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Gavin Newsom Says Crime Isn’t That Bad, It’s All in Your Heads!

In order to continue shoveling out radical policies which only harm America, the Democrats have been forced to become expert gas-lighters.

When it comes to the discussion surrounding how their policies are responsible for a dangerous uptick in crime it seems they have perfected that art and none among them are better at it than the plastic politician that is California Gov. Gavin Newsom!

During a recent interview Newsom argued that conservative media outlets are painting the “illusion” that certain issues – such as crime – are plaguing America.

He argues that the right is doing this to intentionally “divide America.”

Never mind the fact that crime is OBVIOUSLY out of control in every single Democrat-led major city!


Gavin Newsom and the rest of the gas-lighting Dems would have you believe that everything is ‘just fine’ in their cities but when you actually look at them you see a very different story.

In Seattle, homeless people are chasing down reporters with axes. In New York City people are threatening to cut off each other’s heads in the street while others are riding around randomly shooting at pedestrians.

And of course this is all made possible by the left’s soft-on-crime policies which filled the streets with repeat-offender criminals!

Watch the video here how the leftists are creating the crime problem and then accusing Republicans of “making it up!”

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2 thoughts on “Gavin Newsom Says Crime Isn’t That Bad, It’s All in Your Heads!”

  1. One thing I can say for sure. All democrat politicians are big fat liars. They cannot tell the truth about anything even when it’s completely easy to see their lying. Just look at the statistics. Immoral and disgusting.

  2. Gavin Newsom is Pelosi’s nephew! Newsom married her niece! How come nobody knows this? San Francisco is a drug den & Pelosi’s district. Newsom has the whole crazy state with the most homeless in the entire country! California’s a BIG state which accounts for all these “crazies” in The House! Feinstein who is demented. Zoe ? who Is demented. Swallwell with Chinese

    California’s a BIG state! Anybody “know” that Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelois’s nephew? He married her niece. San Francisco is is a garbage dump & the rest of the state is a disaster.Sewage pouring into the Pacific from Mexico, druggies. everywhere, homeless all over the place. Crime is rampant & nobody gives a sh-t. That’s because sh-t is
    all over the place! SO “WHAT” are these Reps” in Washington doing about it? NOTHING BUT FOCUSING ON TRUMP! Zoe Lofgren, Eric Swallwell, “Lying Shift”, debilitated Diane Feinsstein.,Honestly, “where” do these reps. come from? CRAZY CALIFORNIA which is losing more people BECAUSE of their insane tax & people can no longer afford to live there. These “congesss” people are FOCUSED on TRUMP! WHY? BECAUSE “they” have had enough of these these “whacko’s”. TRUMP “makes sense” & these Congessional Reps. can do nothing but DEFAME him, sue him & and financially destroy him. Guess what? The SILENT MAJORITY “WILL”elect Trump;, no matter WHAT” the “LEFT” & their dark money “do”..Screw California and Washington. America’s grass roots will prevail!

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