Hillary Clinton Reads the Speech She Would Have Given if She Had Won, Social Media ROASTS Her

Just when you thought Hillary Clinton was finally done pouting about not beating Donald Trump in 2016, she’s back again, this time reading from her “victory speech” that wasn’t as part of a new Masterclass program for communicators.

This is actually really sad when you think about it. It’s now 2021, five years since the events, and Clinton is still talking about losing the election. She just can’t move on.

At one point in the video she mentions she’s not done with politics. She actually thinks she still has a chance with voters! Perhaps she’s thinking that with Biden’s approval rating tanking and voters souring on Kamala Harris, she may be able to swoop in and run in 2024?!? Just as the Ghislaine Maxwell trial ends, Bill Clinton would move back into the White House, this time as the First Gentleman, despite that he’s anything but a gentleman!


If not 2016, why not 2024? Scary but increasingly concerning as Democrats look for an answer to the red wave coming their way in 2022 and beyond. But if her previous victory speech is any indication of what’s ahead, maybe conservatives don’t have to worry much after all.

Despite it being nearly 5 years later, she still can’t read through it without choking up. Many more Americans might be crying though if she really made a comeback bid for the White House. Let’s hope her make believe read through is as far as it gets as Clinton shares what “might have been” and never was in her quest for ultimate power in Washington.

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25 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Reads the Speech She Would Have Given if She Had Won, Social Media ROASTS Her”

  1. What a Pathetic Joke. The filthy Skank belongs on death row, not in front of some Demonic Liberal hacks camera.
    Her & her illegitimate FUGLY Mongoloid daughter are embarrassments & Insults to real women. Hitlerly is an Insignificant fool. She should find a shit hole to crawl into & stay there until imprisoned.

    1. That is NOT really Hillary as notice her face and hair…the 2016 images of her shown after that so called future victory speech … her in a red dress…now THAT is the real Hillary. Look up Teresa Barnhart (I think thats her last name…she is a Hillary impersonator. Hillary was hung on April 24, 2021 at Guantonamo Bay Cuba after her military tribunal. Bill Clinton was sentenced to life in prison…same location a few months later; however he was murdered by poison there…after a breakfast meal. Most recently Chelsea Clinton was hung as well…for child trafficking … just one of the things that Hillary was hung for. Her husband Marc also under same charge. Not sure of the nature of his sentence yet as its still not yet been set up. Right now the latest DS person going thru Military Tribunal … at Guantonamo Bay (Camp Delta) is former President George W Bush ..
      for his treason .. our source website has been down a couple days but should be up before today is over. Real Raw News owner Michael Baxter has a source whom he has thoroughly vetted and this source is in a position to know as he is there onsite at Guantonamo Bay Cuba. President Trump IS in process of draining the Swamp … as he promised.

  2. Hillary Clinton belongs in front of a firing squad she has the audacity to sit in front of the camera and tell us her victory speech after she murdered troops in Benghazi after she paid for a false dossier to unseat a duly elected president that she is so green with envy of because he knows her secrets because he knows and he let us know that she is a treasonous traitor I wouldn’t vote for her even if I was dead.

      1. She’s just pure evil ,how can any Americans not see through her and bill.im glad less than half of Americans are really stupid or she would have won .

    1. See above comment. John Podesta did suffer firing squad. He was tried right after Hillary as the two of them were involved together in treason…attempted murder of a soon to be President (2016) as well as other crimes…child trafficking, Seth Rich murder, etc. Her Tribunal was 5 days … the longest of anyone thus far.

  3. As long as former POTUS BJ remains above room temperature the MSM has little choice but to provide her with a forum to rant. This is what happens when you deal with the ‘Dark Side’. Look at this as nothing more that karmic justice with a dose of pathos. Her final indignity will be spending eternity next to BJ in Little Rock, at the Clinton Library and Massage Parlor, overlooking all the sites of his marital dalliances.

  4. As long as former POTUS BJ remains above room temperature the MSM has little choice but to provide her with a forum to rant. This is what happens when you deal with the ‘Dark Side’. Look at this as nothing more that karmic justice with a dose of pathos. Her final indignity will be spending eternity next to BJ in Little Rock, at the Clinton Library and Massage Parlor, overlooking all the sites of his extra-marital dalliances.

  5. She is a disgraceful disgusting pathetic excuse of a human being! She is a greedy self absorbed moron! Bill is just as bad, either one of them ever had a real Job and amassed millions by scamming! Two grifters!

  6. Gee, no one is “donating” any money to the Clinton foundation now that she has ZERO power for favors etc. Yet she continues to try to stay in the spotlight. She is a major embarrassment to the country but her ego just won’t let her go away. Where the hell is “me too” EVERYBODY knows Bill is a hound-dog rapist and Hillary eviscerated Bill’s accusers on national TV- WHY haven’t they been CANCELLED yet???

  7. couldn’t say it any better ! The Clinton’s, Obama, and Biden’s should be charged with crimes against the American people, they’re not leaders.

  8. The Arkansas couple were so accustomed to win by cheat it was a debilitating shock to her to LOSE!! She simply does not see herself as we see her.self delusional…
    Tried to ride the back of billyblow from start..felt the presidency was owed to her (for staying married to man whore?

  9. I thought we were finally rid of this evil witch! She is a pathetic alcoholic who still thinks she is is relevant. She just needs to start baking those cookies and playing with her grandchildren. Someone needs to explain to her that she lost the election. Move on, granny.

  10. Hillary Clinton is a very evil person & has no business being anywhere near politics! Her & her pedophile husband, Bill are responsible for 53 murders if people who they think got in their way ad they were coming up in politics. Ask anyone in Arkansas. Jeffrey Epstein was their latest victim. They are going straight to hell where they belong!!!!

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