Group that Predicted Trump’s 2016 Win Forecasts 2020 Repeat Victory

The mainstream media and everyone on the left would prefer that President Trump’s supporters don’t vote this year. That’s why they have so many “experts” trying to convince viewers that polls show it’s futile.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris held a campaign event this week that drew eight (8) sad little supporters. Poor little fellas, just standing there in their designated social distancing shame circles on the sidewalk. We’re supposed to believe that these jokers are up by 10, 12 or 14 points in the polls?

These scams on voters only work if you believe them. Don’t fall for their biased reporting. Don’t get bummed out. Look at the massive, Trump rallies, and boat parades happening all across the country. What are your own eyes telling you?


Still if anyone insists that the polls show Trump is waaaay behind Biden and his lead is insurmountable. Simply remind them of 2016’s polls.

Polls had Trump trailing Hillary by 16 points in the second week of October in 2016. None of the polling operations in America have changed their methodologies since 2016. They’re still running robo-calls and people are still hanging up on them. The only difference is that more people are hanging up on them this year than in 2016.

And if anyone continues to insist the polls are right and the data shows Trump will lose, then show them the video below. Trump was picked to win the 2016 election by this polling group and they are saying he will win unequivocally again. Let them refute THAT.

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50 thoughts on “Group that Predicted Trump’s 2016 Win Forecasts 2020 Repeat Victory”

    1. I voted for President Trump the very first day of voting. Please all other registered voters get out and vote for Trump your life depends on it ,your kids and grand kids as well. Do not vote for lame ass Joe just because you don’t like Trump you will regret it I promise you don’t be stupid. GET OUT AND VOTE TRUMP!!!

      1. You are so right! I already voted too and from what I heard yesterday, Trump is ahead 2/1. Go Trump/Pence2020!

      1. Cast your vote for God. It is so important that the Church gets out and votes on the issues of life and keeping us as a free Nation, one Nation under God! Please don’t miss God!

      1. I did my part ,I voted. and I Pray that Trump does three, things One, Win the Election, Two, back off your language calling people names, three Much Less use of Twitter. God Bless you President Trump.

    2. Yes, he will win, because he is been the best president ever. He promised and he has kept all his promises. He will win this one, maybe we can ask for the third election as well. The perfect will of God be done.

  1. I feel that our president is an HONEST, HARD WORKING, PATRIOT, with a heart for our vets, our military, our minorities, and every citizen in our once great country. He is the true leader that will direct and lead this republic back to and above what we ever was

    1. This why the Democrats want to stack Supreme Courts. We diffently don’t need Obama in our court system. He screwed up our country for 8 years. He was the worst and croup President ever. Divided our country.

  2. I keep getting nasty text saying that I am a Biden supporter. Wondering aloud where my money went…..UHHHH….TRUMP!!

    Do we want common sense democracy which we all have had since infancy? (OK we do have some millennials living the socialist dream (nightmare.) The economy has hung in there even without NY and CA. Lets open up and make 2021 the best year ever. FOUR More Years!!!!!

  3. Biden sells his vice presidency to China so his crackhead, dishonorably discharged, corrupt could by a multi millionaire. Would be a billionaire if his daddy didn’t take half the money. Omar gives 70% of her campaign money to her husband, California Demented DEMS make child predators reduce their felonies on kids to misdemeanors, guess in case Biden or his son visit there. Harris threatens more peaceful protest (wink wink) if they don’t win. Biden and Jill adulterers, why wouldn’t anyone vote this scum in. Wake up libs, take a trip to Venezuela and see what you are voting for.

  4. I believe in you along with all the rest. You ate loved and appreciated. I’ve already voted. The polls are so loudly excited for you. You will win!

  5. I panic when I hear that polls are for Biden!! That will mean more Obama and Michele!! More fictional, made up race wars! More fictional bias and bullying!! More war on our police!! I remember the six policemen who were targeted and ambushed in Dallas, and Obama’s vicious condemnation of white cops!! WHO are the REAL racists?? Who are the ones ALWAYS throwing out the race card? They are the TRUE racists! Face up to it!!

  6. Trump all the way!! Greatest President since the Dems tried to beat Regan and couldn’t! Loves our country and the people!! Love you Trump!!

  7. We loved you president Trump go go all the way 2020 best president that we ever had . Fired all the democrats they’re all liers.

  8. Love you President Trump! You will win big! I voted early for you Mr. President! I have personally campaigned for you and argued with anyone voting for Biden! I myself know hundreds of people voting for you, including all my family!! Thank you for your tireless effort to bring back our freedom in America!

  9. The enthusiasm for President Trump cannot be denied. I voted in person for President Trump yesterday and I stood in line behind a bunch of people who I am sure were voting for President Trump. You can tell Biden supporters by their anger, their hatred and rhetoric. They are so full of evil hatred it shows on their faces, and in their actions. I didn’t see any of that in the 60 person line I stood in.

  10. GO TRUMP!!!!!!!
    Once you’re re-elected, you need to put all the criminals in jail.
    Crooked Hilary, Crazy Nancy, Shifty (Scumbag) Schiff, Chuck the Shmuck, Loudmouth Maxine Corrupt Barack &
    Puppet O’ Biden.

  11. Panhandle of Texas vote Trump for President 2020. We must stop the corrupt, power hungry Democrats who want to change America to a socialist country. We must not allow this ever. Honor our constitution and Bill of Rights. President Trump is a true American patriot and loves America. Democrats hate America and want to destroy our history, our freedoms and our way of life. VOTE TRUMP!!!

    1. Actually, we need Trump for 8 more years. He went through so much the first 4 years and still accomplished sooooooo much!

  12. We could vote to take California and New York out of the Union. They can be countries of their own and wallow in their own self pity. lol

  13. Be cool! You’ve got this Mr. President ! Let the charges begin on Biden but don’t let them shake you down. Focus on all you’ve done ! Focus on how you’ll continue to phase China out. We are not dumb ! We’ve got the liberals hate filled agenda . They are the divisiveness ! You’re not losing ! Dems lie !!! Wise for you to discuss your unwavering and immediate response to Covid ! You had daily updates , took immediate and continued action! We know Biden and Obama are corrupt along with the news media and Hollywood ! Stick to policy ! You’ve got this !!!

  14. If you love your freedoms and your rights and are against Socialism and communism then vote for President Trump. Anything else will doom us as the beacon for democracy to the rest of the world and what happens to our Lady in New York harbor? Do they change our National Anthem and flag? SAY GOODBYE to free speech and books you enjoy and they’ll change the history books to their way of thinking. Don’t let this happen. WAKE UP AMERICA!!

  15. Polls & poles, both have the same say in this, polls just say what a chosen few feel and poles don’t say a thing!

  16. Greatest President ever. From Canada. Wish I could vote. My brothers grand children are first time voters…voting for Mr. Trump…there will be a big win. I said the same in 2016. God bless you all!

  17. I also agree that the poles are wrong the idiots are doing it again look at the tons of support around the country and the huge rallies there is no way biden has a chance god help us

  18. When he hits biden in that proverbial funny bone watch Bidens face to see if he flinches or wants to take our President out behind the woods head. That’s his problem right now hes had his head knocked around so much because of his pedo thinking I guess one more whooping won’t matter.

  19. President trump is a true patriot! Praying each day for him and Vice President Pence and there families. Stand strong! True America walks beside you.

  20. America needs Donald Trump four more years! The world needs Trump four years. GOD bless our President for four years. Christians we have the votes, so please vote!

  21. Seven in my immediate family voted Trump & straight Republicans in Dallas, TX and 30 cousins in Texas voted Trump and Republicans. Praying Trump wins big!

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