Hidden Data from the Fed Should be Today’s BIGGEST Story in the World

It’s no longer a mystery why inflation is skyrocketing not only in America, but in Europe and Asia too. Information released from the Fed — thanks to a FOIA request — reveals the government has been lying to all of us about how much money was at play during the 2008 bank bailout.

If you thought one trillion for TARP was bad, you may want to take a seat for what Glenn Beck reveals in this video.

Glenn reveals our growth in the third quarter under Trump was 33.1%. Now it is 2.3%. Inflation is at 7% and rising. The Biden administration claims unemployment is at just 3.5%, but that’s doesn’t seem possible as so many jobs remain open across the country.

The government continues to incentive people to stay home as well, Glenn notes. You might have low unemployment, but many people are still not working.


If we calculated unemployment the way it was done before 1993, the actual unemployment rate would be 24.5%. During the Great Depression, unemployment reached as high as 30%, which means we are actually nearing similar numbers when the comparisons are made equal.

But the biggest news may be that the TARP bank payout that led to the massive Tea Party response is actually a much smaller amount than what the left is doing now. If we really understood what Glenn shares in this video, Americans could respond at a level stronger than what was even seen then.

Check it out for the full details in the video.

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10 thoughts on “Hidden Data from the Fed Should be Today’s BIGGEST Story in the World”

  1. Government lies how pathetic. The democRATS are destroying our country and it’s gotten to the point where we cannot trust anyone in DC except the republicans. GO RED WAVE. If we the people don’t get out and vote this election, we aren’t going to have an America left.

    1. It’s gut wrenching!
      Our Government is unbelievably dishonest! They have wrecked our economy and will continue to do astonishing actions.

    2. Larry, Don’t trust the Republicans either. There are many RINOs and basically DC is one big uni-party that fights so that you think they are doing something to warrant your donations. Just like pro wrestling on tv. It is all a show for the serfs. Pick your candidates carefully based on their own results. The party coffers only support incumbents so challengers are left to fund raise for themselves. It is a corrupt system in every measure.

  2. How does voting change it, unless the cheating is stopped. We know Trump won and was winning, then they dumped fake Biden votes in the middle of the night, and Pence let them get away with it, and then elbow rubbed Pelosi after he certified the votes. Mind you, I’m still going to vote, and pray, but I wonder if there’s enough honest people left in our nation, enough people who are turning to God, and turning from their wicked ways, that God will heal our land???

    1. Colc, I believe that there are plenty of honest, hard working people in this country in the centrist group of both parties. We only see what the government run media wants us to see and that is the far left loonies destroying the country. Pence is a traitor and I would not vote for him to be a garbage collector as he would downgrade that group of hard working people. God did not destroy our land, we let it happen by not standing up against those that we knew were wrong but they were loud, pushy and cancelling others so we did not take a stand. It is up to us to save our home. Speak out, resist cowering in the face of cancel culture, don’t do what you believe to be wrong just to “go along to get along”. The time is now. Stand tall, pray to God for guidance, strength and wisdom and be prepared to do what needs to be done and I am not condoning or suggesting that good people act like those whom we despise for their destructive actions.

    2. I absolutely agree with you,unless the cheating is stopped it doesn’t matter who is running for election except if your a DemonRAT and unfortunately alot of people feel the same way and are saying why even vote but that’s the reason now more than ever more people need to get out and vote

    3. I live in California, and it is really difficult to find anyone who agrees with me on anything. It always ends with a temper tantrum on their part. I give up talking to them. It is too stressful for me. They only know what they hear from the left, and are ignorant about what is really happening. I look at at many sources so I can get as much of the truth as possible. I do NOT pretend to know it all, but I believe I have a good general knowledge. Our country is in a real mess now, and they don’t see it.

  3. We can overwhelm the cheaters if we have the will to do it…We sat back ignorant and blind because of our media. But no more excuses. You know now that hey will do ANYTHING for power. The Federal agencies need a good house cleaning along with the admin. I don’t care what party you are in. The Nation is more important than that.

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