Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her slim Democrat majority have effectively hit the panic button as Arizona inches closer to securing an accurate ballot count in the 2020 elections. Everyday Americans have not received sufficient explanations regarding reports that votes were trucked into Pennsylvania from New York or why a polling facility in Georgia secretly counted suitcases filled with ballots after declaring the site closed and dismissing official observers.
This report from Conservative Resurgence dives headlong into the unsettling audit politics being played out in Arizona and how House Democrats are engaged in election meddling.
It appears Maricopa County in Arizona emerged as a potential election integrity fraud hotspot. The state’s Senate Republicans were troubled by reports of ballot counting inaccuracies and possible vote manipulation. In an effort to secure true facts about the presidential tally, they called for independent auditors to review the process and numbers.
To say Arizona Democrats tried to resist and obstruct the fact-finding mission would be something of an understatement. Court battles, deleted files, and wide-reaching unscrupulous activities by the left only heightened the suspicion that something ran afoul.
After court wrangling and the dishonest media claiming audits were an attack on voting rights, initial reports confirmed suspicions. As an official final report draws closer to release, Pelosi and her establishment Democrats appear terrified.
If you rank among the hard-working Americans who want free, fair elections, the results of the Arizona audit could set a national standard for ensuring fraud never happens again. Watch this Conservative Resurgence report and find out what House Democrats are doing to silence the truth.
Even when voter fraud is proven it won’t change the past but it will definitely change how things are done in the future.
Also, those found guilty or complicit should be jailed.
Martha going to jail was a BAD thing, Nancee P.
going to jail is a GOOD thing. Why should Nancee
P. be treated any different. Maybe SHE is privileged? Sounds like it to me.
And that would be fraudulent Joe Budden himself and Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama if you really looked at it and you really thought about it it would prove without a shadow of a doubt that Joe Biden and Barack Obama helped Wuhan lab in China bring that crap over here and kill over 600 thousand people and turn and blamed it on Donald J Trump
All of them are guilty of a lot more than insider trading,. They have already had this video removed from u-tube. Biden did say, in front of God and everybody else, that he was the head of the largest voter fraud organization, in the country. It looks as though they have shown their guilt many times over.
And put in front of a FIRING squad for the crime COMMITED against humanity.and compassion not having her mask on . and if they mask mandates again any one who dares them are helping to bring communism into our country. Tell them to stick that mask on peelousi face . and up Biden’s yep you guessed it. I will not ware a mask . they do cause more harm than good and deprive the brain of oxygen and we all know those DAMOCRAPS seem to be suffering from something probably some kind of drugs big PHARMA gave them he’ll we might need some to to put up with COMMUNIST damocraps bullc–p
They prove their guilt by their many attempts to stop these audits. If it was a honest election they should be encouraging the audits to prove them right. They think the auditors are being bought by Republicans. No chance that is how they deal with anyone they can buy. Judges, election workers, senators, illegals, Hunter and Joey. So much damage has already been done to honest Americans. They will not take our freedom away. The truth always prevails in the end.
Investigate the investigators! Yeah, they’re scared, but not nearly scared enough!
Arizona needs to keep going with the audit and they shouldn’t be listening to anyone from the house of representatives like Schumer or Pelosi. It’s time to find out who won. The American people know who won but we have to prove to the courts that the Democrat’s have lied fully.
And that would be fraudulent Joe Budden himself and Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama if you really looked at it and you really thought about it it would prove without a shadow of a doubt that Joe Biden and Barack Obama helped Wuhan lab in China bring that crap over here and kill over 600 thousand people and turn and blamed it on Donald J Trump
Pelosi Schumer and Biden will be arrested they need not worry!!!! Treason!
The American people and I am not talking about Democrats, they are not Americans, never have been , never will be Americans, must remove all Democratic politicians from office in Washington D.C. and all the states. What do you do to rid your house of termites, you kill them.
Yes definitely remove all democrats.
As it has been stated numerous time, if this was one of the most secure elections as claimed by demorats, why are they afraid of the audits?? I would be happy to have the audits done and then be able to state clearly that it was secure. This would give the demorats a lot of bragging rights and could use this extensively during their elections. It would be a win-win situation for them.
These left wing commiecrats constantly fighting against audits and fair election laws proves how dishonest they are and that they stole the 2020 presidential election and that they want to keep stealing elections in the future. These worthless scum belong behind bars. Also, they have a lot of nerve accusing those who protested on Jan. 6th of insurrection. The real insurrectionists are these left wing maggots who want to destroy the fair election process in this country.
Not only the Presidential Election< i believe the rest was stolen. Who vote people in like that? from the House to the Congress and Senate.
You have it CORRECT, That is so TRUE
Georgia two senate seats were stolen too!!! Just like the white house!!!
I knew the next morning that the election was being stolen. When I went to bed at 2 a.m. Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania by 700k votes. He led in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. He was close in Minnesota. When I got up in the morning he was losing in all those states. Pennsylvania showed that he actually lost votes and Biden exploded, many precincts going 100% for Biden and other more votes than there were voters. Yet no one seemed to see anything wrong. Even when they showed the video of the woman in Georgia bringing in suitcases after they had supposedly closed down. Also is it true that people so hated Trump that we had something like 29 million more people vote in this past election than the one in 2016. That is an enormous jump in 4 years. There were so many things that screamed out to me that this election was stolen yet no one in the media seemed to notice. Even Fox seemed a little quiet on this, though the big 3, Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham seemed to be shocked. I believe that is why we saw so little of Biden during the campaign. He knew he was going to win. I have lost all faith in our political system and in the elections. I don’t believe it is going to change and now that they have gotten by with it once they will continue and the Democrats will continue to undermine election integrity. I have a friend who is a Democrat and she told me that the most corrupt, awful Democrat is better that the most saintly Republican. We are no longer friends because she believed that with all her soul. She said she knew Biden was corrupt but that he was a thousand times better than Trump. She didn’t care if the Democrats stole the election. She told me the end justifies the means. I don’t know how many people in this country think like my former friend but as far as I’m concerned one is too many. I don’t know if Republicans can ever gain any kind of majority again. If they do I hope they don’t sit on the arse’s. I hate to think that this wonderful experiment in freedom that started in 1776 would end so soon.
We must stop this corrupted democrat voting bill we Americans want voter integrity not voter harvesting or illegals voting.
My understanding is if fraud is found, state can vote to de-certify the election, and those electoral votes are then subtracted from (then) candidates total. If this happens in enough states, and the “winner” is no longer the winner (totals are equal between Trump and Biden), then at minimum the elections in those states can be revoted. If Trump ends up with electoral votes putting his total higher than Biden, may not even need to revote to put Trump back in.
Agree the two GA Senate seats in run off were also stolen. Stacy Abrams judge sister insisted on putting back in 4300 votes that had been thrown out as invalid in one county alone. And more fraud very likely.
if the swing states are all audited, and the electoral votes deemed ineligible for biden, they should be given to the one who actually won them. I believe that Trump will prevail, if Ariz. is any indication of the extent of the fraud. when Trump re-claims what is rightfully his, he will soar over 270. at this point in time, new electoral voters will certify for him. he then should be re-instated to the Whitehouse. Biden, the cali. ho, should be perp walked out in cuffs, and taken directly to gitmo. the demon rat players, like piglosi, Schumer, et al should also be removed from their positions and held as traitors, charged with election fraud, and attempting a coup. the top rats out, the next in progression in both chambers should move up. this needs to be corrected. it cannot be allowed to stand.
Why are the Democrats scared of because Trump won Arizona screw pelosi and the Democrats.
So, since they seem to know doesn’t that make them guilty? Along with most all the Dem-tards. Q? Why does Vald seem to know more then our top General? His intel is better? Q? Why is Pence not handing over HIS security guard who shot my hero (Ashley)? You know they ordered some kind of flu virus from Fouci and China, that is how much they hated My President. That don’t care about u. O.. that would make Trump right again… just a thought..!
The amazing thing to me was how some states took weeks to figure out who won the election. Here in Commiefornia, the polls closed at 8 pm, and Biden was immediately declared the winner. Pretty weird to me when prior to the election, the state was awash in Trump flags. I have no doubt that Piglosi made sure of this outcome being the dirty whore that she is!
As I have proffered since election night, the 2020 Election was a fraud before the first vote was dropped. The “system” was dicked and ready to deliver the exact results we got, regardless of how many Trump votes would be cast that night. This was proven over and over again from multiple angles, levels, and evidentially. The 2020 Election must be declared fraudulent and voided. Trump must be reinstalled as prior to the election and the Trump administration reactivated as prior to the election. All Biden legislative/executive orders must be rescinded. The prosecution must hold accountable every single participant in this greatest theft in U.S. history. Biden/Harris arrested; Pelosi/Schumer arrested. The rest of the garbage processed as garbage.
Not sure why these democrats making THREATENED AGAINST FINDING OUT THE TRUTH! Are they GUILTY? If so why not pack your bag and get out of America! You know you don’t sleep well at night if you were involved in this RIGGED ELECT! If you consider yourself a CHRISTIAN WHY DID YOU DO THE DEVILS WORK? That just prove you are NOT A FIRM BELIEVER IN THE BIBLE! Well it not my place to judge you! But I’m sure JESUS WILL!
She is worried she knows fraud happened! It did and Joe is fraudulent and illegitimate! Will be removed period! Pelosi has 0 say! all his bull shot wiped out!
The Democrats have an incurable disease: the DISEASE TO CHEAT. In last year’s election, they had over 600 lawyers to ensure a Biden win. Biden said, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” That’s straight from the horse’s mouth.