House Republicans Launch Effort to Unseat Speaker Nancy Pelosi

The Democrats don’t understand the actions they take. They do things in the hopes it will have the outcome they want with absolutely no thought to far-reaching consequences. They forced banks to secure bad loans for people trying to buy houses. That led to the 2008 recession. They got rid of the filibuster rule for confirming judges, and now they can’t stop President Trump’s Supreme Court nomination.

Perhaps the most dangerous fire they invoked was the impeachment of President Trump. On its own, impeachment isn’t necessarily playing with fire. It’s an important tool for getting rid of corrupt, criminal politicians. The problem is that the Democrats abandoned this notion when they impeached Trump. They didn’t even accuse him of a crime, and still they went forward.

The precedent is now set. Politicians can be impeached without violating the letter of the law. If that gets turned against the Democrats, they might find that they opened Pandora’s Box. It’s not a good place to be.

The GOP is now considering taking actions to remove Speaker Pelosi from her position if she continues to abuse her power. She is the very person who laid the precedent for such action. It’s an incredible bit of irony. That said, the GOP isn’t considering removal for the sake of it. They still have respect for the institutions. You can see an easy explanation of how it all works in this video.

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61 thoughts on “House Republicans Launch Effort to Unseat Speaker Nancy Pelosi”

  1. The problem I see with the GOP is they don’t have what it takes to do the right thing. If they have proof of Nancy’s abuse of power, what will it take for them to take action? Answer they don’t have the guts. Democrats on the other hand even with their lies and false accusations, go after impeachment. Why does the GOP have to wait and see more and put up with her BS. The American people have said it and will keep reminding the GOP enough is enough.

      This should have done a very long time ago! She is emotionally unstable, grandiose, and acts like a child when she does not get her corrupt way.

        1. Yes policy ask like a spoiled little brat having a tantrum and she needs to be And seated or Turn over your laugh and given a good spanking like a spoiled little brat.
          They need somebody in there that will get business done.
          Virginia G.

      1. Agreed, Laura!! Unseat Pelosi ….NOW! She has Singlehandedly Become “The New American Terrorist”! Her Political Antics have held innocent Americans in Limbo for AID! She is absolutely Repugnant! De-throne her NOW…..and, Free Americans and America from her Tyranny! Given her advanced age, put her under “house arrest” for her High Crimes & manipulations! Ending her days surrounded by the disgrace that once Beautiful SanFrancisco was….now, mired in human excrement paving the roads! Let her Drown Her Sorrows in $13.00/pint Jenni’s ice cream.

    2. If I were an unsanely vicious drunk, I would or anybody would & should be fired!!! She’s a nut & she is taking the democratic party down with her!!!

    3. The problem with the Republicans not having the guts is simply, the MSM. There is an old saying that says, Don’t get in a pissing contest with those that but ink by the barrel. The MSM and the Democrat party are one in the same. The Republican Party has to tiptoe around issues or they will get roasted by the MSM even if they are right, which they are most of the time.

      1. Agreed but think we just passed the tipping point. MSM viewers and influence is at all time low. It’s gotten so outrageous even hardcore libs are easily taken to the cleaners trying to defend the MSM propaganda. It’s actually embarrassing to be associated with the dems/ radical left

    4. Nancy the ripper is the biggest bitch that needs to be unseated! She is so childish and too old to be running the government.

    5. I agree when is the GOP going to fight fire with fire. The Democratic party has been playing dirty for years and now is the time for the GOP to beat them at their game and get rid of these Democrats.

  2. The title of this article threaten, no the article should read, GOP will prosecute and impeach Nancy. GOP do not make threats if you are not going to keep them. Do what POTUS said promises made promises kept. Follow his lead, and listen to the American people. How else are we going to drain the swamp, if you keep letting them off the hook?

    1. Roy has caught on to the gutless Republicans, and that is why we hired Trump. He not only has the guts, but also the wisdom for beating the democrats at every turn!

    2. Roy, you are ? Correct! The Republicans are by & large Windbags that LOVE to Hear Themselves Speak!! And, STILL DO Nothing!! Why is that?? Yes, they should follow POTUS Trump’s Lead…. “Promises Made….Promises KEPT”! Pelosi is the “Grand Dragon Matron”, and her Purely Partisan Manipulations prove her to be Unfit for Office! She has Long Since Forgotten WHO She IS Supposed to Work For & Represent! We, the People need to start PROSECUTING these Political criminals & Jail them NOW!

  3. Nancy Pelosi SHOULD be RmIOVED. She is vicoius. We are NOT a Monarchy, she is NOt the Queen, only in her mind. I cannot watch her make all those weird tongue faces. She makes me sick. We all know the Democrats are in trouble, that is a fact. As her self appointed RULER, she should consider her country, AMERICA before her self appointed rulership

    1. You are right on with everything you said in your comments. Are they worried they will hurt her feelings. It’s long overdue for Nancy to be removed. She is one of the MEANEST WOMEN. For Pete’s sake she is 80 years old and half the time she makes no sense.
      Her and Biden can sit in their basements together.

    2. If you tied her hands she wouldn’t be able to speak!!! Her eyes and face are frozen with time. Or maybe to much botox! This woman doesn’t deserve the title she wears. She is worn out and needs to be removed.

  4. If you can talk the talk, take the walk, impeach her, you know there is more to this country tha California and New York. America is done with her and her kind.

    1. And while you’re at it, Newsom sp? More like nuisance! That’s what happens when relatives are allowed to set up a prime spot to do their damage. He also, according to publications, kept his own winery open when all others had to close! He has destroyed Cali! Probably with Auntie’s help! It must run in their blood….mafioso?

  5. Hey folks, don’t forget, Nancy Pelosi is a good Catholic. She doesn’t hate anybody. That means she loves President Trump and she loves all of the Republicans. She loves the hair salon people who did her hair and she loves all the criminals in the world. In fact, she loves the criminals so much that she even emulates them. She’s just one great big love puppy and she even loves all us to death.

    1. When Nancy and husband were looking for a house in CA, they found the perfect one.
      BUT they decided not to buy it!
      Why? The seller was a Republican.
      Do the research.
      Role model for young women?
      Certainly not: shredding a President’s speech for all to see: childish tantrum!
      Retire, Nancy

    2. I call it, the Look-At-Me-See-How-Nice-I-Am Syndrome. Lie-beral DEMONocrats are hyper-hypocrites and Nasty PigLowSi is the best example. They should have as their calling card: DOMESTIC ENEMIES ARE US !

  6. i agree with Merle , she is not only vicious, but extremely treacherous with her self appointed abuse of power tryin to impeach our President with absolutely nothing substantial and not holding the interest of the American people in mind. she is the ultimate example of someone abusing their power, also SHIFTY SCHIT. she is the queen, but on a DRAG strip.

  7. The American voters have the power to make the Democrats lose their power in Congress by voting Republicans to a majority. Since the Democrats have a reputation for stealing the election by rigging the votes in their favor, the vote count would have to be enormous in the Republican favor.

  8. I agree with everyone above. She is evil and needs to go. We need people who love America and the American people in our government.


      1. And with her can go Schumer, Schiff, Nadler to begin with. Oh and AOC and her three women that want to get rid of the police and run this country as a socialist and Muslim country.

  9. what about her press release onTRUTHIFICATION. she makes up something for the news media, suggest it then let thE new people print it as truth when actually. it is made up. TRUTHIFACATION. her words. Pelosi is a biggest abuser of power in the U.S. Term limits are the solution NOW

  10. So they plan to cut the strings on the old S o r o s puppet? I always knew there had to be a puppet-master pulling the strings that jerk her hands and arms around so crazily.

    1. Soros is at the top of the list for all the money he is throwing to her and the democrats to ensure they all win their elections. Then. there is Bloomberg that is throwing money at people in prison paying their way out with and requiring them to vote democratic. I understand that Florida has laws against actions of that nature.
      Hope they get Mr Bloomberg and his attitude

  11. Just escort that OLD hag to her BROOM in the Parking lot by SECURITY . . . Or SEND her to FEDERAL PRISON for SEDITION and TREASON as per the U.S. Constitution, OPERATION of an ILLEGAL COUP (and, DON’T FORGET about Nadler and SCHIFF as well). One WARY and HOPEFUL Patriot sounding THE Alarm. Team Trump and his allies 2020.

  12. Get rid of Pelosi , she is a liar , does not really know the constitution , fakes it , and if she is really caring for the country then why is Omarh not being prosecuted now with all she has done wrong . her voter fraud is on tape that alone should put her in a federal jail. oh sorry she is a Democrat so the rule of law is different for her i say lock her up or send her packing . what were people thinking when they voted for her

  13. I will say it again. RESIGN FROM THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IF YOU ARE NOT FOR AMERICA! We don’t need PANTYWAIST MEN OR WOMEN IN OUR CONGRESS THAT DON’T HAVE BALLS OR HEART TO STAND UP AGAINST LIES AND EVIL! You know what is going on in the HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE and if you WORRY ABOUT having that seat in the next election. GET OUT! You just show you are not up to the challenge or FOLLOWING THE CONSTITUTION LAWS.

  14. Yes we do need term limits. The Hugh monies needed to run campaigns is disgraceful. We need more transparency and honesty in our media. Don’t expand government just make them earn their salaries. The one thing you finally got right was to put restrictions on insider trading. Who ever thought that was a good perk.

  15. if you have the proof you need get her out now she has no clue what she’s doing she is totaly senile she cant take care of her constituent let alone our country except she should be arested for treason for what she’s doing . i figured you would have thrown her out of office by now.

  16. Can we get her to permanently visit Governor Deaths old age Homes in NYC?. That should do the trick. Be aware this old birdie is super dangerous – she aint been around so many years by accident. I do agree that a bit like a gun; you do not grab hold of it unless you are willing to use it if required.

  17. Some people achieve much more when faced with adversity. Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for Trump’s accomplishments; they have certainly provided the adversity!

  18. If you know NP is a problem…znd you have evidence of her spending tax payers money recklessly by repeatedly trying to impeach any elected offical; why are you bot proceeding to do so? Loyal Republican here, who is losing patience with a lack of the Republicans stepping forward and having NP removed. Don’t make me come to Washington and do your job!

  19. She is evil and should have been removed years ago!
    She is a do as I say not as I do person.
    She is as crooked as a dogs hind leg.
    All she can do is waive her arms which so annoying.

  20. I 100 percent support the possible Vacate the Chair notion to unseat the hag Nancy Pelosi for abuse of power. The Democrats have lost their minds with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They try to impeach our duly elected President Donald J Trump for no crime commuter. Because they got rid of the 60 vote needed to confirm a candidate for the SCOTUS in the Senate they will do anything to stop the confirmation of ACB. They are an embarrassment to the American People.

  21. She is disgusting & a disgrace to this country & has been for a long time. She needs to go. She has done nothing but cause trouble, irresponsible. She does not care about this country, only herself. Her actions proof this.
    This needs to be done ASAP & get her out ASAP. So, someone who truly cares about this country & is willing to do the job may do so.

  22. Yes, this worst hypocrite who claimed to be a good Catholic but is just like the Pharisee in the Bible should be removed (she even think to be the next President), dreaming a lot. But do not worry, if she will not be removed, she will burn in hell (her soul) when she will be judge by Him (hypocrite, liar, fake, murderer (for abortion), etc.

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