putin and others like him in ways that actually make a difference.

Check out the latest video from Dinesh D’Souza for more now on the latest on Ukraine.

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16 thoughts on “How Biden’s Weakness and Family Corruption Led to the Ukraine Conflict”

  1. Evil villiage idiot , money gabber, liar, cheet , thief

    what else can you call a evil dumb ass who is on his way to hell for crimes against humanity
    fauci, biden, and thier evil empire
    liars , cheeters, thieves

    1. Absolutely NO argument here, Christopher. The man is the most corrupt and incompetent president of the modern era, and perhaps the worst ever. Besides which, he is illegitimate.

    2. What’s so bad everyone in Government knows the corruption created by the Biden family and there is no immediate action being taken.
      Why isn’t the President put on administrative leave pending on going investigations.

  2. Then he should be empeached. Does not do any good to just flap a bunch of mouths and do nothing. That is all I see is……..
    God help us!!!!!!!!

  3. Let’s face the facts people. Biden and his handlers are out to screw America. The Biden family is and always was corrupt. He takes a seat behind Obama, Clinton, and the host of other radicals who entered into politics, a.k.a. Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, Northam, Herring, McAuliffe, Bloomberg, and many more who are in the game for themselves.

    Still stupid people believe the Democrats are their saviors. What the “FiretrucK”. Are people really that dumb?
    The Dems have the FBI spying on people who oppose their tyranny. They want to tear up the Constitution and make their own version, they desire to pack the Supreme Court by adding seats, and do anything else that could keep them in power.

    Our education system is a disaster that tolerates teachers and universities that teach radical views in order to build on the democratic, socialist dream. Give them free everything to keep them voting for the “party.” Aren’t handouts cool? We have tons of jobs but people who would rather sit on their respective behinds and hold their hands out. The Democratic way sucks.

    Recently a Texas committee found over 100,000 illegal voters existed in the 2020 election. And, of course, the Democrats want to deepen the rules for mail in ballots without the need for identification.

    Plus they screw with the economy by keeping Powell as head of the FED, the very same organization that led to the dollar’s decline over the past decades.

    Wake up America! Stand by the Constitution. We desperately need term limits, branches of government that act on behalf of the people and and not the government itself. We don’t need to become another pre-war Germany, Argentina, or China. Stand up for your country. Clean it up for your children’s sake.

  4. Soros..Gates..and
    Fauzi are three of the most dangerous people in the world. They call the shots.
    Until people start
    going to prison.
    Biden should not be impeached. He should be led out in handcuffs.
    His son should be right beside him.
    Not only are they thieves but traitors to this country.
    Pelosi is a thief
    and should be
    right with them.
    Omar should have been put in jail a long time ago. Perhaps Tjaib and Pressley too.
    Cheney should be kicked out of the
    Republican Party.
    There are at least
    two good Democrats Sinema and Muchin. Good
    Americans. Another good
    American who was the only worthy candidate
    was Tulsi Gabbard.
    I am not proud of the fact I only voted once and that was for Trump. I think he cared. He lost money while in office.
    I served two tours in Vietnam
    and I love my country..but I hate our government.
    Illegals should be rounded up and deported.
    Everyone wants to have special rights. Gays..blacks..
    etc. Bullshit..we
    should all have
    equal rights no matter what our skin color is. I am
    white and no better than anyone because
    of that alone.
    It is ridiculous that Harris is VP
    because she is part black. It is
    ridiculous that
    Biden plans to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court.
    Nominate the best person..if it happens to be a
    black woman so be it..but nominate the best. Harris would be the worst.
    Close the borders
    Indict and arrest
    the crooks.
    Destroy the Teachers Union
    that are indoctrination our children.
    Pray for Sinema and Munchin.
    Appreciate the
    fighters like Ron Desantis…and in
    closing love your
    country or go

    1. If the military and good people of the US would only get together we could throw this gutter feeding crime group out of the government.
      It wouldn’t be called an insurrection it would be called saving America.

  5. This country is not the one I grew up in, We are to give more rights to the blacks, who happen to commit the most crimes, We are to adore the Gay & Lesbian community, we meet let as many illegals into the country as possible, we must pay $15.00 per hour to uneducated , los skilled idiots to flip burgers, BECAUSE THEY DEMAND it
    That amounts to a little over $30,000 over year. I worked my way up from $1.00 /hour at McDonalds back in the early 60’s to over $100,000 / hear by starting my own business and paying my employees well. Went to get a Dominos Pizza, they were closed, because they said nobody wants to work for any amount as long as the Government pumps up unemployment . and they make more staying home or out making mischief
    I am retired, got a very good education, worked hard, kept looking to improve myself and did just that, NO HELP from the Government. Also served during Viet Nam. Now if you look at someone the wrong way , YOU ARE A RACIST, if you ask a girl out on a date, YOU ARE A SEX OFFENDER, GAYS? YOU ARE HOMOPHOBE , everyone is so sensitive and ready to sue you for anything, I saw quite a few Presidents in my years since Eisenhour to this corrupt airhead in office now, PLEASE GET US GET OUR COUNTRY BACK BEFORE THE DEMOCRATS TURN IT COMMUNIST

    1. Youp, you are very right and most of all, VERY POLITICALLY INCORRECT.
      I hope they are more like you out here. If you, we might stand a chance

  6. Don’t forget the totally creepy Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum and all his minions who include Gates and Fauci, et. al. as well as many world leaders. They want to subsume the world and enslave us. The Biden family are crooks and have taken many bribes, mainly from China! Since they also are beholden to Ukraine, Biden has to go through the motions. Putin doesn’t want to control all of Ukraine; it is an economic basket case. He just wants assurances that Ukraine won’t join NATO and place missiles there. Just like we would had a big problem with them when they threatened to put missiles against us in Cuba. Don’t forget, Europe has no natural resources and has always coveted Russia’s. Which is why Hitler betrayed Stalin and their pact and invaded Russia, which saved England, dividing his forces. Russians burned everything in the wake of a German invasion of Hitler’s best, ensuring their own deaths by starvation. Now, we are the ones who are playing with fire again and why can’t we just tell Putin okay, no NATO for Ukraine. THAT is what we agreed to at the end of the Cold War with Gorbachev! Always, it’s about the oil. And follow the money.

  7. Obama Obama Obama.. he took over every government dept including the Military.. his people
    Are in this administration right now
    Fighting to take us down..

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